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Old 05-23-2011, 12:36 PM   #1
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Default 笑到眼泪瓦解、赶快转啊!

  1 妈妈再也不必担忧我的学习了,so easy!拿着打火机,拿着教科书,哪里不会点哪里!
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  12 ______实在10086也很花心的,天天关怀着那么多人。
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  19 每次测验的时候,老师说把与考试无关的货色拿到讲台上时,我多想把自己放上去啊、、、
  20人之初 性本善 不写作业是英雄 老师打我怎么办 拿起菜刀跟他干 打不过这么办 上天你找奥特曼。
  22 女人如衣服、今天才发现老衲已经裸奔了18年了。
  23QQ游戏老是很纠结:防陷溺注册提示您还有10分钟教训会降落,又告知你:你再玩三非常钟就能得到 一个宝箱啦~
  24 不爽就站厕所里唱:香飘飘。
  25 毛主席说、不以结婚为目标德恋爱、就是耍流氓。]
  26 长的丑 活的久 长的帅 逝世的快
  27 老师讲完课后道:还有哪不懂? 我伸个勤腰道:老师这节什么课啊?
  28 某天 、 对面走来一个小姑娘 对我说:"你好帅啊 '' 我上去就扇了她个耳光 .说 :"空话!....''
  29 我在马路边捡到10块钱,把它交到网管帅哥手里面,帅哥拿着钱,对我把头点,我愉快的说了声, 冲个会员.
  30旋转木马是最残暴的游戏, 彼此追赶却有永恒的间隔
  31 多想某天醒来睁开眼,发明自己坐在小学教室的课桌椅上。老师掷来的粉笔头正好打在额头上 _
  33 当前我有了儿子,我要给他起个名字叫 “好帅”, 别人看见了我,就会说“好帅的爸爸”
  35 要是在欺侮我, 我就把你的名字写在内裤上,用屁崩你,
  36 那个非主流 请你别再用那便宜的睫毛、夹着你那恶心的妆容刺激我的神经了
  38 思维能够龌龊,但生涯必需健康,因为只有一个强壮的体格,才干支持起一个肮脏的灵魂。
  39 有时候敌人比所谓的友人更真实 未审,至少他说你坏话是当着你的面的て
  40 您的寒假已不足10天,请及时充值。谢谢!
  41 我说灰太狼大叔,我都看你好多少年了,啥时抓只羊吃吃啊
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  43 既然宅女都自称居里夫人,那么作为宅男,请叫我毕加索(闭家锁)
  48 你不是VIP、也不是IP、你只是个P
  49 拗不外老天,就尽可能的让本人不会有遗憾的走完这毕生,下辈子,咱们做天,它做人
  50 男人被甩,金钱问题;女人被甩,面孔问题,我被甩,你他妈脑袋有问题。
  51 寒假停止了、老师给我安排的寒假功课有多新、我就还给老师有多新
  52 你说你懊悔了,回来了.负疚,我不是回收站.
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Old 05-23-2011, 01:23 PM   #2
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22130001 2008 年 02 月 13 日 19:32 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Miscellaneous world Kan
production of precious stones and jade ornaments are works of art supplies and mineral raw materials in mineral occupies a special position. The use of gems and jade material produced starting in ancient times: Back in the ancient Stone Age, primitive man to use stones to decorate their own or their idols. Color stone products are the records of ancient civilizations. With precious stones and gold, have been the function of money, they are sometimes very small, high value. Precious stones and jade still maintain a great economic significance and cultural significance. Precious stones and jade is a special class of minerals. Jade gemstone industry to use them to create a variety of accessories, souvenirs and crafts. Po (jade) stones, including a large number of minerals and mineral aggregates, which have a high ornamental value, it is because of their bright colors, beautiful patterns, crystal through the tick, dazzling, with two-color and other optical effects. Gem quality should be solid, that is, very hard (hardness massage table 6 above), anti-acid erosion common. (Look at a major gem hardness, refractive index tables) Po (Jade) Stone mineral has yet to name a general summary. With the transparent color of the original gem stone known as the native, and the opaque as the original stone color stone. Since Po (Jade) is a natural stone and more, so obviously the two names are synonymous. Have a Use simple color stone the name, but also more general, although some may not be appropriate for the colorless stone. This mineral stones with many features. First, the stones covered a wide range of minerals, composition and origin is also quite inconsistent. Currently, the use of precious jade industry, about two hundred kinds of minerals and rocks around, with high ornamental value of the stone (such as just wax stone, calcium borosilicate Stone - hedenbergite skarn, etc.) found that the number of will continue to increase. The value of colored stone depends largely on whether the distribution of its broad, even very beautiful color stone, if its distribution is too wide and will depreciate. Iridescent labradorite such as occurred in this situation, long time ago it was as precious stones, found in Canada and Ukraine, after a number of large deposits, it becomes a very common stone; agate also occurred in this situation. Color Stone's reputation is also significant: the number of new or unfamiliar people of color stone (oblique humite, chrome diopside, kyanite), even though very rare, not valuable. Recognized as precious stones are diamonds, emeralds, opal, ruby and sapphire, known as the In addition to precious stones, other precious stones are common. 2000 have been identified in a variety of natural minerals, precious stones can be less than 100 species, of which only 16 are important. (See the 16 species) in the color stone is widely used in business transactions instead of using its mineral name names. Generally together by their similar origin, well-known and higher-value stones named, such as tanzanite (that Tanzania produced a blue zoisite), and Cape Bohemian ruby ruby (that is, Czechoslovakia and South Africa produced pyrope), Pakistan emerald (the Pakistan middle of the green Grossular) and so on. Some stones there is a certain national traditions and religious traditions. As in the Near East and Central Asia,tory burch sale, people like turquoise and lapis lazuli, in China and Southeast Asia, people like nephrite and jadeite (jadeite), in India, people like rubies and onyx, amethyst Orthodox Christians who are loved. (See summary table of a major gem) gem jade because of the complexity and specificity, combined with uneven distribution of raw material base of stones, so in the history of the formation of the mining centers and machining centers are often separated in two places in the situation. Color stone mining center of Zaire, South Africa, Botswana, Madagascar, Brazil, Colombia, India, Sri Lanka,tory burch outlet, Thailand, Australia, and processing center for the Netherlands, Israel (mainly refined diamond), the United States, West Germany, Italy. Colorful stones in order to understand the world, people according to their application areas and the relative value of the development of a number of general categories. If the stones are divided into two types of gems and jade, and add a class between between the two, namely, precious stones / jade class, according to the international market, high quality (but not rare treasure), with its price order. (Watch a gem classification) generally transparent gem, its quality after processing can be reliably identified, a unit of measurement carats (one carat = 0.2 grams), and the most valuable gems are not a unit of measurement is grams. Big price difference between stones, diamond, ruby and emerald of rare items, often become national treasures, they generally have their own proprietary names, recorded their own history and surprisingly high prices. Prices of ordinary quality gems and precious stones are very different in different species, in the same kind of gem, its price depends on the size. There is a gem with inclusions of certain minerals, most notably with a star color effect (ie, the crystal optical axis perpendicular to the cross section of the stars were shining) of Star rubies and sapphires. Star color effect is a tiny needle-like inclusions of rutile orientation caused. Chrysoberyl, which contains a lot of fibrous minerals (usually amphibole) inclusions, which can be yellow or green background flicker caused by Tiger Eye or silk shiny opal effect. Gem / jade and jade are usually single-mineral and multi-mineral aggregates, color or pattern appearance. This nature were apparent in the polished surface, so should be easily polished jade material, this should have a relatively uniform structure of fine-grained or cryptocrystalline. Gem / jade and jade, and precious stones is different from a few exceptions, are not transparent, or simply cut into thin slices until transparent. Gem / jade class is the most beautiful, rare and hard stone, the price close to the four precious stones, some very rare gems can say is. Some of these are transparent, such as rock crystal, smoky quartz and amber, but because it is very common, and its value is much lower than the stones. Gem / artistic value of jade articles is very important. Its quality can be accurately identified based on the original stone unit of measurement is kilograms. Jade carvings used to make ordinary or advanced puzzle surface materials. Generally divided into hard Jade (hardness massage table 5 above), mainly of quartz or silica-based mineral aggregates,tory burch boots, such as jasper, with a pattern of flint, petrified wood, obsidian, culture as pegmatite, colored quartzite, Yiu quartzite, magnesite talc schist, coarse-grained fluorite, and soft jade (hardness massage table 4 below), such as the onyx-like marble, colored marble, coal, jade, through the plaster, Shoushan stone. To make a more beautiful color stone, generally processing: split, polishing and polishing. First batch of transparent gem (gem processing Sato, collectively, the Workers approved the general form of the following major categories: work is a gem of the batch process is very complicated, we must try to retain the original stone maximum weight, remove or cover of native defects, considering the original multi-color stone, so that the color of precious stones or shiny thicken. Many color stone, even if not processing, or were single crystal, druse and mineral block, and also very beautiful. They can be used as excellent specimens. Precious stones, especially certain varieties of precious stones and some of the colored gems, high-value, which makes the market, various kinds of artificial improvement of natural gemstones, synthetic stones and the new artificial materials, and even all kinds of imitation and ########. The so-called artificial improvement, generally refers to using physical methods, such as the use of electron flow, such as gamma-ray irradiation, and heat treatment to change the color or color gemstones thicken. Generally together with the several physical methods: light colors make the necessary minerals, while at the same or a subsequent heat treatment can improve the durability of the color and make the gem shine. Currently, the use of physical means of improving the crystal color center stone color color method has been widely used, improved the original stone is still considered natural stones. There is also a way to change the color, is to use a variety of organic or inorganic substances soaked gem, making it stain. This approach is used to enhance the opacity of some of a micro-porous stone (turquoise, jadeite, agate,tory burch shoes, opal, etc.) colors. Some stones (such as amber, turquoise, etc.) of the debris by pressure, can be formed after the bulk cement. But its value is much lower than natural. Gem, especially with chromium, titanium, cobalt chromophore dyed ruby, sapphire, and synthetic alexandrite like corundum, now play a significant role in the gemstone industry. Corundum can be easily used with other refractory minerals melt synthesis. Such as magnesium spinel, which is mainly dyed sapphire, zircon, emerald,tory burch 2011, etc. look like. By melt crystallization can also be synthesized in nature that are not decorated with many new materials, such as pomegranate gems. These garnets are transparent and can be dyed in beautiful color, and hardness, spectral coefficient, can show the change of color. High pressure and temperature, with alkaline aqueous solution could develop transparent, dyed various colors of quartz crystals, which include those with iron - center and a natural mineral base colors like amethyst. Hydrothermal method can be used corundum and beryl (emerald). French Gilson laboratory is also synthesized gem opal and turquoise. But has yet to produce a synthetic diamond jewelry (diamonds), although can be high pressure synthesis of small particles of graphite technology for industrial diamond production, but economically viable. High yield synthetic stones, in some places, synthetic gemstones has actually replaced the natural stones. Prices are higher and your only man-made opal emerald. Imitation is the natural look similar but cheaper posing real or synthetic precious gem stones. If imitation diamonds with colorless zircon, spinel and pyrope with imitation rubies and so on. There are many ########s,tory burch flats, posing as a transparent colored glass stones, plastic, resin posing as amber, turquoise, lapis lazuli and so on. There are semi-########, which is to increase the weight of precious stones manufactured binders: generally the lower part of the glue true synthetic gemstones, crystal or glass, and then inserts into the borders.
color stone raw material resources in the world distribution is extremely uneven. 98% of the diamonds produced in Africa, where there are large emerald deposits, the amethyst deposit and so on. Asia has the world-famous ruby deposits of large, emerald deposits. Australia is famous for your protein, your protein of the world's production of at least 95%, where there are large sapphire deposits. North America has turquoise deposits, tourmaline deposit, nephrite deposits. South America is the emerald, beryl, topaz, agate, amethyst in the main producing area. This mineral is very special stones, so the gem quality jade industry in its request is always relative, not static. This is because the stones, especially stones / beautiful jade and jade decorative nature, is subjective in many cases, it is difficult requirements. For example, foreign mineral inclusions and fracture healing, generally considered to be flaws in stones, but stones can become more beautiful, but also to prove that it is natural. If the ideal texture should be pure transparent gems, the perfect color, then to identify the quality of gems most famous deposits are generally produced using the original stone as a Links in this page some knowledge about precious stones and fine mineral rough stones pictures, you yourself to discover it. Thanks for browsing.
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