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Old 05-17-2011, 07:56 PM   #1
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Default Giving namely no the money apt something another ,

I was on the edge of a life and death struggle for many patients, in my desperate location, is the Buddha saved me, so I deaths resuscitation.

time has gone then, a flash in further studies in Buddhism has been 12 years in a row. In the twelfth year, the sequence of incredible things happened to me, first my son was transferred to Beijing as secretary on the Minister, this is really the family did not think of an mediocre baby overnight When on the Minister to the Secretary, which is to be the antique sages say, in anguish trouble less, Jide parents, children and grandchildren to enjoy life. I am deeply grateful to the Buddha the aged, and I vowed at present: I want to remunerate, to a large donation, large sophisticated, to the next class.

Just then, a letter to my brothers and sisters back to Hangzhou and Shanghai with the grave of his grandfather. Since Buddhism, I came home a little back to Shanghai, the grave just to preach behalf students, but all others I wear my old clothes, so my sister will be furious to go back. At this point, six sacks Hanzhengjie employer gave me the wear, which is not sold out their backlog, and to give me. I think this is probably mid-to send my clothes to the orphans, I needed clothes at the time, so naturally some people give me clothes, and this is what goes around, What goes, what fruit it was. I put the clothe back to the Buddha Hall, to fellow practitioners into a beauteous vest, as sisters in Shanghai seaming clothes and bags, give everyone time soon. When I returned to Shanghai, we bound with joy, and I made impromptu speeches, to tell you, is the Buddha has given me current life.
Five years ago, with the help of fellow practitioners, I opened a children's clothing store Hankow, to make money to send orphans, the store's rent is 3,400 yuan per month, this is not done for my business from the people that is really so hard ah! The curious thing is, I can pay the rent month. When the shop opened to the third and a half years, I must Yellowstone Buddha Buddha went to cathedral. Buddha in Yellowstone a year and a half years, I closed the door every day, no business, but came back a few days each month to pay rent. Is incredible: I do not do business, but it can pay the rent. Year and a half later I came back from Yellowstone, the people's request, the store renovated and built new Amitabha big school, in the year and a half I did not do business without capital cases, even able to get a new look shop decoration, upkeep costs 2 million yuan, I received 3 million value of sponsorship, which only proves Venerable Master said: Busch clean to induction Road cross. Giving is not the money to someone else, but to put the money into a passbook in the wealth of life, when you need it, spending along of the Buddha will come to you. More blessed to give than to receive, it is true the fact, to me fulfilled. Before the reward is, the wisdom has gradually opened, and I am a junior high school graduates, even to pick up a pen songjang.

Buddha Hall arrived in Yellowstone when we do not like me, this is because I have made the world, was the retribution of the life, I deeply reflect on his own. I realized that six words, see the people to Under the guidance of these six words, I am a person be detailed to treat people, with people just look at the strengths of others, when you see people immediately go back to their own shortcomings, I found myself not to do the same. When dealing with people to listen to each other, appropriately praise each other. The other side do good deeds, soon rejoice. Summer, watermelon feed, fall to support socks, mitts, winter feed. Like giving a person, wherever popular. People like me gradually, and in Yellowstone Buddha Buddha Hall during the days, I found myself of special note so that melon brain, the two books do not prepare a draft is complete, and greeted by everybody. Lay paragraph (Buddha Hall Home Shi Linlin long) repeatedly said: who manifested, Venerable Master said: healthy fruit, is really manifested in my body. I had a disease, I asked the doctor: Judgement, doctors and medicine to resolve my life partner, when my sister told me that people have cancer and death, also suffered death, the good Gimli than sunny split ring, I was struck by living, die, still suffering, I am not willing to I have to struggle. Amitabha his destiny to kas long asI am old, and sent me into a Buddhist, like the winter sun warm my heart, my thirst to learn Buddhism. Correct errors in the behavior change shortcomings, one of my patients got better, I have pharyngitis, love walking, spitting, spit where they go, one day I suddenly realized , which is the Buddha encouraged me to change the shortcomings in the ah.
ago, I attention too many approximately Buddhism, once the amount because an item of clothing and tailoring argue, a Buddhist, I have decided to tailor an regrets, she is a 26-year-old country girl alive in the cellar, when I 1st came to her house, she is not, then the afterward daytime I went, but she was not there the next daytime to regret to her, I went the third day, a small tailor moved to say: Go home at night, I spit on the wah-wah big, I have a few years old tolerate, every night is not comfortable, What kind of medicine will not be better, but very tiny spit, when I suddenly achieved that there are among this and an apology because I not apologized to the human, this is correct the mistake, it must be held in Canada the Buddha Bar in karma, then, the old male said: spit in the face certainly does not look good, and I want to be able to like a little portly, extra than 11 pm, when I woke up, the old male is book articles, he looked back, startled, portly.

Bao Tong Temple once to go to washing trays, and saw three basin of water are cleaner, washing trays I Lay said: , that want to change the water. a tall Nvju Shi, she decisively said: are like this, I dare not. The people are really great, I want to make friends with this person, when I looked up, she has gone everywhere looking for could not ascertain her, next to a arrange told me: it made me know, at all times the interests of all sentient beings should cling to their own opinion. Lay had cleaned out their bowls are gone, I stayed a man, she did not clean the bowl once they are washed and returned home. Yi Shangche my waist began to ache them, I understand that this is a Buddhist blessing for me in the purchaser sector, for I am kind of the reason was good The cases were cured, once again reasoned me to understand, good is awarded with good.
Once, the son of guy practitioners to have a knife to slay his girlfriend, when people differentiate me I should go, I thought, this is a wrong thing but it is also good because when the initiates fair Rufo Men very good, but did not take long go for * * work, and this is really a good chance, I want to help her return to the hug of the Buddha. I went to her house, I told her this is only questing Amitabha, to determine, she and I by with Buddha, the Buddha when my body drifting, very comfortable, I know her son's problems can be resolved, ahead leaving, I will own the most favorite Buddha machine gave her and inquired her to sophisticated Buddha, metion blessing. The next a.m. when I do the cleaning work when suddenly a puff of lax stool from the anus, I quickly changed the jeans are now colleagues came to acquaint me that the son of companion practitioners who have been good, no longer but happily voyage to the distress. I understand this is the Buddha in the blessing, strangely enough, is to this after, I'm sick of pain every night to urinate good magic, and I no longer must fret about how to remedy, in which I used to hold Yao Guanzi all day, a large bowl of a bowl of bitter medicine to the stomach filling, buffet the wizardry of this ailment better, I never take medicine, no matter how uncomfortable the body, I can not believe a doctor, I deem in Amitabha, Amitabha is a great physician Wang, chanted phrase does not remedy the disease, at all times the error corrected on the responsive behavior, no fewer than seeking to do.

few years later I mart in Hankou, I once made for many years a sudden attack of rind allergies, the body cells grow, gradually amplifying from the calf to the upper limbs, until his face, where a long cell, Where to bulge, and eventually, my eyes were swollen like a walnut, I did not eat a pill heroic, and I closed the door to the cache for three days, a person lying on the paved Baidian the ground, desperately cried, I firmly believe that Amitabha, the Buddha of my whole life to the preparation. Then the girl next door did not open the door to see me three days to prevaricate in the door told me: to bypass her, she cried for a moment see no campaign left, and after a when again called the She had agreed to buy me a popsicle to eat food that you buy a la carte, I think I will not dead, and additionally there are so kind of girl, lying in the door again and again to find me, do I still have much to say , only the desperately dry, Salford for all living things, living beings for the world is difficult to avoid calamities repair great merit.
hot summer one year, I had erysipelas, and my legs swelled up and his feet are rotten, the old man found after driving with his son rushed to the hospital to give me handling, I only with the edge. But at the peak of the old man left, I immediately sent medicinal acupuncture is not playing, because I know thatinjections cure my disease, which was the retribution would have been, the elimination of karma would disappear, how can Needless to West, illness is the process of debt, I have too many living beings owed a debt, I only use the pain to make up for the harm to living beings. A whole month, and even the old man and his son have no confidence, but I still play every day goods, two swollen feet have changed fashion, wear good shoes are holding up great big, at the end had to wear slippers to playing goods, and finally one night, I continuous row of five loose stools, anal tugged pain, swelling of the lower leg while pulling the side of consumption, the next day came the old man looked amazed : because you believe doctors, is that the positiveness that your disease is cured. This is one of my disease, a drug did not eat all good, we can say that the method for the clearance to do proof of the Master, because I firmly believed in Buddhism, it is that confidence, a disease that I did not eat a pill are good.
my entire course of train, you can say for the clearance of Law Master to do the best testimony is a proof of who I am, Master earnestly warned clearance Chrysostom we are all made of jade, is a law Rain juice. We are lucky ah, can meet in life that senior priests, really lucky in the lucky, at a time the letter of clearance, then the Master, there is no hardship that can not have failed to cure the disease.

Now, I'm not a pill did not have systemic disease are good, but also to courageously on behalf of all beings sick. I remember in Yellowstone Buddha Hall, there is a dog called cub, neck broken, how can I feed it medicine it would not eat, I had to allege for Buddha, metion to me to Gouzi sick the next day my skin Allergy to hair, and eyes swollen, but half a day just nice, surprisingly, the nape Gouzai also magically Well, I surmise this is I feel bad Gouzi Buddhist sympathy and the corresponding So the Buddha on the full my wish, I on behalf of the Gouzi sick, sick Gouzai good, in fact, where is my illness, but I do have karma, Buddha of sympathy is the use of this opportunity for me to early be reported by the sufferings of the sick have been dying to advance by now, and really great.

leave Yellowstone back to the Han school, I raised a kitten and got strange diseases, large tracts of her shedding hair,GHD IV Straighteners, long neb and pearly hair into a red nose, because the hair out so they become a red nose, the disease called alopecia areata, the disease is incurable, I had to once again plead for Buddha to help, let me on behalf of the sick feline that p.m. I had a fever and began to grow skin cells, but the next day enough. A week later, I was surprised to find that the cat's head space to grow a new hair, red nose and white, the closer, is a thin white hair, very cute, and I thank Buddha again full of my wish.

a desperate one is sick, the doctor's verdict is life beneath the pill as a partner with the needy woman, asylum in the Buddha, found a real contributor, under the guidance of Master in the clearance, the letter of the real, the letter ease. Did not eat a medication, the body's diseases are good, the fact that steel clearance once again lusty testify that the law is the right Master, the Master said that some diseases are karma, the karma is like the disposal of the disease, How to exclude karma? Change failings, corrected the error on the responsive behavior.

must make a fortune giving financial retribution, law giving retribution was smart and smart, plucky have health giving fruit. 12 years of giving fearless vegetarian is the best, is the phrase chanted by the chief, is the curse of the king, there is no karma can not eliminate, multiplication change 12 years of vegetarian shortcomings, that I a poor woman being tortured agony , on benefit of living beings dared to get sick, really magical, cheerful, is a Buddhist to me, is the Venerable Master brought me, my only thought is gratitude.
Many fellow practitioners were asked the same question, how to pray to Buddha and Amitabha induction Road to pay?

My experience is, the first: Amitabha and remembered us every minute, looking forward we look back, when we do not narrate, as if you hold up the winter sun, an umbrella emulating a warm the sun never shone above you, and when the Buddha is Amitabha induction Road intersection, and when the problem is that we read too little, to read, interspersed with, and read two hours of the Buddha,GHD IV Mini Straighteners, the Buddha in you, then they read Compassion, Buddha left you, the Goddess of Mercy to come to you, and variant two hours every thought to Scriptures, and that Jizo come around you afresh, read the law like this,GHD IV Black Straighteners, Which are to read, not cultivated, Which have read Debu pure, Which are not a idea, Which Buddha Road can not make sense to you.

If you cost all the time, all the energy used in the clause peruse the holy appoint of Amitabha Buddha, for you are a tall concentration of energy and time, your success ambition incredible, you read every thought is Amitabha Amitabha will certainly not quit you. There are numerous ways Buddha, Buddha machine tin read, you tin likewise read the digit of a set number of beads can also be read with the breathing, you can read out loud, you can calculate ten ten reading, playing blocks read, read nigh the Buddha, Buddha read periodically initiates said, forever read the phrase chanted a bit boring, read a point by regulating the barter, in truth, you can use the on shifts in those methods, at the peak of the Buddha, no stuff what kind of usage, no mixed to meet the net Air Master said, not mingled, uninterrupted along. Further studies have to mention that we targeted, do not ambition to obtain wealthy, do not want whichever additional want apt work to the West, that the West namely by the death last thought will be to Buddha, in mandate to blurt out in the dying Buddha, so be sure to put him read the familiar, and commonly is the exercising, dying is the combat, dying is the agony Cross, karmic creditors herd, usually do not read the familiar, and decease is in any circumstance do not read it, so off to always transmigration, beasts do not do mischief, I'll big The anguish is also willing to eat, in array to read the familiar clause chanted, not work to mattress by night, Venerable Master said, years, go out and get rice to eat, right behind to the egg in his weapon, eggs are peppery to the chicks hatched. were consistent delusions convert a habit, too familiar, and now, in rotate, read the Beige cooked, it will read the accustomed of dying blurted out, in this life to the West had given up the specter. In order to read the familiar phrase chanted, I began to sophisticated, do not strip by night Going to bed, somnolent ashore the Going to sleep, to nap standing, sitting, sleep, sleep walking, sleep is not lying, because lying down to sleep also snug to sleep get up up is four alternatively 5 hours, chanting to cool it, the Master said: guidance, I Say your fight, it was laborious, for used to sleep very well, only because the posture is not uneasy to sleep, so up to two hours, three hours will be capable to get up up, wake up stand up and re-read, Amitabha then be on your side to encourage you, your such a sophisticated and Amitabha Buddha is the induction Road crossing, remember that raining night, the streets are rainy, often only a few of us out of the avenue an age female dry collapse collapse, and that there is no water, when this time, we can not aid but bowed to the West three adore, thank Buddha's blessing.
Buddha in our sophisticated night the square, there are two big dragon, which has a half ago in a sudden lantern shining in the night sky. 3 o'clock middle of the night, suddenly a persist to sophisticated, with this thought, that out of the dragon suddenly resumed light, even brighter than the original, this is Buddha encouraging me ah. Sophistication is not bed look difficult, in fact it is a habit, things hard in the beginning sat sleep habits later, the worship Buddha sleep, bruise Buddha standing sleep, sleep walk very fragrant biggest advantages is that These locations do not sleep lying down to sleep comfortably, so up to two hours to awake, wake up the chanting of a lift in a hurry, or how long the heart can be pure, I can keep it sophisticated Western Power is not scared to do mischief animal, no matter how tough I think to do mischief than brute strength the next life, in order to the West, and then a big pain I would also like effortless to eat. I insisted to go to bed for four years time, and now assists my motivation is that when I sophisticated night when the road the next day to pay special sensors, often able to all wishes come true, and the morale of the particularly good, and the nights of sleep time a little longer the next day to love nap off, but the spirit is not good, but not all hopes come true, and I know this is the Buddha encouraged me and Say your in combat, because the wealth, color, name, food, sleep is five roots of perdition, Venerable Master said: > This is the first, the second is an in-depth, long Xunxiu. Venerable Master is to listen to preaching,GHD Classic Straighteners, not only to listen, but also seriously taking notes, making notes to assist a deeper impression, for the clearance to do what the Master said, what not to do, it will apparently understand, it will in the life in practice, every day, read by the control their own behavior, in doing so did not, swiftly turn over the wrong, this is called an in-depth, long Xunxiu.

third is doing no wrongs, all that is good practice, our whole life is Dharma, is the wife should do the best wife, his grandmother's grandmother to do the best, but do not love in my heart They can not be worried about them, and only worried about Buddha, but anything to do things, and do better than the others are good, naturally they will be moved. Rufo Men

I reminisce, I Zhigu Buddha, even the people do not love Dali, not to attach the old man went out to melodrama. I remember once to the relatives of Northeast, the whole household more than a dozen mouths camera, just not my great wife, Northeast relatives before leaving, said: know they did erroneous. Northeast relatives again afterward 6 months, this is because the dad asked him to take care of hospitalized father, the great winter morning as he shuttles from the train station rushed to the hospital, a ward opened the door, reserve the father saw the night turned out to be I have this great wife. Five brothers, because the old man are very engaged with work at home, according to Gubuguolai, I volunteered to take care of my grandfather, and afterward I bought a 300 yuan to Grandpa physiotherapy physiotherapy machine, back when the Northeast northeast of Wuhan when relatives leave, but also my Great wife gave him 200 yuan to purchase tickets, and before leaving, he told me the old man said: respiration, and I argue his brothers, and I said: feel pain,GHD IV Pink Straighteners, then we put Grandpa to do harm, be able to take good care of my grandfather dying grandfather, filial fidelity is the greatest, if Grandpa is no location to go, to go to my house. mail me go home. Grandpa Buddha, I say: The next night I was at the crematorium to accompany a grandfather one night, I remember when I was wearing my old clothes to bring to others, next morning when the whole family to open the monument service, all of the wife were dressing shipshape dark clothes, old man I said in my ear: No matter how I played after that they no longer block the Buddha. Because my body is getting better, they will ease into
Yin Kuang said: recite the line of people who should be good to fall down.

my continuing pharyngitis because I no longer spitting completely cured, this case makes me feel deeply the Dharma should be used in life, is to in life, to the interpersonal skills in dealing with Buddhist studying, so I remind all times.

12 navel of the night, I rode my bicycle home from the Buddha group, past the crossroads, a ruddy light blocking my way, I stopped fellow practitioners say it is midnight, and no motorcar , and no one can see, you can across the road. But I honestly stopped until the green light and dare to cross the road. I said: industry is too uneconomical.

initiates home in a couple of scissors just to see nails on the table, I took up easily and immediately realized it was not permit to take, is the crime of theft, so I immediately initiates Road, Qian said that I Scissors should not be his personal auto.

practice I think I can tell all people, no reason to go to the West, an of which is the blessing is not big enough to let their deeds pure and clean, a little bad karma can not be made, little good to be done, so that their good karma piled up, bad sector to a minimum in order to accumulate next to the West to the three-MERITS ah.

Busch should have the knowledge to make void bring an end to ...the cosmos in order to defense off evil beings is difficult to avoid, to the knowledge of giving, for the earth repair great blessing all beings, money is not how much heart in the hair.

I remember I just Rufo Men, ask a lot of headroom Master preaching tapes and plates, when fellow practitioners to ask where I please, I would tell her not to spend money to please , I can loan her, lent her, ask her to take it printed the money to buy the tape by the book, practice giving, I do so, each of the initiates by the tape I must do with the law giving the corner, when to penetrate others do good deeds, we must applause the words to say, do delight value. Once I took a fellow practitioners to Beijing Linh Quang Meet the Master, all the way fees, hotel costs, meal costs all my money. When she recommended the toll his back out, I said: India also has the merit by the book I had a. Once migrant workers to construct a house for my family, just two citrus family, one is sweet, kind of acid, is to take sour to the personnel to eat, or take the sweet to the personnel to eat, these are the people of citrus gave me, I was disinclined to buy the edible, that is,GHD Benefit Straighteners, if the sweet to someone else, I only ate the mordant. While some want to, but I forced myself, bite the bullet and hand out of the box installation of sweet citrus, sweet and gave the workers.

I once everywhere around chanting machine, why should I? I found some old madam living in poverty, can not supply Buddha machine, in order to help them, I multiple distributed so that each machine initiates the hands of a few Buddha, they can take it to someone another, because I very few people know, and we know more people, so that those difficulties have the opportunity to get her mommy chanting machine, and I think these belong to the wisdom of giving, because the heart and large, three body space Therefore, retribution will come quickly.

look at your giving can be said:

first-steps, at the starting, because of his quondam greed become a habit, so there is always shy in giving time, however where there is movement to be giving, I can participate, but did not fully and entirely Busch, there is always anxious, worried about how his son had no money to go to educate to do? Son will always must save up some money to go overseas to do, it is Ghosts do not want to do a big animal appetite, and so I coerced myself to a large acquisition, because there is no good fortune, dying karmic creditors swarmed himself Zuobulezhu, the Venerable Master said, karma is not dying agony, a Beige can be to the West, I was a desperate to be tortured agony of people, meditation at a time the increase of blessings, death to save themselves, can not agony, this is how good, and anyway my own selfish self- Lee, the fight opposition rapacity, in order to rapidly put down, I heard every day by, hear and take memoranda, and read every day, control their own behavior, in the Mahayana educating Xunxi by, I gradually put down, I would like to , so many people are gambling, and some people playing the stock mall, bankrupt overnight, and my face is a bright road, Buddha, and what goes around, giving fiscal retribution will be luck, it is real is true, why does not challenge to do magnificent strides, Buddha told me, in front of me there is a in Baoshan, and I do at all times the law along to Buddha, the Po Baoshan in all I can get, and I stood questionable treasure do not elect them up in front of scraps only broken in the mountains of silver, so it does not disburse, in order to be able in this life without agony to the West, I want to desperately, and to march forward, quickly put the money into a life on the paperbacks in the wealth.

giving me a lot of law, publishing books, sent the tape, I remember once home to fellow practitioners, and saw her on the table a box of tapes, this is where I say please, she said: Trustee you gave me, you forgot? your body is three blank ah! repair are all sitting on the floor chanting, I bought a rug to give them chamber, I remember once when I was holding a chanting team sent tape recorders, the heart can not depict the happiness, about all the direction to go, singing all the way chanted to her home, full of joy that I can not describe, I would like this name for hi full bar, and when I used to giving into the hereafter, they will indeed gave away full of joy.
giving second anthem.

first song in order to change the bad habit of greed over, I forced myself to great awards, desperately giving to generosity has become accustomed to, I will donate the wisdom.

Venerable Master said, why he's such a Most Excellent Dharma, as he went, to where the first donation, and where the beings become spliced. I would like to learn Master clearance, and the extensive majority of the beings become spliced to, I began to revel giving, at the peak of this acquaintance, I have become attached to ideas and her charity, small seeds, large dressing, tape recorders, from kindergarten children, to the orphanage where the orphans are sent through my clothes.

the first trilogy, when I give, the results reported are after, my first thought is, I want to make contact with people who have been to my benefit, to be blessed, not only to her charity, but use my donation to enhance her charity, she will be blessed in the news.

what is good, and in living beings have interests, the interests of their own before they can get, is what I do, say, can the other be of amuse, then I get benefits, which can be called good. For sample, I sold clothes to the buyer, make him a few dollars, send him an orphan, let him Salford reported that the catastrophe is now the world too much, too much of human beings committing evil industry, too few to do good reason, just do good Buddha , religious people do good, power is still very languid, we should muster all the forces in society to do good, to decrease the calamity. I put a pan at the store entry, deep-fried spring rolls, lotus root, and the smell of dry sub-yuan, a greenback a duplicate, because the low, buy a lot of people, I make their two cents to send orphans to do good for them, for they built Fu, he was eating vegetarian when I do, they will not eat fried chicken, the less made the killing industry, but also built a blessing.

when I step down in a while, reward and also a little bit before now, when I donate the money over, heaved his son to go abroad, absence 20 million, and I have no way but to borrow a lend shark, the first next morning his son told me excitedly: I did not spend a penny is inconceivable to marry a wife, holding a grandchild. These are all the Buddha's blessing, and when I finished after giving the money, there is help my fellow practitioners opened a children's clothing store, rent 3400 yuan per month, in the Buddha's help, my people have never done business , pay hire in season every month, and after six months, took the initiates to help me to open the store sixteen thousand, all money back to her, gave her one thousand yuan is also thanked.

All this proves Venerable Master said:
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