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Old 05-10-2011, 05:43 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,325
haxhklm2p2 is on a distinguished road
Default 老汉无意中与22年前收养其女儿女子结婚 黑客qq:190546

  本报濮阳讯 “真是太巧合了!”日前,71岁的台前县刘楼村老人刘守炎致电本报,浙江窃听软件免费下载,喜极而泣道:“22年前,因家庭贫困,将出生50天的女儿送人,窃听卡货到付款;没想到,自己再婚的妻子竟是女儿的养母。”

  据老人称,3月1日,公安手机监听器,妻子张秋香看到自己闷闷不乐,一再询问原因。他于是说出了长期以来埋藏在心底的一桩往事,公安窃听器。1989年秋,因家庭贫困,刘守炎将出生50天的小女儿送给他人收养,手机监听器怎么购买。此后,刘守炎一直为自己的行为悔恨不已。刘守炎的妻子病逝后,经人介绍,张秋香做了他第二任 妻子。
  在了解了丈夫的“心病”后,张秋香决定帮助寻找丈夫女儿的下落。刘守炎称,女儿送人时,出生刚50天, 比较瘦小,后腰下有一块青色印记,名字叫刘秋焕。没想到话音刚落,妻子张秋香惊叫道:“这不是我们当年收养 的小女儿吗?几个特征都符合,手机号码定位找人。特别是‘刘秋焕’这个名字,还叫了两三个月呢,后来因和婆婆名字相同而改随母姓,叫张福格,一直叫到今天 。”一席话,电话窃听器,刘守炎顿时目瞪口呆。


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Old 05-10-2011, 05:47 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
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g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

Yellow River Yellow River is China's second river, the world's fifth longest river in the world largest river sediment. Known as China's
Introduction to physical features of the main tributaries of geographical overview of the main lake basin River Canyon River sub-human characteristics of biological resources, water control facilities, bridges development and changes in environmental changes in Yellow River Yellow River Yellow River Tourism Management information Xiaolangdi About
culturally relevant verses saying the mother as the Yellow River (Lanzhou)
Yellow River, China's mother river, if the country stand tall compared to the rooster, the Yellow River is the heart's arteries rooster, it witnessed the great development trend of the Chinese nation. Yellow process of 5464 km, watershed area of ​​752,443 square kilometers, thousands of tributaries connected with the River River, like many capillaries, endless conveyor for the motherland of vitality and vigor. Yellow (2) of the Yellow River for up to 5464 km, watershed area of ​​752,442.77 square km, flows through nine provinces and regions, meandering flow in north China. Overlook from a height, which is like a huge Card at the northern foot of Bayan Har song, about the ancient channel of the Yellow River were positive column the source, the source clock at the Bayan Har Daze Yala Peak, the main stream length of 4675 km, the average flow of 1774.5 cubic meters / second, Dongying City in Shandong Province Kenli County into the Bohai Sea. On the demarcation point is the middle reaches of the estuary town of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, middle and lower reaches of the old demarcation point Mengjin Henan Province. The mouth of the Yellow river is 1500 meters, is generally 500 meters, narrow at only 50 meters water depth of 2.5 meters in some places the depth of only 1.2 to 1.5 meters. Location of natural features of the Yellow River Basin
Yellow River community in north latitude 32 ° to 42 °, 96 ° east longitude from 119 ° between the difference of 10 degrees of latitude North and South, East and West across the 23 longitude, watershed area more than 752,000 square kilometers, total length of 5,464 km Yellow River, Heyuan drop of 4830 meters to the estuary. Stone Mountain basin accounts for 29%, hilly area of ​​Loess and 46%, 11% sandy area, 14% plain. Bayan Har Mountains from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of the Yellow River, River runs through nine provinces and autonomous regions are: Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, into the Bohai Sea. Annual runoff of 57.4 billion cubic meters, the average runoff depth of 79 meters. However, a large amount of water is less than the Pearl River, along the pool has 35 major tributaries, the larger tributaries in the upstream, there is in Huang, Tao He, there is water in the middle reaches of River Fen River, Weihe River, Qinhe, downstream Wye River and Luo. The lack of lake and river sides high, few rivers flow into the Yellow River, the Yellow River drainage area is small.
range of the Yellow River Basin
Heyuan to the Department of mountains and grasslands Guide and more plateau, are Tibetan Plateau, 3,000 meters above sea level are the peaks over 4000 meters, 4200 meters above sea level source valley; Guide since Meng Jinjiang section the Loess Plateau region, western slope of the Loess Plateau Luliang east, south to the Weihe River valley, connecting the north and the Ordos Plateau, west of Lanzhou valley; the Loess Plateau in the 1000 general elevation of 1300 meters, hilly terrain, steep Goushen, gully ground slope of 15 to 20 degrees, valley area accounts for 40 to 50%, the channel density of 3 to 5 km / sq km, the cutting depth of 100 meters; Mengjin below to go to the North China Plain, low and flat, not more than 50 meters above sea level, into the downstream After the river flat, with an average slope of only 0.12%, slowing water flow, sediment deposition large, bed 4 to 5 meters above the ground; the diversion of the Yellow River several times, the ground of the ancient alluvial fan-out riverbeds and ancient natural levees, a slow post alternating with the sloping plain depression, depression more open flat. But the source of the Yellow River is the card at specific song, or Zhaqu Maqu has always been controversial. But the 1985 Yellow River Conservancy Commission and the various views on the historical tradition, is to determine the source of Maqu to Heyuan, and Basin in the southwest corner of some old cases out of Maqu song fruit, longitude 95 ° 59'24 18 Guide to the people and the territory of the Yellow River from 3000 to 1600 meters above sea level in between, from people and into the next Kawaguchi Gansu, which has a mild and humid climate, Deqing your Ningxia Plain in Ningxia and Inner Mongolia Hetao, as in the upper reaches of the Yellow River valley, abundant water sources, irrigation facilities, agricultural development, lush, it is called Frontier South. Overview of the Yellow River Basin of Inner Mongolia autonomous from the source to the mouth of the county town of Tuoketuo upstream, river length 3472 km; River town to the middle reaches between Mengjin Henan, river length 1206 km; taohuayu following downstream, the river one thousand meters long 786 . (Yellow River, the middle and lower reaches of the boundaries of different ways, where the division of Yellow River Conservancy Commission adopted the program) of the Yellow River running through the eastern and western China, 1900 km from east to west basin, 1100 km from north to south, with a total area of ​​752,443 square kilometers.
Yellow River, as a back arched, the head of the lion want to jump from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau over the green, Gansu provinces in the mountains; across Ningxia, Inner Mongolia Hetao; Pentium in Shanxi, valley among the mountains between Shaanxi; break It flows through nine provinces; area, brought together more than 40 major river tributaries and more than 1,000 Sichuan, travel 5,464 km, the basin area of ​​75 square km, is the second longest river in China. The whole basin is about 400 mm average annual precipitation, average annual runoff of the Yellow River is only 57.4 billion cubic meters, ranking the eighth in China's rivers. Basin, together with the downstream Henan, Shandong along a total of 2 million mu of cultivated land area, 1 million or so people.
Yellow nine
Yellow River for many years an average of all 58 billion cubic meters of natural runoff, the average annual runoff of 77 mm basin, the basin of water 593 cubic meters per capita arable land of water 324 cubic meters per mu. Middle reaches of Yellow River flows through the Loess Plateau, due to soil erosion, a large number of tributaries into the sediment,christian louboutin sale, the sediment of the Yellow River to become the world's largest river. Maximum capacity of 3.91 billion tons of sediment (1933), the maximum sediment concentration 920 kg / m (1977). Sanmenxia station annual average of about 1.6 billion tons of sediment, the average sediment concentration of 35 kilograms / cubic meter. The Yangtze River water per cubic meter of sediment less than 1 kg. Association of the Yellow River is China's world record for the world's largest river sediment. Average of 16 million tons of the Yellow River sediment if the building into a wide and a meter, one meter high wall,christian louboutin uk, the length equal to the distance between Earth and the Moon (38.44 million km) three times, the equivalent of 27 times the length of the equator. Main tributaries are the main tributaries of the Yellow River White River, Heihe, in Huang, Zu Li River,red sole shoes, river water, large Heihe, Kuye River, Wuding River, Fen, Weihe, Luo, Qinhe, Dawen and so on. Where the largest tributary of the Weihe River to the Yellow River. Major lakes Zaling, Eling Lake, Lake, Dongping Lake. River gorge on the Yellow River valley there are 30, 28 in the upper reaches, middle reaches of the stream in two, the downstream river flows through the North China Plain, there is no valley distribution. River Canyon section of the cumulative length of 1707 kilometers, accounting for 31.2% of main stream length. Biological resources of the Yellow River a total of 121 species of fish (subspecies), the main stream of pure freshwater fish, 98 species, accounting for 78.4% of the total. Piebald major economic fish ########## carp, very edge of flat fish pharyngeal teeth, thick lips nude lips heavy fish, Yellow bare rump split fish, Leuciscus Valsalva northern bronze gudgeon (pigeons fish), carp, crucian carp. Only the upper Yellow River fish species, 16 species composition is relatively simple, only carp, loach Schizothorax two subjects, dace, loach and other articles. River fish are broadly similar, are mainly carp. River 71 species of fish, but the lack of natural silver carp, bighead carp, bream, bream and other fish taxa typical plain, there is the upper middle and upper reaches of common Article Schizothorax and Loach, etc., the type and quantity of fish downstream are more , 78 species, of which there are a variety of estuarine fish
over the Yellow River carp
class and brackish water fish. Tributaries of the Yellow River to see the survey statistics, according to Tao River in Gansu, Shaanxi Weihe, see Jing River fish statistics, more types of the Weihe river waters, 30 species, followed by 11 species of Tao River, Jing River is only 4 species. Most of the upper and middle tributaries Cyprinidae, Cobitidae small fish, try a few other subjects, and catfish and other economic fish carp, crucian carp, catfish, dace and so on. Historically, the Yellow River has a long time as China's political, economic and cultural center, known as the cradle of Chinese culture. History of frequent disasters and the Yellow River known as Twice the average gap of three years, a hundred years there is a big diversion. 1938 Yellow River, Huai River south wins, flooding Yudong, northern Anhui and Jiangsu large tracts of land, the affected population 12.5 million, 890,000 died. In recent years, the Yellow River water biological destruction is now less than one hundred kinds of fish. In order to get the Yellow River water ecosystem restoration and conservation of biological resources, the Office of Fisheries Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department, Gansu Province, from 2000 started for the Yellow River in Gansu section of the implementation of According to Fisheries Department official, put the number of seven hundred ten thousand from last year, has increased to eight million this year, the Yellow indigenous species - the Yellow River carp, catfish, grass carp, bighead carp as the main running object. Section of the Yellow River, the middle and lower reaches of the boundaries of different ways. Yellow River Conservancy Commission estuary town and taohuayu division of upper, middle and lower reaches; traditional high school textbooks to the estuary town and Mengjin division of upper, middle and lower reaches; scholar Yang Uni by the study concluded that the Qingtongxia, Mengjin by a more appropriate; scholar Xu Shao Li claims Wuzhi County, Henan Jiaozuo Yellow River as the dividing line Jiayingguan. Following the division of the Yellow River Conservancy Commission program.
Tuoketuo County upstream of the estuary town in Inner Mongolia over the Yellow River upper reaches of the Yellow River. Total length of 3472 km upstream drainage area of ​​386,000 square kilometers, accounting for the Yellow River's total drainage area of ​​51.3%. The total drop of 3496 m upstream, the average ratio fell to 1 ‰; River tributaries to import large (basin area of ​​1000 square km and above) 43, runoff accounted for 54% of the whole river; to sediment in upper reaches only the amount of the whole river sand years, 8% less water and more sand, is the Yellow River water source. Upstream river by Animaqing Mountain Xiqing Mountains, Qinghai Nanshan control of S-shaped curve was. Characteristics of the Yellow River based on the different channels can be divided into Heyuan section, gorge and alluvial plains of three parts. Japanese music to the card from Qinghai Qinghai Heyuan Guide part Longyangxia paragraph above. Heyuan section of music from the card at the beginning, the Star Sea, Zaling Eling to Maduo, bypassing Animaqing Mountain and West Mountain dump, to reach across the Qinghai Longyangxia Guide. Most of this section of river flowing through three or four kilometers on the plateau, paths winding rivers, the two sides mostly lakes, swamps, marsh, water was clear, steady flow of water, producing large amount of water. There Zaling river, Eling Lake, Hubei and Hunan in 4260 m altitude above the water storage capacity was 4.7 billion cubic meters and 108 billion cubic meters, is China's largest freshwater lake plateau. Qinghai range Maqu Maduo to the Yellow River flows through the Bayan Har Mountain and Animaqing hilly between the Basin and the ancient, most of the broad river valleys, sometimes with a couple of canyons. Guide to the Qinghai Longyangxia Maqu range, the Yellow River flows through mountains and canyons, fast-flowing,christian louboutin pumps, abundant water resources. White River tributaries originating in Sichuan Minshan Heihe paragraph in the import of the Yellow River. From Qinghai, Ningxia Qingtongxia part Longyangxia to gorge. The river flows through the hilly section, due to the different nature of the rock, forming canyons and broad valleys and white situation: in the hard gneiss, granite and formation of canyon lots Nanshan Department of metamorphic rocks, in loose sandstone and shale, the red rocks Lot gully formation. The paragraph has Longyangxia Jishixia, Liujiaxia, Bapanxia, ​​Qingtongxia other 20 canyon sides are cliffs, narrow river, the river gradient large and fast-flowing. Guide to the section of Lanzhou, the three tributaries of the Yellow section concentrate on one, with Tao River, tributaries and other important Huangshui import, the Yellow River water greatly increased. Ningxia Longyangxia to reach under the riverside of the Yellow River water resources of the
Qingtongxia Dam
Qingtongxia to Inner Mongolia from the mouth of Tuoketuo County portion of the alluvial plain section of the town. Yellow River after the Qingtongxia along the northwest boundary of the Ordos Plateau to the northeast direction of flow, and then straight east mouth of the town. After most of the area along the river and the desert steppe to desert, almost no tributaries into the main stream bed flat, slow water flow, the two sides have a large alluvial plain, known as the Yinchuan Plain and Loop Plain. River flood plains and in different degrees, ice flood disasters. Ningxia Plain in the west under the Loop Riverside, east Inner Mongolia, River town, 900 km wide and 30 to 50 km, is famous for irrigated areas, irrigation has a long history, it is argument. River estuary Tuoketuo County town of Inner Mongolia to the Yellow River in Henan Mengjin middle Yellow River, river length 1206 km, a drainage area of ​​344,000 square kilometers, accounting for 45.7% of watershed area; middle reaches 890 meters, the gap between the average slope of 0.74 ‰; River tributaries within the larger import 30; interval to increase the amount of water accounted for 42.5% of Yellow River water to increase the total capacity of the Yellow River sediment load of sand 92%, the main source of the Yellow River sediment. Town to the estuary of the Yellow River Yumenkou the longest period of continuous Canyon - Shanxi, Shaanxi and valleys, river flows through most of the tributaries of Loess Plateau, soil erosion is the main source of coarse sediment of the Yellow River, all river 1.6 billion tons of annual sediment load for many years in this interval from 900 million tons; the great river slope, abundant water resources, the second largest hydropower base in the Yellow River; the lower valley is famous Hukou Waterfall, deep grooves Kuanjin 30 to 50 meters, low flow water fall about 18 meters, an imposing sight. Interval Yumenkou to Sanmenxia Yellow River flows through the Fenwei plains, valleys stretching, water slowly. And the two sides to reach South Shanxi Loess Plateau Weibei is Shaanxi, Shanxi provinces, an important agricultural area. The acceptance of the Fen river, Luo, Jing River, Weihe River, Yiluo, Qinhe other important tributary of the Yellow River lower reaches of the main sources of sediment, and sediment for years the average annual amount of 550 million tons. Tongguan Yumenkou to the river (the North Yellow River) of the 132.5 one thousand meters river erosion and deposition of rapid change, river side to side is very unstable. By the river near the mountains in Tongguan bound valley suddenly narrowed, the formation of more than 1,000 meters of natural Kuanjin bayonet, and the level of the riverbed Tongguan North Yellow River, Weihe River deposition variation of closely related, so there Elevation, Sanmenxia to taohuayu range reaches from the Xiaolangdi be divided into two parts: Xiaolangdi above, river walk through the Zhongtiaoshan, Xiaoshan, between the Yellow River on the last paragraph of the canyon; Xiaolangdi below the valley becoming wide, the Yellow River by the mountains into the plains of the transition location. Downstream of the Yellow River in Henan Mengjin following the Yellow River lower reaches, the river length of 786 km, a drainage area of ​​only 2.3 million square kilometers, accounting for 3% of drainage area; the total drop of 93.6 m downstream, with an average gradient of 0.12 ‰; interval increase the amount of water accounted for 3.5% of Yellow River water. As large amount of Yellow River, downstream siltation to form long-term world famous In addition to Dawenhe import from the Dongping Lake, the larger tributaries of the river without import. Distribution of the Yellow River Basin hydropower

In addition to the south bank of lower reaches between the Dongping Lake is hilly to Jinan, the rest depend on retaining dike, levee length of more than 1400 km. Historically, frequent flooding downstream burst, the Chinese nation to the heavy disaster. Because of the Yellow River flows from southwest to northeast, north of the river in winter ice advance, forming ice run. Ice run easily lead to ice dam blocked, resulting in breaching dikes, the threat is very serious. The following is the lower reaches of the Yellow River estuary Lijin. The mouth of the Yellow River due to sediment deposition,christian louboutin shoes, continuous extension of swing. Currently the mouth of the Yellow River in the Bohai Bay and Laizhou Bay Interchange, 1976, by the artificial diversion of water after the shape of the new river channel siltation. The last 40 years, the Yellow River sediment transport to the estuary area average about 10 million tons / year, every year an extension of 2.2 km to the Bohai Sea, the annual average net built on land from 25 to 31 square kilometers, equivalent to the size of a football field each day . Human characteristics of the Sanmenxia Dam Dam: flat land in Shanxi, Henan, Sanmenxia City, at the junction of 1960 and put into use Sanshenggong Dam: Inner Mongolia Dengkou, bridge put into use in 1966, Dam: Baode Shanxi, Shaanxi, at the junction of Fugu , 1977 and put into use Qingtongxia Dam: Ningxia Qingtongxia City, and put into use in 1968 Liujiaxia Hydropower: Gansu Yongjing, 1974 and put into use Yanguoxia Dam: Gansu Yongjing, 1975 and put into use eight Xia Project: Lanzhou, Gansu, in 1980 and put into use Longyangxia Station: Qinghai Province, in 1992 and put into use a large water conservancy pivotal: Lanzhou, Gansu, in 1998 and put into use Li Xia Project: Qinghai Hualong, 1999 and put into use Wanjiazhai Water: Shanxi Pianguan, Inner Mongolia Zhungeer junction, 1999, was put into operation Xiaolangdi Project: Henan Jiyuan and the old telephone interview that at the junction of 2001 and use the Yellow River Hydropower Station: Bridge Facilities Yellow River rapids, the history of argument. Lanzhou is located in the highlands, where the ancient river by raft and small wooden ferry sheepskin, very inconvenient. Hongwu, the Songguo Gong Feng built west of the city of Lanzhou is better than a floating bridge, defending the public pontoon Deng moved more to the West 10 miles, the l km northwest of ancient gold Chengguan (now Baita Shannan), Boardwalk with the ship in 24 to four hemp rope of iron to maintain the cable made of wood shop on board the line, known as the Remains of 10 tons of weight so far, the cast iron columns are 5.8 meters long, Thirty-three years until the dynasty (1907), in the General Office of Gansu foreign affairs proposal Peng League, will Fuqiao to iron bridge, constructed by the Dezhou, but all the transportation and construction materials of commitment. People all over the camels, big wheel Shi cars, Yuanshe miles east from the bridge to transport materials and Tianjin, and finally from the first shelf in the Yellow River Iron Bridge. Bridge 250 meters long, 18 meters wide, consists of four piers, pier iron posts made with cement, paving the way with stones on the pier at a cost of more than two silver thirty-six. 1954 reinforcement steel arch beam curved shelves, structural beauty, imposing even more magnificent. 200 meters west of the Yellow cable, through Baita Mountain Peak. Beginning of a Yellow River bridge on the first formal contract by the Belgian engineering company to build the Zhengzhou Yellow River railway bridge. The bridge started in 1903, completed in 1906. 1949 founding of the PRC, in the Yellow River in Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge only, Luokou Lanzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge and three bridges designed by foreigners, the construction of the bridge. After the founding of new China, one after another in dozens of bridges built on the Yellow River, the Yellow River into a thoroughfare natural moat. Lanzhou Yellow River Bridge General
☆ Lanxin railway bridge Lanxin railway Yellow Yellow River Bridge is located in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, the river town of Xigu District of New China in the Yellow River after the establishment of the first large iron bridge construction . Bridge length of 278.4 meters. The bridge started in April 1954 to build, July 1, 1955 was opened to traffic. Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge in Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge of Yellow River Bridge is located downstream of the original 500 meters, is the Beijing-Guangzhou line double-track railway bridge, length of 2,889.8 meters, 71 holes, 72 piers, each hole span of 40.7 meters. The bridge started in May 1958 to build, opened to traffic in April 1960. Even in the Yellow River to the Yellow River Railway Bridge Railway Bridge with Mengjin Henan is located in, in coke branch line, full-length 917 meters. The bridge was completed in June 1970. Sheng Ye Sheng Ye Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Yellow River Highway Bridge and Lingwu County, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region between Wuzhong City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the design and construction of their first Yellow River Highway Bridge. Bridge length of 452.7 meters, two cited a total bridge length of 217 meters, total length of 6.5 km approach road. The bridge was opened to traffic in December 1970. Yellow River Bridge in North Town, North Town, Yellow River Bridge is located in Shandong Province, northern town. Steel truss bridge from the main bridge, and prestressed bridge approach of two parts, length of 1394 meters, the bridge can be side by side through three trucks, each 1.5 m wide sidewalks on both sides. The bridge was opened to traffic in October 1972. Luoyang Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Luoyang, Henan Yellow River Highway Bridge, the junction of the Yellow River and Mon counties Mengjin County, full-length 3428.9 m, width 11 meters. The bridge was opened to traffic in January 1977. ☆ Jinan Jinan Yellow River Yellow River railway bridge railway bridge located in Jinan, Shandong Province, near the railway complex in Jinpu online. Bridge length of 5700 meters, is in the Yellow River after the founding of the construction of railway bridge, Block 13. The bridge was opened to traffic in June 1981. Jinan Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Jinan Yellow River Highway Bridge northern suburb of Jinan, Shandong Province, is a prestressed concrete cable-stayed bridge. Bridge composed by the main bridge and approach spans, total length of 2023.44 m, 488 m long main bridge, there are 5 holes, with the largest span of 220 meters, at the time of prestressed concrete cable-stayed bridge in the world's top ten ranked No. 8. Bridge Branch Drive and sidewalks of two parts, the full width of 19.5 meters, of which lane is 15 meters. The bridge was officially started in December 1978, was opened to traffic in July 1982. Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge in Zhengzhou Yellow River Highway Bridge is located 15 km northwest of Zhengzhou City and the northern mouth of the garden between the villages of Um Liu Yuanyang County. Bridge length of 5549.86 meters, 18.5 meters wide, 9 meters to the middle of the fast lane, sidewalks on both sides of each 1 meter wide and 3.5 meters wide slow lane. The bridge was commenced in July 1984, was opened to traffic in September 1986. Deng Xiaoping inscribed the name of the bridge for the bridge. Dongying Dongying Yellow River Highway Bridge victory victory of the Yellow River delta Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Dongying City, Shandong Province, on the near Kenli County, located in the lower reaches of the Yellow River from the mouth of the Yellow River about 40 km. Bridge length of 2817.46 m, 682 m long main bridge, a total of 76 holes, the main span of 288 m hole, 19.5 m wide bridge, which the roadway 16 meters. The bridge in the country for the first time adopted a new cable-stayed steel box structure. The bridge girder abdomen, also has a large diameter of 529 mm pipeline. The bridge was officially started in December 1985 to build, was opened to traffic in September 1987. Wuhai Wuhai Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Wuhai Yellow River Highway Bridge is a national Bridge length of 530.6 meters, the upper structure of the eight holes of Prestressed concrete continuous box girder. The bridge was opened to traffic in September 1988. Shizuishan Shizuishan Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of Yellow River Highway Bridge crossing the eastern suburbs Shizuishan, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia are connected transport hub. Bridge length of 551.28 m, 1000 m Bridge Approach, the bridge 12 meters wide, the main bridge 300 meters long 4-hole, hole span of 90 meters, is a T-span rigid frame bridge. The bridge started in March 1987 to build, opened to traffic in October 1988. Kaifeng Kaifeng Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Yellow River Highway Bridge, east of Kaifeng City, Henan Province, about 20 km length of 4445.09 meters, 18.5 meters wide, north and south approaches to the bridge length of 10.2 kilometers, the whole bridge has 108 holes. The bridge started in February 1988 to build, opened to traffic in December 1989. President Yang Shangkun wrote the bridge for the bridge name. Dongming Yellow River Highway Bridge Dongming Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Heze City, Shandong Province, northwest of Shandong Province's longest bridge of a highway, known as Line of State Road 106 bridge is the large bridge across the Yellow River. Bridge length of 4142.14 meters, 18.5 meters wide, 4 lane. The bridge was officially started in October 1991 construction, September 1993 full-bridge opened to traffic. Sanmenxia Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Shanxi Province Sanmenxia Yellow River Highway Bridge Pinglu County, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province, and between the Yellow River's fifth large highway bridge, built in Henan Province for the first time single-Box Single Span Continuous Rigid Frame Bridge, State Road 209 is a line link Shanxi, Henan provinces, north-south throat of communication projects. Bridge length of 1310 meters, 18.5 meters wide and 50 meters high, the maximum span of 160 meters. The bridge started in November 1991 to build, opened to traffic in December 1993. Yinchuan Yinchuan Yellow River Yellow River Highway Bridge Highway Bridge length of 1,219.9 meters, 23 meters wide, the main hole span of 90 meters, is a prestressed concrete bridge T type rigid structure. The bridge was opened to traffic in July 1994. Fenglingdu Fenglingdu Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Shanxi Province, the southernmost tip of the Yellow River Highway Bridge is a national Bridge length of 1410 meters, 12 meters wide, 20 meters high bridge pier, the main span of 114 m spans. The bridge foundation in April 1992 started in November 1994 opened to traffic. January 1994 General Secretary Jiang Zemin inscribed the name of the bridge for the bridge. Defender defender of the Yellow River Yellow River Highway Bridge Bridge is a Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Bridge length of 1116.63 m, 883.37 m long approach road, bridge deck width of 14 meters. The bridge was opened to traffic in June 1997. Han River Highway Bridge Township Township Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in South Korea Korean city of Shaanxi Province and Shanxi Province, Zaozhuang Township Township Township County Ling Hui Grand Canyon between the Yellow River, the construction of a total investment of 96.9 million yuan project, Xiangning side investment 5426.54 yuan, Shaanxi Province Private - Hancheng Mining Development Co., Ltd. invested 42,636,000 yuan. Bridge length 543 meters, 12 meters wide, the bridge 47 meters high, divided into 3 lanes, is the highest bridge on the Yellow River. Two complementary sides 42 km road length. The bridge on December 8, 1997 start building. November 20, 1998 to achieve the overall closure. December 8, 1998 completion. December 1999 officially opened to traffic. Bridge operation, 150 million tons of coal, is the first of a Yellow bridge the private equity shares. Linfen, Shanxi Province, Shaanxi area directly into the first passage. Jinan Yellow River Highway Bridge is located in Jiyang and Zhangqiu Bridge between the Yellow River Bridge, on the official opening in 2009, a total investment of 300 million, is today Asia's largest river-crossing bridge! Huanjingbaohu the Yellow River in 3000 to 2000 BC (Yellow River Basin to the Yin Ruins in Anyang Yangshao period) of the geographical environment suitable for vegetation growth and production and living activities of human conduct, about 2 ℃ higher than the climate for the development of crops and vegetation to create a good condition. During this period, the Yellow River Basin has Leixia Ze, such as a large number of lakes in Nozawa. 1981). After the Warring States with the widespread use of iron tools and the economic center of the state of Qin in the migration to the Commissioner, the Yellow River and began the destruction of vegetation in the Loess Plateau. Since the Yellow River basin in a very long period of time has been the center of Chinese civilization, the land (a large number of phenomena. As the 11th century the beginning of cold weather, with the economic center of south China, the Yellow River began to reduce ecological damage, but forest cover has been difficult to return to the status of the 3rd century BC. And with the destruction of vegetation, the erosion of the Loess Plateau of the Yellow River began to receive a large number of soil have been swept away, the formation of gullies and surface morphology. According to scientists, changes in the Yellow River has two reasons. First, since the Qin Dynasty after the Loess Plateau, temperatures in the cold, heavy rain concentrated. Loosely coupled structure of the loess itself, is very susceptible to erosion and collapse, contributing to soil erosion, so a lot of sediment into the Yellow River. Second, rapid population growth, unrestricted cultivation, grazing, destruction of forests, grassland destruction, the green vegetation was severely damaged, losing the natural protective layer of the Loess Plateau, causing serious soil erosion. Each year, the Yellow River have four thousand tons per square kilometer of valuable soil is eroded, the equivalent of five hundred and fifty million mu of cultivated land destroyed one year! More seriously, the fertility of the soil erosion was significantly reduced, resulting in substantial crop production. The more cuts, people are more and more land reclamation should be: the more land clearing, soil erosion is even more serious. So that the poorer the more cultivated, the poorer the more the land, and also more silt in the Yellow River, which the Yellow River burst, the number of diversion is more and more frequent. The good governance of the Yellow River, the key is to manage and sediment can not make it arbitrarily into the Yellow River. After the founding of New China, scientists have designed a program for the governance of the Yellow River. They should insist that the Loess Plateau, animal husbandry, forestry-based business direction. Be sure to protect forest resources, so that to restore lost vegetation. To make everyone understand this reasoning: destruction of forests is an absolute suicide: to plan and utilize the land, but also a lot of construction of water conservancy projects. This multi-pronged, will be able to prevent soil erosion, the Yellow River will become a good dream can become reality. Development and changes in Yellow River Yellow River since 1972 often drying situation. Drying up for many reasons, summed up the following points: 1. Global warming - with the recent intensification of the global warming situation, while making significant increase in evaporation of the river, upstream of the other spring and summer glacier melting of a substantial absorption of heat, causing the local temperature is lower than usual inland, reducing the temperature difference between the inland and marine, which causes the monsoon weakened, the lack of monsoon moisture from the ocean into the inland. While global warming is melting glaciers increased the flow of water upstream, but could not offset the increase evaporation and decrease the impact of the monsoon effect. Caused by decreasing the amount of water downstream. 2. Vegetation damage - severe damage to vegetation in the Loess Plateau, the lack of vegetation in the gradual desertification of land conservation, evaporation quantitative high, need to keep the land dry and absorb water to supplement river flows. 3. Irrigation behind - in the upper reaches of the Yellow River flows through the economy much less developed Western Region, the lack of water-saving irrigation technology and capital, mostly for flood irrigation, the Yellow River water waste. ① upstream precipitation rate is very small arid and semi arid areas, but the middle reaches of the main recharge area soil erosion, seasonal changes, the downstream drainage area is small, less supply; ② basin population growth, population growth, much faster than the grain growth rate; ③ recent decades, with social development, industrial and urban water use along the Yellow River increased, the Yellow River irrigated area expanded; ④ ability to regulate the lower reservoir, water resources management is not unified; ⑤ low water, low water Price can not afford to call people's awareness of water conservation, agricultural and industrial waste water, great; ⑥ dramatically reduce the environmental pollution of Yellow River water use efficiency. ⑦ sewage plants along the river too. Since hanging river sedimentation, the total length of 5464 km most of the Yellow River, the riverbed is higher than the basin of the city, farmland, thanks to levee constraints, it is therefore known as the The Yellow River is where you start from a Bayannaoer southwest of the city's Dengkou Xian, where the county seat of the Yellow River than the average of 4-6 meters. Section of the Yellow River flowing in between the mountains and the Qinling Mountains, travels to the East Henan Mengjin. From here, 30 kilometers from the Yellow River is the famous capital of Luoyang. Luoyang is one of the eight ancient capitals. Starting from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, there have been the Eastern Han, Wei and Jin, Northern Wei, Sui (Yang Di), Tang (Wu), Later Liang, Later Tang dynasties in the capital, is known as Changes of the Yellow River is China's second longest, since time immemorial is the sediment-laden river. 4th century BC, the Lower Yellow River due to water turbidity is a The early 1st century AD, it was pointed out that Tang and Song sediment increased. The accumulation of sediment in the downstream part of the riverbed, over time, the high silt bed, thanks to dikes constraints, the formation of suspended river a long time. Every autumn Daxun V, weak defense, ranging from diffuse mouth breaching, while in the river changed migration. According to historical records, in 1946, three to four thousand years ago, the Yellow River flood 1593 times burst, flooding a large river diversions for a total of 26 times, burst a thousand times. Floods to the north across the range of the Haihe River, South River, aspect 250,000 square kilometers, the geographical environment of China Plain enormous impact. Changes to the characteristics of the lower Yellow River is concerned, can be divided into several stages. ① embankment before the Warring States generally limit start from the Neolithic period. At that time the lower Yellow River flows through the plain, in the Bohai Bay to the western coast, because both sides did not build dikes, river and extremely unstable. According to historical records, the Yellow River has been flowing from the change of times for The former two in the Hebei Plain west, along the foot of the north, the Taihang Mountains, ; Northwest, Jidong, Huanghua County northeast to the sea. The three rivers in the mid-Warring States, or each other primary and secondary, or both exist, but to flow through the In ancient times, the According to ② the early years of the 4th century BC ~ AD (Warring States Period to the Western Han Dynasty) Warring States Period, a large-scale construction of embankments downstream, the river is fixed,louboutin sale, diversion, diversion frequent situation, we have as the first major diversion of the Yellow River. For a grander sight, a higher level.
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