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Old 06-11-2011, 08:07 PM   #1
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Default replica Oakley sunglasses -

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions today. It affects
or has affected nearly everyone at one time or another. Acne
skin care is the most important tool in reducing or eliminating
outbreaks. Many different things contribute to healthy skin.
Acne occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog pores, or
follicles. Acne primarily affects teens, although adults are
affected also. Puberty causes an increase in oil production
which increases the risk of having an acne outbreak.
What are some of the ways we can instil acne skin care?
The easiest acne skin care regime is to wash your face twice
daily with warm water and mild soap. Using your bare hands to
wash your face is gentler and kinder to your skin. Acne skin
care dictates that you are very gentle with your skin-no
scrubbing vigorously, using harsh soap, or alcohol based skin
products. These only serve to irritate the skin and may make
acne much worse.
Acne skin care revolves around oil control where it can be
controlled. Wash your face frequently to remove oil and dirt
when you are sweating or working around an oily area. Exposure
to grease, pore-clogging cosmetics or hair products can worsen
acne. If you are prone to oily hair,desinger sunglasses wholesale, wash your hair daily to
reduce the oil. Concentrate on using oil-free makeup and
Acne skin care demands that you be gentle to your skin. Picking
or squeezing pimples can cause more inflammation and help to
push bacteria deeper into your skin. Friction,replica Oakley sunglasses, such as athletic
gear, bike helmets, backpacks, or tight collars,Gucci sunglasses discount, can make you
sweat which can cause clogged pores and therefore, acne.
The Don't's of acne skin care are:
Don't touch your skin unless absolutely necessary!
Don't rest your chin in hands!
Don't pick at your face!
Don't smoosh your face into your pillow and keep pillowcase
Don't let hair products get on skin!
Don't rest cellphone against your face!
The Do's of acne skin care are:
Do treat your face gently and kindly.
Do wash your face with your bare hands.
Do wash face two times daily with warm water and mild soap.
Do use oil-free makeup.
If your acne is very severe or does not respond to the pampering
acne skin care regime, then you may need to contact your
physician for more aggressive treatment options.
About the author:
-skin-care-regime.html - -
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