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Old 08-19-2011, 07:23 PM   #1
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Default mbt ema black womens

They were surrounded by sinkholes and moving cliffs. She closed her eyes as the burning light drifted down before them ... and then dimmed. Blueshell's shout was thin in their shared atmosphere. "Let's go together!" She held tight to the Riders, and they crawled/wheeled down from their little hill. The Out of Band II was hovering in the middle of a sinkhole. Its torch was hidden from view,复件 (5) 复件 air max, but the glare off the sides of the hole put the ship in sharp silhouette,复件 (8) air max1, turned its ultradrive spines into feathery white arcs. A giant moth with glowing wings ... and just out of reach. If their suits held, they could make it to the edge of the hole. Then what? The spines kept the ship from getting closer than a hundred meters. An able-bodied (and crazy) human might try to grab a spine and crawl down it. But Skroderiders had their own brand of insanity: Just as the light -- the reflected light -- became too much to bear ... the torch winked out. The OOB fell through the hole. This didn't stop the Riders' advance. "Faster!" said Blueshell. And now she guessed what they planned. Quickly for such an awkward jumble of limbs and wheels,mbt ema black womens, they moved up to the edge of the darkened hole. Ravna felt the dirt giving way beneath her feet, and then they were falling. The Decks were hundreds -- in places, thousands -- of meters thick. They fell past them now, past dim eerie flickers of internal destruction. Then they were through, still falling. For a moment the feeling of wild panic was gone. After all this was simply free fall, a commonplace,复件 (38) air max2, and a damnsight more peaceful than the disintegrating Docks. Now it was easy to hold onto the Riders and Pham Nuwen,复件 (57) air max2, and even their commensal atmosphere seemed a little thicker than before. There was something to be said for hard vacuum and free fall. Except for an occasional rogue agrav, everything was coming down at the same acceleration, ruins peacefully settling. And four or five minutes from now they would hit Groundside's atmosphere, still falling almost straight downwards.... Entry velocity only three or four kilometers per second. Would they burn up? Maybe. Flashes pricked bright above the cloud-decks. The junk around them was mostly dark, just shadows against the sky show above. But the wreckage directly below was large and regular ... the OOB, bow on! The ship was falling with them. Every few seconds a trim jet fired, a faint reddish glow. The ship was closing with them. If it had a nose hatch, they would land right on it. Its docking lights flicked on, bright upon them. Ten meters separation. Five. There was a hatch, and open! She could see a very ordinary airlock within.... Whatever hit them was big. Ravna saw a vague expanse of plastic rising over her shoulder. The rogue was slowly turning, and it scarcely brushed them -- but that was enough. Pham Nuwen was jarred from her grasp. His body was lost in shadow, then suddenly bright lit as the ship's spotlight tracked after him. Simultaneously the air gusted out of Ravna's lungs. They were down to three pocket pressure fields now, failing fields; it was not enough. Ravna could feel consciousness slipping away, her vision tunneling. So close. The Riders unlatched from each other. She grabbed at the skrode hulls and they drifted, strung out, over the ship's lock. Blueshell's skrode jerked against her as the he made fast to the hatch. The jolt twisted her around,复件 (46) air max1, whipping Greenstalk upwards. Things were getting dreamy now. Where was panic when you needed it? Hold tight, hold tight, hold tight, sang the little voice, all that was left of consciousness. Bump, jerk. The Riders pushed and pulled at her.
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