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Old 08-18-2011, 03:41 PM   #2
General of the Army
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 301
wi4bt7eh9gg is on a distinguished road

one night in the rain when the road you have traveled some distance in front of a sudden did not rain, then you may speed up your speed, that there is no rain in front of, the road should be dry, this is not good judgments. Because the front just under the surface water will stop the rain, if you accelerate at this time, coupled with poor night vision, tend to make large areas of ground water splashed on your windshield, it will be very dangerous Therefore, driving rain, we must control the speed.
Second, in your line of sight to the obstacle completely blocked, such as next to the parked car, there are obstacles blocking the intersection, and so, we must first slow down, do not have luck, even if it is green but also to prevent cars cross the street.

Third, the road suddenly roll out a ball, then ran out whether there should be no slow down in advance, the driver should have ability to judge in advance, to determine ahead of time may have run out of kids get the ball.

four in front of a moving motorcycle, motorcycle people, left a bit to make the left turn signal as the play's action, but the left turn signal does not light, this time to turn signal to determine the potential failure, the motorcycle may be left, this time to slow down, can not overtake. Poor awareness of traffic now too many people, some people do not even hit the turn signal, do not see no car directly behind the steering, so we really want in the car when the concentrate, to judge in advance.

five, when you high-speed (eg, 90-100 km) of the state in non-high-speed driving on open road, the front is very far away, you find an adult side of the road holding a child, when you should also slow down, do not think the road spacious, led by an adult, a child ran across the road will not be such a thing has happened around the people, because the driver did not slow down the fast moving to the position of the two, the child suddenly break free adult's hand, ran across the road directly caused the tragedy.

six bikes on the road we often see, is to focus on prevention, because the human resources to travel by bike is, if the power is not enough, a bike will swing around, even with the car carrying the man down. There are bike without a variety of lighting devices, braking effect is not good, with a certain speed bicycle, bike often makes it difficult to judge the true dynamics. For example, we mix of people and vehicles in the city, the narrow road driving a truck, right in front of the students found a bicycle, a student is preparing to get behind the bike, when our van has been a time when the bike half of the body, Students riding the bike back, this time from the right side of the mirror to see a bike trucks constantly swinging, we have to make the action is to immediately hit the brakes to prevent the increase of the weight of the bike due to lack of motivation , backward position of the rear truck.

seven, as far as the premise of safety, avoiding obstacles on the road, experienced drivers can judge from far away the obstacle height and length, and then decide whether to take over from the car in the middle or bypass obstructions. In a reminder that the road on wood type, try to keep the tire pressure to do such a thing, because the wood type often with nails, and if a high-speed car down to the nails would puncture the tires of vehicles and personnel dangerous.

eight, when you are less spacious and non-high-speed car-road, path, lined with trees Yi Keke neat, sunny, a very good line of sight road, then you might speed up the speed, the sound volume up more, his eyes staring at the only road in front of the line. This is the driver most likely to let down our guard when, as a careful driver, to develop good habits, be able to do at any time, Big World, ears, and always observing car side mirrors to see back without overtaking. View all villages there are no cars out crossing, do not stay in front of the line of sight straight road , as the radar to scan all of you as observed position. Sound volume should be moderate, with particular attention to listen to the sounds of cars, such as the sound of the engine, tires sound.

nine, country road driving, with particular attention to two kinds of animals, that is, dogs and cattle. Dogs and cattle are not very good at lay-by, if a dog crossing the road, under the premise of safety try to avoid, if not avoid them, the first principle is the guarantor and the safety car, not the direction in order to avoid a dog Cookin causing personal injury. If found in relatively narrow road in front of a cow grazing on the roadside, no matter the cow had not moved , they have to slow down, because the cattle in the country often tied to the side of the road, but pulled the rope through the cattle across the road grazing, if not slow down, if cattle move around, rope cattle will cross in front of your car.

ten, where a number of alerts and advice to enhance and modify the driver of the car headlights friends, in particular, added a dazzling blue lights, do not think you put your lights to enhance the evening watching more clear further benefit, in fact, is very dangerous! Because your headlights too strong, according to you feel giddy with each other, especially when overtaking more difficult to determine the exact dynamics of your car, resulting in unnecessary accidents. So, to everyone's safety, it is best not to strengthen and modified without permission headlights!

XI, courteous first three virtues of the Chinese people, we drive it should be, I often encounter in the crowded city, in front of the car's driver talking on the phone while driving, the speed slowly but occupied the middle of driving, followed by a long queue row. There is now a truck driver can simply say they are \ how to play whistle signal lights, trucks are not to the life and death, slowly yo just go their own. I remember a traffic rule is like this: \ At this point I developed a good habit of avoidance, for example, I found the back of a car overtaking the signal sent, I will avoid vehicle deceleration Right, so to shorten the overtaking distance, so that the Quartet (ready to overtake the car, being overtaken, across the car, across the overtaking car) are safe, it is obvious truth, that is then sent overtaking vehicle signal face, and to prove that the speed after the car faster than you, such as ultra-luxury express bus your car, speed fast, and Great car, you would not have occupied channel and its rivalry it??

second, traveling on the highway, super-finished cars back to the main road as far as possible, do not have to go in the overtaking lane, because my friend has been taking place a rear-end ultra-lane accident. If you always take the passing lanes, and you too lazy to play ultra-lights and the use of lights, honk and stick to make the overtaking maneuver, the first car did not pay attention to see if the rear of the car, but the change lane, you will be likely to cause rear-end collision. So, on the highway (including non-Express) every super car, which hit the turn signal will hit the lights and honk and stick needs to be used with, each action done a good job as much as possible, so as to allow the former After the car or other vehicle drivers easy to judge the dynamics of your car.

XIII, in rain and fog, please be sure to remember to open your car's fog lights, front fog lamps and lighting, the light emitted by the lamp is not the same, fog lights and fog in the rain further illuminate the more eye-catching, but I find that when it rains, a lot of drivers do not open or small fog lights, so that is very safe. Because when it rains, the car will be full of the side mirror of water, it is difficult to see the back of the case, if you do not open lights, when overtaking, the driver can not see you before the car overtaking a vehicle in front suddenly but Road accidents will be a.

fourth, near the use of lights and distant lights do not regulate the use of many drivers, the way the city lights, open nearly bright enough light, the glare of distant lights still open road. Overtaking on the highway the car will not bother to play near lights, opposite the driver's misjudgment increase.

fifth, loading and unloading of goods to be balanced, and some drivers in the emptied half of the cargo after the cargo has not re-balanced to continue driving, because the car's center of the heart and change, often resulting in vehicle rollover accident. Rollover is a lot of reasons can cause: the reasonable brakes, slippery road surface level, tilt angle and direction of the road, judging speed, steering wheel rotation rate and so on.

sixteen, reasonable use of the brakes, no ABS anti-lock braking system configuration of the car, if the foot brake not brake in time, according to the speed of the \ refuses to move, slightly lift some of the second brake again (as was the braking distance) to avoid locking the wheels to increase the braking effect.

seventh and accurately determine the dynamics of pedestrians is very important, it is the accumulation of experience to rely on increased ability to judge. For example, a pedestrian walked the road, he reached the middle of the road or the expiration of the boundary line to see when driving your car over, when the pedestrian suddenly go back to the back or the probability is very low, mostly Stop before the line or speed according to your choice to run or walk the road (non -normal people: God, nature is unclear, crazy, insane, and beggars excluded), so we should take this time slow down the car from the \ avoidance method; if pedestrians walking to the middle line or not yet attempted to cross the road , we should take slow, the car from the \ This particular point is this happens: When the pedestrians crossing the road when the car came to see you, no matter in what position, if the pedestrian hesitant, while stopped for a while want to continue to cross the road, which We must pay special attention to the time! Because we can not determine the specific dynamics of pedestrians, only to stabilize the direction of the reduced speed until the safe yield to the pedestrians. There is also a pedestrian to note the following: the elderly, children, people crossing the road a cell phone, rain umbrella and raincoat people, laughing people, and so slapstick.

eighth, clearing tail lights, check the lighting equipment. Safe driving of vehicles on the road, lighting equipment, constitute only one small part, but can not be ignored, clear and accurate signal to all drivers and pedestrians is a judge of the condition, and now the drivers tend to ignore this point, turn tail lights do not go bad dirty hell, causing a rear-end accident, a traffic police department in a manner realized the importance of lighting equipment, set up a \ Wipe the dirt on the taillights, taillight is urging drivers fault repaired as soon as possible after the road, I wish the traffic police all over the can so enthusiastic ah!

nineteenth, uphill case load vehicle should pay attention to issues, such as Christians in a very narrow but the ascent, met a fully loaded weight of the tractor is climbing, this time, you can not be too close, and to maintain a distance from the failure of other reasons to prevent occurrence of tractors sliding backwards downhill, or dumping the goods fall.

twenty, super car to pay special attention to the following: tractors, agricultural vehicles, motor tricycle, as above, when several vehicles in the traffic noise is relatively large, after the driver is not easy to hear the sound of car horns issued Therefore, when overtaking, more horns to increase the passing distance.

the twenty-first, the cold weather, the people's actions will slow, slow, in particular, a motorcycle officer, and stiff due to cold hands and feet, so when we pay attention while driving to avoid ahead of time, keeping their distance.

XXII focus on \ car, the same token,air force one 25th, from the B → A, C → D, D → C, than the \ Note slow down in advance, be careful to see both sides of the car had come to such junctions.

xxiii, emphasis appears to prevent the junction of the container in front of cars, longer car body for such a long vehicle, once the U-turn or crossing the road, it will occupy about three-lane width, as a iron wall cross in front of you, if you speed too fast, you will not be able to bypass such a car, and only slow down in advance to avoid accidents.

round, opened from front to back several vehicles: passenger bus, buses, taxis, passenger tricycle, passenger motorcycles, these vehicles because of competition for tourists or discharging passengers, anxious to fight direction, stop, if followed must be ready to brake, to prevent rear-end collision.

XXV, note down the vehicle high-speed intersection, because the driver is still in a high-speed state. I have met several high-speed car flying down the disease junction cross the road, if you do not brake in time to almost hit a dangerous situation. Therefore, we either before or after a high-speed intersection down from the highway, should remind themselves control the speed .

XXVI, passing across the force, we give way to the side of the road while emergency, try to beat the right-turn lights to warn vehicles behind, followed by a tight grip to prevent too late to avoid each other while the car accident.

xxvii, bend to overtake, whether the road is marked with the dotted line to allow overtaking,air force ones, no overtaking in the single and double solid line, try not to blindly overtake, especially in single and double solid line, decided on does not allow overtaking. If you have to overtake in the corners, it is a safe overtaking skills: in overtaking before, from the corners (Half the diameter of the directions) observing whether the distance to the speed of vehicles or to vehicles, to determine whether to overtake, but the bending Road blocked at the line of sight obstructions, and I still do not recommend blindly overtake the.

xxviii, appears on the roadside in front of obstacles, when people or vehicles to prevent obstructions to avoid sudden lane change, driving your car into the driveway, this situation can only respond in advance to determine to avoid the accident.

twenty-nine, the seat belt that would have been a much talked about, but think of a car accident many years ago after a cousin, I decided to remind friends to drive. My cousin was sitting on the back of a car seat, but also wear seat belts, car collision even after the whole person from the pop-up rear windshield to a few meters away, his head hit the ground was seriously injured, but fortunately the rescue in a timely manner it saved their lives. If you did not wear seat belts, the consequences would be disastrous. Because too many drivers are tied seat belts uncomfortable or troublesome are reluctant to wear seat belts, if you read the car crash test drivers will know the car after the collision at a certain speed and extent of the damage the car's occupants horrors. So, I very much hope that we consciously to wear seat belts or safety of it.

thirty, with emphasis to remind friends drink and drive, do not drink alcohol before driving, I sometimes hear some people drink more wine more stable driving spirit, it is an illusion This is only the narcotic effect of alcohol on the brain. Many accidents occurred in one or two seconds, even tenths of seconds, if the drunk driving, the reaction rate will drop, this reaction is not easy drunk people feel to get.

xxxi, marriage is a happy thing, for the scene look good, will inevitably have to get a few cars to look lively. Here I would like to remind the Zhuhun best to use the front car relatively flat and not too much of the floral leaves to dress, this can not affect the driver's attention. When several of a vehicle, be sure to turn the safety warning lights (double flash), so you can clear that moving the team to give way to pedestrians and vehicles.

thirty, when found in dump truck loaded with gravel, and will overtake both vehicles, the distance should increase to prevent falling debris hit on the road the car stop on the bounce windshield.

xxxiii, prevent the car carrying longer objects. Such as a tractor loaded with bamboo or steel, if the latter did not put up warning objects in the night even more dangerous. Have occurred in such a motorcycle rear -end car people, the people make the bamboo through the body, hung bloody, tractors Zoulehenyuan before people discovered the horrors. And we must pay attention to the car and wagging tail phenomenon, encountered such car, pay attention to the turn after U- turn when the car extended the range of objects and wagging tail. Here to remind drivers of driving such a vehicle, whether it is day and night, be sure to hang above the warning objects in the extended material, preferably reflective signs.

xxxiv, the car is a rectangular, playing in the forward steering and reversing direction, front and rear will have two opposite direction, particularly reversing very difficult for many newcomers. For example, to reverse the rear right, rear right, while behind the movement, the front will swing to the left, if relatively small in the space between two cars reversing out of the direction of the premature beat, it will scrape to the front side car. Therefore, we must be while driving and former consultant , the visual accuracy in order to fully understand the body's length, width and direction of motion.

xxxv high speed when the vehicle entered the state, try not to open the windows, because windows will produce changes in air pressure after the vehicle, the driver's eardrum will be feeling squeezed, and the noise is relatively large, This will increase driver fatigue and distraction. If the body assembly line design flaws can lead to a serious car personnel eardrum rupture.

XXXVI, driving in the rain, if you pass through deep water wheel, the braking effect is reduced, especially in the drum brake device of the car, also lead to the direction of deviation, this time to step a few brake plate, testing the brakes results.

xxxvii, in non-highway, the middle separation zone, and there are a number of lane intersection,cheap nike air force, especially with the relatively high road with flowers as isolated as possible driving the car in the middle lane, do not close lane with a piece of isolation. Because once people cross the intersection when crossing the road in the middle lane so the car can choose to avoid the two directions, line of sight is relatively wide, you can see both sides of the situation . And near the buffer zone to which the lane will be blocked due to line of sight, space is limited and easily avoid accidents.

xxxviii changes in tire pressure felt by hand techniques: When you drive the process of moving in a straight line, hands balance Qingwo steering wheel, if the car's tire pressure imbalances or tie to the leak when the nail slowly, steering wheel and the body will turn to one direction, will continue to produce hand-corrected the situation, and you should stop down and check the tire is normal, early prevention of sudden tire blowout. Of course, the road is not flat, wind effects, mechanical failures and other reasons also make the direction of deviation. In short, the driving time to carefully and understand and feel the vehicle's dynamics, in order to gradually improve the driving skills.

thirty-ninth, driving at night a small rear-end collision prevention techniques: such as high speed road, driving a red taillights were found in front of light, it means that the vehicle in front slower speed than your car. A red tail lights as long as, it is necessary to prepare well in advance overtaking moves, watch what side of the mirror and side mirror to judge the latter case. If you do not watch the latter case, early and often occur before the car behind you to overtake, when ready, just behind the cars while overtaking, changing lanes can not be the case, you only hit the brakes slow down, if you do not brake too fast housing, a rear-end accident occurs.

forty,nike air force one, with the lights as the driver default prompted the exchange of language. Often encountered on the road when overtaking shot across the light, a lot of people do not know what that means, do not know how to respond, I simply say here about the meaning of inside. For example, when you are overtaking, opposite the car could determine the course of your dangerous overtaking, when you can play a few flash (operating: General is to turn the handle lights up Stubbs after the release, that is a flash light), told across the vehicle to yield that, if played across the cars flashing lights, it means that the driver has seen you in passing, and in permitting will avoid you. If the car did not react the opposite, you can not judge each other's specific dynamics, when overtaking will be hesitant and prone to accidents! If it is under the continuous play more flash, that means the speed faster or will be dangerous, the request means the emergency avoidance. Here, I have friends who want to drive to the default of such security communication language, clear tips, be courteous to each other so that we can all drive safely.

XLI, open the car door after stopping to watch the side mirrors and the side mirror to develop the habit, we must first see whether the people or vehicles near the back and then open the door, avoid driving or behind the door vehicles hitting to. Forty

with us to drive the car, when we prepare over the car, after intersection, the car suddenly hit the brakes, but no obstacles in front of and exceptions, in which case, we have to follow the brakes, do not overtake, because most likely the same people or vehicles in the intersection before the car reaches the first to cross over the road, and our line of sight happens to be driving the car to block the same, and if it continues to overtake then to just clashed! Please carefully this a try.

xliii, develop the habit of reflexively hit the brakes. Such as car brake lights in front of a light, then release the throttle to move the right foot brake plate brakes, good habits that can reduce braking distances in emergency situations, to improve their speed of response.

xliv, driving in the rain, try to avoid the water side of the road, the tire when the car side of the passing water in a certain speed, because the resistance of reasons, will lead to the steering wheel to one of fierce fighting direction, and if so will result in faster roll-over, so the driving rain, the hand holding the steering wheel to balance, and grip a little more than usual, especially the water passing through a road, be sure to force grip the steering wheel, Avoid the direction of deviation.

forty-five, note the following sections: in the sight to the car uphill, are generally marked by single and double solid line is prohibited to overtake, if you think this road no one will overtake the opposite, and near the middle dividing line, then you are very dangerous! This section is best to step aside encountered some traffic, and now the drivers not everyone comply with traffic regulations. I have met several times since moving to the top of the hill, suddenly face the risk of passing there through force, so here I am writing to let everyone experience should be careful to prevent a similar occurrence of this kind of thing, also warned drivers in the sight of opposite to vehicles, and non-overtaking sections do not blindly overtake.

xlvi, safety tips turn: \ line from the middle of the road, turn to overcome the inertia of the car, but also to remind drivers to slow down, of course, is to rely on driver friends were able to follow this method of operation, to be able to control and safer cars.
selected vehicles must see, do not give profiteers Mongolia. can forget the election vehicle must see, do not give profiteers Mongolia. The first step: to look at cars chassis and battery you said, so what's good-looking car? Wrong , the new car is also leaking! Body did not get on the ground to see underground oil point, the chassis has not oil. Car battery can see more of nothing, just look at whether the connector is green corrosion and a small window on the line. Note that the battery connector is usually loose, and drove away the former must JS tightened. Step two: Pull out the oil-foot to see the oil color was also said that not all 0 km it? Of course, the \ But dealers bad yet, and some cars run a lot of miles, but the odometer does not take, or more than ten kilometers, posing stunned 0 km! When looking after three minutes to turn off the car, pull out the oil dipstick with a paper towel wipe out black oil. JS has also now know that, so yesterday, even asked to inspect, the dealer even highlighted the intention of immediately, people have been prepared to see a pebble. Third step: I usually listen to the sound engine developed a habit of driving, what cars are as long as it opens the first to open the front cover, top with a screwdriver on the engine side, the other side of the top of the ear to listen to the sound, be it the accumulation of experience. The hand-pick the car a big help, almost half of the cars out to the remaining two. (Do not laugh! Pick the car or something so fine you better be careful, you are the more serious the more dealers you can not slack!) To elaborate on here, so you can hear the sound of the engine if the internal noise, such as the sound of the rings, Knocking sound, valve beeps and so on. There is only one good engine 'grunt grunt' sound, no other noise. However, this method usually depends on the conscious conduct of accumulated experience, a few words he could not, in short, is good to listen to more cars. Wordy sentence: someone can help,air force 1, should he step on the gas-liter engine speed you hear the sound. And then to block what he rags to block the exhaust port, if the engine sound was changed a few seconds to sink and turn off the engine is a good car! Otherwise, where is the leak . (I had to block their own, the dealers do not look! Hehe.) Step Four: Start the engine speed at cold start when the note changes in the table under normal circumstances pointer pointer should turn around to hit 1600, then the normal smooth slipped to 800 rpm (winter north down to the outdoor inspection is about 1200 rpm to start the hot car after a few minutes getting back to 800 rpm). And observe a variety of instrumentation and alarm device is working properly, when the water temperature and oil pressure is normal, the sound of the engine to pass inspection and reflect, first of all to listen to the voice of idle should be smooth and continuous and should not be a metal percussion sound and other abnormal sound. Observe the smoke off the exhaust pipe is normal, put his hand to feel the exhaust vent is a continuous, normal should make a little wet but not organic palm oil odor, and then listen to the engine sound is slow refueling and continuous No abnormal sound, and finally listen to the voice of hard acceleration and engine throttle reflect on the accuracy and rapid, but also pay attention to slow and fast oil revenues when oil revenues reflect the engine is clean and, if delayed, or high-speed whistle, there should be problems. Lost throttle (accelerator pedal relaxation) idle is stable. Resting place, whether the engine speed to 3500 rpm have different roar. Step Five: Check the connection work depends on the situation of each thread, is there shaking, etc., that you will own view, not much to say. Step Six: see the whole car look. Some would say that you only see the appearance at this time ah? Of course, this is not the pick used car, look if there are scratches, this car does not stop there for you pick, the dealer will deal with early in the morning, I want you to see the appearance of a door gap is not equal. In addition, we must pay attention when watching the appearance of the glass is not the first wife, glass scraps marked, so your results carefully selected cars have had the car accident (this is not never happened.) Add that I think the dealer a small scratch can handle basically perfect, not very careful observation can not tell, but an accident such as the injured tire, as long as the dealers do not change to impossible to repair, so I will focus on the place In the tire, and sure enough, the dealer strongly recommended to me in the hall of the right front tire of a car the size of a peanut break, the car will not be considered immediately, it is estimated the car's tires have been replaced today. Step Seven: Check the cockpit into the cockpit at this time is your time, dealers say, one can not wait to see into the cockpit to pick up the car to know that a novice! Fear that a long time around the machine does not turn into the cockpit. There is also nothing to say, against the manual inspection of various buttons, switches are all valid . Lighting, sound, air conditioning, seats, seat belts, electric windows and so on adjustment, to take the trouble of a first test. Do not listen to dealers, they always tell you \ attention will scratch the paint off the panel, I picked the second car right in front of the panel have a scratch, because at that time the car only two options, so I had to choose for a panel. Step eight: Check the clutch and brake like to stress that the selection of clutch and brake, as many dealers are not allowed to test, is almost impossible to pick only the seat of your pants: 1, cold car: all files linked to slam the clutch bit, be sure to request the files are very smooth. 2,nike air force, the cold car: step on the clutch hanging files, and then released the clutch and asked to pick file. Some stalls loose clutch pick was hard, which is between the cars and trucks to be compared. 3, hot car (many dealers do not allow car engines to pick hot car linked file, no matter, really insist!) Repeat the procedure 1. 4, hot car is not hanging files, hard on the brakes, be sure to tread carefully down the brake pedal feel the depth of change! Required times and the same depth, but do not touch the bottom, or is to be adjusted. Step Nine: gearbox and transmission must be running the recommended road test, especially in the 2,500-3,000 rpm stall speed into files should be very easy and
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