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Old 08-15-2011, 02:32 PM   #2
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74417 2010 年 12 月 12 日 16:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Living

oily hair scalp and facial skin care are closely linked. oily skin, usually the scalp is relatively strong oil gland secretion, secretion of grease and fatty substances, and quickly to every bit of hair around the roots. so oily hair. even if just washed hair long. or will soon become the first is oily. Some people face a long time in the adolescent acne, the hair is very greasy. This is because of their excessive sebum secretion; but older, the endocrine glands has changed,pandora bracelets sale, the situation would have changed, but this is not absolute, so maybe you will always have oily skin and hair. a lot has oily hair, who are more finely hair. If the head is oily hair appears to be lifeless and lack of flexibility, not pretty. experts believe that people with oily hair is best to eat less fatty foods, eat as much as possible some fruit and vegetables, and drink more water than the average person, like will help reduce sebaceous gland secretion. In addition, daily shampoo is a must, even in the summer when the weather was very hot and humid or windy days, you can wash every day Huan first two, but be sure to use a very mild shampoo; conditioner, the best performance by a contraction. help to shrink pores and reduce sebum secretion of the scalp, for example, you can personally get a pot of warm water with vinegar dilution, and then use it to rinse your hair, this can reduce the fat and make hair more shiny; if the market has made use of conditioner, then bear in mind that it should be applied to the hair, should not be applied to the scalp on. hair oil from the sebaceous glands due to allergies to certain hormones. Nothing can change that. but with the appropriate hair cosmetics and correct for the first method can be controlled. Method 1: wash your hair every day, but the wash method to correct soft shampoo your hair every day can prevent the scalp hair to make hair oil gets on your tresses. The correct approach is to use shampoo for normal hair, this shampoo contains a washing active substances. gentle nature of this substance, use every day will not damage the hair and scalp oils that make them worse since. shampoo for oily hair contains more. has cleaning effect of detergent active material. This shampoo has been played only in the oil and hair tresses before they can use. Method 2: to gradually relax the scalp, scalp oil from the sebaceous glands are mostly due to the hormone testosterone wind congenital allergy, inappropriate absorption of overheating shampoo shampoo. gentle agent can play a very good . This kind of allergy in adolescence was most strongly, it would be weakened with age. cosmetics, which in principle have any effect. but we can stop the sebaceous glands are no longer subject to other stimuli, such as excessive brush Li, comb or hair dryer to heat the role of moderate dose 10 minutes before the shampoo wash away after use, this gentle stability and the role of agent on the scalp and prevent dandruff formation. life with a refreshing tonic effect (Viial A Tonic) of the head to gently massage the scalp of oil is also the role of relaxation and stability. This tonic can be applied to the head before the haircut. Method 3: to make the hair dry in the air is the best cut already intact after pruning, no hair, no need to give head. to do so, first, to save time, 2 is to protect the scalp and hair tips. If the drying time in the air too long, can be used diffusion hair dryer dryer. Roudong this time to bow hair root with your fingers. This can make the hair more loose lotus. Method 4: use the shampoo in the hair along the hair of people who have oily, shampoo is a good root solution. For the in direct spray nozzle (also dry with a) the hair root. to shampoo to take a bubble, and then flush. flowing from the hair root hair shampoo is enough for a little hair on the continued waves also washed .7 How quickly can the oil from the hair to save time and eliminate worry, especially when the hair is trimmed to make hair dry and forming in the air. blotter can play a positive role, but also from the oil by chemical methods to improve hair. Method 5: To maintain the distance between the hair between the root of all stop close to the scalp hair is good hair design. This includes a slight bulge to the hair root, or liquid spray mist shape. want to root hair blowing straight up , must pay attention not blowing air blower on the scalp, which is not blown on the sebaceous glands. Recommendation: pre-coated with fluffy foam enhancer. nothing after washing the face painted, 15 minutes after the tense feeling that there is no face 1 hour paper can breathe with the oil surface of oil, which is typical of oily skin. Tuozhuang easily after the powder, the pores clear and easy to the acne blackheads, of course, an oily skin. more oil dry and peeling The oily skin oil secretion particularly strong, the skin is rough, easy Health acne and acne. into the winter, low temperatures and low humidity, but will make oil production back to normal, but the oil and more does not mean water enough,pandora necklaces, because the sebum and water imbalance, Even though winter still shine skin, there may be peeling. oily skin most hated people on the oil,pandora sale, then use the power of a strong summer when all kinds of skin care products to deal with oil production. but into the fall and winter, you The oil control strategies may have to slightly modify the strategy! Strategy 1: give up the basic multi-foam cleanser, facial cleanser for use against grease, oily skin tend to love the summer with a clean face of highly Soap or Ximian Gao decontamination. But in fact too strong foam cleaning surface liquid will take away the face of the water and sebum, so the best selection of free foam, with the more gentle face cleanser. the best water temperature around 20 ℃, hot water will lead to the loss of sebum, too cold and not clean. Strategy 2: Hydrating Toner contraction of water instead of alcoholic ingredients can control the contraction of water is undoubtedly oil secretion and shrinkage of pores, but in winter may make the skin more dry. If the oil secretion of normal, you can feel the crisp skin with a cool water or distilled water instead of frozen also. Strategy 3: Summer Night Cream with the summer when the winter skin care products may not be used to throw away all really need to, for example, used the summer night cream moisturizing cream is usually better than at this time would Cream can be converted to winter use! Strategy 4: supplementary skin moisture, not oil quality cream a lot of people who think that oily skin does not need moisture, but in fact, if you do not coated with a protective face film, the pores of the skin more stained thick dust, but also that the winter easy to dry skin, so oily skin should choose a water emulsion or a jelly-like body lotion, only add enough water,pandora beads, Cream of quality skin care products and more oil, if the face painting, I felt continue to use. Strategy 5: Deep Cleansing Mask Mask and water alternating with deep cleansing mask, such as Shredded style or mineral mud mask, there is the role of decontamination and oil control, but in winter not only controls the oil, so it is best separated days deposited a mask to add moisture deposited pure water. In fact, there are self-cleansing mask and moisturizing effect, here we introduce a self-made oatmeal mask to you: Ingredients: Oatmeal 1 / 2 bowl, protein A, 1 tablespoon lemon juice,pandora charms, apple 1 / 2 (crushed) Method: Place all ingredients mixed into a smooth paste, then apply to the face for about 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. exfoliating effect of protein itself, lemon whitening, and cereal provides moisture, multiple effects of the mask is absolutely! Strategy 6: essential oil out tissues and moisturizing lotion to go out with absorbing tissues summer is the daily routine for oily skin, but must also take into winter lotion contains moisturizing ingredients to take to the streets, every oil must remember sucking add water! Strategy 7: Select the quality of the course to the summer sun sunscreen solution, the winter too! But oily skin should use strong water quality, less oily sunscreen solution. In sunscreen solution, the best light by absorbing tissues and India face to reduce the oil texture. Oily skin care evasive 1. Do not use oil used in massage quality massage cream massage the face, oily skin will increase the burden, it is best to avoid massage. 2. cleansing time and cleaning time should be long and detailed, the process of cleansing oily skin is 10 important to be careless, to be in the face The position of circular motion cleaning 10, the cleaning part of the important focus on the T-areas such as large pores. oily skin care is the key to keeping the skin clean. So, oily skin, wash your face at least 2 times a day. Meanwhile, the need to use soap or cleanser to thoroughly clean the oil. face, you can take to make the convergence of water, to curb oil production as much as possible without oily cosmetics. night after cleansing, massage can also be appropriate to improve the skin blood circulation, adjust the skin's physiological functions. smoked once a week to do face massage, inverted membrane to achieve the steep end of the purpose of cleansing the skin pores. Here are a few tips for oily skin: props: lavender or bergamot essential oil oil stainless steel wash basin in front of a large towel, the use of volatile oils from water evaporation to promote smooth pores, the pores of the oil easier to resolve them; essential oils enter the body by breathing membership, especially in terms of a cold or respiratory disease, have a very good effect. to use: 1. the hot water into the basin, and then drops 3-5 drops of essential oil 2. will face close to about 30 cm above the basin, and a large towel covering the head, surrounded by the steam in the towel, then do take a deep breath and close your eyes, fragrance and essential oils to prevent water vapor irritates the eyes. 3. Finally, wash your face with cold water, there is convergence of the effectiveness of the pores. oily skin Toner: Lavender can be balanced oil, anti-inflammatory effect, eucalyptus to improve blocking skin, concentration, increase vitality, and a cool head role. Materials: Deep Sea Mineral Water 100ml 6 drops of lavender essential oil (or orange blossom essential oil 7 drops) yuga 4 drops of essential oil profits (or 3 drops of peppermint essential oil) Method: deep-sea mineral water into a clean bottle, add these two kinds of oil, cover with lid, then shake up and down. to use: Clean the skin (or deposited mask), will face water, wipe dry, then shake all the water make-up, even to the cotton, then pat the face skin, skin toner can be completely absorbed. If you use cleanser did not inhibit the secretion of oil composition, to add in the Face or eucalyptus essential oils of lavender essential oil 1 drop, using a circular way to do deep cleansing facial, can balance the oil secretion effect. facial infection,pandora bracelets uk, acne, etc. disorders, should be treated early to avoid exacerbations, damage increase, the more scars and pigmentation after. not the best skin care products put to sleep, to keep skin smooth the normal excretion. diet should pay attention to Eat fat, high carbohydrate food, avoid drinking alcohol and spicy food too, should eat more fruits and vegetables, maintaining smooth stool, to improve oily skin roughness.
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