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67470 2010 年 12 月 05 日 19:21 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
How to face the tough competitive situation and the increasingly complex competitive environment, changes in long-liquor sales model, Dongguan, and always maintain offensive momentum, with the shortest possible time and the most convenient way to achieve overall growth in revenue, will become the most important task of marketing. Jiang Jie Jiang is with the end of the total disk drive model proposed to establish the concept of dual-terminal mode (that is, the promotion end-use products and create brand value; sale terminals used to achieve sales performance). Dongguan is specially formulated for the situation and staff training programs are as follows,
Sales Project Manager
one, duty
1: sub-varieties of sub-grade sub-region formed distributor team Ju Road;
2: super famous restaurant row of large development and maintenance;
3: formation of personnel consultants (government agencies and institutions / RESTAURANT owner of the factory manager business)
4: Dynamic sales policy formulation, implementation, supervision, inspection;
5: township business sales personnel recruitment, assessment, training, management;
6: sales marketing planning;
7: Customers;
8: review the implementation of the search advertising investment to maintain.
Second, work
compliance with working hours (9:00 am - no earlier than 18:00),
implementation of assessment reporting system (point information will be reported as early as reflected),
6 1
strict policy: a towel, a notebook a business card holder a community-foot-1 pen 1 sets of data;
the original dealer network for effective integration, the first assistant to help dealers sell the original, first hand, find out the market bottom line. Lay the foundation for further marketing efforts. Listing of new products to the market can advance the following steps.
1, establish the main market, the establishment of a viable target market, develop marketing plans. Project Manager directly to a commercial service, from a business on the business staff assessment, the regional market in sales to reputable hotels, supermarkets, non-staple food, the product of a comprehensive centralized shop city. Create a model market, and strive to reach the market more than 80% distribution rate. After one month of the shop through the city, strengthen and screening clients to identify one or two customers, establish and improve the customer's file.
2, off the assembly line of a customer by the dealer management services to assist management, the implementation of one or two customer supply management system; on the first and second supply customer printed and issued card. Purpose is to master and control the flow of market goods, the effective control of the market to drop prices, FALSIFYING, the complete elimination of the appearance of ########.
3, for one, two distributors of the award the distinction between a reasonable policy to protect the dealer, to foster and support the two customers. Depending on the size of performance awards two customers.
4, the customer management approach to promotion. When the two meet or exceed customer performance of a dealer, the two customers can directly promoted to a dealer and enjoy the benefits change with it. Eventually create a strong and has ability to expand sales and secondary networks.
was popular with humility, gratitude may help, all successful sales are the power, never learn to leveraging.
success to find ways, losers find excuses,
Although we are nothing, but it will certainly nothing is there.
assistant director of sales promotion staff
Account Manager
one, duty
1: Dark promote training staff (owner, floor manager for mining, attendants, consumers);
2: implementation of the completion of the sale of assigned tasks;
3: branding (corporate culture wine culture clothing demeanor face attitude)
4: Communication of the implementation of dynamic marketing policy (with a touch a drink to take);
5: on the prize;
6: answer consumer difficult;
7: Customers;
8: Major events of the meet.
Second, the growth of the Declaration
A I respect myself, and greater respect for others.
B I am even more attention to their clothing and appearance.
C I do things beginnings and ends.
D I do not spread rumors, who said bad things behind and to slander others.
E I control his temper, always laugh.
F I do not hate, love instead of hatred will be, at least some understanding.
G I accept all the extra courses to make up for my lack of education.
H I have a firm goal, and the confidence to achieve these goals and plans.
I my opinion, are entitled to their own best things in life.
J I will not hesitate, and the goal for myself to take immediate action.
Third, work
sales promotion is an aid to, any product sales are a process, shorten the sales cycle to win the natural development of the market sales is the ultimate goal. So liquor sales in Dongguan very competitive situation, how to become a good liquor to establish their own sales staff of professional authority in the River wine image?
attitude is everything, dedicated love industry, In fact, this also does not matter, he money you contribute, what makes sense. Moreover, if the boss does not make money, how can you stay in the good company it? Of course, some people think, not difficult to find a job now, do not stay here, makes his place. As day to day, so bully first, only to find work throughout the year. As: not working hard today, tomorrow, looking for work.
basic tenets
every promoter in the daily work, should always abide by the following criteria:
A second performance is the sales staff of life;
B sales target is a pointer;
C performance is to strive to, not a long wait;
D to develop new customers, performance can continue to grow;
E toughest customers believe is the best customer;
F Winners find ways, losers make excuses;
G pay a total return, No pain, no gains;
H have plans: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual plans;
I have reviewed: the outcome of a war to fight, the outcome of work to do;
First, establish confidence, firm belief
for a qualified promoters, the first wine of Shahe River wine has a deep understanding of products, a firm belief in victory, with the confidence to make money and learn ways to make money in the wine industry. They have to face their own good, feel engaged in a noble profession, not in the others before his own term civilization, their first collapsed, then the choice is not suitable for promotion this career. For marketing itself is a hard thing for even more hard liquor sales, but also in hard a lot of fun behind it, the key is they have to adjust yourself. Liquor market is very competitive, and means the same as each variable, but is the same as the form of promotions, promoters is to deal with the form of form, color of the guests will encounter a variety of troubles, perhaps you made a week of promotion Members did not sell a bottle of wine to be discouraged, do not have confidence on their own, then this period is that which you should adhere to the very time, you tend to back down, the result is that you lose in this industry.
learn ways:
listen - to listen to professionals to introduce the product knowledge;
see - personally observed products;
use - personal use of the product;
ask - to find the answer to the question;
experience - experience of the product carefully the advantages and disadvantages
say - and let others know they understand the two concepts
first to learn comparative law. Place in a comparison with the Society of the king his wine Shahe What is the proportion of consumption; or longer under the same conditions as that of others, we should be good to see where their strengths, weaknesses, where we should be good and avoid weaknesses, to find their own advantages. One marketing guru talked about: selling products that market themselves on their lack of confidence, what can be accomplished. What we lack than others, others to do to be able to us, and capable even better. As long as their hope and confidence, you can do good things, to able the results.
Second, do not have to worry about. Market, no mercy, no market is people-centered, and never realize that understanding a process, not to scare the temporary difficulties, as long as you did the real work, then we will see, your boss will understand you will for your consideration. Do not often thought to personal gains and losses, always worried about not finish the task, the former fear of the tiger scared the wolf, so the only worry you occupied for hours, I am afraid that time is really nothing.
sale of the business world regardless of size, are sold wisdom.
promoters to master product knowledge, customer psychology, marketing skills and knowledge, but more innovation, and innovation is the lifeblood of sales.
that dialectical understanding and dry:
say daring to do - basic conditions
able to say - the necessary conditions
can say skillfully - sufficient condition.
as long as brains, promoters certainly different.
stage are the same,pandora bracelets sale, but each person's performance is not the same.
Third, the decomposition
their goals. A month to learn the task decomposition, should be good to reduce their own psychological pressure, adjust their attitude, one month can be divided into four time periods, a time to do those things, their own psychological make it clear, good arrangements for their own work to do according to this method, you may receive unexpected results.
Second, be good at handling relationships
mainly in the following three aspects that we properly handle the relationship. Restaurant owner, floor manager, for mining, waiters, customers, handle three relationships are key to our success. Cooperation is based on a restaurant inside the first we are going to sell products, we see that this relationship is based on economic interests, there is no scale in the products sold before the foundation is relatively weak. To establish long-term stable development of relations, we must be serious in handling these relationships.
(a) to deal with bosses, floor managers, mining for relationships
promoters as a Resident, and always should be aware of the restaurant owner is the master of the restaurant, which is the key, promoters in the restaurant is a dual role, both as a restaurant waiter and a restaurant promoters, to understand their own identity, restaurants not only to his boss to let you do things you have to promote the wine company, Mu that you have to look everywhere, in the promotion of the gap in services for restaurants, Li, such as pouring, add tea, sending dishes, going to restaurants capacity as one of the attendants, and guests do not go to work or during the chat attendants, let the boss know you are doing things to help her, help her make money, or find any restaurant owner can give you a reason not to do so.
(b) the relationship between treatment and attendant
services is the main restaurant, and your help promote effective work, the power can not be ignored, and handle well the relationship is very important. Most promoters to deal with this relationship very well, could work more relaxed, and some promoters pay no attention to the handling of these relationships, and made very stiff, no one cares, the result can be imagined, did not help the Friends alone is equivalent to Ten days will have their own half defeated. You can give the restaurant the waiter some small gifts, you can also play around with her break to be with their constant exchange of ideas, to believe that people always have feelings. Your company will seriously consider the good advice. This deal is good or bad relationship a great impact on you, you deal with it means for a few days, it was in helping you complete the task, it is because you have a common collaboration behind the team.
(c) The handling and customer relationship
consumer is God, is a large group, from all sides, the different objects according to the consumer to take different approaches, can not be generalized, a good relationship with consumers is very important. Did not forget old friends and making new friends, had some guests there is no desire to drink, through your kind introduction, the fishes have to know the wine, resulting in the desire to drink, you have to grasp the right opportunity to succeed, do not against other people's products, always have to understand other people's products may not be able to fight to raise their own reputation.
Third, promoters should pay attention to the following five point problem
1. Products do not disclose the reserve price to the customer, do not turn off the restaurant selling liquor to the guests, not to quarrel with the guests.
2. Promoters clothing should be clean and tidy and make sure to keep a good attitude, do not be too preoccupied with.
3. Speech to be civilized, nice attitude, a smile, a good grasp of sense of proportion, do not drink easily with the guests.
4. To strictly observe the time, can not slack, they have to be good at discipline themselves, they will manage their.
5. Do not wish to give the guests or restaurant staff, once vowed to keep its promise, firmly on schedule to do so.
Fourth, a good promoter of the 12 small areas
how to work effectively in the restaurant, drive sales, a marketing scholar,cheap pandora bracelets, a successful promoter in addition to have the kind of quality, we must also grasp the following promotions in the 12 small areas:
1, and greet each guest should look nice, smiling, warm and generous.
2, introduce yourself, introduce products to be simple, clear language, full of confidence.
3, introduce products to be polite to the product on the customer's hand, appears sincere.
4, after closing, if not, that is responsive, fast action, get a bit more push.
5, during working hours even if no sales, but also have a normal, relaxed facial expression.
6, should learn how the wind blows, the appropriate focus to be good at to show their presence.
7, be natural, relaxed, lively and generous, will use clever language praise guests.
8, to avoid conflicts between peers within the restaurant, holding the mind to make friends with contacts.
9, from the age of professional clothing to determine the identity of customers on the status of temperament,pandora jewellery, with the fastest speed to understand customers, communicate with the guests.
10, continue to encourage their own good. I believe they are the best, time to pump myself up, and more assured of their own to inspire themselves.
11, to appear in the marketing-friendly site, good learn to cope with various situations, patience, confidence, mindful.
12, when an accident happens to be mobile and flexible, not to avoid panic impulse to make things harmful impact to a minimum.
five, the sale of farm products is an integral part of the atmosphere.
through product display, pop advertising, to create a store atmosphere and attract customers to buy. , Product display and store master the basics of vivid is a must. Sales of products on display is the last chance to bring one of the terminal, the survey showed that 87% of the customer's purchase decision depends on the goods in a conspicuous degree. Gold Standard:
a, display the best location (easy to see, easy to find, easy to get)
b, display the largest
c, displayed a high degree of height at eye level, between the chest and lower jaw between the
d, location and location display more
e, the full range, a sufficient number
f, category focus, to lead the joint purchase
g, placed in a fixed sequence, the visual impact to customers
h, product out the front outside, to deliver products and promotions
i, clean, intact
j, FIFO, to maintain product freshness
six, sales skills
(a) the creation of customer
create customer, in essence, is effectively inspire a new consumer demand, which will potential customers into real customers. First to create customer needs and interests of customers as the starting point, through the guide, inspire and stimulate the customer, so customers have a demand; created by meeting the needs of the customer to complete the process.
(b) of the sales process analysis
First, the promoters have the skills to identify customers. As the saying goes, Customers are generally divided into buy, buy, buy, Ferris three categories. At the same time as customers in age, ######, occupation, level and different aspects of purchasing power, it will constitute the different forms of purchase behavior, so it should be different according to the characteristics of the customer to take appropriate targeted reception method:
1, aged customer: the prominent men of a
2, middle-aged customer: the concentrated expression of a male
3, young consumers: the man to embody the
4, young customers: make
5, sick customers: without discrimination, in respect of the same time reflects a
6, strong purchasing power of customers: It should meet to show off the psychological, the reception to highlight a
7, impatient customers: pay attention to
8, fussy customer: To concentrated expression of
9, wordy Customer:
10, plural customers: should accurately determine the main buyers, who are the main influencers, pay attention to a
and customers have their own personality
, but in general there are several separate and different personality reception in different ways:
1, acute wind patterns: These customers are divided into: a no time; b temperament Jizao's, a large class of customers are shopping for the purpose has been decided, should check with the customer residence time and budget, the agile, quick-based; for the b class of customers is not good at doing stand, just to tie in a timely manner in order to speed first.
2, selective type: This is the need to spend a lot of time decided to purchase the customer should become aware of the reasons for their hesitation, they are not satisfied to eliminate factors one by one, do not press, as long as the pace with their very easy to win the goodwill of these customers, and become our customers.
3, self-centered: Most of these customers warm, lively, friendly neighbor, easy to drive emotions and communication, should concentrate on the benefits and outstanding quality, like old friends for recommendations as to enable them to trust and feel comfortable buying .
4, dependent: this type with the selective type similar to, but not fully convinced that the surface meaning of his words, as far as possible without a trace of probing their potential has not demonstrated the intent and preferences and hope to vote what they like. In emphasizing the advantages of products suited to their own, get them to understand in order to achieve sales.
5, Mixed: these customers are the above four types of mixed heavy and should be in the reception of resourceful, take the appropriate method.
, of course, the type described above is only a rough distinction between customers, and now, consumer buying behavior has tended to mature, personalized, diversified. Promoters should master these basic elements, while groping in the sales process, sum up experience, combined with their own reality, to create their own personal sales skills. Also need to understand that the promoters will have a direct impact on the emotional contact with his customers, requiring promoters in the work, we must abandon the for the customer service.
promoters and customer contacts from the beginning, communication to have a process to achieve the customer to buy:
A,pandora bracelets, attention, interest - places neatly, elegant style, promoters need to full of energy, natural standing upright, smiling, ready to greet customers.
B, to understand customer psychology - the initial promoters and customers should pay attention to seize the opportunity to say hello, this is difficult. Too early, will the customer had the pressure; too late, people will have slight, cool feeling. This requires that promoters of the customer have the right to judge, is automatic, active or passive customers, customers of silence, so to speak warm, sincere, grasp the opportunity to communicate, to avoid causing wary customers, resulting in a misunderstanding or discourage soliciting to sell to buy idea.
C, seize the time to buy - in the reception process, mutual communication and understanding customers are to buy, buy and watch what kind of relation, about which price to buy or to buy the goods.
D, introduce products, induced to buy - Promoters understand customer interests, hobbies, financial position, identify target customers to buy, there are targeted for introduction, step by step for induction, so that customers think and to judge by, fully understanding and awareness of the benefits and so naturally results in a purchase request.
E, in a timely manner contributed to turnover and create a good impression - on the customer to buy the products after the term civilization has not yet made it clear that, when the promoters to be from the customer's facial expressions, language, behavior and other observations that point, should make appropriate promotional skills in a timely manner contributed to turnover. And from customers to feel at ease to buy, the Heart. Farewell with customers, need warm, natural, even if busy and do not forget to nod goodbye, so that both the performance of their own quality, but also can improve the corporate image.
such sales in the above process, the promoters should do the
love: like love, like their relatives and friends to treat your customers. Go stand in the customer's point of view really care for them,pandora bracelets uk, for their sake. More praise, more grateful. Remember
sincere: uphold the integrity of hospitality. Analysis to objectively explain the products, sincere, melody of voice, remember blindly exaggerated product features, instant success. To maintain
enthusiastic: when customers do take the initiative in the hospitality, enthusiasm. Advances in field customer take the initiative say hello, take the initiative to introduce different products features, characteristics, structure, methods and precautions for daily use, maintenance methods.
patience: patience to answer customer questions asked. To learn how to do a good listener, so the customer asked a hundred per tire test, patience to listen to their every word. Remember
confidence: to the customer trust you, first of all you should have full confidence. I believe the company, that the product, I believe he is a qualified promoters, should always bear in mind and do.
(c) of the appropriate instrument solemn deportment
bearing instrument is a focus on a basic quality of the promoters, is its self-esteem, love their work performance is to respect the needs of consumers. Promoters of the image is the company's image and brand image. Communication with the customer contact process, the image on the impact of more than 50% the proportion of promoters bearing once a good instrument to form a good impression of the customers will definitely start for the following communication to create a good atmosphere and basis.
(1) instrument: a person's external appearance, the face, hair, clothing, etc., and it's living environment, a flavor, ideological cultivation, the degree of morality and civilization.
l instrument modification request:
A good hygiene habits.
B Xia Yang Yu, good cover and beautify the image.
C modified good at impressions, create image.
l instrument modified three principles:
A adaptive principles: requirements Instruments modified their gender, age and personality, appearance, color, body shape, personality, occupational status, and appropriate to the harmony.
B holistic principles: requirements modified to facilitate instrument ornaments, clothing, accessories and personal self among the many factors coherence, creating an overall style.
the principle of moderation
C: Requirements modified in terms of the extent modified instrument, or in the number of accessories and grooming skills should grasp the sense of proportion, natural moderation, the pursuit of birds and no trace of the effect.
(2) posture: is the communication behavior in posture, facial expression and demeanor. Thus can determine the character, knowledge, ability and other aspects of training level.
l deportment requirements: Teachers who have been virtual, self-denial joint ceremony, agile, elegant, charismatic, specifically the following points.
A position: requires a steady posture, correct the standing position, elegant posture and graceful walk the other position.
a handshake properly handle the active and passive, speed, strength, distance, duration, facial expressions and other support positions.
b gestures to regulate, moderate, clear and simple, the natural kind.
c Receiving respectfully handed material delivery or holding hands when sent, reflecting on each other's respect.
B expression: Requires the use of appropriate eye contact, smile, body language and other silent, with friendly voice to express all kinds of good feelings. And follow the
C grace: to respect other people's habits, strong self-confidence and pride, generosity of mind, understanding, intelligence, ability to grasp the atmosphere, strain the ability to alert, sincere and trustworthy character.
(iv) language skills
conversation is the main way to transmit information, so you must ensure that the proper terminology and allow customers to understand. If the wording is wrong, only a bad impression. According to the survey, promoters and tone of voice conversations much more effect than the customer's decision-making. In the sales process, focusing on language, cadence, can largely influence and even determine the customer's emotions and judgments. On the other hand, learn to ask questions properly, and the idea of patiently listening to your customers, consumer psychology is to understand and grasp the intentions of the important ways, anyone not willing to make the audience only, the customer is the same.
1, then a second call three consultants: the skills to customers and more business is particularly important when busy, can not be all of the customers that fall and neglect.
2, sentence skills: The key is to meet the customer's right title and said that a good first sentence. Requirements lively, friendly, harmonious, and master the appropriate title and tone.
3, respect for the use of language: language is polite respect, customers can use the feeling of respect and kind, required for the customer's gender, age, local customs and respect for different languages, etc..
4, apologize to the use of language: the process of reception is often because the care and attention, subjective or objective reasons to the customer cause trouble, requiring promoters to take a serious attitude, mildly humble apology language to explain the situation to customers and apologized to obtain the customer's understanding.
5, civilization and language to answer customer questions: reception process will encounter some difficult and intractable problems, this time, even if the promoters Insider, mild mannered, not necessarily to customer satisfaction. The term civilization is a tricky customer to answer the strong reception skills, can often not taken seriously, thinking that as long as the answer to the question on it. Requires a moderate tone polite, mildly humble language, not a rebuff customers. To find out the reasons for customer dissatisfaction from the customer point of view to think, clever use of language conversion, with the request type out refuses to do so, instead of good sentence with a certain negative way, to master change tone to answer.
6, convert the customer refused to buy: a variety of customers in the selection of goods, it often will not reflect the expression of satisfaction, purchased the term civilization is not strong, refused to buy, then requires the promoter is able to analyze a customer refuses to objective reasons or psychological reasons, and to do targeted to resolve, requiring language gentle, sincere and flexible, strong persuasive.
7, taboo words: in the reception with particular attention not to mention the taboo, in order to avoid the resentment and unhappy customers.
8, bid farewell to the customer application language: a farewell ceremony, is the cultivation of interpersonal issues, promoters use the phrase so that customers feel warm farewell, and left a deep impression, as a mark of civilization throughout the reception term period.
in the reception, conversation and communication will determine the effect of sales success, integrated the above points, we give some examples of language reception:
A, Greetings: Requires initiative to say hello, do come to a welcome sound, to have to send voice, graceful smile shuttle.
B, the terminology used: required attitude warm, sincere, realistic, outstanding product features, benefits, appropriate to the needs of customers, a good customer's staff. Does not allow grandstanding, exaggeration, deception customers.
C, A Pragmatic Inquiry: Request crisp and accurate, responsive, and try to help customers answer difficult.
D, Apologies: Request sincere, language, tone, gentle, understanding for by the customer, remember that
(e) seize the turnover time
If the promoters can meet customer needs, speak the language to meet the main points of his description of civilization, then our customers will have the trust of goods and promoters psychological, and thus quickly decided to buy. However, in most cases, customers hesitant after listening to promoters of various shows, or even hearts made up his mind, but did not make it clear. At this time, promoters need to keep abreast of, and for further instructions and service work, skillfully led deal. The timing master of the eight transactions:
1, when the customer suddenly no longer ask questions.
2, on the topic of when a product focus.
3, does not speak but when thoughtfully.
4, continually nodded.
5, continue to compare prices.
6, asking whether to buy a certain number of concessions.
7, concerned about the issue after drinking.
8, constantly repeated when asked the same question.
a successful promoters, must know how to praise God --- her customers! humorous one kind of comfortable feeling to the guests! Praise from a different perspective customers to more open-minded attitude and good way to learn from others experience,pandora uk, to make up their own shortcomings. Different ways to meet the guests of vanity, to achieve the desired results. Only in this way you can truly appreciate the fun as a promoter! Only in this way your harvest will be more to pay!
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