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Old 08-07-2011, 11:25 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Dirt By Amy Stewart: "Ladybird"--A Chicken Portrait!

I'm doing something today that I don't often do, which is to post a painting the same day I paint it.  Usually I'm not completely satisfied that I'm actually through with a painting--there's always some small thing I want to go back and fix once it's dry.  But I was so pleased with this portrait of Ladybird that I couldn't resist posting it right away.  Chickens are sort of my &quot;comfort subject&quot; <a href=""><strong>网络兼职联盟 </strong></a> anyway--if I'm not happy with how I've <a href=""><strong>上海兼职网 </strong></a> been painting lately, I can do a chicken painting and know it will turn out well. Ladybird is a Buff Orpington, and she is the sweetest hen we've ever owned.  (You Buff Orpington owners know what I'm talking about.)  When she was a young pullet, we introduced her to the older hens too early and she was almost pecked to death.  If you want to read the whole horrible story, it's here. The bottom line is that Ladybird recovered, although she is, as you can imagine, a little gun-shy around her near-murderers.  She still has a little bald patch on the back of her head, but I think that area might feather out next time she moults. There's <a href=""><strong>挂机网赚 </strong></a> something a little fierce about Ladybird in this painting.  Usually when I paint her, she looks so sweet and hugable, but I don't know--for once, she looks like a little bit of a badass.  I decided to leave her like that.  She's earned the right to be fierce. So because this painting is still wet, I can't promise it will be completely dry 10 days from now when the auction ends.  Do let me know if you've got any concerns about shipping times. This is a 5 x 7 inch oil on <a href=""><strong>What You Need To Know Before Learning To Paint Seascape Oil Paintings</strong></a> 1/2 inch board with slots on the back so you can hang it unframed.  Click here to bid.  Go here to see my other listings on eBay.  And don't forget to check out Daily Paintworks, where you can find new paintings by artists all over the world every day.
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