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Old 08-07-2011, 09:02 PM   #25
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National Enterprise Board (L5)<br />A UK public corporation created by the Industry Act 1975 to encourage industrial investment and restructuring; in a sense a SUCCessor to the INDUSTRIAL REORGANIZATION coRPORATION. It used its funds to invest in private sector firms to effect mergers. Also
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portfolio optimization (Gl)<br />Seeking the best trade-off between RISK and reward. A technique used to strike this balance is the mean variance optimization approach to diversification.

Great Depression (N1)<br />1 The period 1873-96 in the English economy when agriculture was especially depressed.<br /> 2 The period 1929-36 when world trade, partly through PROTECTION and the cautious FISCAL POLICIES of national economies, suppressed the level of economic activity.<br /><em>See also:</em> beggar-my-neighbour policy; depression; recession; slump <br /><em>Reference</em><br />Bernstein, M.A. (1988) The Great Depression, New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.<br /> Friedman, M. and Schwartz, A.I. (1966)<br />The Great Contraction, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.<br /> KindJeberger, C.P. (1986) The World in Depression, 1929-39, London: Allen Lane (reprinted Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1987).<br /> Saul, S.B. (1969) The Myth of the Great Depression, London and Basingstoke: Macmillan.<br /> Temin, P. (1976) Did Monetary Forces Cause the Great Depression?, New York: WW Norton.
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financial liberalization (G2)<br />The removal of government regulations, as happened in the USA in the 1980s, to permit the prices and availability of finance to be market determined. Principal forms of liberalization include deregulation of interest rate fixing and barriers to capital flows between countries and industries.
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