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Old 08-05-2011, 02:39 PM   #1
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Thumbs up [讨论]know hermes bags[小*新能源] -- Powered By,2011-7 ...

&nbsp; &nbsp;Yes, Huyan force that pieces of the helmet on his head, is the soul of the bone.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Soul bone is divided into six parts, head, limbs and trunk. Huyan force head helmet to prove he has the soul of the bone in the skull six.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tang, the trick is in the soul of this sudden failure under bone. But the soul can force the other to use a bone, no doubt that all are fully aware of the mystery of the soul of the division was shocked.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Prada Shoes</strong></a> Everyone knows the value of bone soul, the soul of each piece of bone are absolutely astronomical numbers, but very few people willing to sell. Once the soul itself has exposed the bone thing, some people hermes handbags will undoubtedly become the object of envy. &nbsp;This Huyan force strength is good, but only soul force level was four dozen just in front of some of the older masters, <a href=""><strong>Prada Bags</strong></a> want to keep his soul bone can not be easy.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; But for fear of their continuous attacks by his opponent head Sun irreparable consequences, Huyan shock will never allow power to use this soul Huyan bone. Lost the game even if it is not. Can create a situation in front of Tang, in order not to be labeled <a href=""><strong>Prada Bags 2011</strong></a> an idiot, or hit the head, Huyan shock also had to make such a decision. The grandson as a whole can be said that cases of the future.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; General audience that helmets do not know hermes bags what the soul of the division may also guess low, but the VIP ##############, how will people see it?&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Platinum Bishop Salas looked surprised around Huyan shock, jealous eyes hermes binkin flash of light. The wind-induced rather is smiling and said&nbsp; "Congratulations Huyan sovereign, so that Sun already has a young age, the soul of the head bone, is really gratifying ah, but also when careful Huyan is sovereign, be sure not to be off <a href=""><strong>Cheap Air Jordan 1 with free shipping</strong></a> framed. "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chen Things Huyan shock surface. Although the force has to defuse the crisis Huyan, but he did not feel that joy.
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