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Old 08-05-2011, 04:48 AM   #1
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Default A plea to the Windows team Don't make Windows 7

Blogger Paul Thurrott has composed a couple of interesting posts in regards to the distinction between “simple” and “easy” in the context of Windows 7.Sure, Windows 7 is still in the pre-beta phase, meaning the user-interface elements still will be tweaked considerably before the product is released to manufacturing. But Thurrott raises a number of points that left me nodding my head in agreement.I am a Windows user by choice, not simply because I blog about Microsoft. When I saw the recent demos of Windows 7 — with its JumpLists, AeroPeek, AeroSnaps and lots of other eye candy — I was torn. I want some of what;s coming in Windows 7, such as fewer UAC prompts, simpler backup and restore, better peripheral handling. But I really do not care if I get more fancy bells and whistles that just clutter my desktop.Thurrott blogged:“Windows 7 basically takes Windows one step closer towards the design aesthetic of the Mac, where form is valued over function. I;m not sure this is the right strategy. Simplicity, taken in isolation, may seem like a good idea. But I;m afraid that in Windows 7, Microsoft is sacrificing too much in its bid to be more like Apple. And it;s the users of Windows who will pay the price.”If you are a PC user like me, you definitely will pay the price. I value ease of use far more than fancy graphics. The two don;t have to be mutually exclusive — and given the direction Microsoft ends up taking once it provides testers with the Superbar — maybe they won;t.(Given Beta 1 of Windows 7, which many are now expecting around January 13, is supposed to be feature-complete, I;m expecting we;ll get to see what the Superbar will look like real soon now. Me? I still think we might see Win 7 Beta 1 on or around December 17, but in either case, it;s not too long until we see the latest Windows 7 look and feel.)If I wanted a Mac-like environment, I;d buy a Mac. I want an computing environment that helps me get my work done and doesn;t require a how-to manual to figure out which icon does what. Maybe Microsoft could introduce “Windows 7 Luddite Edition” for those of us who value function over form?What;s your take? Do you think Microsoft is too focused on making Windows 7 in Mac OS X;s image?On a related note, for more Windows 7 analysis — in podcast form with yours truly and The Register;s Software Editor Gavin Clarke — check out the latest edition of “MicroBite.”
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