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Old 07-29-2011, 01:37 PM   #1
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himself, Edgar began thinking once again about his mission and the current situation <a href=""><strong>true religion shop</strong></a> of constant conflict between the Light and the Darkness in the persons of the Others. All right, he thought. Let’s take it from the beginning. In recent times the Day Watch had significantly strengthened its position and struck several substantial blows against the Light Ones, inflicting losses that could not be made good on the spot. It would take time—not even years, but decades. Zabulon’s natural move should be to build on success right now, without waiting for the Light Ones to gather strength again. To dash to victory while the enemy was mbt still stunned. What could weaken the Light Ones and strengthen the Dark Ones right now? After the Night Watch had lost a very powerful and highly promising enchantress? An attempt to take someone else out of the game? Edgar pondered for a moment and regretted he hadn’t discount mbt trainers brought his laptop with him. He could have weighed up the possible variants, run through all the White magicians with any real skills and tried to identify their weak sides… There was even a special program for that, called Richelieu—the Day Watch wasn’t short of qualified programmers. He would have to rely on his own natural computer—powerful but imperfect. Who? Gesar was obviously not a candidate; he had already crossed that line beyond which an Other becomes almost invulnerable to his colleagues. Objectively speaking, number two in the Night Watch hierarchy ought to be Svetlana Nazarova, but she would be out of the game for a long time, so Edgar had to award that honor either to the tricky Olga, an old specialist in comb mbt clearance at operations, who had only just come back from being out of the game herself, or to Ilya, a first-level magician. In fact, Edgar suspected that was not the limit of Ilya’s abilities. Eventually, he could quite easily develop his powers and become a Gr mbt shoes discount eat Magician, but metamorphoses like that required time and colossal effort, primarily from the magician himself, and Ilya was still too young to abandon many of the simple, almost human, pleasures of life. Who mbt lami then? Olga or Ilya? Which of them should they go for now? Like Stirlitz, the Russian spy at Nazi HQ in the cult film of the ‘s, Edgar pulled down his little table and calmly sketched two symbolic portraits on napkins—a shapely female silhouette and a narrow face in spectacles. <a href=""><strong>levis jeans online</strong></a> Olga or Ilya? Olga. Intelligent, experienced, perceptive, worldly-wise, and cynical. Edgar didn’t know her exact age, but it was reasonable to suspect that she was at least twice as old as he was. Edgar didn’t know her true Power—he’d never had a chance to test it to make sure. And to be quite honest, he didn’t really want to try… To deprive her of her powers again would certainly be incredibly difficult—if you’ve just been released from jail, you value your freedom very highly. Olga wouldn’t just think twice, she’d think a thousand times before taking another risk and ending up in front of a Tribunal. Apart from that, she was Gesar’s longtime love, and the boss of the Night Watch would certainly take great pains to protect her. In Zabulon’s place Edgar would be wary of offending Olga, for an enraged Gesar was a far more dangerous enemy than the ord mbt shoes australia inary Gesar. Edgar scratched his nose thoughtfully with the end of his felt-tip pen and drew a cross through the female portrait on the napkin. Ilya. A very powerful magician with the face of a refined intellectual, who wore spectacles for some reason, although he could easily have corrected his own sight. At the moment he wasn’t in Moscow, or even in Europe. He was somewhere in Ceylon. As a matter of fact, for the last five years or so Light Ones from the Moscow Night Watch had been making trips to Ceylon with suspicious frequency. Edgar wondered what they got up to there. He made a mental note of that—he ought to cheap mbt shoes pass the information on to the analytical section, let them rack their <a href=""><strong>levis jeans sale</strong></a> brains over it… Although most likely they were already monitoring this anomaly. But what if they weren’t? Edgar would do better to play it safe, even if he did make himself look stupid, than to feel sorry later, if no on mbt stockists e had paid any attention to the Ceylon business… Ye-es. But if Zabulon was plotting something against Ilya, he would hardly be likely to choose Prague to carry out his plans at any time in the near future, unless he could lure him there somehow. Edgar pushed the napkin away without crossing the portrait out and pulled a clean one toward him. The last one. He divided it into four sectors with two lines at right angles and set about drawing a portrait in each sector. The first three were sketched in sparing strokes but were remarkably vivid, in the comic-strip style of Bidstrup or Chizhikov. In Edgar the world had probably lost a fine caricaturist. Ilya, Semyon… Igor, the defendant at the Tribunal. Should he count him or not? Probably he should, especially since he was now the Cheap mbt shoes most vulnerable of all. Edgar thought for a moment and then drew Anton Gorodet-sky in the fourth sector—the only one who was still using his surname. But even so, he had already reached second level, which made him Edgar’s equal, although less experienced. Which one? Of course it was simplest of all to topple Igor. He already had one foot down among the shadows of the Twilight. And then th mbt anti shoe ere was Gorodetsky—he was flying to Prague too. But these were only the simplest variants. How many were there altogether? The mere thought of the number of theoretically possible variants set Edgar’s teeth on edge. Ah, if only he had his laptop and the windows of Richelieu, with its heuristic module… Stop, Edgar said to himself. Stop. How depressingly one-sided you are, Dark One! The thought that had occurred to him was simple and surprising. Taking one of their enemies out of the game wasn’t the only way to make the Dark Ones stronger. Why not the opposite approach —introducing a powerful Dark One into the battle? But who was there to swell the all too thin ranks of the Day Watch? Vitaly Rogoza, whose appe mbt online arance had filled Edgar with childish delight, had turned out to be no more than a Mirror. And after he’d done everything the Twilight had created him to do, he’d disappeared forever. Look for some promising young recruits? They were looking and they did find a few… But you couldn’t mold any of them into a genuinely powerful Other overnight, and the Dark Ones hadn’t come across any natural talents like Svetlana Nazarova for a long time now. Even so, thought Edgar, I’m on the right road. I’m flying to Prague, the capital of European necromancy, and in time for Christmas before the arrival of the year , at a time when countless prophets and soothsayers are frightening the world with all sorts of horrors, up to and including the end of the world itself… Yes! That was it! Maybe Zabulon was planning to resurrect one of the disembodied magicians of the past? Prague, at a time like this! Darkness upon Darkness! As always, Zabulon had skillfully and unobtrusively hidden what was lying in open view. Edgar breathed out heavily, crumpled up the napkin with the drawings and stuffed it in his pocket. And so, in the city of necromancers, at a time of incredible energetic instability, Zabulon could easily try to pluck someone out of nonexistence… But who? Think, Edgar… The answer should be lying on the surface too. All right then, let’s look at what w mbt sale e have. Prague, the Tribunal, the case of the duel between <a href=""><strong>Gucci Shoes Outlet 2746Plies.Gucci Shoes Outlet,Gucci Shoes for ...</strong></a> Teplov and Donnikova, Gorodet-sky and Edgar seconded to the trial… Alita might come as well.
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