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Old 07-27-2011, 04:32 PM   #1
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Summer is the season of rich fruit, litchi, longan, watermelon, bananas, pears, and imported grapefruit, apples and other wares. Although the fruit to eat, but according to Chinese medicine's view, human body is divided into cold, heat, deficiency and excess. The nature of fruit is also fruit, Accidentally, the wrong will be uncomfortable to eat fruit.

and physical properties of fruit really relevant when it comes to food properties, traditional Chinese medicine so-called \ This refers to the food enters the body, will have a \ Therefore, if each fruit into the human body, also has its own \ Chinese medicine emphasizes balance, yin and yang harmony, the physical side of the people to eat more cold heat of the food, the physical side of the cold and who naturally warm to eat of the food, the same principle of eating fruit. At the same time, terrain,air force one, climate also affects the physiology and diet, such as sub-tropical regions, heat generated by mid-summer by the heat, to the impact of summer, people often headache, fever, thirst, upset and so on, in order to achieve balance, the best Choose to eat cold food cold in nature. Western medicine is not about physical

, food attributes such thing, the patient ate some fruit, the body if they feel uncomfortable, is not suited, should be avoided. The face of many doubts, some experts study that claimed that the heat of traditional Chinese fruit , referring to the high energy density, high sugar fruit. Eat these fruits, the liver response to accelerate glucose phosphorylation, glycogen synthesis, glycolysis reaction increased, the proportion of insulin and glucagon increased, increased fatty acid synthesis, triglyceride synthesis also increased the liver to be sent full The fat and sugar, it is easy to get angry, the body energy increases, it is more \ Conversely, low calorie density, rich in fiber, but fat, sugar with little fruit, belongs to cold, so eat fruit fiber and water will take the gastrointestinal space, people could not eat other nutritious food, people will not eat a lot more energy, not physical, but also more sensitive to cold, weakness. Nutrients the body enough people, no matter what kind of fruit to eat, so long as, it should not be affected much. Once the physical condition is not ideal, such as lack of body heat than the virtual, cold constitution,air force ones, it will eat the fruit cool discomfort.

summer fruit, pay attention to talking about science, the stomach of poor people, must not eat chilled fruit, it is best to choose to eat a little cool or warm fruit, not too sweet, not too acid, cool the fruit include: pears ( bad stomach eat), bananas (not fasting to eat), temperate fruits are: Apple (no matter what a person can eat the best fruit, super-nutrition good), lemon, tomatoes (those who eat too much stomach acid); easily digested melon, pear, apple, also good. However, TCM, and physical treatment as well as chronic colitis, duodenal ulcer, or \ Delicious mango, some people are untouchable but touch, as a food for allergies, itchy skin. He noted that the mango skin with histamine ingredients, can trigger allergies, in theory, are made objects of mango, with infectious diseases, skin diseases, inflammatory symptoms, eating \ However, the classification up, mango pulp is cool, there is thirst, stomach vomiting, cough and other diuretic effect,air force one shoes, the easy motion sickness, seasick people who can lift the discomfort.

wide variety of summer fruits, not only the pleasant color of strawberry, pineapple,cheap nike air force, and juicy watermelon, peaches, and so on. What are the different kinds of fruit nutrients? The best summer fruit eat it?
Nutritional immunology experts believe that the nutritional value of each fruit and medicinal value of different, if you buy in the summer in a targeted manner and consumption of fruits, breeding can be achieved raising the effectiveness of the body.
peach apricot dependent people

Beijing There is a saying: \ Dr. Chen Zhaofei experts said, peaches are rich in vitamins, minerals and acid, the iron content of the highest ranks of fruit. Iron is the main raw material of human blood, for very good health, in many herbaceous plants have an important position.

apricots contain citric acid, malic acid, β carotene, mainly for lower gas cough and asthma, laxative. But the \

summer eating watermelon,nike air force one low, drugs do not grasp

folk have a saying in China: Summer eating watermelon, drugs do not grasp. The most appropriate description of the summer heat and eat watermelon.

Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, Bl, B2, C, glucose, sucrose, fructose, malic acid, glutamic acid and arginine, with Qingre, Lee urine, blood pressure lowering effect of high fever, thirst, heat, sweating, nephritis, oliguria, hypertension and other secondary effects to a certain extent.

watermelon is good, but also pay attention to eating watermelon. Chinese experts believe that watermelon is cold food, easily hurt the stomach, so stomach Deficiency, usually with chronic colitis, gastritis and duodenal ulcer, etc., or loose stool of people eat the best. Normal consumption should not be excessive, otherwise it will damage the spleen and stomach and cause indigestion or diarrhea.

need to be reminded is that patients with fever in summer is often the help of eating watermelon to pay, fever, but because it belongs to Ganhan food, not for cold and flu early, especially with fear cold, no sweat and other symptoms are advised not to eat.

fruit baskets are readily available around the house?

Dr. Chen Zhaofei said, fruit is readily available around the nutritional treasure. She likes fruit including oranges, papayas, peaches, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, bananas, apples. Dr. Chen Zhaoji also enumerate its nutritional benefits.

have anticancer effects of limonene citrus fruit to the lungs

qi,air force one mid, fresh orange juice with a variety of creatine, vitamins, metabolism and help the human body, with a whitening effect, but also possesses more kinds of health effects. The surface of the white flesh of orange wire network, vitamin P, can prevent hypertension, with phlegm effect. There is a well-known essential oils, essential oil called limonene, which is most of the orange citrus essential oil the most important part, the current research that has anti-cancer effects of limonene〕

papaya to treat digestive disturbances

protein is not only a tasty papaya fruit, as well as medical effects. Papaya Papaya contains a known (papain ) of the important digestive enzymes, food can be broken down into digestible protein status, soluble up to 35 times its own meat, which is to treat people with protein digestion papaya barriers the reason for its leaf in the papaya tree and not yet mature, the most abundant papaya peel.

pineapple enzymes can break down proteins

pineapple fruit per 100 grams of vitamin C contained up to 30 mg, and rich in moisture. It's like the pulp and papaya contain a protein enzyme that breaks down, so it soft fleshy, resolve blood clots.

strawberry juice can reduce the pain

strawberry sun and rich in vitamin C, B, calcium, phosphorus and potassium, botanical medicines is still a place today, after boiling the leaves can be used as an astringent, and to treat diarrhea, fever, mouth ulcers and gum disease. In addition, strawberry juice or a beauty product Sheng, old girl to the sun caused it to reduce pain.

antioxidant grape grapes

remember when children do not spit seeds, they always scare my mother said, grape seed will take root and grow from the vine stomach. In fact, grape seeds possess anti-oxidant effect of vitamin C is not only 20 times more vitamin E, 50 times. Grape seed contains large amounts of antioxidants OPC, OPC is a potent flavonoids, mainly in the dry skin and seeds, red grape seed especially effective source of OPC is to the body by force A potential key antioxidant activity may be protect the immune oxidative damage and slow the aging process.

antidepressants and sleep aids

banana banana is one of mankind's oldest fruits , and its high nutritional value, is a natural source of potassium, can inhibit the cause of hypertension, cardiovascular disease sodium, to maintain normal blood pressure and heart function; also full of people away from the depression of vitamin B6 and magnesium minerals tense confrontation , and also the essential amino acids - a super source of tryptophan, and its and vitamin B6, niacin and magnesium with the role of the body manufacture serotonin, the main raw material, has antidepressant, calming, sleep effect.
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