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Old 07-26-2011, 02:13 AM   #4
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happened to read an article, hope and mutual encouragement of my fellow!
Earlier, I heard him in Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, one of the things. In relaying this thing before I need to explain that - you know, were Sarenboqie status at home now (according to Tibetan Buddhist tradition means to say, I need to add - \this is the case), I think that this is very necessary, otherwise there will be a lot of people came and asked me why I can have a girlfriend were Sarenboqie. Many people thought he was a monk, but the truth is, he is now his family, at least on the Foreign Minister is. So he has a girlfriend. Many people mistakenly believe Buddha to be a monk, they seem to not know that Buddha had the monks, but also his family. So many people often ask me why the Living Buddha has a wife. He Buddhists like you are at home, why he can not have a wife?
I heard my friend said (she should be the witness), were Sarenboqie once in the argument he said: once ran his girlfriend to ask him: Do you have jealousy? We all know that those who were Sarenboqie a major achievement,kobe bryant jerseys, in our concept, a person will not have great success in this. How could he have jealousy? Were Sarenboqie told her: Of course not. Then his girlfriend said: That's good, I want to tell you one thing, today I met a man in the subway, and we appreciate each other were Sarenboqie said he heard these are very angry. He was angry at him and said how can you like this kind of thing. But he soon realized that he actually still jealous. Later, the girlfriend's photo to be placed in a Buddha on stage,barcelona jerseys, because she helped him understand his weaknesses, aware of their imperfections. So she called his master.
I really like the story - whether he is true or false. I certainly do not believe the number of Sarenboqie really angry, but I believe he been angry. He was ordinary person like you and me.
This is not the focus I have to say, I would say that those around you who you are most neglected, that is your best guard, and they will make you find your own weaknesses. We are all very bad, but because we are Buddhists, we are many years of Buddhist practice, we will not allow ourselves in front of others to show our bad. We are often our worst side closest to exclusive. We will not be angry fellow practitioners, in their eyes as you do not allow you to do so. You must maintain your image in their eyes. In front of them that you want to pretend that you are methodical in all - because you have practice Buddhism for many years. You do not have any anger, because this is practice for many years do you think people should have the basic image.
in front of your most intimate, you'll lose them. If she made a very wrong, you will punch her roar. Only this time, you can discover your true state, you know yourself but it is still very bad, although the former has not been so bad compared to, but still very bad. Even worse, you put your bad disguise it well,cheap barcelona jersey, no worse than it was. But the people closest to you to help you find it. She told you that you do not you think so good, not as good as you think. Something happens you will still get angry, or jealous. Thanked her,nba jerseys, without her, you would think that these feelings have disappeared on you. But they just hide it well it is. If not her, not you may never have found these problems. You will continue to consider themselves very good.
a lot of people complain that they can not see a year on their own division. I think he overlooked the side of the guru - you do every day to see the division. Guru is not necessarily the image you think there, he must wear red robes? Must say are not fluent in Chinese? Dharma must tell you? Dharma Why must you think that the way to appear. Master Lin Chi-ling grow so why not? Can not wear short skirts? Can not the other way (the way you think is not Buddhism,barcelona jersey, for example, yelling at you) against your self?
If someone help you combat self, or to help you learn about yourself, (we learn Buddhism is for this) In short, any person who was made a teacher should be you do, you can regard him as a guru. As mentioned above, the people closest around you is your most defenseless people, you will reveal the truth in front of them, you will display their most genuine side to them. They will let you know how much you need to be addressed. In fact,derrick rose jerseys, there are many opportunities for you, if you have a wife or girlfriend, then. You can not believe that Buddhism is just what happened in the temple of your daily life, there are countless opportunities to experience it.
I must make special mention to me in fans, they saw me as a teacher. Some of them quite sophisticated. In many cases, they taught me a lot. I am a very lazy person, sometimes too tired, lazy, when I steal their sophistication will make me uneasy. This anxiety does not necessarily end once the idea I want to be lazy, but it will make me extremely uneasy become lazy. I believe that ultimately it will be the end of your sophistication. So, you are also my Rinpoche.
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