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Old 07-24-2011, 07:16 AM   #1
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Default Man kidney prescription ( men tonic Raiders )

always the night life of male, while the course of time, especially huge annual (30 years) afterward, is not often feel that often after the body has the emulating symptoms:
fatigue, drowsiness, next daytime drowsiness, sweating, hiking long legs, lower behind pain, principally kidneys have a sense? In fact, these are fatigue syndrome intercourse, if the ministry focus aboard health, then the feeble smudge light in heaviness will reason renal failure and the emergence of manifold diseases.
retinue some of the apparent kidney Jianshen ease the strain intercourse effective and practical, easy to buy, simple food and medication product medication and food homologous, suggest it to everyone:
medlar (Ningxia best results long, large): When eating snacks, liver and kidney, eye 也好. Supermarkets sell a day to eat one or two.
fleece-flower basis (cooked,Supra Cruizer Shoes, pharmacy sales): stewed hen,Supra Pilot Shoes, lamb, sheep, spine, kidney instantly.
Eucommia (drugstore sales): drenched in water to drink, and simmer, liver or kidney, strong bones.
red ginseng (cooked, pharmacy sales, the same can not be accustomed when fresh crab, radish and cold food): lamb stew, hen. Casserole stew. Up effort, long yang. Each time no one shall not exceed 3-5 grams dried. Normal Shensi.
black sesame (both raw and cooked, supermarkets are sold): to eat as a snack, make kidney.
lamb or sheep spine (market sell meat or bones): a small launch to simmer, add medlar Polygonum better, make energy, impotence.
oysters (oysters cried Southerners): raw, fried, make up semen. Dried oyster called drums,Supra Shoes, very good to eat! But it is difficult to buy.
Ganoderma lucidum (mauve is better): increased energy, to maintain kidney health and other systems sorcery.
honey (Zaohua better): increased energy
hens (old above year-old retired servant hen is better): additional energy
dried red dates (Ziziphus jujube good): increased energy, long blood.
sea cucumber (sea cucumber instead of other means of low ginseng): the magic! Eat, a full complement of yin and yang, every time after not eat foam, wet products twelve is appropriate, and more anti-bad food!
walnut: eat as a snack, a long intellectual, kidney, black cilia, also of the UFA fleece-flower root, because of their kidney, and kidney hair, the effect is better, if someone points me some type of Radix ah! !
black beans: kidney yang.
dog: kidney yang, long effort.
yam: cooked as a snack.
seeds: porridge stew or dessert, to prevent premature ejaculation Oh!
pine: kidney yang, strong waist power.
raw prawn: kidney yang.
leek: kidney yang.
Pig: kidney yin.
Note: The above food or drugs in addition to meat, red ginseng, pine nuts, prawns, chives as nourishing kidney, the recess of kidney yin or promote renal function, so pay attention to their drug or wet Yang and Yin.
afternoon more than a deficiency peppery flashes, night sweats, 5 upset hot, heat intolerance; Yang and mostly chilly extremities, chills, perineal chilly, both of which can emerge weak waist, weakness. The sometime may have amnesia, nocturnal emissions, wet ##########, building or precocious ejaculation nocturnal emission can not, Hua Jing.
more of these foods, besides sea cucumber, Eucommia not eaten other than to have tried, the effect is actually agreeable. In particular, these entities are warming food, in increase to not eat a lot of red ginseng, and other things have nought to eat more, but still have to pay attention to the quantity at present. There are some folk also frequent ######ual intercourse, if timely fill up, a long period one essential qualification for a long time quite tough, in truth, the technological appoint is nephrotic syndrome, uremia, renal failure is a pathological! So too prevalent ######ual intercourse, the people must pay attention to the kidney, congenital renal bad also pay attention to. Above is relatively uncomplicated food consumption, Ye Hao to purchase asset, go family to his wife to purchase some equipment with, in fact, woman is the kidney, they eat walnuts, hen, ruddy ginseng, cucumber, dark sesame seeds, wolfberry fruit is also nice, In particular, jujube also blood.
If there is a congenital disease of the organ to pay attention to the amount of food!
Chinese people always pay attention to fill, which is the antique Chinese health. In today's increasingly health advocates, the age regimen and rejuvenated general, the quality of life in the pursuance of modern renowned mob. The man, a huge day in the workplace, work hard, advance the life of the population, should chance the winter meeting of the target population. However, the winter meeting of the accentuate, there are many, and men are differ according to the laws and constitution, but the tonic will be subdivided into different ways.

into the winter, decreased metabolism of the body, reducing physical exertion, then nutritional supplements, pills accessible absorbed and bedding, apt melodrama a larger effect. Winter tonic, not merely to consolidate and restore the body upright, yet also help drive disease dispersing evil, so that the body's yin, yang, qi, blood, body liquid apt be enriched to empower the body into the best condition.

modern life in the metropolis, maximum of the cerebral pressure, go overload, linger up late at night the position more, so constantly due to reasons such for lack of nap are labor, decreased sense of energy. To dilute labor, regulate the body's yin and yang poise, and therefore necessitate proper tonic. There is a saying

along to orthodox Chinese medicine methodology, mainly women, nourishing Yin and blood, nourishing the locations kidney male prevailed. Therefore, the kidney is still the highlight of male winter conference. Kidney of male presence backache, limbs, legs, ######ual dysfunction, tinnitus and other symptoms.
tonic solution: For these men, winter tonic should eat more fish, shrimp, oysters and leeks and other food. Such foods are rich in taurine, arginine and zinc, the renal function of men can play the role of a good tonic. In addition, a variety of eels, animals of the lash and the turtle is also a good choice on the kidney.

experts believe that the birth of the spleen, the spleen later the absence of blood tin , guiding to general disability. Winter tonic for men and kidney qi absence is usually two kidney disease, but both tonic easily impair the tolerate, assimilation and digestion are not simple. Moreover, the spring and summer, the air, diet entire contribute to the natural feature of the spleen and abdomen weakness. For the spleen of man tonic in winter ought pay more attention to dining yams, a kind of jujube wealthy in starch, easily absorbed edible, meat intake, and the fish should be nice fiber-based selection.
tonic program: to assure a balanced daily nutritional drink based on the mountain ones, jujube porridge and fish soup, carp soup. Conditions permitting, you can increase dates, wolfberry and other nutritious foods, the better.

bad stomach
quicken the pace of modern life, most men are to varying degrees, because eating disorders are caused by stomach indigestion, gastritis, gastric ulcer and other diseases. Winter vacations are more possible to eat too much man, increasing stomach. Stomach in winter tonic head guard, a good way,Kids' Supra Skytop Shoes, and will not encounter stomach tonic Stomach is not good for men, should eat daily tonic is easy to digest food, frequent meals. Corn, seeds and other foods rich in starch, is profitable to digestion, can also make up the Wei Qi, can more intake. Radish, hawthorn dodge the character of gas, weary of weak tea to the solvability of the role of portly, flatulence phenomenon often men can eat more.
fortification program: a bad stomach tonic men should follow the light, easily digestible, nutritionally balanced intake of various principles, avert meat and fish , binge eating, mushroom the burden of gastroenteritis. In the everyday diet can beverage polenta and Lianzi Geng, on the intake of meat, meatballs, gravy soup is easy to digestion, when maintaining the native nourishment of meat, it is suitable for poor digestion, lack of male Stomach tonic.

hypertension, high cholesterol
high blood pressure, heart disease and other continuing disease deaths accounted for our people for more than two-thirds of the total number of deaths. Diet, Nutrition and the incidence of continuing disease is closely narrated to unreasonable dietary obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia and other diseases are important hazard ingredients. At present, China dyslipidemia about 1.6 million people the number of mature circulation rate of 18.6%. In addition, China had approximately 160 million people undergo from high blood pressure. Moreover, research discoveries show that: the percentage of men anguish from such diseases is distant more than women. So people with high blood pressure and high cholesterol how men should be in the winter tonic it? Class of such men should select a light diet. Ginseng has a kind of step-up role in the body prone to shock the brain when blood vessels fracture, especially not eat. Celery antihypertensive effect is very good, as well as hypoglycemic, lipid-lowering effect, it is suitable for hypertension and high cholesterol men eat.
tonic solution: low-salt foods diet, daily intake of salt ≤ 5 grams. Eat fungus, mushrooms and black beans, soy and other neat up food. Sea cucumbers belong to Yin level supplements,Supra Vaider Shoes, can enhance physical strength, but does not cause tall blood pressure, but also a good tonic. At the same time, high blood pressure but also pay attention when men eat spicy tonic food. High blood cholesterol in men should also control the fat intake, eat oats and painful gourd.

often work at night often men due to overuse, the body against the physical statutes overload, prone to dry eyes, fatigue and even head and nape pain problems. For these men, when it should be famous in the winter tonic eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as beast liver, kidney and so on. Carrots Zhugan, wolfberry home goat soup is a good choice night. Work at night when you can drink red dates tonic water,Supra Shoes UK, eat high-fat foods, so as not to increase the body burden and increase fatigue.
tonic program: breakfast to nutritionally adequate to ensure a strong exertion. You can eat Chinese food with high protein foods such as lean meat, beef, lamb, animal offal. Dinner should be light, eat foods high in vitamin content, such as a variety of fresh vegetables, eat fresh fruit after a meal. Meanwhile, the selection of foods that are high with phospholipids to assist the brain, such as egg yolks, fish, shrimp, walnuts and peanuts. But also more aware use of eye conservation food such as butter, millet, carrots, spinach, cabbage, tomato, lily, water spinach, medlar and a variety of fresh fruit.

liver often bad
drinking causes male communication necessary manner of communication, but also the alive habits of numerous men one. But Gongchoujiaocuo, delighted mirth, the alcohol has unwittingly hurt the male liver. Poor liver function in men prone to fatigue, nausea, spewing and other symptoms. For these men, should winter tonic to high-calorie, high protein foods. Such as fish, shrimp, fowl, beef, etc., they are rich in the human body absences protein, amino sours, more easily absorbed by the body to use. Red beans, jujube has a diuretic effect, is also very suitable for such men to eat.
tonic solution: mainly high-calorie diet, high protein (higher than normal daily 60g), Amount of vitamin. Lunch can be Chijiu Cai scrambled eggs, spinach, fragmented beef, tomatoes and a bowl of soup. Dinner, small rice, cauliflower stew, red bean soup carp liver bad men are the ideal choice.

- Fruit comparable to Viagra for men tonic
Work pressure and the deterioration of urban environment, enabled people to speed up exhausted, and what you can eat impotence, eat wolfberry is very suitable for fatigue. Chinese medicine, aphrodisiac food wolfberry of sweet truce, to nourish liver and kidney, smart head and nourishing. Modern medicine has also proven wolfberry can lower cholesterol, incited head, enhancing immune function, anti-aging and prettiness, to person health play a very profitable role.
wolfberry as a tonic aphrodisiac edible to share, there are a diversity of impotence method.
wolfberry tea: wolfberry catching all year circular, Xiaji Yi tea, but better at brewing, you can improve physical fitness, is conducive to sleep. But to note that not wolfberry tea and green tea with, for and Gongju, honeysuckle, Panda Hai and rock sugar bubble, especially for overuse of computer users. Wolfberry soup: Winter wolfberry should porridge, it can be a variety of congee with.
wolfberry lamb stew: is also very appropriate for winter consumption.
fried mushrooms wolfberry: Wolfberry additional after cooking homemade savor very good, fried mushrooms, such as wolfberry is a color, aroma and taste of vegetables.
wolfberry corn soup: delicious and tasty, pretty color.
For women, eat wolfberry can also play a whitening beauty effect. Moreover, the wolfberry has silently entered the diplomatic supermarkets, the original of the illiterate Westerners come to know wolfberry, wolfberry in the high vitamin C content than oranges, β-carotene than carrots high iron content than steak also high. More charming is that wolfberry played impotence features that rejoice the West, so subtle British businessmen simply to wolfberry as
not crowd: wolfberry not all people are suitable to take, for of its very strong effect of the body lukewarm, so are fever, body inflammation, diarrhea patients, hypertension is best not to eat.
reasonable amount: In general, healthy adults eat about 20 grams of Lycium is appropriate; if you meditation of the effects of treatment, each day is best to eat about 30 grams.
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