Thread: Gemini resume
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Old 07-23-2011, 08:14 AM   #1
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Default Gemini resume

Gemini is the outstanding
to the northeast extension of the Orion star β and α star linkage, you can run into two not I'll say. the bright stars, which some of the Gemini β bright stars, the sunlight is 1.14 and so on. Gemini is a little black little α star, the brightness is 1.97 and so on. Star from the beginning of α τ, ε, μ β star from a string of stars and the starting of δ, ζ, γ is almost parallel to another array star, they are thought of as two fraternity brothers - Castor and 普尔尤克斯.
brother - β star, antique China called Brother - that is,Uni###### Air Max 2010, α star, China's ancient shriek it In truth, precisely, it is composed of 6 stars of Interestingly, the younger brother Pollux is Luhe stars, the brothers have certified themselves to twins, looks more like ah!
Gemini has a meteor, known as the Geminid meteor shower. Its luminous star in the vicinity of α, ahead December 11 of every annual after, the 13th is when the meteor height.

Gregorian almanac May 21-June 21
passionate, sensitive, sociable, which is Gemini.
Gemini people are very good at selling themselves, but the ever-changing personality, who can about be described using double-sided. Gemini is from winter to spring, between the east beach in a galactic constellation. Gemini's twin brother, symbols, and its ruler is Mercury, the patron saint of control perception Hull Gomez. Gemini, the biggest feature in the character district is a very sharp detection. Craft is very smart in all aspects can also show their talents. But on the other hand, it made anything everything, but anything is not nice failings.


Gemini Gemini myth about a lot of versions. In increase to that an sibling is a man of God, there are two that are of God, and the two are human. Chinese names are transliterated, so there are numerous translations. (Example: Rita / Leda / Leda)

Pollux (Polydeuces Roman spelling of the Greek spelling is Pollux). Two of them together as Theodore Basescu in Dioscuri, which manner son of Zeus.

Theodore Basescu in (Dioscuri): Zeus Zeus the twins Castor Pollux Castor and Pollux, collectively, the twin sons of Leda Rita, Helen and Helen especially 克丽泰梅丝Latin Clytemnestra's brother.

Sparta (Sparta), Wang Ting Da Sophie Adams (Tyndareus) by his brother Xibo Ke Weng (Hippocoon) out of his kingdom, Tingda soft Adams avenue to Eto'o Australia (Aetolia) Austin King Thetis country, and marital the king's daughter Rita (Leda). Later, another hero Hercules (Heracles) defeated Xi Boke Weng, all his sons are killed, Tingda soft Adams and his wife Rita to return to Sparta Leda rule.

Rita very beauteous Leda, Zeus Zeus saw her after she fell in love quickly. Zeus Zeus altered into a swan, nestled into the beautiful Leda of Sparta Spartan King Hou Lida side. Bin after, Leda Rita gave birth to two swan eggs, one hatched Castor Castor, Pollux Polydeuces (Pollux) two brothers, the other one was born Clytaemnestra 克丽泰梅丝 Stella, and Helen Helen beauty in the world.

Although four brothers and sisters were born from the same mommy, but they have different fathers. Castor Castor and Clytaemnestra 克丽泰梅丝 Stella's father is the original king of Sparta Sparta Tingda soft Sri Lanka Tyndareus, meantime Pollux Pollux and Helen Helen's father is Zeus, Zeus. But the king of Sparta as they are normal.

Helen Helen is so beautiful, the pursuance of those who do not know where, Spartan king stand it and eventually accept the intended 纳奥德赛斯, where the pursuit of those who need to esteem the alternative of Helen Helen, and to defend Helen and her choice of objects. Finally, Helen chose Menelaus U.S. Nilao Si / m resistance Rolls, Menelaus and thus inherit the throne, became king of Sparta. The swan eggs sister Helen Helen married Menelaus's brother Clytaemnestra Mycenae Mycenaean king Agamemnon Agamemnon.

Guanjue Greek beauty Helen, even Attica Peninsula (Attica) hero Theseus (Theseus) also tried to pillaged her. Suitor after another, and skirmish to make Tingda soft Sri Lanka infighting know what to do, the last potentate of humorous accuser Ithaca Odysseus Odysseus into Sri Lanka to Tingda soft words: Helen's husband, they never come from weapon opposition him, and when requested assistance to aid him. .

brother Castor Castor's dad was a Spartan king of the country, his brother is Zeus (Zeus) the son, therefore, immortal body, nevertheless they are not really twins, but the two grew up together , feeling very good. Castor Castor good at strategy, training horses and riding, and Pollux Pollux is good at fighting and boxing. When their sister Helen was abducted when the two brothers also participated in the war, and together with other heroes, will send his sister back.

adventurous brothers, and their experiences inside the Greece Aeolian Caicos (Iolkos) Wang Zijie Health (Jason) queried his uncle returned to the sovereign after growing up, Jason asked how anticipated uncle (Jason) to Cole Bridges (Colchis) to retake the Golden Fleece was willing to quit. So Jason resolved to set off. He recruited 50 warriors from all over, beginning from Greece. In addition to Castor Castor, Pollux Pollux, there Heracles (Hercules Roman name) (Hercules), large musician Orpheus (Orpheus), doctor 亚斯克雷皮 os (Asklepios) and other famous warrior similarities.

, in which the brain of the twin brothers have lit up a huge star, giving them the power of the storm put down. Therefore, the twin brothers were regarded as the contributor saint of sailing. After all, after the danger of Later two are still marching to a assorted venture.

Castor and Pollux Castor and Pollux were married Leucippus kidnapping of two daughters, Phoebe and Phoebe were Hilaeira. Pollux said Hilaeira always love. But Leucippus two nephews Idas and Lynceus, but also very like the two sisters. Therefore, Idas and Lynceus clashed with twin brothers. In a fighting in, Lynceus killed Castor Castor. In fact, Idas and Lynceus

are twin brothers, two brothers and relatives.

(some version mentioned Pollux Pollux was killed Lynceus revenge for his brother, and some versions say Zeus Zeus to punish those who hurt twin brother.)

Castor Castor death, leaving only the die body of Pollux Pollux. So Pollux Pollux to Zeus (Zeus) the apply, hoping to end their lives with Castor Castor. Zeus was admitted that the two brothers take turns living in paradise and the underworld.

celebration is a party of the twin brothers,Women's Air Max 2003, 15 July. Roman twin brothers also built this temple: Castor Castor Pollux Pollux temple.

Gemini's two brightest stars is to name two brothers named: Castor Castor & Pollux Pollux, Gemini forever.


5 22 - June 21 Ruler: Mercury attribute: air phase constellation

born in spring birthday horoscope or the sun in Gemini people Features:

to be carried out without leaving a trace, restless, halted, and this is followed by rash changing Taurus Gemini. Spring-filled representation in the Gemini personality who is ashore the chief features of unrestrained, all-encompassing entities to the appearance earth never-ending curiosity. This is a broad scope of interests and is willing to bear spread, the scatter of message the task people. Gemini people have a typical city human character, fast-paced life, there are a variety of journal activities and preparations. But occasionally a lack of vision, in life's cruise you will experience ups and downs. But constantly this period, you can find proper ways to control the situation, out of the bush. If either have several planets in Gemini, alternatively Mercury in the birth horoscope the inspire of colossal, these tendencies have convert more apparent.

If the birth horoscope with Gemini, then you may be seeking a sense of freedom, naturally pure, who do not pay attention to details of life. Lively, passionate, romantic temperament and imagination. Acceptance and the competence to adapt to new things. Knowledgeable, articulate, good at calculating and statement, a sense of humor. In addition, you still fearless to do a fearless person, there are several success. Your outlooks are often full of sagacity, it makes you a spirit of invention and pioneering people. Gemini's your quick musing, but sometimes the lack of calm poise the need to often change the environment, such as voyage, commute ideas follows others, or express themselves in all aspects, otherwise you will feel restless. You are smart, some rash and nervous, often indulge in is hard to understand the motif of ​​being only interested and like to do something to make you merry. You occurred to the world omniscient mind full of many novel ideas, but it is complicated to put into train. Not breakdown, is to be simultaneously in the minds of two or more overwhelmed by new ideas, a dilemma. Your ideas and suggestions, ideas tend to be more practical than you, more wealthy people to adopt the spirit of perseverance. However, in principle, you always build a road to success a person.

Gemini, most people like their talents for the cause of, rather than to expand their material interests. You thought of a flash, often will help your profession take off. This is a person there is a famous feature; especially good at mobilizing the eagerness of their friends. Gemini people are suitable for literature, business and vocational language skills necessitated. You can stand out in these areas. Also in the news, photography, travel and other needs resourceful, malleable and courageous work, and interpersonal aspects of the work comprised, you will show a amazing talent. If the influence of Saturn's larger, you will become a great industrialist. Your peerless fiscal sense and good sense of smell and psychological ability to collar the chance, will help your profession success.

your weaknesses is a good move and a lack of perseverance. If everything nigh you such as a backwater, not angry, update and change, you feel tired. This is a lack of tight belief, the morale of insistence, but also the lack of depth of thought of people.

Gemini men

leisurely, cordial. Often gives the impression will always be an outsider. Never-ending lust for knowledge and curiosity, urged the pace of your life, inspire you to continue to chase and browse. However, you rarely have the time to attain all this. This is a magnetic and somewhat different to people of color. Like changing, do not like the perpetual and permanent. When you put beautiful chord playing is fair right, you will voicelessly go to elsewhere to attract new Your intellectual talent in your body stand out. Are you good brains to find ways, is a desire varied, suitable for mental dry before. Your body is brittle, often skeptical of love, like to use satire as a arms to protect themselves. Life you need most is the general spectators, rather than go all out of love. On your laptop filled with useful residences, knows the score, promising to win people's confidence and love. All this thanks to your artiste character. Gemini men are good rhetoric, humor, you can speak to the emergence of one atmosphere of lukewarm up quickly, and with you will never feel lonely. Instead, quit friends, partners or frequent social activities, you will find life adrift. Gemini men are generally reluctant to suppose duty for family life, and like the Once you are married, the family will become a warm gathering area and infinite conversation. You want to live a carefree, unfettered work time. Under these conditions, you will show a prototype husband of a lot of good quality.

birthday horoscope Sagittarius woman will sync with your broad savor, meet your unrestrained character.

Libra petticoat sentiments, passionate, hospitable,Nike Shox Dame, sociable, she will enrich the lives of men Gemini mood.

Aquarius women are innovative, lusty mastermind talent, friendship and firm conviction that she is the cause of efficient male Gemini and reliable gopher.

Gemini women

This is a exotic and acceptable women. Ideological level open,Air Max Skyline, fraught with beautiful illusion, your emotions like a beautiful Caprice.

you intelligent Ling Lee, and some nervousness. Heart always brights with charm, joy,AirMax, happiness, love and good spark. You absence to forever be in the navel of the paradise of carefree, like to use intense go, prevalent activities to disperse their worries. It namely effortless to rouse the affection of others, the center, merely your feelings are no readily accessible. Word may touch your heartstrings, make you hike away a tiny small also. If somebody tin have a nice grasp of your individuality specifics, prophesy your response, so easy to make you attracted to period.

Gemini female mentality is very strong, good logistics intricate at the crucial moment the situation and can make their own right determination. You look beautiful love brought joy. In general, the Gemini woman will have a rich love life, especially when the time Venus in Gemini.

that women do not like a bland family life. You want to live rich in content, the ever-changing: always go for a walk, picnic or travel, open about vision, change of living environment, encounter some new friends and refine about temperament, these are your indispensable chapter of life, but also to keep you high feelingful basis. Your junket personality will be infected with the people around. Excessive hard work, tired or upset, and often make you tired and feeble.

Sagittarius man will give you a current inhalation of life. You set up between the home will be enriched, free and romantic. Often have household and friends apt patronize.

and Libra male, helps your masterly talent to play, or access to tall levels of social life.

If combined with the Aquarius male, your life will be a qualitative change in content. You will be frequented along intellectuals, savants and celebrities obtain to know.

Gemini has cultural and economic centre of Hong Lim Lim, builder of a research subject who is > people think you are a fresh, vibrant, attractive, fun, pragmatic, and always interesting people; you are often the focus of mass attention, is a ample Pingheng people, and will not therefore carried away. cordial kind and considerate to understanding people; a people happy and will help others!

physical health
Gemini body's resistance weak, but the spiritual life is uncommon, so he can quickly regain after fatigue. But this resumption is in his own amuse in act a obligation, because boredom is his worst enemy, make him depressed.
Gemini people should not overworked, but what is the access to make him sit back and not shake it? Extreme curiosity pedals him, so he always felt there are many things to do! Therefore, he should 1st study to relax your exhausted body is easy: take a deep breath and chew edible well. Also walking, practicing yoga, playing tennis, sprinting and cycling, will be good for his body.
This one suddenly busy people to do things, eat rapid, almost gulping. Nervous sometimes directly influence his digestion. Furthermore, his digestion function is weak, production his weight wastage and lack of ample resistance. Dinner should be noted calmly and slowly, as little as possible to worry about things or other minds, which prevent gastrointestinal disorders, aerophagia, etc., also help to conquer depression or mental fatigue .
Second, the good people who sleep on the Gemini is important, because this is typical of patients with insomnia, can not nectar too much coffee and stimulants, or occasions the body to function disorders. The best way is to nectar before going to sleep from the sedative achieve of herbal decoction. Such as:
Melissa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 100g
British hawthorn flowers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50g
oregano (marjoram) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 50g
the 3 plants will be merged together, put a teaspoon per cup, with hot water for quarterutes, add thyme honey.
If points can develop the accustomed of seclusion behind closed gates, then his body will be good. He should always walk to the outside fresh wind, of special note, need to do more deep breathing, which is exactly what he always ignored. Walk before going to sleep with sleeping drugs tablets better than anyone sedative effect.
Gemini people are very reflection of the pill laws. Change of living environment in a small travel times, met some interesting friends, for his strong body and mind than those
Gemini of the human body need to add phosphorus, it can guarantee the normal metabolism of nerve cells, mental and ######ual function, and trace factors necessary. To this end, you can eat in the food, leeks, onions, tomatoes, raisins, apples, apricots, and fish. Sterilization plants resistance to infection, because the constellation of people tend to catch chilly. Thyme, rosemary, purple, and Yang Su grass and other plants, his body is very serviceable.
Gemini physical weakness is the bronchi and lungs. In array to get the body extend, a hot shower, the best in the tub,Air Max, join a teaspoon of thyme savor.

Gemini people's health is the thyme vegetation, which has physical health and sterilization role.
Gemini folk like to eat snacks, preferably eat quite full, along to Burton. This diet is not without benefits because his back, for of his upset abdomen to eat extra, especially the digestion of meat will make him feel namely heavy burden. Parents, remember: Do not make the Gemini child eating also much, so he will get petulant and wailing. The ideal is to follow the lifestyle of people in Bali, Indonesia, Bali people are adapted to stopping by each other to find someone to eat snacks, and not eating and drinking. This has led to widespread care nutritionists and base that the Bali people have more resources to preserve a graceful fashion of the eligible.
Gemini suitable for radiotherapy or vibration knead. Shower, shower bath him more than fitting.

Gemini: May 22-June 21
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Symbol: The twins
Color: Yellow, Rainbow
Lucky stone: jewelry
Flowers: Lily-of -the-valley, Lavender
Lucky numbers: 9 and 5
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Key phrase: I think
Keywords: Communicate, Adaptable
Main Trait: Responsiveness
Notable Geminis : John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 US President) Richard Wagner (May 22, 1813.German Composer)

Personal traits: Geminis are optimistic people. All things are fresh and fascinating for the twins, it's the way they like it to be. They often possess the enthusiasm of a child. Routine is boring, and boring is not granted. Restless, with an athletic imagination and a keen intellect, life must be lived to the fullest for Gemini . Perceived as a game, life is best played with swift moves and amusing teammates. A twin wants to know the causes, motivations, and dynamics behind everything and everyone they meet.

Adaptability, ingenuity and cleverness are other peculiarities of Genimis. They are a mental sign and therefore logical, even brilliant every now and then, possessing a great deal of magnetism.

However, it is important to remember that the symbol for this sign is twins, and that not entire twins are alike. There are wide differences within the Gemini symbol. In contrast to the luminous one narrated upon is the eclipse twin. On the turn of a moment, Gemini can become cynical, biting, morose and fast inflamed. Inseparable as two sides of a coin, those born in this sign can be dazzling and irresistible or inconstant and irrational.
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