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Old 06-19-2011, 01:37 AM   #1
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Default Proper conditioning of endocrine female !

( Woman turn to their own outlook, the men transferred to the wife to see )

If you're a girl: If you do not have the persistence to peruse, save under, or corner almost and have period to look by it!
people act more pure, skin and body, the better, no an entered the menopausal woman can keep the girl's exterior. Three inches underneath the belly clasp, after the land is a beautiful garden, inquire yourself: Is there inflammation? There is no dysmenorrhea? There is no mass and blockage? Married women are not difficult, at all times there is 1, which is the skin of the killer, how much cosmetics are not used.
Our back garden need to protect it?
a woman can not let their cold cold
the root of all distress. Poor woman cold blood, cold hands and feet and dysmenorrhea. Poor blood, president of spots on the face, the body's energy can not moisturize the skin, the skin is not angry, so many women, like perfect skin like fine china, but not in youth, to say the least sense; and some young women, no matter how long bean beans or great life. Even more scaring is that our reproductive system is the most cold-blooded, once the body is too cold, it will prefer a long more fat to insulation, our leader of fat under the centre. Once sufficient blood warm, these fat no longer necessary, automatically will be perished.
female body cold, cold hands and feet lightly and dysmenorrhea is a mutual phenomenon. Now more common:
First, MM are diet, eating only vegetables and fruit, not afraid of portly to eat red flesh, fruits and vegetables of chilly and chilly in the bulk. In fact, red meat is a petticoat appoint a boon, especially beef and lamb, entire with a lot of iron, can mainly shirk anemia. MM anemia surely pale face.
Second, MM are mostly white, sitting at the microprocessor every day to go, work backwards to watch TV, high-heeled shoes are really not suitable for hyperactivity. GG Kaijulaijie out on a appointment, buy a health card does not take twice a year. Because sitting too much, blood is silt in the lower abdomen. Water does not corrode, the flow of blood is not always the backlog in our pelvis, pelvic inflammation, how can we not long. Once the inflammation, the face will naturally yellow and spot. Even if will not inflammatory, non-blocking flow of blood capillaries in the skin, the color will be irregular.
third, MM are beauty, with the recoil underwear to his waist tightly, in fact, that point with no. Beam too tightly, your reproductive system is no blood supply, more cold, more cold on long fleshy. Now that winter is popular to wear a skirt ah, here is a thin sock, the plenary lower body is cold, cold starting from the foot thing.
There, MM who love to eat ice, in order not to drink more herbal tea acne. In fact, a woman afraid of the cold, it is best to avoid contact with the cold medicine. Peas in a long yang many people are not too busy, but because of deficiency, yin-yang can not be Han, and its loss of the yang, yin is more appropriate than (later to say this). I have observed, the South drink herbal tea such as Guangdong and Guangxi provinces than the woman back the birth of the Minister of the position is more serious spot (after the birth of the fat is not the yard up, is the fertility and the reproductive system function had wounds, inflammation, not smooth and restore the system more vulnerable to cold requires more fat conservation). Even the ancient prostitutes, in order of effective contraception would take cold medicine, showing that these drugs damage the reproductive system. In the herbal tea, some yin qi, and can be taken, but the ###### is too cold, can not be used, such as aloe vera MM popular raw food, this is dread, the most effective ingredients of aloe emodin is highly cold , topical aloe vera can remedy burns (like Centipede), we can dream how cold it is, nothing or eat better.
Oh, that so much, we do not do is to cold beauty, eat red meat, ginger, red dates, animal blood, rice wine, cherry ... ... In short, iron-rich or relatively mild stuff; some good stuff like white fungus, lemon, do not shoot something to eat during menstruation; pay attention to insulation, do not drink too much ice things, drink hot drinks; not the old air-conditioned room by myself, and do not want to grace not to temperature, cool autumn has also Lu Qizhuang wear. Winter is the best insulation foam hot water, not to save gas, taking a dip in the hot water thirty minutes, plus massage, and then the body will heat up the cold. Can not bath feet is necessitated. And then not holding a cup of hot water all day, the embrace of hot water, cold woman is perfectly justified.
lesson, it is best to take the initiative to make their own heat up, too much strenuous exercise is not profitable to weight loss, the most effective is the waist and abdomen and interior thighs stretching movements, such as stretching up in the morning, around the waist, short waist is focus on exercise, not too short, otherwise one will be more blood to stop silt set in waist. Very effective gentle yoga, Latin disco is also very good. But I also recommend yoga, because yoga is more emphasis on breathing, blood gas line to line.
there is to pay attention to taking some blood stasis in traditional Chinese medicine and food. This should be very cautious, not everyone has the congestion, circulation had even, it will harm the body, such as extravagant menstrual stream caused. Therefore, the amount of MM according to menstrual and menstrual blood viscosity, there is no face to decide spots. Blood circulation category of traditional Chinese medicine are: Motherwort, peach, peach kernel, safflower, which is ranked from mild to severe, the more back the more mighty, I suggest to eat the first two on the line. Can take tea (hot tea), peach sparkling wine with a more effective, and the tea and wine can also be used to wipe her face to face spots.
two, a woman speaking to a woman hormone
really wretched ah, from the first period to menopause is more than 400 pieces of egg, really is a small one, so run out, we as the fate of a small beauty also basically over, and just try to make an elegant lady. Each time the process of ovulation is a hormone metabolism, hormone levels in normal women, his face red and delicate. Metabolic bad woman, his face will be a variety of cancers, physical exam in the hospital every time I glimpse those to treat women's diseases of the woman, his face sallow face one spot, all bear.
course, too many bad hormones and sometimes the result of too much hormone really is particularly good skin, I know a woman more than 40 years old girl has a beautiful face, then that is very ill will be forced to use hormone treatment as consequence of which is the proliferation of breast and uterus, which is too extreme. Is one such pretended hormones, natural hormones is different, many have two-way correction function, can inhibit the hormone too. I oppose the use of artificial hormones, added to the cosmetics I nervous. Add some high-level natural cosmetics claim that plant hormones, did not personally see a little disbelief.
Originally Well, a lot of stuff with natural hormones, not to over eat more Well, I look out Oh: soy, pomegranate, Chinese yam, angelica, fennel, Hashima, royal jelly ... the most effective is to drink the most effective soy milk, because soy contains a two-way micro-adjust feature of estrogen, can be a cheap drink.

said that women in Japan late menopause than Western women is the result of taking high doses of soy products. I attest, since bought a large cup of soybean milk to drink every day, the period extended to 35 days. Normal female is 28 days to go. I have stolen every month, 7 days if I still have 200 ovulation opportunity to fight for their 1400 days, almost 4 years.
here complement one, the cycle is not longer the better. Because genital lesions or if there is relatively weak, the menstrual cycle is too long, long time not the normal reproductive cycle of hormone provocation, would premature aging. So a few months to make the MM do not think, and can not go to extremes.
According to the survey before the age of 40 women taking soy enough. After 40 years of age or royal jelly can be added Hashima (beasts, some of the stuff is powerful). Hashima good to eat, but now they can eat, like once a week, up more skin, but good stuff, president of the uterus. Royal Jelly and 40 years of age can begin to drink, and can defer menopause and mitigate menopausal omens. Milk and royal jelly can be topical, fresh raw milk can be used to make moisture mask, residue can be used to massage the body scour, royal pudding can also be facial, cosmetics cheaper than natural, all good stuff.

it is important to cherish their own bodies. In particular, married women, if you do not disburse care to hygiene or prevalent abortions, resulting in adhesions or inflammation, the reproductive system will be hard buffet, and then how to restore it hard to face Oh. An ectopic pregnancy may cause the absolute wastage of ovarian function. In variant case, the female guess infertility with traditional Chinese medicine to restore the conservative movement is more safe Canada. Do not use Western ovulation induction pills, in order to enhance the become of pregnancy (duals want some MM), Western medicine can promote you once more pieces of eggs excretion, but this function is to inhibit ovulation after your disbursement. You want, one organ too hard this month, next month is not to damage it. But you can not let it rest Praying eager, ever use of drugs, because even if the row has more pieces of egg, we can not assure a successful, ovulation drugs can make you a expel of 6 eggs, think of a woman's life was 400 , how many months you can waste ah. Once too much, it will seriously curb ovarian function and even premature aging, it is premature, the basis of your youth is gone. As the saying goes there is life there is hope, the Chinese often say, Indiscriminate use of ovulation induction drugs, as
three women to conserve their water
woman is made of water Well, face to succulent, to wet eyes. But according to Chinese claims not to support the water, but to Yin. Qianmian I said, a woman Chang Peas Bushi Too Ershi chi Buzu yang, yin Buzu Yi Han Yang, shown is anger.
that fire-fighting water, drink a great many water on the good? Otherwise, more will be poisoned water to drink, will not supply the kidney, eyes will be swollen. That is not true factor of the gas.
water in the body a woman can not wear and tear over. Relative to our bodies, many of the external stuff can be counted as anger. For example, the flavors had very. Bitter salty spicy food, all we need to reconcile with the gas, which is anger. But then, some MM heavier taste, pressure, or a bad mood one day, I'm afraid to want a bowl of spicy boiled fish Shaanxi Cold or happy about. Lunch is included in the food flavors in a taste, in fact, just the food does not matter, the key is the spices, especially the spices. China's earth famous spices, inside a bowl of food, such as allspice, is the cinnamon, star anise, cumin, coriander seeds, pepper and five spice íí, most will then add ginger, onion, garlic, pepper, orange peel, alas I have a few clear the ... These food will taste very heavy loss of our water! If their temperature is not gentle, but especially cold or especially hot dishes on a layer of more losses.
have snacks! After deep-fried or roasted those things are very crispy. Fried things people know, deep-fried is the process of dehydration thing. Taste is good, but the food off the water into our bodies, it will immediately absorb the water in the body, so eat a lot of you feel dry mouth. In fact, it is not absorbed by water, but the body of fluid. I understand that is a kind of mucus, and water is the same as lacking.
and our feelings, and if you do not Ningjing Ping, but the anger, depression, sorrow, ecstasy, wonder what it does in the workplace, but we have to use the body in the air to neutralize it.
all comes down to this water in our bodies, by the time everything but the degree of maintenance is in it, eating a little light, a little peace of idea. Those mild, savor not too ponderous, fresh food without too many spices are good stuff. With mucus (colloid) something particularly good, such as trotters (like stew, spicy forget), frozen fish (frozen fish scales), Maw (that is, the swim bladder of fish), white fungus, chicken cartilage, shark's fin. Light soup taste better, because it can remain in the body longer, and will not be excreted as water too quickly. Woman is out of the tonic, which can be nothing bad ah. Also, air-conditioned apartment to drink abundance of water or humidifier.

have a certain body of water and metabolic smooth enough. Water save in the body would look fat, like extra layer of fleshy, round face, bulging, swollen eyelids. MM commonly deposited with ice tea or eyes. It is only a temporary tactic. Body water retention is the kidney and lymphatic problems. It may be too high salt intake caused by food. Many diet pills contain diuretics ingredients, but also to exclude the main body of water, will increase the burden on the center, guide to undesirable consequences.
solve many ways, such as low-salt diet, or massage lymphatic and kidney. More condensed in the body's lymphatic neck, armpit, thigh. You can multiplication a bath at night moisturizing cream massage these areas, or rub your hands massage the lower behind, promote blood circulation of the kidney.
there is a therapeutic method, taking the melon. Cut off the skin, the flesh and seeds labeled with juice in blender (must use seeds, the most effective way to it), in the pot, and other sticky juice, add sugar and cook for a while, after cooling condensate into one. The amount of eating is to use a spoonful of tea to drink. Summer drink This is really super clean the kidneys of waste, or a good way to eliminate excess moisture. Your little face will become very strong, small waist is Oh.

four, UP, is the upward compel
remember a man named Josephine, said the actress, a woman, ah, is over 40, in addition to age up long, what are the down fall. Oh panic of our skin, internal organs, Mimi, buttocks are always under gravity, DOWNDOWN, 55555 ... ... my family tree on the balcony, a steaming spring leaf on Proton to Upward. Plants have a written a paperback that plants rooted deep in the globe, its vitality can land the deepest energy has been put on the clouds. Inside the human body has such a vitality in order to partially offset the effect of gravity.
fact, compared to the skin and Mimi, our earlier sagging viscera, offal is not much support. Middle-aged woman likely savings and physiology of fat, middle-aged men but also president of the beer belly. Some belly fat, more of the internal organs of the host should have been falling, and the stomach becomes particularly large. Without the support ribs, I'm afraid some people will drop it with heart and lung. Women also have this, supposedly, only the fat of the abdomen should be soft, but many people who acquire weight, small belly is hard and this is down because of internal organs, intestines squeezed reasons. MM are not only attach magnitude to the surface of exertion, so keep up the healthy organs opinion, face and other parts of the body will be straight.
regular massage the abdomen to maintain vitality of the abdomen, the most recommended abdominal breathing of yoga. Very simple, anytime possible, cared about their breathing, abdominal breathing to swell, belly breath so that adduction. Before going to bed or other traffic when training a few minutes, the abdomen will be able to get a good touch. Hand massage is an external force, and with their own body can mobilize the power of the air. There is also a simple enhanced: blank stomach, when standing with legs elbow length, can be slightly bent legs, try to breath out while striving to inward flat belly, and breath move up, cling to the moment, the natural inward tight anus received, attached to the sternum chin, then slowly inhale, return to normal until the lower abdomen. This action is very tired, like three times a opening, and gradually added to five times. Often do, the degree of adduction of the lower abdomen will be speed up, massage internal organs to get better, intestinal dirt will be more effectively eliminated from the body, waist thinning, assimilation will become better.
standing or lying down when the pressure is often lower my eyes, look at his lower abdomen, can also exclude up gas, excluding oil and waste in the intestines. To use their energy to exclude these things. And a different diet pills, your body is very conscious of what they should excretion, drugs do not know, it will the body of water with good things such as take out, and body fat savings surroundings has not improved, and soon will pile up .
with dynamic inner organs, skin and have sufficient flexibility to offset the downward gravity of the protrusion after Alice's place is not puzzling.

5 dieting to cut back on? Do it!
my strong absorbent system is simply melting the metal is also afraid of fat that point what to do. Metabolism of normal people will have the best looking body. Breast waist Buttocks is e good fertility performance, as to how to maintain good fertility in the front have said. Grow out of food from the soil, with colossal energy from the soil, I planted onion parsley chives, cut round and round, my husband said no prodigy than the leek into a revolutionary, revolutionaries annihilate the infinite , ha ha ~
However, the very particular way of eating the food, most people only consider the nourishment in food, in fact,Lacoste Swerve Keyline Trainers, there are invisible energy that we UP, let our blood will not be stuck in a place the kind of energy.
First of all, the season should be to eat the food, I almost did not seasonal, for selling vegetables and fruits annual circular, we eat in the summer before the winter should generate food, our bodies and nature the subtle links among the hack off. Seasonal foods that are often maximum competent to cope with seasonal changes in the body. Eat eat Luobu Xia Jiang past winter, spring onion leek to eat, eat a large melon in summer, are very rational.
Although summer heat, but the yang in the table, the chi, the visceral negative is cold, easy to diarrhea, so eating warm stomach ginger; winter yang adduction, internal organs but is dry and hot, and eat Loeb Qing Wei Huo. Again, I eat meat, but not eat the same meat every season, autumn and winter I eat a lot of red meat, the spring and summer, eat more fish and duck. If we are to eat, regardless of season, may need to remove the fire Shique eat something hot to death. Moreover, there are a lot of in-season vegetables, plus the chemical composition, bulging deputy sweetener all butmething, like a beautiful but no flavor, chemical residues amass in the body and damage our liver and kidney. Chemical stuff too much, they are good heavy task of detoxification ah.
say region,Womens Lacoste Shua Trainers, a regional eating habits and customs of its air related, like hot places, are generally prone to food poisoning alternatively humid areas. Do not eat spicy Sichuan girls get angry, because Sichuan humid. But to the dry north pernicious, but too to eat Sichuan food, no water had been rainy and then in adding to points, not long Peas strange. Mexico and India, spicy food, because those chapters of hot, spicy and more can be in counting to intestinal parasites. We did not eat insects, alas, are wrong in Zhe Zhangzui above.

six, eat the full flavor of the food
Now do not know why things have grown so large, cut a small piece can be fed. Species also greatly enriched. Some people also devoted a small part of food to eat, such as eating lips, tongue, sin ah.
a complete food, energy and utility is complete, separated not so matter. Such as eggs, protein is cold in nature, the yolk is warm, add up to eating, ######ual level. Lychee is the most heat, the lychee skin is cool, so I taste lychees eat enough of this reach is, let's use some skin clean to drink tea. Eat a lot of orange at the fire, but the orange skin but can phlegm. Rough or even suggest that you eat raw food, is to ensure that food portions are not removed. We eat rice, rice germ was basically removed. Then made rice cakes, basically no useful things for people.
occasionally those things we throw away more profitable than eat. We do not understand why they eat eat. Such as corn, corn in most cosmetic effect of corn microorganism, corn cob is that close to a small semi-circular thing, which is wealthy in vitamin E, and we cost big money to buy and eat wheat mildew oil is an effect. I eat corn super maladroit, is to ensure that those little germ left out. Besides fish discard away the scales, in fact, contain a large digit of collagen in fish scales, fish scales and bones of boiled fish-scale refrigerate, freeze better than leather. Grape skin and seeds more useful than the meat, but we eat the flesh, the skin and seeds spit, and then spend money to buy grape seed extract has always been cosmetic. In fact, the market buy the raisins with seeds, dried seeds inside, crunchy, good food, but also laxative, dispose of allergies. May be cheaper if they feel ill-treated MM stuff his face it.
go to a restaurant for dinner, even worse, no matter what food, oil, salt and seasoning a lot, completely overshadowed the flavor of food. MM were recommended to eat entire food, eat a little food, STRING small fish sesame shrimp, their vigor is the most complete.
dislike ah everywhere in the ads do vitamins, like vitamin is not modern human do not eat. There are a lot of strange food. Eat, or eat? I meditation we can eat a tiny morsel, but there are three principles: First, you must know why eating; second, the food does not meet the needs of the circumstances below which to eat. Third, do not eat much.
drugs tablets do not care who you sell it, he told you a million vitamins and minerals, pill, who are good to eat. And sell you complex vitamins, you will arrange a easy way. Excuse me if the absence of anything, you should think is a change in diet.
selling vitamins will tell you a lot of nutrition is not absorbed from food, this is definitely a lie! Humans is based on the evolution of the existing food over, our physical environment to adjust to the existing food, can not adapt, we should have is extinct like dinosaurs.
try to get enough vitamins from food, but sometimes our bodies will be some special circumstances: for instance, feelings of tension, the dimension B will be a substantial body metabolism, in order to ease the pressure we can add dimension B. For a woman syndrome, premenstrual tension, stress big time, and the coffee woman. Vitamin C can prevent sun burns the skin, summer or after exposure came back from the coast, you can add an accessory dimension C. Calcium, when added dimension to the same time D, but at the same time more than the sun. Preparation for pregnancy or early pregnancy miscarriage can add dimension E (doctor). Vitamin complement little more than some big, water-soluble vitamins such as B, C, eat a lot of yellow urine up, pull-point belly bulge. And some will make more toxic, like fat-soluble A, D, E or to listen to the doctors. Distinguish between the two is very simple, is water-soluble tablet, capsule generally is fat soluble. In fact, less medication and better, fill-dimensional point B as spoken pollen, soak up vitamin C than lemon tea, as is seen as the beauty products angel of vitamin E, eating corn, sesame seeds to make up.

7, eating into his mouth and put on the face of
put on the face of all my stuff is saved from the mouth, can wipe a lot of things, but we face as opposed to just a five organs Neifu marginal organs, can not it be too tired, can not activate it all day.
milk: drink a lot of tricks, rose, ginger, and longan, and a variety of almond milk, bananas, strawberries, papaya, tomato, a variety of milkshakes, plus a province of a paper membrane to attaining. Milk is attaining a super good stuff. Can be white, calm the skin, especially after the summer sun and the skin to restore moisture. Milk containing milk acid, mild acid than cosmetic. Attaining a must in the evening, the day the sun had been president of attaining a longer trace. Winter with ordinary milk, use skim milk in summer, but the acid in milk fat in milk, so the effect of skim milk is not whole milk is good. My compromise is to make their own semi-fat milk: the milk in the microwave, cooled to form the altitude layer of clothing, that is, fat can be removed once a part of it torn off fat. Every one would be exposing a layer, a fat-free milk, basically. So you can control the amount of milk fat, milk attaining not long Peas, is secret Oh.
honey: sugar is more heat, and eat dessert, you can hot drink instead of sugar, honey is a cold drink. Honey is not bad, it in itself inhibit bacterial growth. Ulcer of the stomach to drink it in table fashion a protective movie, the ulcerated areas are defended. Similarly, honey skin attention can also inhibit the growth of skin bacteria, attaining a more simple with the honey, even the periodical film are saved, by the way you can use it to massage the lips, hands and feet, so they get a little special care.
olive oil: olive oil to slacken skin. Self-made mineral drops in a little olive oil spray, used to head hair, hair hard and dry, spray after become supple, but also prevent hair sunburn. Olive oil can also be put on the body, has been wiped by hand to foot, it does not have imagined greasy, wiping washed with hot water after a while just fine. In summer, the first wipe, and then shower gel. Olive oil to soften the skin better than anyone lotion I used.
jewelry powder: Victoria B and calcium is a super alignment of (Amway is the dimension of B pills of calcium) and dimension B and jewelry powder is the absolute combination of calcium. When people in the cerebral tension and vitamin B, calcium excretion also sped up. So if it is working too exhausted, premenstrual tension, or coffee, should be adding these two stuff. Lack of dimension B on the skin a magnificent clash, it will cause infection is not simple to heal (mouth ulcers or skin infections) and peeling (hands and feet of the dander or dandruff). Pearl powder has other advantages: on the computer to penetrate the MM can be eyesight, needy sleep, the MM can alleviate the nerves of the skin or other parts that can detoxify noxious hot to me that it can Tatu po tocolysis. Just buy the real jewelry powder, not the shell powder!
beer: a lacking measurement in front of that B will play dander, and brewer's yeast contains a lot of dimension B, so drink the repose of the malt can be accustom to clean your cilia. Water to wet the cilia first, then topped with beer, with a towel wrapped over a very kind and then wash like normal. O'Neill has previously beer shampoo feel very good use, now can not find.
pollen: vitamin content of food in the two most complete most profuse, is the pollen and rises, so under normal circumstances, do not eat the pollen has more vitamin supplements. Pollen is plant sperm ah, containing a lot of nucleic acid, nucleic acid is the best food sources. Want a infant can eat the MM Oh, sure you can pass on good genes. Pollen contains trace hormones, whatsoever, do not eat after a pregnancy. Pollen generally has a layer of pollen walls surface, it is not broken, it can not absorb the nutrients inside. So it's time to brew a little hot water, and crushed them all with a spoon to drink.

eight, Yin Yin
we say, is comparative to the visceral anger that's another. Anger differ people in another places, some huge stomach fire, heartburn, bad respiration; anger some people engaged all day, get angry; some lung fire, heat cough. But I think most of the MM are no disease, equitable a transient imbalance in the body, there is nought a little bit of anger, no need to shambles medication. I do not accede to what the fire was busy all day, so the body it is really a fire to go. Because it is complicated to grab the scale, have been to, and also cold and stomach harm. Usually the best light varied diet, feelings do not go to extremes, Shinpei gas to class.
Yin lot of things, as we drunk wolfberry, maintain liver and kidney. Wolfberry root system is over after Rehmannia, is Liu Wei Di Huang Wan of the chief ingredients. I do not eat because of the LDB is drugs, three-drug, it is better to put in the porridge that wolfberry. Another example is painful to Firelight, the South in the summer used it soup, pineapple juice drink or named as bitter melon.
many: pearly fungus, gelatin, Sang Shenzi, Ligustrum lucidum, Polygonatum, duck eggs, sugar, ginseng, duck, lily, cuttlefish, lotus seeds, coconut and coconut milk.
bird's nest, very nourishing. Yin is to nourish the body's Yin Ye. Swallow's nest is saliva, after condensation into gel to protect Xiaoyan. Once picked, her mom had to swallow and then spit, to no saliva, it will ┬ blood, that is, people think the most nourishing blood Yan.
Hashima, the Northeast one kind of Rana's fallopian tubes, and the effect is similar to bird's lair, but Hashima with hormones, as bird's nest of peace. If once a week to eat a small amount of hormone is good, generally increases with Hashima stew coconut milk, coconut milk is relatively cool, so no problem.
hand, if we have to get angry, go nourishing, as from the start not to get angry, get angry or stressed modern easy, because eating too much grain too few products too rich flavors. In fact, grains are righteous, complements the wind is the best.

nine, a tree flowers
two years ago bought a potted plant, very bright. May ebb began soon take home only a week, spend the whole off the light, the leaves are turning yellow a. Experienced people say that this flower is a hormone spray, in order to sell a good friend, there may just deduct from the flowers inserted into the basin, the emulating is not the root.
I can not validate these demands, the past year to use every means essential to buy a flower, flower manure to spray. This flower has always been listless listless style. Until one day, the home kept a die fish, and I buried it under the flower. Hot days, and the chance to change the water more than the fish, fish poo this whole inexpensive flower this spring, flower suddenly opened one, then the same as Mars, phone pluck entirely open.
If not gardening, I do not understand how a woman should a standing ovation themselves. 25 years later I tried manifold brands of skin care products, give me the biggest blow was a array of VICKY whitening essence, with the skin after severe allergies, blisters. It turned out that this array of added stuff is? Acid (also called kojic acid), is a byproduct of soy sauce, when, in the technological community is warmhearted suspected to induce skin cancer. Later tried SKII multi-Essence, exhausted after the long face beans.
friends suffered by modern beauty, in an upscale salon skin care, remember it was autumn, her skin becomes moist,Lacoste Prep CB Trainers, red and tender,Buy Lacoste, I relented. Can be made to the following spring, her face serious allergies, his face still red one white one peeling. Dermatology is now enrolled in the hospital all year round, at a time a withdrawal soon turned into a large painted face.
I think we really are sprayed with a hormone to discuss a sell flowers. Like plants, people understand, to blossom lasting fertility of the land there should be enough to advocate those buds blossom on the point that you can immediately pill, one out on the shriveled flower.
so a friend sent me SKII whitening mask, said super-effective, used a lot of white skin immediately, I listened did not defiance to use.

ten, manure fertilizer
retting process, not afraid to spend money trouble, the family with a baby shell, ash, do not eat fish gills intestine, Taomi Shui, steep stuff out of a mug foul to the water garden. Now we see this kind of eating out of food, and are reminders of fertilizer out.
were also reminders of fertilizer out to do the chewing gum, for example, ingredients: xylitol, maltitol, gum found, D-mannitol, spices, gum arabic, glycerin, gelatin, carnauba wax, emulsifiers, sweeteners (contains phenylalanine), lemon yellow, indigo, antioxidants ... ... MM have snacks can also take a look at its menu of ingredients, you will see is your face to those spots where he comes from, from some of the metabolism of our body can not completely to waste.
the human body from the natural environment, access to adequate food nutrition. But if we all get manufactured merchandise from agricultural products rather than nutrition, food processing companies how to survive? So they proclaim and even change our concepts of nutrition, so we feel that after many processed foods to more than just the stuff off the ground better.
In fact, we leave the land for the livelihood of things longer, the worse the effect it. Secret in the beauty of traditional Chinese medicine, many to punctuate the time restrict. Such as backyard, they are off to the face for us, is promising to have seasoned hundreds of procedure and separated by several years.
rice wine is a good thing, especially in winter, it can fill the stomach, lung benefits. Gas temperature can be heaved, upright strong, the body will warm up. In the winter to add some red dates, longan, peanuts, blood is simply a premier breast side. But good rice wine, can not buy in the supermarket. Hours Homebrew rice wine, several kilograms of rice wine, it was a pound. Count a large flask of supermarket wine only a few greenbacks, plus a lot of sugar, no grains of rice. Homemade ways: steamed glutinous rice and let cool, merge some wine and melody, and then dug a chasm in the navel (the wine that is seeped into the cavity), with a blanket to wrap the jars, put the wine to drift a few days out. If the wine Riga Ligustrum lucidum or wolfberry, is the daughter wine.

very ordinary sesame green beans beauty ah, if you eat the green beans and sesame glue cake did not add too much sugar and preservatives. As for who knows it is not added. Industrial society is so Well. MM also believe that if the natural stuff, and try their own compost matter.
Q: Zhangdou
MM fear not dare eat red meat, long beans very common situation, feel the heat of red meat. If you do not like the meat itself can not eat, use other means, iron appendix can. Such as eating dark red fruits, cherries, strawberries, mulberry, red dates. Light fruit body temperature will be too low, for terror of red meat, do not add too much spice heat, stew like. Better add some vegetables, such as roast beef, carrot, lamb hot pot while eating tofu and cabbage.
long beans, there are many possible, if the hormone, you can drink milk with soy milk mask; special period made beans, drink some Motherwort of blood stasis; for pressure, eat foods rich in vitamin B and calcium food. Hot days, attaining water with honey can be sterilized (not bad honey, put it in itself bactericidal), pearl powder can remove facial oils also are rich in vitamin B. Do not have side effects.
Do not eat too much too cold things, like the turtle cake itself is Yin Ling's good stuff, but eat too much, or eat too much ice will hurt the stomach. Once a small bowl, eat the cool autumn on the line. Cold hands and feet, and beans do not trace the old Consumers also shows that the body there is congestion in the period before and after a certain warm, eat warm things. Stomach is not good MM, you can do when added barley stew, steamed or pressed into the dirt to eat barley, can be nursed back to stomach. Barley to enhance large pores and dark spots effectively.
thirty so-called long after the mellow beans, not Qingchun Dou. Qingchun Dou is occasioned along sebaceous glands strong, we generally do not adjust the endocrine seemed deserving to the small, lots of activities in the pelvis, lower abdomen so that the flat blood, such as the hips, shaking hips or thighs stretched ligaments, have endowed to this site blood propagation.
Peas There are two types of stomach Yun-heat, Peas red, attack broad areas, and can be out of powder, dry mouth, constipation, toothache meantime bad breath embolism; blood stagnation type, color Peas dark red or lavender, menstrual exacerbations.
Q: fruit vs. juice
only idle women, no ugly. Seriously in like of this sentence.
summer is coming, supermarket cola outrageous improvements, Hedy, Huiyuan Juice. But I drank themselves squeezed juice. See the bright morning sun, drink a large glass of freshly squeezed orange juice bar. Sour taste with a special rich vitamin C, can be tranquilize, anti-inflammatory, skin whitening. Vitamin C is very easy to be broken, and only their own freshly squeezed orange juice to be effective Oh. In short the sun the greater the more acid drink, drink iced tea when ferocious add to lemon juice.
Spring is the season of rising yang, a winter's collection of heat to be distributed out. Suddenly hot weather suddenly warm, the body easily disorders, skin prone to allergies from the beans. Rich in vitamin B, C of fresh fruits and vegetables can enhance the skin's resistance to brightness and allergens. MM this season because the sun will play some small spots, put them With lemon juice and other acidic stuff mask, be careful in the spring, because spring skin too acute.
all fresh market fruit juice and drink are. Tomato cucumber juice with a little rose is super white beverage. Pineapple juice (add a little salt when squeezed) not only tastes better, and Bromelain can help digestion, while the crime of eating the fleshy MM is the savior. Ye Hao papaya, papaya contains papain and papaya enzymes to help digestion, break down fat, white breast Oh ~
Some may say, do not eat the fruit instantly on the end, doing strenuous labeled as juice it. Fruit is generally a strong sense of fullness, the stomach to eat two fruits to eat, you can drink more fruit juice labeled, nor increase the burden on the stomach. You can also process a variety of fruit juices with the composite.
Q: milk
made the best supermarket in the sugar too much. Their system can add rock sugar, rock sugar than white sugar moist. There are other benefits of home-made, would like to add kidney beans, peanuts can be additional to blood, can be done almond tea. Lungs and cough can drink this fall.
Q: hot tea, hot tea
cause only that it is terrified of everyone in the peppery and dry weather when the greedy to beverage herbal tea and iced tea. Speaking of lust, hot tea better. Hot, the gastrointestinal function about normally, and then iced entities quite ache tolerate. Drink hot tea that was the emotion is no amusement, but afterward the body is to quench their thirst. In truth, tea ambition warm the edible in the effective stuff to escape faster throughout the body, iced tea is no such effect.
Recommended: Mangosteen a small, rose flowers 3-5, 3-5 pieces of red dates, wolfberry 10. Hot brew,
this pot of tea, the Mangosteen Qingre, lung, cooling, clearing the lungs loosen and thirst; though there are sweet and calorie-free; dates spleen and stomach, up blood; wolfberry eyesight, nourish liver and kidney; roses blood to regulate menstruation, liver qi. A cup of hot tea, hot day when you'll feel the sweat on his forehead swiftly.
Q: the morning to drink salt water
If there is no high blood oppression or kidney problems, nothing bad to drink salt water. A little light as possible on the line. Salt water can remove toxins and stomach anger. Constipation to eat sweet potato is very effective.
Q: spot
smudges now generally corresponds to the uterus of the problem, and long blots on the cheekbones and the liver qi stagnation. If the nose and mouth in anger around the stomach is relatively large.
Q: Wei Huo Wei Huo large
Notional. Real fire manifested as eat good hunger, abdominal discomfort, mouth pain, dry mouth, dry hard stool. Available gardenia, light bamboo tea to drink. Virtual fire extravaganza of mild cough, eating less, constipation, abdominal distension, tongue, little coating, can eat a yin role pear juice, sugar cane juice, honey and so on. Well done to not justify the level of medication, diet to restore just fine. Less popular Sim irritating, fried food, eat light food and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Q: yellow skin, uneven color, eye edge spots, cold hands and feet, dry skin, liver and kidney function
color yellow that is not busy; eye spots corresponding to the uterus, poor flavor; cold hands and feet is a common problem with MM; reproductive system is generally more cold; blood does not approach the body of energy General skin, the skin will be drier. Skin is only a peripheral, it corresponds to the vitality of internal organs.
to restore the reproductive system is a whole thing, not to eat a little food or medicine on the line. Exercise, diet and lifestyle have a relationship. Once nursed back to health is good, it's not just a good site, ovaries, pelvic, uterus and other organs will be correspondingly better, a variety of skin problems on the disposal of only incidental effects. Objectively speaking, to quest to survive on two drugs in a hurry a cure is not possible Peas or spots, throughout the human body is a loss for both a prosperity.
Q: special period of pain
fighting weapon, is ginger.
Many people may have tried ginger in pain when drinking it. Drink one or two results are not necessarily obvious. Ginger is the best warm body, and the drink did not have side effects such as Motherwort. Must be ginger, in the coming days or the first day of feeling pain when eating. Whittled the ginger slices (ginger skin must keep), try a few more pieces, the better the more spicy, add a few tablespoons of brown sugar. Do not be afraid of high heat, women in this period will not be a lot of sugar and fat. You can add a little red dates and longan. Soak in boiling water with ginger tea. Drink hot ginger tea to be effective. Cup brown sugar if necessary enough can be added and then soak time, the two cup sinks, will drink Chuyishenhan, the pain can be immediately reduced. The key point, enough ginger to the tea to be hot enough.
woman taking care of their own care is important is to help the lovely female alumni.

Believe it or not: to make you invincible beauty beautiful Proverbs 60!
1, pocked the loveliness of the antagonist, without concealer pen, you can use a cotton swab dipped in a little water, a little powder wrapped parts as needed, can also play a good concealer effect.
2, Young head straight to do every day, and turned down the level of the side ring turned around several times to train and remain conscientious in life, can cut collar fat off meat chin.
3, both at home or in the restaurant to eat, try the weight than you actually want to eat some containing less, so that will not be subject to temptation and eating too much.
4, the drops of pure essential oils of purple on the pillow, pajamas collar or drops the ball again in the cotton plug in the pillow, make you sleep a beauty sleep.
5, select your favorite essential oil (fruity, floral, fragrant grass) drop on a paper towel, then placed in a sealed jar of sugar to save at least a week, you can have a peerless aromatic sugar.
6, add the spices in the food: olive oil, garlic and fresh black pepper, so savory to eat when you will feel much can be satisfied.
7, in the automobile steering cycle, put a drip of 2 dew of basil, lemon or rosemary essential oil a piece of cotton, can prevent car resting.
8, carry a small bottle of moisturizing spray, not only to moisture, such as hair or wear does not meet the Macabre stick to the thighs, you will find it more beauty.
9, even now you use the bolt color lipstick, are jump to make good food and wine which makes black color, color, light and transparent lip gloss bright to lips attractive to rapidly credit, not with the before lip dislike.
10, after dinner cup of espresso or cappuccino. Caffeine is a mild appetite suppressant that can help you promote the metabolism.
11, moisturizing liquid foundation using Shu Uemura supple Zhexia can not only strengthen the skin! 40% of their body fluids and body composition close to deep sea water, make your component fresh and supple.
12, mascara should always be careful to start from the roots of the lashes applied to the tipping intention, fine hairs at the corners to have painted, painted the outdoor a little mascara you can change out with a cotton swab.
13, every color a different lip gloss can be used alone, or in different proportions to reconcile with, or can be superimposed in order to use your lips for the bait of the development of more beautiful.
14, train yourself to eat only at meal time. May take 5-10 days to kick snack time in the process, if the mouth to chew something, try to distract attention.
15, heaviness loss should still young, or older, drooping skin, svelte down once more to form wrinkles.
16, every day no matter how late at night, do memorize that the end of the first week to reinforce the repair time, which is the reconstruction of the endocrine time to eat slumber, on the inverse, the rate of aging will be doubled.
17, do not cloud, smoking can cause premature aging of the skin around the mouth, but also due to less subcutaneous microvascular blood supply, and more and more the wrinkles.
18, both white-collar or blue seize, or in the starting of a wife in the room, as a woman you never Taidalielie, catch. Remember, there are degrees of anything; modesty is forever the highest quality.
19, self-massage is a hair coup: the Roudong finger gently on the scalp, the scalp according to the direction of blood flow to the heart, according to the forehead, hairline, temples, neck, back of the head hair of the order.
20,25 years of age do not care, it will quicken the aging of skin! But do not must spend lots of money to provide in valuable skin care products, choose products with antioxidant ingredients have been enough, or plant extracts such as Vitamin C can be complex.
21, OL because they do not always push around, not smooth blood circulation, foot fatigue, so as distant as possible the use of leisure time in the bureau move, often wear snug flat shoes, normal foot massage.
22, beating the hair with a hair dryer thumping not very thorough, only the hair root dry up, forming a natural fluffy. And the hair is allowed to dry in the semi-state, so that the hair care products will be more convenient care.
23, consumption of a variety of green tea, vegetable juice (celery juice, tomato juice), fruit juice, or potatoes, grains, seaweed and other foods can aid detoxification, two days a week you can eat vegetarian, so a good stomach rest.
24, via the campaign is that many women choose to milk the way, not only bust but also to prevent sagging, the prevention of breast sarcoma.

25, at home, bath oils can be added, such as lemon grass 3 drops 3 drops + + Marjoram 3 drops rosemary, can remove the stool, decide toxins.
26, exercise at the same time to time to add water, you can drink water or green tea, but not drink carbonated drinks, apart from the sports drinks will affect the movement detoxification, be attentive!
27, if you love sugar, it is best to eat less chocolate, comfit these simple sugars, eat fruit or starch as polysaccharide, one can reduce the body burden to the other, to achieve the purpose of carbohydrate intake.
28, the 3 spoons of brown sugar, heated until liquefied to the viscous flame when, after cooling to 15 degrees wash applied to the face 15 to 30 minutes after the wash, two times a week, which is Japan's most IN beauty method.
29, retain a healthy fasten to eat zinc, iron and essential fatty acids in food; such as lean meat, eggs, etc. Dry weather, often with some vocational foot cream to keep the foot moist, delicate.
30, let the foot breathe, is a good way to prevent foot scent. If a enterprise allows, you can put a couple of slippers in the office, if I were you, take advantage of the toilet, what shoes off, let feet breathe.
31, night cream containing the sour in many, A sour composition, because of its high light sensitivity and the absorption of, does not apply during the day. Such as the renowned lemon, citrus acid whitening effect, naturally not during the day.
32, lose weight to be decided is the hyperactivity eat. If you want an emergency cut corners, eat dinner, the best vegetable soup or a small boiler, Wu Shi sweet drinks or snacks, smaller meals a few days after, the face at least a little tip.
33, if skin allergies or unexplained red dot, then should enhance moisture, make-up water can not wet the affected area of ​​alcohol, then coated with a little fewer oily condensation moisture.
34, everywhere you can purchase them with the eye pillow bubble of hot water and then steep with cold water, turn heat the cold in the eye a few minutes, remove the temporary eye puffiness.
35, after applying hand cream, hands immersed in hot water, dry your hands repeatedly after a few minutes, apply a layer, so that hands will become warm and soft, with hand to prevent the aging effect becomes rough .
36, drinking or lack of sleep will make your eyes look very tired, bloodshot, drop a drop or two on the fatigue effects of eye drops with ease, can relieve symptoms of ocular capillary congestion.
37, with colored pencil in the arm, with the eyebrow brush submerged in color, evenly brush the eyebrows, you will be pleasantly surprised to get a more natural and agreeable make-up effects.
38, the slightly damp makeup sponge into the refrigerator after a few minutes, then wipe the absorb a good shot in the foundation of the skin, especially your skin will feel fresh, make-up also is particularly fresh.
39, a small amount of mild shampoo with conditioner can be used to wash brushes, make a soft brush; detergent reduced with warm water the old eyebrow brush, eyebrow brush to make the best direction to restore the native appearance.
40, if you wear the glasses hyperopia, the lens will zoom in his eyes and make-up, this time to dim the eye color should be selected; wearing cups make eyes look small, should use bright colors.
41, if you want shiny, you can attempt pure red lip gloss. This essential color, your face will convert catching, in numerous important occasions are successful women's preference.
42, the morning cup of fasting SJ Zaohua honey or honey, can prevent wrinkles, but also detox, long-standing cosmetic effect is very manifest.
43,Lacoste Trainers 2010, 15-20 minutes a day chewing gum helps to beauty, it is because chewing can promote the facial muscles, improve blood circulation, improve skin cell's metabolism.
44, if there is no stomach problems, especially for women, green tea and oolong tea, tea is the most natural, most effective weight loss agent, and then nothing more than tea in the elimination of intestinal fat.

45, when you apply cream when out of a group smaller than usual rubbing with the palms open warm-up, which is more easily dispelled in the cream on the skin.
46, from the old of 25 years, an mean daily addition of half a pound of fat you are, especially in the face and neck. Regular ###### life can enhance the body the aptitude to exhale, bringing more oxygen to the skin
47, used in wet skin moisturizer, moisturizer can produce the best results because they help retain moisture for the skin quickly humidification.
48, around the eyes drew in cosmetics must be very careful, because this particular delicate parts of the union, not a pull or pull deed, which makes eye skin becomes loose.
49, the night is the best time to deal with acne, skin experts believe that oil containing antibacterial ingredients and components (such as zinc) to care and skin care products, it is possible to make it evaporate in one night.
50, attached to the celebration if the day should be between the two parties to arrange a health conscious snacks to cold, steamed, or boiled green leafy vegetables.
51,Lacoste Arin Patent Trainers, at the peak of you think fit a decisive period of time, it is your reasonable exercise time, it completely when you want to take in interest in the sport. The opener is to every day.
52, night skin moisturizer when applied to the cervix, knead 20-30 from the base under until lotion is entirely preoccupied. Massage have to not straight up and down, but preferably use the surround usage.
53, specifically with a small box to store perfume. If stored properly, a good perfume smell can last for 18 months or longer. Summer to winter perfume cache into the refrigerator.
54, perfume ahead application cream. Because dry skin will make the rapid dissemination of fragrance, it should be the premier to involve the body lotion with normal fragrance oil blend, you can make a extra lasting fragrance.
55, fragrance will be dispensed over time, so every 4-6 hours will be re-sprayed once. Similarly, if you want to convert the same day fragrance, fragrance should be applied after 4-6 hours.
56, sunscreen does not mean that everything is all right. Usually the amount of sunscreen applied to the skin 2 milligrams per square centimeter, in order to effect the lusted protection from the sun.
57, because the skin absorption effect during the day significantly lower than the nightfall, in array to melodrama the biggest role in marrow is best to use both in the evening, so its use can also stretch the deadline.
58, during the period of tooth whitening do not drink coffee, red wine, tea, if you can not help, you can try with a fodder, and not drinkable.
59, the most simple and convenient method of whitening is to drink plenty of water. This will not only promote skin detoxification, but also the outcome of the proliferation of low-level ultraviolet radiation skin melanin melanin also be discharged.
60, Sunny is best not to eat
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