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Old 06-10-2011, 10:24 PM   #1
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Default A journalist asked the Monkey King

1. Reporter: Monkey teacher, at the outset Thank you for your busy timetable to be interviewed,Supra Vaider Shoes!
Goku: Do not call the teacher!
Reporter: Yes. Mr. Story,
Goku: This is a lie, is to ignore the most basic biology, physiology, general sense and made up a prevaricate. You think about it, the stone no stuff how well-informed, how can it into life? ... ... I differentiate you, my father called the Gang.
Reporter: Gang?
Monkey: Yes. He has not arose up to now, but I understand he has been noiselessly in the black to protect me, promoted me. I do not have anybody qualifications in the case, so I was a Bima Wen; in my eating peaches, row heaven, destroying countless artifacts, artifacts of the circumstances, I do not bear anyone civil liability, but was sentenced to 500 years imprisonment sentence in the noted scenic heaven and enjoy five-star service and actually protected me. You may wish to compare, I Zuiqing Pig more than just beverage a bit Chang'e only molested,Women's Supra Skytop II, he was the Jade Emperor, , someone mystery tricks, modified the Pig reincarnation of the time knot and procedure code, resulting in misdirected sow tires, tragically a disfigurement, permanent disabled falls. Then compare Shahe Shang, originally working in the gist of leadership nigh the shutter common, just for have such a see,
Wukong: yeah ah. Because their dad is not phoned Gang, sins are light, ambition be punished according to decree.
Reporter: Bima Wen is a small government, but also to catch on you?
Wukong: is it wrong that I had. Bima Wen is a busy bad, you know, the gods are the clouds of heaven, Take me, for example, I will drive somersault cloud, a somersault thousands of miles away. Who ride? Therefore, the transport sector is no longer required, in the heaven is the most boring and most marginalized sector. But why set up such a body? The cardinal leaders at all levels in array to plan the children, relatives, these people's congresses are the foolish man, this does not work arrangements to the department will not make mistakes, but they do not make blunders, have reason to promote ah! On the one hand so that they are subject to training, on the one hand make each other, the establishment of essence circles,Supra TK Society Shoes, to become part of vested interests. At first, I did not understand the mysterious averaging of this arrangement, therefore, it angrily, and left.

2. Reporter: You had hanging Zhenjun of Satsukai Wang Lingguan St. Mary Help of Christians is only a guard sergeant, but with you
Wukong: This happens for many reasons. Why let Juling Shen forerunner Lee King, and then let us do combat with me? The intention of this arrangement is that the failure by Juling Shen, bring out the powerful us in the future, Lee promoted his son King we go, let him as heiress. In this case, if the extravaganza of which Creation of Space aggravate than us, that is, trying to find fault with Lee King, Lee King is the demolition of the station ah! Moreover, the heaven and down, corruption was corrupted, about all of the office are to spend money down, who are often Chihepiaodu, fish countryside to salvaged capital, where there will be fighting strength?
Reporter: Emperor recognize that you had to do,
Wukong: I had thought it was a great officer, and after educated that a applaud of the gathering leaders, the equivalent of leader of the CPPCC, affording it, every time when the Jade Emperor made an important lecture, you must face with a worship laugh, applaud continuously, often have swollen hands ... ... grandmother, the kind of bitter, alas, do not say, I knew this, what I did wrong that break,
Reporter: Now the management textbook, to assign you to look the Pan Taoyuan, for a classic case of utter power that will inevitably guide to absolute corruption. You deem you should be responsible for the wane of peaches this treasure it?
Goku: This is a big injustice ah! Or, this is a big conspiracy: Why is their fast at the mellow peach and sent me to see Pan Taoyuan? Why should the The time node so clever, it just a coincidence?
Reporter: Can you talk about the details of it?
Monkey: OK. A absolute of 3600 peach, in front of 1200, one crop year 3000, the immortality of the road eating, physical fitness light. The medium of 1200, 6000 of a cooked, eat the Xia cite soaring, live always. Behind the 1200, 9000 of a cooked, ate together with heaven and globe life, the same G sun and the moon. The peach was repeatedly said to belong to heaven all the gods, the people of God, but only for a handful of people enjoy it. Put this point not to mention, we might enumerate, 3600 peach tree, the results of at fewest 100 per plant, more than several hundred, even the lowest of the 100 measurement, there are a absolute of 360,000 a peach, I ate up to 10 a day, all After required 36,000 days, equivalent to 98.6 years, where I made a total of two to three months, there is no peach! And I dutifully for a long time to think about eating a peach, even to eat, but also the How could eat all the peaches it?
Reporter: Yes, ah, this is a bit strange ah!
Monkey King: The problem is precisely here. Some human know thatI will dine peaches, accidentally put me there, and even repair the Monkey House is also there, and will trait peach of Health stressed to me again. Is it not strange to you? Purpose is quite simple, that is induced by I dine peaches, and then they tin freely stole extra peaches, and entire the reprove onto me. What poisonous purposes repeat itself! Appointment of corrupt elements like the huge cause why the small corrupt elements, are the reason ah. My fault, did not also nervous to calculate to panic and fled, behind below the big dark brand opposition this wharf. Moreover, there is too secluded a large machination!
Reporter: What?
Wukong: absence. Peach Once eradicated, the other category to soaring health, and to lose the emulation. Therefore, I often automatically think of the alchemy of the antique man - Laojun, he sought immortality ever, than What ping

3. Reporter: The Shao 3, you master,Supra Skytop III Shoes,
Wukong: I secondhand to think that too. But immediately figured out the difficulties he has, ah, Skeleton Demon is a grass-roots goblins, no background, and back the monster has a mighty backdrop of basic, if so crushed, whether erroneous, offending the employer, I am the master is to eat can not bear the go. Said than done! Way via the variety of callous he told me: all abuses, kills arrogant domineering devil, has a deep backdrop, must learn to compromise, ah, fighting with the control prices as is pole dance, to one unknown person the fact see, can not push too much ah. Oh, great heaven, is actually a triad: the golden cudgel when I heaved, prepared to execution, there would all bound out to a diversity of senior officials, shouting: I often am speechless ah.
Q: how do you see that monster, monster?
Wukong: monster basically have the background, monsters are basically grass roots. Also, many monsters is not a monster, and some were pedaled out because of relocation of peasants, either because long-term consumption of toxic foods, genetically modified foods has chance merciless, like a monster. And heaven for people who eat special food, they will not transform a monster, because the intention is not right up, Yaoqi become too cumbersome monster. But often demonize those Caomin heaven, and then to slay in the name of anti-crime, elimination of heaven instability.
Reporter: Many people do not know, your
Goku: Well, that heaviness is not true, is given in underwater data statistics ministry, you consider almost it, the department's data in adding to date outdoor of there truly? In addition, the so-called Underwater construction sector corruption in construction projects for funding, mutatis mutandis, to this template nice steel drag, drag down to . Kickbacks are so hard to eat on their own, the go done to that level of meager quality, I am dumb ah.
Reporter: There is a phenomenon I do not understand, you encounter monsters, goblins, when many times yourself 1st, and said he was 500 years antecedent, the Monkey King Havoc in Heaven, those monsters, goblins Why not just not terrified, but arrogance is more arrogance out?
Wukong: Yes, ah, this issue also bothers me a long time. Learn came back, I read the news the elapse, base the report about my Havoc in Heaven, they would understand the truth. Havoc in Heaven, is this the day the weekly reported: Flower and Fruit of a cerebral patient who alleged the Monkey King, everyone they claim to be This often rob pedestrians of attribute, molesting women, but also 占道 business, disunite urban order, aroused strong indignation surrounded the masses to heaven. The morale of humanitarian considerations, relevant departments have mobilized neighborhood heaven to do the old aunt thought their work, but deterred ineffective. Then, urban person to be captain Erlang persuasion. Unexpectedly, the mentally ill even fight for the people of good urban management, Erlang's fine straw dogs, according to its calf bite, and pulled a down, the other urban management crew surrounded them, this psychiatric patients were sent to shelters . Heaven people pounding on drums, for urban management element sent flowers and banners praising the patron saint of the people they are heaven ... ...
Reporter: After perusing this fable, is how did you think?
Wukong: I rely aboard, history is written at victors, this point was not that imitation ah. Knew that demon namely is the circumstance report, Havoc in Heaven, not to say the entities I could not even mentioned.

4, reporter: there is a very essential question to inquire you, you are a somersault on the galaxy,Supra Trainers, several somersaults can see the Buddha, to obtain back through, why to travel long distances, charges so much distress it?
Wukong: Buddhist sutras, is the heaven and the Tang Zhaoting major cultural co-operation projects out of the colossal ration, if I took U disk, some somersaults on to the Western Paradise to copy down by the book, how this funding Flowers achieved? Officials by all levels how this name amuse send to each other? Therefore, the small events have to be done: set up a leading team of Buddhist sutras, I brained chef, I like Journey, Drifting, pearly Ma is the Standing Committee, hired thousands of advisers 100 008 ... ... no difficulty, we exhaust the center exhaustive attention to the difficulties to find and build difficulties, but also to forge forward.artificial invoices, money 142 million, alternatively used up ah!
Reporter: This is to hurl money ah!
Wukong: yes ah. How to spend their own pockets are not able to drum up? All we have to approach places, the regional government rebuilt the road, even now it is equitable repaired better to do someone once and then repair the one hand, took the opportunity to take the rebate, the 1 hand,Supra Bullet Shoes, learn that the important projects of importance to meet the above minds. Not merely that, each of us to a place, the local chairmen to send their families to meet, a great feast, in fact, how many we eat a few master? But they are astronomical as a reimbursement. Some also took the chance to travel abroad, to take us all the course, some from the point of departure, all the path to bring out more than 10,000 kilometers and you still would not go back, up to the period 9 thousand officials to send their families to take us wherever he went, sterile ah !
Reporter: They ambitioned apt voyage overseas to find a particular sub, right?
Wukong: yes ah. They also every other valuable awards to every additional. Buy their own gifts retained, is corruption, yet to someone else, called normal commerce hospitality. Send to each other, either had money and merchandise, merely also to shirk the hazard. In fact, we detest this amusing. I shook hands with those corrupt officials, most of the day, my hands are grinding ape cilia is worked, then I changed a pair of gloves with Monkey King Bar, the results, mitts have been lustered, and then changed back to Jingu so that when the bar is not so many that affected battle effectiveness. Whenever memorize those days, I could not aid but be melancholy, you mention, hey male that rotated into a beast, a fast so rapid?
Reporter: ... ...
Goku: Oh, really do not want to go on, s talk later. Bye
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