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Old 06-09-2011, 11:32 AM   #1
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Default Office Professional Key Introduction to Excel Serv

in September, I posted an posting on the big photo which brought up that we're building an all-new “Excel Services” server know-how as a part of our Excel twelve do the job. Some of you may have caught a glimpse of Excel Services being demonstrated as portion of our BI announcement in October. For the next few weeks, I am going to cover the labor we have done in this area. is it?
Excel Services is brand new server know-how that will ship with Office twelve. Excel Services supports loading, calculating, and rendering Excel spreadsheets on servers. There are two primary interfaces: a web-based UI that lets you view spreadsheets in the browser, and a web services interface for programmatic access. I will spend some time on both of these interfaces in future posts. For now, let’s start with an example of the type of work flow that we anticipate will be common using Excel services’ web-based UI. Specifically, let’s look at how a sales analyst would share some do the trick done in Excel with a sales manager. A sales analyst authors a sales analysis spreadsheet using Excel twelve
to enlarge) The sales analyst then saves their spreadsheet to a SharePoint document library A sales manager, wanting to see the sales analysis,Windows 7 Professional Product Key, browses to the SharePoint document library and clicks about the link to spreadsheet The sales manager sees a browser-based rendering of the spreadsheet that they can interact with
to enlarge) what happened,Office 2010 Serial Number, exactly,Windows 7 Home Basic X86, to get the spreadsheet in the browser? Behind the scenes, Excel Services opened the file the sales analyst saved to SharePoint,Office 2007 Ultimate, refreshed any external data in the spreadsheet,Office Professional Key, calculated any formulas, and rendered the results in the browser. Specifically, Excel services sends only DHTML to the browser (no ActiveX), so the sales manager could be using any modern browser. The result is a very high-fidelity version of the analysis that the sales manager can interact with in the browser or, if they have permissions to do so, open up back in Excel. One point I want to make clear is that Excel 12 is the authoring tool for spreadsheets that run on Excel Services. did we build it?
Customers have been talking to us about server-side scenarios for Excel for quite some time. In fact, when we visit customers, we see some customers are already running Excel about the server to meet some of these scenarios. There are a variety of reasons customers have asked for server-side spreadsheet execution. Here are some examples. Providing browser-based access to spreadsheets Incorporating spreadsheets in portals and dashboards Limiting access to spreadsheets either for regulatory and audit concerns or to protect intellectual property in spreadsheets Eliminating “multiple versions of the truth” – or many copies of the same spreadsheet that are out of sync with each other Leveraging servers to offload long-running calculations from desktop machines Reusing logic & business models built in Excel in applications written in other languages without having to re-code the logic/business models
a nutshell, customers have asked for something that makes it simple to manage, share, and control their important spreadsheets, and that is what Excel Services provides. One thing I would like to make clear is that Excel Services has been designed from the start to be a scalable, robust, enterprise-class server that provides feature and calculation fidelity with Excel 12. It is not just a version of excel.exe that runs around the server. More on this later. is a major effort for us and we're excited by the opportunities we think this provides our customers. Next time I will review (in greater detail) the ways we anticipate customers using the first version of Excel Services.
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