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Old 05-30-2011, 08:16 AM   #1
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Default End of the world

disappeared in a flash
Maya, who do no understand they'd gone. So far, this is still a secluded mission. However, the Maya left us too many problems, 99 percentage of their predictions have come true, they predict that the car, the aircraft's making appointment.

Some people may ask, how did they know there is a thing called the hereafter ... which is the car a strange area. In Egypt. Some researchers Mayan civilization, a place in their lives and some stones found on these, they predict a date of birth and decease of Hitler, accurate the same ... 3 times in human history, the Holocaust, one of which appeared Maya body, even now they predict that it can not alteration, that time is the disappearance of Mayan civilization. According to the Mayan calendar, the Earth from the sun starting to end is divided into five punishment, characterizing the five catastrophe, four of which catastrophe is over. The fifth century while the advent of the sun, the sun will vanish, the earth shook violently, disaster everywhere, the Earth will be completely destroyed, along to the Mayan calendar is the three hundred and eleven years, translated into the Western calendar is December 2012 二十the second day.

Although many ethnic groups have the doomsday predictions, but why the Mayan doomsday prophecy said, would people disburse attention, because the measurement of the Mayan calendar is very exactly, from the Mayan calendar that they had know the Earth to the time, is three hundred and sixty 五日 and twenty-six hours and a 15 min of twenty seconds, the misdeed is very little. In addition to other stars of the scampering time,Lacoste Swerve Lace Trainers, in the enumeration is also very accurate, for mathematics to be precise.

The five of civilization namely this:
1. Daya roots of civilization,Lacoste Swerve Trainers, (super powers of civilization) 1 m, men have a third eye, emerald color, different features. It is predicted that, there are deadly and so on. Women had a third eye, the female fearful of male. But the woman's uterus to the power of God, women ahead pregnancy to be born with the God of paradise, adjoin, speak nice, women will have children. This civilization was destroyed along the sinking continent.

II. Misoprostol is not daya civilization (edible civilization) that civilization is a civilization, a continuation of fugitives. But people forget the things in the past, super capability Cancan disappeared. Men's third eye began to disappear. They primarily adore eating, develop a great variety of specialists. The civilization in the Antarctic continent, was destroyed by Earth's magnetic pole conversion.

III. Muria civilization (bio-energy civilization) on the continuation of a civilized fugitives, their progenitors began to placard plants in the germination stamina generated, the stamina is very strong after a century, contrived the use of plants to cultivate the machine discontinue This machine can zoom in vigor, the civilization was destroyed by the sinking continent.

IV. Atlantis union Andean civilization (the light of civilization) a succession of civilization, where the use of inheritance,Lacoste Shoes, do not continue is because, Atlanta Parties Orion colonists from Sri Lanka. They have the ability to light early phase of Atlantis on the establishment of the Mu Wenming, and afterward these two civilizations is also a nuclear campaign.

5. The civilization of our existence (mawkish Civilization) ambition use the sentiments, in December 2012 Winter Solstice extinction. According apt the Mayan long almanac (Long Count Calendar), 2012 年 12 月 21 will be the end of the days of human civilization. Since then, mankind will enter and this has nought to civilization, a new civilization.

Maya makes no say of even the end of this civilization. One entity seems explicit, the end of the daytime does not average that even the appearance of the magnificent misadventure, but to hint a spirit and consciousness of always mankind in the awakening and transformation (Cosmic Awareness and Spiritual Transition), which entered a new civilization.

Maya do not have our modern science and technology, but they are skilled in astronomy and numbers surprising. In addition, there are many unsolved the riddle. They have well-developed road system but do not use the cycle, so they would not absence slavery livestock. But they know the wheels,New Lacoste Trainers High Top, because the offsprings found their wheeled dolls to the children to do. They can Xinshou the image carved on the back of the moon, the moon as decoration on the door of the temple, let us begin unpredictable scientists,Lacoste UK, and other scientists have accustomed that this is the moon on the behind of the image Shiyou puzzled: how can they watch ? Only the side of the moon toward the earth always. This may be for they sense the macrocosm has been giving them special sagacity, the Maya had their own train system. Mayan civilization reached its height in the occasion of their leaving no track of Dunqu, so that future generations can not surmise the cause aches. Earth and the Sun's magnetic pole reversal occurred in 2012!

Objects and physicists and microprocessor scientists found that the same phenomenon occurred the last time was when the dinosaurs disappeared. In modern human history, there is no such phenomenon occurs, log the scene. Arctic and Antarctic during the reversed magnetic field is the magnetic pole reversal. This phenomenon led to the worst results, will allow Earth's magnetic field of the magnetic zero Gaussian (gauss as the magnetic induction elements), another circumstance of whether at this time for the 11-year solar cycle, polar magnetic field reversed, all the animals on the planet (including humans )'s immune system will be greatly dwindled; Earth shell will happen extra volcanic blasts, earthquakes, landslides and other phenomena; Earth's magnetosphere will be disabled, cosmic radiation from the sun will increase and may eventually reason the human radiation disaster; some of the way of the asteroid would be coming towards the Earth; the Earth's gravity will change.

study concluded that, if all the zero magnetic field are simultaneously speculate, then, only living in the earth's crust deep places of the creature can not be affected. By then, the human disaster is to shirk the emulating hiding crust, alternatively push to another planet to live. Mars may be a appropriate alternative.

but NASA said in a statement, the magnetic coerce is zero is the worst feasible, and do not necessarily occur.

2011 years is a very special year, there were 4 eclipse. One January 4, June 1 and November 25 of the solar eclipse occurred in the polar regions, on July 1 of the solar eclipse occurred in the high latitudes, El Niño-induced behalf. 2, eclipses occur in 2012, May 20 in tall latitudes, November 13 occurred in the navel latitude. According to the solar eclipse - the El Nino ingredient theory to count the solar eclipse in 2011 - El Nino factor 10.5,2012 of solar eclipse - the El Nino factor of 13. Can be compared to the 1997 solar eclipse - the El Nino factor of 12, but in that year, but most occurred in the 20th century El Niño events.

Professor Zhen-Shan Lin, Nanjing University, who predicted that 2011 El Nino event occurs. Coincidence of nature, so that El Nino memorabilia and catching emergency, general threat in 2012, life aboard Earth. 2012 has been repeatedly quoted, in which the Mayan calendar in North USA say that we human beings are experiencing a renovation last five thousand years of the galaxy, the period from 3113 BC to activity in the year ending 2012. Which is every 2 years a small cycle, from 1992 to 2012 that two decades of this century's last solar wheel, and is called mankind will enter a new epoch. Coincide, the Chinese Tang Dynasty 2012 is precisely what the Dragon. NASA said the premier see at the U.S. (very authoritative, not to utter): 7 years behind the sun may be one exception.

in history there have been many prophets, and with as many prophetic books, including the notable French Nostradamus the quondam, many folk say that the book said the prophecy performed in history, one by one, and predicted that 2099 is the end of the world, of way, he unfortunately was not, so printing of all the prophetic books of the degree of care, and instantly dropped.

what the Mayan calendar says the end of the world, is coming in this centenary, and that the Earth has underwent four catastrophe will be the last time this century, human beings will be entirely destroyed, and how much credibility, Maya whether the predicted deceptive for ever,Womens Lacoste Carnaby Trainers, to the world to make alarmist. Although there are many prophets have to believe, but single they believe the Mayan calendar's prediction accuracy is too peremptory.

both China and the United States and Europe have seemed doomsday predictions, but in variant edge of the globe, alive in the United States of the Maya, their calendar also appears doomsday prescience, and that is in the Second ○ 一 二年end of the world, everyone would believe it?
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