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Old 05-27-2011, 05:08 AM   #1
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Default Come study hands favor meat

splendid flavor ribs

ribs, ginger, onions, spices (star anise, fennel, kaempferol, cinnamon, strawberry, clove, bay leaves) , pepper (a little), salt, MSG, sugar, cooking wine, soy sauce (soy sauce)

massacred ribs into 4 cm segments into boiling water to remove blood salvage wash stand. ginger slices, spring onions washed knotted into a tangle to the brain (three left)

practices: pan gush fuel, until the period while the oil is placed in chilly sugar (to many, probably a sugar, 2.5 or 3 copies of oil), fried small blaze of the sugar slowly. until sugar has begun to turn brown, red brown and begin to take a bubble, once the ribs into the boiler stir well, then join ginger, pepper and spices, savor Stir brandy and soy sauce and pour it into a little color, mingled with water, add salt and scallion, work to a small blaze behind the fire to boil slowly till the ribs cookie soft, and then mow to the pot of onions and spices huge male, fire sauce, until sauce thickens, add MSG Serve pot.

black pepper mushrooms fried chicken


onion half a chicken, a pound of mushrooms, garlic head, ginger, a length (about 10 cm long enough), onions 5 roots, a whole bottle of black pepper sauce (I use the Lee Kum Kee vial, a bottle of not many), soy sauce, water, starch, salt, monosodium glutamate, edible oil


1. chicken chips, wiping a little salt and hot oil and deep fry in 6 color membrane picked up after setting aside. Mushrooms from the middle into two parts boiling water 1 minute below the fry stand. Onions and into pieces, onion tear into 3 cm long segment, garlic peeling, each divided into two Garlic, ginger slices. Add soy sauce and water with the starch in the mix to sauce.

2. pan pour oil, till the 6th floor heat, pour the garlic, ginger and onion, saute pour into the fried chicken, and salt , into the dark pepper sauce, stir well and pour into rise (down into the front, first drained of water oozed from the mushrooms), stir a few times, until evenly dark pepper sauce, mushrooms and chicken wrapped in the rear, added MSG, and then hook sign, and finally topped with a layer of cooking oil and spring onion to be a clean wok.

Braised pork

approach: we just prior to simmer over cheap heat elbows soft and then picked up the plate, then stir well after adding a cup of cooked pork fared soup, boil thin qian hook, thrown into the green onion, and finally the sauce to pour over pork.

the train of fish flavor: fish depend chiefly aboard smell of garlic, watercress, bubble pepper (chopped), a little vinegar and sugar and green onion mixture comes. but in a diplomatic country it ought be complicated to get pickled pepper, it can be sold appearance of the kind of ingredient in chilli sauce with vinegar. The sour chili sauce enough,Lacoste Casual Trainers, so do not need to add vinegar. some sweet and sour chili sauce is, case in point, I use this, so if this is the chili sauce and sugar, then vinegar can retention the.

act, the first fried watercress, garlic, ginger oil into the red again, the smell came out into the chili sauce. down the number of neb can smell the smell out, see to the right peppery pepper sauce, quasi-fish noses smell presently are generally those with a savory chili sauce, so the salt when you can pay care to, first, and it savor salty. dry factors fried, you add the soup to cook meat, MSG , and then hook less, and eventually joined the green onion, fish-flavored sauce is done. onion flavor in the edible inside the fish from the achieving touch, the amount not less, in particular, light blue.

Ants on the Tree

fans, pig meat, ginger, garlic, onions, Sichuan hot bean paste, chili powder, cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, edible oil

1. the fans picked up after the soft boiled into the open drain READY . Congjiang Suan cut foam.

2. pot and pour hot oil till 7 layers into the pig meat, stir into the dry water after the cooking wine, and then thrown into the according to personal taste chili powder, yellow when the fry oil into the Sichuan hot bean paste and garlic ginger foam. to be flavor out, mixed with a little water, then add soy sauce and salt, boiled into a fan of cooked and fried shattered meat After the water boiled away to be sponged, add the oil started coming out of MSG sprinkled with chopped green onion, stir well and migrate to a plate can clean wok.

carrots pork ribs soup
ribs 1KG, carrots 1KG, ginger a length (10 cm long), red dates 8 know next to nothing of, a handful of wolfberry, green onions and parsley (which is another from non-essential), salt, chicken powder, pepper abrasive..

practices: 1. ribs slaughter into segments 4 cm long, entire sanguinary under the water boil out, picked clean for later use. Peel and cut carrots stop, ginger shoot broken. onions and chopped parsley setup disc.

2. pot mixed with enough water, into the ribs, carrots, ginger, jujube, configuration Qi, salt, chicken , cover fire and then go to a small fire to boil slowly stew carrots can accessible pinch-off with chopsticks, sprinkle pepper on the point of OKAY. nectar it according to individual tastes can add a little chopped green onion and parsley in, not a good feeling .

ribs cooking time have to 1st remove the blood, or the smell of blood, ample to ruin a pot of soup.
water is best mixed with enough time, if the less-doped, doped, then the middle would like to remember the boiling water must be miscellaneous with boiling. Add cold water, then a sudden drip in temperature will make the soup, production soup without coagulation of protein and fat and into the soup, it will affect the taste of the soup. Also by the time to do other cooking or stews and do not add cold water half-way.

Spicy Celery Chicken

a entire chicken, celery pot, two garlic, ginger and half ( 10 cm long), green onion 5, a few spices (star anise, kaempferol, cinnamon, cloves, fennel), dried chili + pepper (the amount resolved according to individual taste), Sichuan hot bean paste, cooked sesame seeds, salt, monosodium glutamate, edible oil ;
practice: 1. to kill the whole chicken into pieces, mix well add a little eye 6 layers under the hot pan, the surface immediately after Zhashu picked up and set aside. celery cut into small pieces 1 cm long , do not throw the leaves, so will the pot with. Mo cut onions, ginger slices, garlic peeling.

2. saucepan pour oil (to many), when the heat down till 5 into the bean sauce, stir-fry until the water into the drying time to the ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, spices. Chaochu fragrance, the color began to darken when the pepper mixed with a bowl of water, boil, add two tea spoon of sugar, salt,Lacoste UK, then pour the fried chicken,Lacoste Finham SPM Trainers, stir fry evenly, and then fire sauce. juice drying, into the celery, stir fry for a few seconds, add MSG, green onion,Lacoste Radiate Croc Trainers, sesame seeds, stir well to pot.

Note: fried chicken, by the time the surface of a mature, would have now picked up, so that the water would be locked chicken, and taste is primarily tender.

celery can not be fried too long, otherwise the flavor is gone, the dish will be shadowed.

line chicken

children ;

chicken, taro children, onions, ginger, garlic, chili, pepper, bean paste, soy sauce, star anise (a little), kaempferol (a little) , salt, MSG, sugar, cooking oil

1. chicken and taro kid cut, divided into two cloves, ginger slices, spring onions cut foam.
2. pot of scalding oil to the 5th layer heat, into the glue, stir-fry attach into dry ginger, garlic, star anise, kaempferol, chili and pepper, Stir and pour into fowl flavor, fry cooking surface color into a little soy sauce, then add salt, sugar, stir after adding water to just cover up as the behalf of live fowl, and then into the line children, into a small fire after the fire to boil slowly till Taro sandy soft, the fire received approximately juice, darted into the MSG, chopped green onion to be a neat wok.

experience: taro into the boiling water and cook for 3 minutes, the rind will become quite good cut,Lacoste Strap Trainers, even with hands can brush off.

sweet and sour pork ribs

material: ribs, ginger, dry starch (Liang starch), soy sauce, vinegar (vinegar must be produced in China, foreigners do not use vinegar), salt, cooking wine (If not, the other white wine too), sugar, cooking oil

1. the ribs annihilate 4 cm long segment, add a little salt and cooking wine mix (not too many salt, the regular dosage of 2 / 3 can be, and extra
ambition affect the sweet sour).
2. the mix of ribs coated in a layer of uniform dry starch, and then placed into a hot pan till the 8-yellow picked up in the stand-fry . (where you can taste the salty pork ribs, and if too light, you can add salt afterward in the cooking, so the time ahead the rather less salt not more than)
3. ginger cut into thin foam, Guo Lifang oil, till 6 into the hot ginger cut into foam, until fragrant and pour it into vinegar, sugar, soy sauce. until sugar has thawed, add the fried pork ribs, stir fry sauce after transfer to a plate to pot.
PS: When the vinegar and sugar, then again, prefer less not more, the ratio must be poised, anyone kind of adds a serious clash will be the quality of the finished product. did not experience side bordered friends can attempt. Generally speaking, a little pungent vinegar added when OK. soy sauce is best to use soy sauce, a little bit is enough, mainly from the role of color .
layer of starch outside the ribs, so the pot when the pot of sauce will thicken immediately, this time to stop to discourage the stick fry pan. juice must be received dried, when the You see the base of the pot are basically oil, and then separate the ribs among the ribs will be opened at all times when sugar, silk, juice collected about the same. Otherwise, the sauce will seriously affect the confiscation of dry gloss and texture of the finished product.

spicy chicken cooked with wine

ingredients: whole chicken or a box of chicken, chicken wings, parsley, onion, onion A, salt, MSG, bean, soy sauce, sugar, cooked sesame, high spirits, spices, dried chili, pepper, garlic, ginger

1. will slaughtered chicken into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and mix into the hot pan and put into 8 until golden brown in the fry stand. the two garlic peeling, and then punctured each and garlic into two. ginger slices. parsley cut into segments 10 cm long, green onion cut sections, diced onion, chili cut 2 cm long section of

2. (oil should be more) to 7 layer pot heat the oil burning , poured into Sichuan Douban reserve stir fry until the oil Douban water, dried, black red oil change, when poured into the ready garlic, ginger, spices, dried chili, pepper, stir often until smell out, into the fried chicken, then add a small amount of soy sauce, a teaspoon of sugar, salt, high spirits, stir fry bowl of broth or water was added, the fire till the sauce, then add green onion, onion, coriander cooked sesame, monosodium glutamate, after the clean wok stir fry.

1. spice star anise is often accustomed journal, kaempferol, cinnamon, cloves , strawberry and fennel. Do not add too much, or get dizzy, and become bitter taste of chicken.

2. white wine at the peak of two full built so much on the line (2KG's chicken), the chicken will only convert more painful. in a foreign country, then the pearly lofty VODAK, GIN, RUM wine can be.
3. dish is spicy, so the dried chili peppers and the amount of not less pepper. and spicy dishes of salt additional should focus on the Lord of salt taste is million, the salt flavor is light are reflected what the additional does not come.

4. juice must be received dry, or not rich chicken flavor.


sauce ingredients:
trotters, ginger, garlic , onion, Sichuan hot bean paste, spices (star anise, fennel, kaempferol, cinnamon, cloves, strawberry, bay leaves), dried chili, pepper (add according to private taste, but too may add), soy sauce (soy sauce), sugar, salt, MSG, beer (I did buy a seven trotters dish with a bottle of 550ML of beer), water, starch, edible oil

1. Wash the trotters, trotters each split into 4 and then into the boiling water and cook until broken health picked up the wash stand.
2. ginger slices, garlic peeling nice grains across the embark from the navel of the next two. (This tray is flavored massive, the quantity of ginger and garlic tin no be fewer)
3. pot to 6 layers of oil burning hot, stir into the hot bean paste, Sichuan dry water, and then down into the ginger and garlic, spices,Lacoste Shoes, dried chili peppers and pepper, a small fire Chaochu perfume, and then mixed with water, add salt in mandate to be boiled, a little sugar, soy sauce (in moderation, by the time the soup into it species of deep red sauce on it), beer, and then arranged trotters under the wok, a small fire and then picked up the soft cake stew slowly into the vessel, and then the fire to boil soup, fishing There's a kind of condiments to add MSG, starch, starch into the water, then pour in the Pig on the juice, and finally sprinkled with chopped green onion can.
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