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Old 05-26-2011, 04:18 PM   #1
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Default so as not to foot the oppressed

Beautiful woman in high heels can make the workplace to ensure that does not discount the beautiful, beautiful one hundred points, but the limits of high-heeled shoes as well as health, slender Yuzu justifiably wantonly discharging a public JM , can not wait flashed their pink feet, nail the perfect shape to take care of color have to work patterns, and then put delicate anklets, and finally make ladies wear high heels sashay to ensure that the beautiful is not discount, beautiful hundred points! Feet in the hot and humid environment, coupled with sweat and feet to increase metabolism, as well as the persecution of slender high heels heels, so that your feet most likely to lose their health. 7 cm is the health of high heels beriberi limit greatest enemy of healthy feet every summer, "beriberi" to wreak havoc everywhere, and whether it attacks The object is not PLMM. "Beriberi" scientific name tinea pedis, is caused by pathogenic fungi shallow. Summer hot and humid environment for fungal growth and provide good breeding conditions ugg 2011 sale, coupled with increased metabolism and feet sweat more, so many people, especially in the move. "Beriberi" appears to be minor ailments, but people feel extremely itchy torment, and each foot can also cause a large area of ??skin scaling, it affect the appearance. If the "beriberi" disease secondary infection would seriously endanger human health, resulting in infection caused by their own hand ringworm, tinea corporis and onychomycosis, or even infect other people, so definitely not a small CASE. Suffering from "beriberi" may have experience in summer mainly scaly vesicular disease, and erosive-based dipping. The most common blister-type scales, often in the toes, metatarsal and the lateral margin of recurrent herpes needle the size of the papules and gathered or scattered, with different degrees of inflammation and itching, blisters dry scaling, showing a small lead large ring-shaped or shaped, and constantly fall off, continue to occur, and sometimes only the performance-based scaling; impregnated erosive common in the fourth and fifth toes, cuticle impregnation, white, soft, red erosion surface exposed after stripping or honeycomb substrate, a little exudate, this type of easy to secondary infection, acute lymphangitis, erysipelas, and so on. Nowadays, there are many treatment "beriberi" topical drugs in advertising. A lot of convenience of patients to the pharmacy to purchase, apply, the disease will be reduced. But in fact, "beriberi" is a stubborn skin disease. If you want to eradicate, rather than have to suffer year after year to the hospital only to the regular dermatologist, the doctor prescribe the right medicine, taking some anti-fungal prescription drugs, after a period of treatment, to completely solve the problem. Foot disease caused by improper shoes leg pain as a disease caused by improper shoes, no less than dozens of common are the following. Hammer head toe: not fit the shoes, especially high heels or toe is too short, too tight shoes will cause the formation of the hammer head toes bent toe. Hammer head toe toes will be some pain, the worst case, or even dislocated. Therefore, soft leather shoes are best made of the surface, the toe should be wide, so that the toes have enough space. Hallux valgus: hallux valgus big toe too sharp because of the shoes on the big toe caused by compression of the ball area. Hallux valgus feet were shoes for toe friction and pressure the ball area tunic tops, if the inflammation would like tenderness spikes. Foot disease in such people can refer to when buying shoes, hammer head toe recommendations. Foot muscle inflammation: symptoms are easy to feel the soles of the feet when standing pain, fatigue and fever phenomenon. Inflammation of many causes of foot muscles, wearing high heels make legs under undue pressure is one of the reasons. To prevent foot muscle inflammation, should avoid wearing high heels and tight shoes, and not long-standing, so as not to foot the oppressed, the other can use the softer shoe soles of the feet to reduce pain. Corn: corns and calluses, as because of the long-term oppression of shoes, friction foot, which leads to thickening of the skin stratum corneum. Corn middle of a hard core deep in the skin to stimulate the core will be fierce tingling. Specialists for treatment of corns generally surgery. Wear loose shoes side only fitting shoes, or insoles with special structure and function of the pressure to reduce the soles of the feet. Double pick the right shoes and not just beautiful, then, what is the ideal shoes? Experts believe that the ideal shoes should have a firm heel support and soft soles, ten toes in the shoes free activities, and a comfortable substrate and adequate internal space. Is the best shoes running shoes air jordan, running shoes because of today's replacement of the numerous elements into a lot of technology to maximize compliance with the human body needs. But also need to wear shoes to be replaced after six months, because the shoes have been worn within the liner. A beautiful women I know once told me: do not wear high heels I would not walk! Then, indispensable for the beautiful high heels can only give up? It may be too unrealistic! Expert analysis, not all of the high heels are bad for your health, high heels, the "standard of health" is at 7 cm below, if more than 7 cm feet become instruments of torture. Moreover, high heels can lead to lean forward, so to maintain a long position is extremely detrimental to the pelvis. Therefore, the best heel height of 3 to 5 cm. Beautiful woman in high heels can make the workplace to ensure that does not discount the beautiful, beautiful hundred points! But high-heeled shoes as well as health limits. Temple University, USA Dr. Scholls foot international exchange of medical information showed that the main cause of foot disease in adults are the following factors: 5% is due to excessive exercise, and 11% from walking imbalance, because the 18% the older, 2% for unknown reasons, while 64% were due to improper shoes. That most podiatric caused by shoes. Foot American Medical Association study shows that a normal daily average of about 8,000 steps to walk, and walking foot pressure is approximately equal to their weight, running time and achieved a weight of 3 to 4 times. About one's life to go 110,000 km of road, and most walk in the hard road. Each foot, each person has 26 bones, 33 joints and a variety of tendons, muscles. Every step must involve so many things. We can see his shoes, how big a role to play. However, the fashionable shoes may be a pair of hidden pain in the foot, if the leg pain, just let the foot rest, can not solve the fundamental problem, because the root cause of pain is not in feet, and in shoes. Buy shoes because the do not understand the essentials, love of beauty and fashion, people often buy a pair of badly fitted shoes, 64% of people wearing badly fitted shoes every day running around, mainly because of Tan Liang and wearing high heels of LADY . Last year, the United Kingdom there are 20 million people treated for injuries improper shoes. Whether shoes fit American public health experts have become the object of their attention. In the U.S., people in there every 6 feet of one problem, while 36% of patients that have serious problems feet to see a doctor in the state. Foot surgery cost has reached 20 billion dollars a year, the resultant loss of working hours up to 15 billion dollars also. Similarly, in the country, to the hospital for orthopedic patients seeking treatment, about half of the shoe because of foot discomfort caused by the problem, they also wore a sub-type of shoes his feet, resulting in the kinds of foot disease. Foot pain, people had to change the pace of walking posture or pain relief, but also because the deformation of walking, often caused by back pain, headaches and other symptoms in the leg cramps. This is simply a vicious circle. yilai:nike high heels

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