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Old 05-19-2011, 08:58 AM   #1
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Hui-Hui Yang a hug to the construction workers. Wang Hui-Hui embrace cleaner
Yesterday, Rati East Lake Square Garden in the East to embrace any old man begging for his daughter, and bought food for him. In addition to a signed photo release by reporters outside the flash-Shan Ma
Thanksgiving, a restaurant owner NICK Dongcheng the remaining turkey packaging. SMS reporter Wanghuan She


newspaper Thanksgiving platform launch, members of the public have sent people to thank and Zhu Fuen SMS. Due to layout is limited, not all published, please be understanding.
I hope Army (million Jiang): Thanksgiving wife, my time with me poorest. I ride bicycles, delivery, she was at the back; at home with her in-laws can be as close as flesh and blood. Dreamed of flying, but a fresh coat of a partner is there such a thing I am most happy.
Lin Tsai (South City): I thank my parents gave me the opportunity to come into the world, to feel the sweet and sour of life, the road of life, help me and setbacks me warm.
Zhou Zhaozhong (Shijie): In 1996 or so, I find a job in Guangzhou, to no avail, wandering the streets of the Dragon Suisheng him shelter me. He has lived in Guangzhou Haizhu District Swallow Street area, I'm looking for him, thank him.
Aaron (South City): Dad, your teachings, I have always fallen on deaf ears as they grow up, they learned that, you say incomplete fault. Dad, thank you for your parenting. I will work hard.
Amu (South City): Thanks to our daughter home with me through the years, the ups and downs because you are more relaxed.
Chen Shan (Humen): My phone lost, thanks to the taxi driver back to me. His license plate ending in 438. I wish good life of peace.
Lan Po (South City): Thank you for allowing me the day after the 18-year-old off their feet, let me suffer, let me involved, let me end in disappointment, but let me grow up, make me happy. Thanks LG! Thanks love our dad Chuan Chuan Chang Ma Chang Dad Mom, we love each and every family and friends.
Wang Huan (South City): Thanksgiving 小 Hua Hua came to this world, is the child to make this world full of hope and beauty. Wish her happy growing up.
teachers staged their weekend home, but also complete a special
Wei, according to the teacher introduced the Young Pioneers Battalion counselors, the job is divided into three types. Second grade students are required to give parents a hug and say
As for the secondary section, the same as
hope that through this
too good, do not let their parents worry about. The 10-year-old Liu Ying said, though the day can not go home with the family, but a little later would open up the phone chat with their parents, to the weekend, will do little housework.
hot turkey imported food stores restaurant in Dongguan foreigners holiday party

Bauhinia Garden in the near East, there is a monopoly of foreign goods in the shops, called
8 o'clock last night, the reporter entered the store, the door filled with a turkey on the table, canned vegetables, red wine and other festive foods. Many foreign friends are the store pick food. According to store charge to Mr Wong, foreign friends will canned stuff into the turkey in, and then roasted to eat.
Mr Wong said that as the time required to roast turkey relatively long, many people will come one day in advance to buy. To this end, stores are more specifically into the goods, are also selling more, p>
in the shop next door, opened a new foreign restaurant. Store layout with colored balloons, national flags, and foreign oil. Old gray beard sitting on a long table at one end, and six friends were having dinner.
the elderly named Ken, from Canada to Dongguan has more than 5 years, and now is a person in charge of foreign language training center. He said that although he lives abroad, but still want to Thanksgiving Day, and Dongguan, friends, to create a family atmosphere.
female teachers in China, according to which Emma described, starting from 17:30, they came to this restaurant, it-yourself layout environment, according to the card number then sit and enjoy turkey and cheese cake. While eating them, one side in English to talk about the blessings of all of us. new friends, my heart will be more open, like to play with the lively bar, but he liked the warm feeling.
Name 90, was an abandoned baby, yesterday - Thanksgiving, she boldly to embrace her want to thank people.
yesterday afternoon, the reporter into the site to follow the footsteps of Rati, walking in the streets. In an afternoon, she give one of dozens of ordinary people to embrace, to be among those embracing construction workers, security, sanitation workers, aspirated workers, and even street beggars.
39-year-old worker p> 2 pm yesterday, received a public tip lines, reporters in the vicinity of Guan Tai Road Nan Hui-Hui met. And other cities there have been a
the consent of the manager, Rati mounted in the building's 11th story building. Floor, the bricks were piled disorderly reinforced wood chips, several construction workers working on a stretcher with climbing.
Workers did not answer, perplexed for a while. He wears a helmet, white shirt black and gray one, the net is a stain, covered with lime gray pants.
workers has not heard of Thanksgiving. Huihui explain once again, the workers exposed honest smile:
Rati walked around the site, one by one to a dozen workers to embrace. At the scene, workers laughed and said
press note that a worker had just been standing next to hug, and looked silence. . not before a wife, hug will not feel anything, take a wife, with the girls still feel a bit awkward hug.
64-year-old disabled daughter to feed the elderly begging

Location: East Rift Road, East Lake Garden, Wal-Mart

embrace object: beggars

out of the site, Rati in the street while walking, while hugging people she wants to hold, there is security on duty, there are passing aspirated workers, there are sanitation aunt.
4 pm, in the East Rift Road, East Lake Garden entrance on the sidewalk, Rati stopped and looked at the two street beggars.
one is a disabled woman in a wheelchair, rough skin, and looked sluggish. Older another old man sat, sloppy white short hair, wearing a tattered pair of black socks, no shoes. They are arrayed in front of a stainless steel cup, there are a few cents.
Rati bend over, and the old man chatted about the daily events. The way of people coming and going, to hold back a curious, went away.
old man surnamed Ren, Henan Province, is 64 years old this year. Sitting in a wheelchair is his daughter, 34, from 4 years of age, suffering from meningitis, hypoplasia, paralyzed.
any of the old man said that before the family farm, feed their families understand the point of building skills. Two years ago his wife died, no one to take care of disabled children, he would take care of their children while working side. Any old man came to Dongguan in October. which give the children a few dollars to buy medicine, the rest of the money can only buy bread to eat. Given no money, hungry day, night on the streets.
She is my flesh and blood.
the side of Rati, pat his shoulder, hugging the old man.
talk ten minutes, Rati turned to leave, ten minutes later, she returned, carrying large bags full of food given to any of the old man, and once again give him a hug.
still have to go home. home no matter how poor, is also a home. not speculation, want to be famous, I went off
Rati: I own is a work, and only a thousand or so a month's wages. I myself, and my mom and dad's friends, relatives, someone is the boss, and some are white-collar workers, but more people are dry heavy live. Perhaps one of them is our relatives and friends of friends. I know their hard work and resentment, tired and dirty, and low wages, are even looked down upon by others, I hope that the community pay more attention to them and respect them.
Reporter: You have to embrace the beggar, beggars, many people think that is something for nothing ... ...

Rati: a beggar until he was a farmer, farming his land, perhaps I He had eaten out of a grain of rice species. Him as the father of a child with meningitis stubbornly persists. He was a good father, I want to thank him. I hope he can get more help.
Reporter: Thank you can use greeting, shaking hands, why did you choose to embrace?
Rati: I am an abandoned baby, I do not know what real parents hug me feel close to my parents adopted me 60 years old, a child,tory burch flats, they often hold me. I think the point will warm hug.
Reporter: Some people say you are worried about speculation, stroke famous?
Rati: I am not a hype, and now so many well-known way, if I want to hype famous, I would have to go off. Moreover, because this famous is good too, to attract more attention to the ordinary working people.
Reporter: After the community on the acceptance level of 90 is not high, you as a 90, how to see it?
Rati: I do not what to read and do not know how to look society. I just want to be happy in life, their own money to take care of Mom and Dad, do they like to do.
A few minutes later, Rati hung up the phone, with reporters chatted about his personal life.
Rati home in Hubei, a child because the birth parents of son preference, just left a naturally abandoned on the roadside. Cries attracted the attention of an elderly couple.
Rati's parents are humble farmers, because they had no offspring and elderly and sick, the arrangements under the care of the government into the orphanage. Since then, Rati along with his parents grew up in the orphanage.
because the conditions are tough, Rati school recently graduated and left the parents to work in Dongguan. To send money home to two old people.
want to own what will.
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