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Old 05-17-2011, 07:01 PM   #1
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Default Tampa Bay Rays Hats Nail Fungus - What Causes It a

Nail biting - a big "no-no" - creates small injuries around your nail that practically invite the fungus to come in!
Wearing heavy, tight shoes or shoes that don't allow much air to circulate.
Fungi grow in moist, dark places. Your nails actually provide a good barrier against infection - unless they are compromised. Then that same barrier works to shelter and enable the fungus to grow and thrive.
Dry thoroughly - especially between the toes.
Keep your nails short and cut them straight across.
Nail Fungus, or onychomycosis affects over 30 million Americans alone. This disfiguring and sometimes painful nail infection can be very difficult to get rid of. It will not heal itself and even when treated it may take up to a year to fully restore your nails to a normal, healthy state! Knowing that, you can see that it's really important to be able to recognize it and seek treatment early.
The first sign of a nail fungus infection may be a small white or yellow spot on the nail that is spreading. You may also notice nail thickening. The infected becomes dull and has no luster. As it advances it becomes brittle and the edges of your nail may start to crumble. It may be discolored from buildup under the nail. You nail may even separate and come off and make it difficult to go about your daily routine (and painful).
Wearing cotton or wool socks that don't absorb sweat well.
Use protective footwear when using public showers, pools, etc.
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Let's look at some of the causes of nail fungus:
Make sure your nail salon sterilizes their tools if you get a manicure or pedicure.
Do not use other peoples emery boards, nail files, etc.
Be aware of contagion - disinfect with bleach in the bathtub if someone else in your house has an infection.
Wear rubber gloves to protect fingernails.
Change socks during the day - more often if you sweat a lot.
Walking barefoot in public places like gyms, locker rooms, shower stalls, swimming pools, etc. - it is contagious!
Use antifungal spray or powder.
Perspiration creates a moist condition that fungus likes.
How can you prevent getting nail fungus in the first place? Since you know some of the causes , let's consider commonsense measures to avoid the problem:
Expert foot specialty care is needed to recognize this disease, and to provide the proper months-long care needed to ensure proper healing of the foot. A diabetic should expect their foot care specialist to be quite attentive to the treatment needs of this condition, and should receive prompt and comprehensive care.As one can see Circa Hats Boxing Headgear & Mouthpiece Are Es, the role of an experienced foot care specialist is vital to the well being of a diabetic. Diabetics can and should expect this comprehensive level of care, and many podiatrists are well trained and experienced in offering this complete approach to the diabetic foot as a sub-specialty. Most internists and primary care physicians are not well trained in the complexity of foot structure, function, and disease, and are more than happy to refer this level of care to the foot specialist. Diabetic patients should take advantage of this opportunity, as it may make the difference between healthy feet and an amputation.
Do not wear artificial nails or nail polish.
Absolutely NO nail biting!
Artificial nails or nail polish create a dark, sheltered environment that fungus thrives on.
Diabetes and other diseases with circulatory problems.
Wear open- toed shoes or ones that let more air circulate.
Take your shoes off throughout the day.
Wear the right socks that absorb the sweat- a synthetic type.
Using commonsense and being aware of what can cause nail fungus is your best chance of avoiding it. Again, if you suspect you might have - don't wait to treat it. It WILL get a lot worse if you just ignore. See a doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan.
Do not pick at the skin around your nails.
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