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Old 05-06-2011, 05:24 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 19817885 at 08:33 on October 8th,new balance sneakers, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

court ten eat noodles

noodles in our daily lives is the most time-saving and easy way to fill his stomach staple, especially in the cold winter, eat a bowl of hot soup hot, indescribably comfortable. Eat the noodles are endless, and today we recommend ten kinds of noodles to the DIY, to bring you the slightest cold winter warmth.

1, noodles

Liu Biju
1 bag of dry miso, a fermented flour sauce works half day garden bags (half a bag can do the rest of Chinese salad, dip radishes, lettuce to eat),new balance outlet, 2 eggs, too fat, diced (peeled) 100g, pork Ding cut into half a centimeter square. The more months a variety of good food code, cucumber and bean sprouts of radish also known as the United States and the mind is indispensable soybeans, other heart cabbage, green beans, tofu, bean thread to look for it. Of course, garlic is also essential, summer eating sterilization, as well as green onions, ginger.

1,new balance mens, beat the egg adding starch (eggs would be more tender, starch 1 tablespoon) and a little wine (to the fishy eggs 1 teaspoon) and salt, oil heat, the scrambled eggs have a secret, is to use chopsticks Each block can be fried eggs in bulk and uniform heating,July 27, 2010 Cloudy - Qzone log, the pot, stir quickly in the pot chopsticks scattered, yellow cooked eggs out of stand-Sheng.
2, a small pan put a little oil, heat the oil then fry the pork in the small fire until the lard out, add a little fishy cooking wine, add some soy sauce, then diced Sheng out.
3, keep the pot of meat stir lard, a bowl with the miso and miso mixture evenly in the sauce, fry the fire, which was fragrant sauce.
4, the flavor of the sauce, then diced meat or eggs into the small, ginger (Chet fine), turn a small fire,new balance 574, slowly boil, butter and diced in harmony, it was delicious, no longer salt and sugar, salt has its own sweet sauce, gurgle a little check for 10 minutes, was watching, not a mix, and if they feel dry to little add a little water.
5, this time to prepare the food code, buy a very good kind of food eraser, I could not cut extra-fine silk, cucumber, radish, after what the rub into the wire, the cold water inside the bubble look , and then Drain the water, this crisp Caisi comparison, Western, plus point of lettuce, cabbage wire Han's also OK.
6, bean sprouts, lentils (shredded), soybeans, green beans about what the water had broken health, you can soak in cold water.
7, sauce gurgle, watch Dry received the juice, remove from heat add light blue at the end, add diced green onion to focus early, and use of residual heat will cook very light blue. Have the sauce.
8, the next step is surface, and noodles of course, is best Shou Ganmian, but estimated that we now no the spirit of the first, the section has the kind of Shou Ganmian shop, the kind of rough is better eat , wrapped in yellow cornmeal, one to pay attention, the kind of frozen noodles is not bad. More water than cooking, put some salt, so when cooking surface will not stick together, cook the noodles do not stick, point to almost 3 times the water, there is a little raw, a bite to eat the best noodles cooked, open water, flush the batter, so as smooth delicious. Cooked noodles, mix 2 tablespoons of sweet-smelling oily fried bean sauce, not greedy, and will be very salty, add a variety of food code, no courtyard, and we squatting on the veranda, watching the river flash car downstairs, again a garlic, life is a proud moment for eating and drinking heartily.

2, tomato and egg noodles

noodles, tomatoes, eggs, salt, MSG, sesame oil, old ginger

1, two tomato slices, two eggs broken, the egg in the salt, a piece of old ginger chopped;
2, pan put oil, heat the egg mixture into the frying oil into Dan Hua, Sheng a;
3, the other put the oil, oil heat, saute the ginger, stir into the tomatoes until the tomatoes into the water that will Danhua fry for a while (you can add a little sugar, if you suspect tomatoes If taste is too sour, but only with a bit);
4, then add boiling tasty (when the water can be a little more than soup.) Probably can be boiled for five minutes on it, and then sung out face down in bowl, add salt (salt to be more), MSG, sesame oil.
5, the other drainage from the pot noodle, noodle soup that is poured into the bowl with tomatoes, sprinkle with parsley, savory ~ ~

3, eggplant face

eggplant 1 green pepper 1 / 2, 20 grams of prime meat, noodles 1 bunch (about 120 grams)

1, eggplant, washed, diced,new balance shoes, seeded green peppers, washed, diced, prime meat, soaked, chopped.
2, the water boil, add noodles cooked fish out, put in bowl.
3, the first Heat? cup oil, fry the eggplant and remove the soft, green pepper over the way the fish out, then pour opening, and then add other seasonings and prime minced meat fried weeks.
4, add eggplant and green pepper, stir well sung out, pour in the noodles consumption.

delicious secret

1 eggplant diced, the best look with salt water too, bombed a good color in beautiful, a little higher than the oil temperature does not breathe in too much oil.
2 eggplant, green pepper and burn too long the color does not look good, so do not mix too early.

4, sauced noodles

yellow, edible fungus, mushrooms, green onions, eggs

1, yellow mushroom fungus bubble;
2, bottom of the pot put the oil under the meat, add chopped green onion, fried mushrooms, add soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, salt, together with fungus yellow chicken, add water and cook;
3, Drizzle beaten egg, sprinkle chopped green onion garlic and thicken.

5, dan dan noodles

material: noodles, 200 grams,数字改写人生! - Qzone日志, 400 grams of pork meat, bean sprouts 100 grams, 25 grams of large diced green onion, ginger 10 grams, 10 grams of garlic, red pepper powder 1.5 grams , 10 grams of sesame, heart a rape, a little parsley.
seasoning: soy sauce, soy sauce, cooking wine, vinegar, broth, pepper noodles, lard, sesame oil.

1, Heat pan, pour in pig meat causal set aside.
2, with lard the onions, ginger, garlic until fragrant, then add red pepper, bean sprouts, stir-fried minced meat, add wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, vinegar, broth point, when the pan Add sesame, pepper noodles and stir well.
3, water pot to cook noodles, fishing into the bowl. Rape heart Cheuk cooked set aside.

6, braised beef noodle soup

500 grams of beef, noodles, 500 grams, 250 grams of cabbage, 10 cups water, 4 green onions, 2 slices ginger, garlic, 8, 4 star anise, pepper 1; soy sauce 1 cup water 6 cups 1 tablespoon wine, hot bean paste 1 tablespoon sesame oil.

1, clean cuts of beef, boil for a short iron to the blood.
2, from the pan, fry onion, ginger, spring onion, star anise, pepper, beef, add soy sauce 1 cup water 6 cups, wine, 1 tablespoon, 1 tablespoon hot bean paste, with medium heat about 1 hour .
3, boiling water, cook noodles, fish, and then boiled cabbage.
4, the bowl into the sesame oil, green onion, beef broth, add noodles, vegetables, beef can be.

features: fragrant, delicious visible.

7, chicken noodle

several pieces of sliced cold chicken,要是你怀孕了或是即将怀孕或是准备・・・亦或是将来・・・还有或... - Qzone日志, noodles, cucumber, sesame, sesame oil, sugar, 1 tablespoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons chili powder amount

1, noodles cooked, remove and put it into cold water showers, tile in the plate;
2, sliced cold chicken strips, cucumber, washed, shredded, cooked noodles are placed;
3, sesame paste in a bowl, add sesame oil, stir, then add soy sauce, sugar and 2 tablespoons cold water dilution, pour in the chicken noodle on top.

8, sesame noodles

section 150 grams, a tablespoon of sesame paste, one spoonful of chopped green onion, half teaspoon salt, half teaspoon of MSG, one spoonful of cooked salad, 500 grams of boiling water.

1, take a soup bowl, pour boiling water, will slice into the high fire for 5 minutes;
2, will face into a mixing bowl of spices can be.

9, shrimp ball soup

characteristics: rich in protein.
Ingredients: Cucumber 1 / 4, 4 shrimp, meat 1 tablespoon ginger 1 slice, 25 grams of buckwheat noodles. Materials: salt, starch.

1, clean the shrimp, add a little cooking wine and salt and mix well and then rinse with water.
2, the shrimp chopped, add the right amount of salt, starch, mashed Jiaocheng clockwise direction, and then grasping into small ball.
3, in the meat, also adding an appropriate amount of salt, starch, stir into mashed clockwise direction, focus into a ball stand.
4, the cooked noodles in the bowl aside.
5, the shrimp, meat balls, black fungus, cucumber slices, cooked in boiling water with ginger, plus a small amount of salt.
6, will feed into the bowl with soup and vegetables can be.

10, mustard pork noodles

150 grams of lean meat, half mustard, green onions 2, ramen and consider whether a half tablespoons of cooking wine, soy sauce, half of tablespoon, wet starch half tablespoon

1, shredded meat, mix seasonings and marinate for 10 minutes, mustard shredded first soaked for 20 minutes to remove salt. Cut green onions chopped green onion.
2, with 3 tablespoons oil bulk pork fried first, then add the mustard pork fry, stir well after Sheng out.
3,new balance running shoes, the other with a half pot of water boil, add cooked noodles.
4, the seasoning caving bowl, poured into the noodles and spread a little mustard pork fried and sprinkle little chopped green onion top.

tender mustard and mustard are two kinds of old mustard, mustard salty than the old smell, so be soaked in water Zaichao, tender mustard less salty, you can wash directly into the fry, but they should not be re-seasoned, avoid salty.
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