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Old 04-29-2011, 11:35 AM   #1
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Default jumpman high heels Retail Therapy - Fact Or Fictio

"When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping." It's a common expression, but is there something to it? Can shopping help you feel better? Can it actually be a type of therapy?
Research suggests that some people, particularly women, do find pleasure "retail therapy". The reasons why aren't entirely clear, but it appears that part of the reason is psychological. Some researchers point to the social aspects of shopping at a mall or store. On-line shopping is convenient, but isolating. Shopping at a mall or boutique gets you out among other people, and some women even choose to make it a social event - a 'girls day out.'
Another reason to believe that retail therapy has a kernel of truth - there is a measurable physiological response. Shopping, whether in-person or online, causes some people to produce higher degrees of dopamine, a brain chemical that is released by pleasurable experiences like food, ######, exercise and some drugs. In many cases, shoppers experience another surge in dopamine the first time they wear a purchase. Dopamine counteracts the effects of mild depression, so shopping for shoes or a cute, new casual denim skirt might actually do you some good.
Following are some tips to help keep your next dose of retail therapy a positive experience:
Balance - A little chocolate is a nice thing. Eating too much chocolate will take its toll on your waistline and your health. Likewise, shopping as a treat from time to time can be healthy, but if you find yourself relying on a trip to the mall to get you through every week retail therapy may have moved into retail addiction.
Give yourself a budget and stick to it. - Don't spoil the pleasure of your purchase by spending so much that you dread getting the credit card bill. Set a reasonable budget and when you have spent it stop buying. This way, you can enjoy another session of retail therapy in the future without guilt.
Spend wisely. - Another way to boost the benefits of retail therapy is to look for purchases that will give you lasting value. A bottle of perfume that you love will last for weeks or months nike high heels, a lovely silk blouse can boost your career wardrobe, and a well-chosen piece of jewelry can give your wardrobe color and personality. In other words, shop for the momentary sensation of pleasure but buy for the long-term benefits.
Again, I would like to mention that the focus of this article is not how to be a creative artist and express yourself through your music, but solely about how to make music that will eventually lead you to SIGNING A RECORD DEAL.One thing you have to remember when following this method is that "popular" trends change quite often in the music industry. What is popular today might not be popular tomorrow. So jumpman high heels, you have to be able to determine when a trend is growing and when a trend is on the verge of extinction, because you don't want to spend 6-12 months creating an album worth of material only to find out that no-one is listening to that sound anymore. For example basketball high heels, if you are creating music in the Rap genre, you don't want to use rap music beats from the 90's, but you want to be sure you are using rap music beats that sound like they were produced in the year 2009!
While there are no hard and fast rules to determine how long a trend will exist, use your better judgment. For example, I will use the Hip-Hop industry and one of its most popular trends of the 2000's. Approximately five years after T-pain exploded onto the scene with his unique use of Auto-tune and the Vocoder, nearly every popular song in the Hip-Hop Genre today in 2009 is incorporating those elements. It has gotten to the point where popular rapper Jay-Z recently released a song titled "Death to Auto-tune." Now this should be a clear indicator to anyone in the Hip-Hop genre that this trend is on the verge of extinction, but soon a new trend will grow in popularity to replace the old and YOU WILL BE READY!
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