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Old 04-28-2011, 09:37 AM   #1
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"It's like going down to Hell and coming up again and wanting to go down again. Oh, you'd want to go down again. You'd find the whole earth pale. You'd count the days until you went down again. Do you remember Orpheus? I think he looked back not to see if Eurydice was coming after him but because he knew it was the last glimpse he would get of Hell." At that he broke off and began to chant in a crazy voice, wagging his head and swaying his body to the rhythm of the lines:--
"Quum subita in cantum dementia cepit amantemIgnoscenda quidem scirent si ignoscere manes;Restilit Eurydicengue suam jam luce sub ipsaImmemor heu victusque animi respexit."
"Oh, stop that!" cried Walker, and Hatteras laughed. "For God's sake, stop it wholesale marlboros!"
For the words brought back to him in a flash the vision of a class-room with its chipped desks ranged against the varnished walls, the droning sound of the form-master's voice, and the swish of lilac bushes against the lower window panes on summer afternoons. "Go on," he said. "Oh newport cigarettes, go on, and let's have done with it."
Hatteras took up his tale again, and it seemed to Walker that the man breathed the very miasma of the swamp and infected the room with it. He spoke of leopard societies, murder clubs newports cigarettes website, human sacrifices. He had witnessed them at the beginning, he had taken his share in them at the last. He told the whole story without shame good night (42), with indeed a growing enjoyment. He spared Walker no details. He related them in their loathsome completeness until Walker felt stunned and sick. "Stop," he said newport menthol 100s, again marlboro gold pack, "Stop! That's enough."
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