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Old 04-26-2011, 07:59 AM   #2
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Oil Update From BP: A Bear Ate The Pipeline - free commodity courtesy of
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Earlier reports that BP bankrupt its Alaska pipeline due to bane have turned out to be erroneous. The company, acquainted growing rancor that it would acquiesce such a vital hotlink to bite to the point of adjournment, altered its adventure,Air Max 97, saying that subsequent examination revealed that the leaks were due to a grizzly bear that ate the pipeline.
While BP was initially at a loss the explain why a bear would attack a metal object, one of its added artistic research admiral noticed that the name BP appeared in a number of places along the advance of the activity and an aurora borealis went off in his mind. While humans about know that BP stands for British Petroleum, the bear, they now affirmation, being beneath familiar with the meaning, mistakenly estimated that BP stood for drupe acrimonious.
As you know, the bears of Alaska are agrarian for wild berries. They roam the arctic searching for them and eat them so frenziedly that their bear pies, an association for BP that the aggregation rejects entirely, are, in berry season, so brimming abounding of the berry acceptable debris that they attending a bit like dejected pomegranates, a third affiliation the aggregation utterly rejects for the initials PB.
As a spokesman for the British association told reporters, ��We have carefully analyzed the assorted erroneous meanings of our company logo that a bear might leap to and have bent with absolute authoritativeness that PB could only have been mistaken for berry picking. We adios unequivocally any intimation that it could stand for bear pie and absolutely not for blue pomegranates.��
To add believability to his account, he brought along a grizzly bear, and concluded with, ��I��ll prove it.-2 He turned to the bear, which, on its afterwards legs rose to about ten feet, looked up, and asked,######y costumes, ��What do you think of when I show you this logo?�� He then held up a BP logo and connected to interrogate the bear. ��Do you think of berry picking?��
Surprisingly, the bear shook his or her head yes.
��Good,-4 the interrogator replied, and slyly slipped the bear a honey-flavored bonbon. Then he went on, ��What abroad do you think of? A bear pie?��
The grizzly shook its head no.
��Excellent!4�� the BP questioner responded, and glanced against the reporters to confirm the answer. Finally, with apish cynicism, he asked the bear, ��Would this sign ever make you think of blue pomegranates?��
The bear considered the question carefully and, abundant to the relief of the BP exec, at continued last shook its head in the abrogating.
��So that confirms it,-3 the spokesman announced, axis back to the reporters. ��Bears think that BP stands for berry picking, and so we can say beyond any doubt whatsoever that a bear ate the pipeline.��
One of the reporters considered the answer and again asked if he might borrow the BP assurance. The spokesman, ambiguous of what to do at aboriginal, handed it over cautiously.
Then the anchorman absolved over to the bear and held the sign high, saying, ��When you look at this sign, do you anytime think that BP just stands for a big problem?��
The bear immediately shook its head yes with,Nike Air Max 87, the BP exec absitively, more activity than could possibly be acceptable and, even more annoyingly, with more activity that it nodded in the acknowledging for the meaning berry picking.
��And what do you say about that?�� the reporter accepted.
��I��ll accept to get back to you,-1 the BP spokesperson said, and took aback the sign with just a trace of advocate.
Then he took the bear by the bridle and led it abroad, annoyed, ��How could you say that? Didn��t I feed you honey bonbon all morning when you shook your arch yes each time I captivated up the sign and said berry picking?��
The bear, not alive the difference between a alteration and a question, simply shook its head yes at the new mention of berry picking.
But then the spokesperson abolished from view and soon after so did the assertive bear.

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