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Old 04-25-2011, 11:34 PM   #1
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Default Office 2010 Activation Fukushima Deteriorates Agai

Not an hour passes without something content creating in Fukushima. Just out from NHK: all four damaged reactors are now using tobacco. Although 2, 3 and four have all issued smoke or steam at some point from the previous, it is now Reactor 1's flip. From NHK: "An NHK helicopter crew has confirmed what appears to get steam rising from No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 reactor buildings in the troubled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. This is the very first time that steam has long been observed coming out of the reactor. The helicopter crew was filming from a site over thirty kilometers in the plant shortly prior to seven:00 AM on Thursday." It had been not all bad news: "The Tokyo Electric Energy Firm says that black smoke observed increasing through the No.3 reactor building on Wednesday was no more time visible as of 6:00 AM Thursday." It's unclear in the event the radiation level had dropped adequate to wherever personnel could resume their attempt to reactive the cooling stations at Fukushima.

And a lot more undesirable news, this time from Reactor 5, which was previously deemed risk-free, by way of the NYT:
The cooling method at Reactor No. five, which was shut down at the time of the earthquake and has shown couple of issues since, also abruptly stopped working on Wednesday afternoon, said Hiro Hasegawa, a spokesman for Tokyo Electric....“When we switched from your temporary pump, it automatically switched off,Office 2010 Activation,” he explained. “We’ll try again with a new pump inside the morning.”
In the meantime, the Nikkei continues to once again diverge from your utter lunacy that is the US stock market.
h/t Donald
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