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Old 04-25-2011, 12:26 PM   #1
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Default The ten most amazing quick weight loss recipe

these weight loss methods, you may not have heard of, but very effective. You know, are diet and enjoy the delicious fat while allowing you to easily lose!
】 【body weight recipe 1: egg diet
eggs can also make high-density lipoprotein in the blood increased, can protect against hardening of blood vessels. Egg diet is very useful, when your body weight up to standard, then the balance of calorie intake and calorie consumption, you can make a lasting weight loss.
egg diet eat:
Baizhu Dan is eating for two weeks straight, and a few vegetables in the diet grapefruit diet. 5 to 9 a day to eat eggs, three times to eat. Intake per day is about 1,000 kcal.

diet recipe 2: watermelon diet watermelon
amine, a diuretic function, but not urinary frequency, but is to help reduce the number of times you peeing in water, the body of toxins that can successfully expelled, metabolism naturally good for dizziness caused by alcohol fatigue, it is also very effective solution drunk. Ten kilograms a month to thin!
Eat watermelon diet:
take slightly red flesh of watermelon rind, remove the outer crust, cut into small pieces, and then according to your taste, sugar, salt, various spices can be not only refreshing, but then beauty and weight loss. Note that after nine at night should not eat watermelon, who tend to the lower abdomen and belly bulge.

diet recipe 3:
bitter gourd bitter gourd diet contains a very high biological activity of clear fat hormone, the substance acts on only the important parts of the body to absorb fat in the small intestine,new era hats, intestinal cells by changing the hole net, to prevent fat, polysaccharides and other macromolecules absorb heat, but does not affect the vitamins,RayBan Sunglasses, minerals and other nutrients absorbed.
eat bitter melon Weight Loss:
juice if you do not have the conditions, can eat, but I suggest you approach is to eat bitter gourd cut in half after seeded, cut into pieces 1.5 cm wide, and not intermittent food, eating when you chew carefully, felt bitter chewed until after the swallow, appears to eat the cucumber in his hand as a tone finished, you eat only about one third of the bitter melon, natural, good weight loss stuff, you can only receive one-third or less. Similarly, you will be bitter in the finish before going to sleep three hours,Oakley Sunglasses, consumption comparable to the same are also concentrated in large meals before.

diet recipe 4: yogurt diet
1. 0%, that is not real yogurt.
eat yogurt to lose weight:
general, after a meal 30 minutes to two hours between the consumption of yogurt, the best results. In normal conditions, gastric juice ph values ​​between 1-3; empty stomach, acidic gastric juice present, ph value below 2 is not suitable for the growth of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt. Ph value only when the stomach is relatively high in order for the full growth of lactic acid bacteria in yogurt, is conducive to health. About two hours after a meal, the gastric juice were diluted, ph value to rise to 3-5, then yogurt, on the absorption of nutrients most beneficial to them.

diet recipe 5: milk diet drink plenty of water
day, in addition,monster hats, there is a beverage, is inseparable from her childhood to drink - milk, the extent of her drink, almost to every day cup, because the beans are rich in protein and fiber, has a good metabolism, but also beauty whitening effect.
milk to lose weight eat:
before or with meals, drinking milk in the process of digestion and absorption, continue to play a slimming effect, so better to drink with meals. If you want to use soy milk in the sense of satiety to prevent overeating, but also in fasting drink. The best time to drink each day, large muscle activity is the morning into the evening. Little activity at night, because the easy accumulation of body fat, so should be avoided.

diet recipe 6: Amorphophallus konjac foods diet
makes human consumption, the main active ingredient is not in the stomach after digestion, the effective absorption of cholesterol and bile acid and inhibited intestinal cholesterol and bile acid absorption. With lipid-lowering, blood pressure, appetizer, laxative, anti-cancer, diet, beauty and other functions.
Konjac eat to lose weight:
konjac flour recipes
flushing reference
1, detoxification laxative by: 5-10 grams of konjac flour, add about 200ml boiling water stir drink! day 1 -2 times!
2, body fat weight loss: fasting, 5-10 grams of konjac flour, add about 200ml boiling water stir drink! 1-2 times a day!
3, patients with diabetes: before meals 5-10 minutes, 5 g konjac flour, add 100ml boiling water, stir well to drink! 3-4 times a day!

diet recipe 7: seven thin soup diet
in 7-8 years popular on the 7th of thin soup, as was seen In addition, soup witch is said to help a lot.
eat to lose weight:
witch is thin soup to cook 2 to 3 large tomatoes and a whole cabbage, green pepper and 1 plus 2 and 2 small onions, the celery into a big pot of boiled to soften all the vegetables until the drink according to their preferences before the salt, pepper and parsley,winter cap, in addition to the recommended daily food to eat, but a hungry witch to drink soup, a pot can drink for seven days.

diet recipe 8: carnivorous diet
carnivorous diet, also known as the Atkins diet, low-carbon diet, Dr Robert Atkins in the United States to create the weight loss method, which requires complete do not eat carbohydrates, and eat high protein foods that do not eat any fruit, vegetables, starchy foods, and eat more meat, fish. Controversial weight loss method, but there is evidence that he has a certain effect.
eat meat to lose weight:
not eat starch and sugar during weight loss, and even can not eat fruit also one o'clock. Preferably with a lot of meat, vegetables or meat with egg; to completely quit sugar and starch, even drinking coffee, tea, sugar can not; drink plenty of water during weight loss.

diet recipe 9:
vinegar diet vinegar seasoning in traditional Chinese cooking is widely used in the can to fishy, ​​oily solution, increasing the taste of fresh, aroma hair color, refreshing appetizer the same time, there is convergence of vinegar, Guse utility, can help the stomach to digest. Here are some commonly used therapeutic method of vinegar.
vinegar to lose weight eat:
honey + vinegar:
effective method for cosmetic weight loss, diet or change in circumstances, the ratio of 1:4 the specific methods
1, empty stomach 20 minutes before breakfast; 2, immediately after lunch and dinner drink.
is worth noting that when selected in the selection of white vinegar through the rice, sorghum, soybeans and other processed, and try to avoid products containing the chemical. Also recommended not to use vinegar because the vinegar is vinegar, compared with less weight to some. Meanwhile, the proportion of honey and white vinegar can be adjusted according to individual needs, and if beauty could be increased even more emphasis on the proportion of honey.

diet recipe 10:
honey honey diet detoxification, whitening effect, the morning drink a large cup of honey gentle water, that can The deposition of toxins from your body in exchange for refreshing, here are some honey slimming methods.
eat honey to lose weight:
can drink water before breakfast by adding honey, lunch and dinner, then eat a small amount of porridge. Most people feel that two days after eating the honey, the body relaxed and happy. Five days later to eat noodles and other easy to digest things, and then slowly returned to their original diet.
using this weight loss, many people lose weight in 3 days to 3 kg. Secondly, the symptoms of constipation and the feeling of anxiety can be eliminated.
(Tencent Women Forum)
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