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Old 04-25-2011, 04:03 AM   #1
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Default Live out the true character of Zhou Guoping ------

1. my life to be summarized in one sentence, that is his true self. I never take success as a primary goal in life,convert avi to swf, that only live out the true nature of life is not wasted. The so-called true nature, one side is the personality and spiritual values ​​inherent value, the other side is the external utilitarian look down.
2. a person to measure anything, the stress is placed on their meaning in their lives, rather than how much they can give their own practical interests, such an attitude to life is the true nature .


3. a person living in the world, there must be something you really love, will live in interesting. This hobby is completely out of his true self, not for some external interests, such as for money, fame and the like. He likes to do this, simply because he felt very good thing in itself, he was attracted to beautiful things. It's like a gardener, he just opened up because I like the piece of his own garden, in which he nurtured many beautiful flowers and trees, as they poured their blood. When he was in his garden on the farm, he felt very at ease. Wherever he went, he will be concerned about those flowers, like a mother worried about their children. Such a person, he will live much more fulfilling. On the contrary, a person does not own garden, no matter how much officials when, how much do trading, he has always been essentially empty. Once such a person lost his government, bankrupt, and he exposed the emptiness to, and will not Huanghuang Ran all day, found himself in the world, nothing, no one needs him, and became an extra man.


4. people do things, or out of interest, or for disposition. Out of interest do, of course, do not have to worry so much about whether or pleasure. I often see the Vanity Fair complain incessantly on the master side, still fighting more than one side, which I completely understand. I do not think they complain is a ########, because I know that interest is a coercive power, but to the nature of what they do, the interest really is more important than pleasure. On the contrary, those who do things out of nature, that is done just to satisfy their spiritual things, are happy to basic standards. Are not only reading this column, including writing, art, art appreciation, friends, love,extract audio from video, charity, etc., in short, all spiritual activities. If you do these things do not feel happy, we must doubt whether the interests of the force plays a role, so that they become transformed by the nature of life utilitarian behavior.

5. you say, have to live out a satisfactory end to. I said, get to live out a taste. Fame status is clothes, we might get parts Chuan Chuan. However, for people who already are not coat check. In exchange for clothes, and I'm still me. Tuojin clothes, men and women even more character.
6. when this, when properly thinkers or essayist, wrote the article does not write the beautiful, really important. I only hope I hold the true nature of a life, a quiet and listen to other lives were also willing to quietly listen to other innocent lives, there is a world far from the glitz of happiness than fame.
7. the real is not a place in this world, but our attitude about the world, we finally found a way of life for their beliefs and norms.


8. the world flavored things, including poetry, wine, philosophy, love, is often futile. Yin useless poetry, useless drunk wine, reading useless books, Chung feeling useless, and finally into a useless person, but so live gusto.
9. I really feel,avi converter, reading, writing, and enjoy the love, affection and friendship is the world's most happy. There are two lucky in life, do you like to do one thing, the other is, and your favorite people together. Therefore, it can be said that my
10. truth is the hardest, to which a person may have to give up a lot of good things: fame, status, property, family. But the truth is the easiest in the world, only it, as a man willing, always get and maintain.

11. my life is not marked with the identity of the target, such as academicians, parliamentarians, ministers and the like. Those who struggle for these goals, regardless of their frustration and anxiety to, or for the success of joy, I have heard from them to the same kind of smell, so I can not stand the smell and stay with them for three minutes.
12. For those who demonstrate in word and deed in a large sense of mission, I harbor an instinctive aversion, should be kept at a distance. In my opinion, the real mission is simply chosen for their work and are engaged in a love Bale. Meet such a person, my instinct would be to their blood recognized as my brother.
13. a person why should prolific it? Where to Liufangqiangu, an immortal poem enough. If no such luxury, as long as you can live free, writing is nothing but a way that nothing more comfortable to live.
14. I do not want to use Valentine's face behind a smile for the reputation of a generation.

take your pleasure

accept my eternal blessing
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