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Old 04-21-2011, 03:33 AM   #1
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Default abercrombie store online Egypt explosion sounded t

aimed at destabilizing ,air max 93
At the same time, the international media have given for the attack strongly condemned. Tunisian President Ben Ali said Tunisia strongly condemns this criminal act, reaffirmed different races and people of different religions should coexist peacefully. Syrian government said the attack aimed at undermining Egypt and the Arab world, national unity and religious pluralism, Syria and Egypt stand. U.S. Embassy in Egypt said in a statement, strongly condemned the attack and the mastermind behind.
Egyptian official concluded that the attack of foreign forces involved. The ministry stressed that this was a suicide bombing attack, the penetration of foreign forces behind. Ministry of Interior statement said: Just before the incident, Iraq's al-Qaeda threatened to create for the Christian church in Egypt, and Christians explosion. Most of the media and public opinion here that the al-Qaida in Iraq has created this terrorist planning bombings. Recent times, Al Qaeda in Iraq has been continuously heavy blow from the Crown, and its activities in Iraq have been relatively limited space, then began to expand its scope of activities can make a greater impact in this regard, on the other hand in Egypt by create ethnic and religious conflicts, destruction of Egypt's unity, stability, and to fish in troubled waters. One witness said the blast site, he destroyed a car at the scene on the window to see a Egyptian al-Qaeda in the future may be subject to more attacks. (Cairo, January 3 People's Daily Xinhua) (People's Daily reporter in Egypt Huangpei Zhao Li Xiao Zhang Mengxu)

1 1 March,airmax 『写好作文口诀宝贝』, the northern port city of Alexandria, Egypt, Christian Church, a suicide bomber has killed 22 people were killed and 80 injured.

Some analysts believe that the attack was not against a particular faith community, its fundamental purpose is to spread terror in Egyptian, drive a wedge between the relationship between Muslims and Christians,ferragamo carla pump, and ultimately to undermine the goal of stability in Egypt .

public opinion condemned
1 3 May,christian louboutin sales shoes,jordan shoes black June 27 , Chengdu, the Egyptian demonstrations continued in many cities, people have condemned the New Year occurred in the northern port city of Alexandria,jordans shoes 23 美国打算提前摘除苏丹“支撑可怕主义”帽子,vaider supra, a Christian church bombings in protest aimed at creating an explosion of ethnic and religious conflicts in Egypt, to achieve the destruction of Egypt the purpose of stabilizing the domestic situation.
Who behind
2010 years, under the instigation of foreign forces, Christians and Muslims in Egypt has increased the momentum of the opposition. January 2010, Najia Hammadi in southern Egypt town shooting incident, a Muslim gunmen Coptic Orthodox Christmas to celebrate the shots were fired, killing six Copts and one Muslim policemen were killed; November, a village in Qena in southern Egypt,abercrombie store online, Muslims and Christians in conflict, leading to Christian homes and shops burned.
Christian Copts in Egypt about 10% of the total population, Christians and Muslims account for most of the Egyptian population when the relationship between nervous, but on the whole the two sides can live in harmony.

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said in a televised speech, would not shed the blood of Christians in Egypt will cut off the hands of terrorism, bring perpetrators to justice. He stressed that such acts of indiscriminate terrorism is to undermine Egypt's stability, drive a wedge between the relationship between Muslims and Christians, but the Egyptians to maintain unity in the face of terrorism.

when the explosion occurred just after the church people celebrate New Year's ritual to leave and live in the vicinity of Christ Church Alexandria Muslims witnessed this tragedy. After the explosion, the local Muslims have rushed to the hospital for the injured blood.
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