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Old 04-12-2011, 07:18 AM   #1
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Default Xu Yong's hand on my hair on

- Works Source: Otaku - Tencent blog

husband, your in heaven right? When night fell, -

; ; Do you know how many thoughts and suffering in life? Really miss you. . . -
If one day going to leave this world, I hope that the final destination is in your arms. Even if the edge of the bowl to drink Modoribashi Mengpo Tang forgotten past lives, afterlife, I still embrace you with memories to find you. -
- Otaku Inscription -

a -
the wedding night, I suddenly asked a question Ting Yu:
so soon as the export, I'll regret it. Red-letter day to ask this question, too unpleasant a. -
Sure enough, Ding Yu silent. -
I was going out of words to restore, Ding Yu has spoke. -
find you.
the dark, I could not see his face. However, the small buildings in the revealing words of the serious and resolute and made me feel a huge shock impact on the soul. -
Yes, time, I was the happiest woman in the world. -
Ding Yu is a character very gentle man. I do not know whether it is because of such a character prevented him, in a company is still in front of an ordinary staff. Had married, many of my friends do not understand why I would choose him, after all, he and my monthly salary is only a quarter. But I always gentle and persistent sinking heart that can heal my daily toil. -
married half a year, we have always lived in a three-storey building the company's small apartment. Although only a small house Liangshiyiting, but we did not complain, with Ding Yu as saying: The high price before the city makes me want to plan for the day of life. -
However, as time goes by, I gradually felt a sadness. I used to believe that the true meaning of love is insipid, the same can be day to day lifestyle, I began to feel tired. Daily necessities instead of romantic passion, marriage is beginning to show the boring I gradually lost its direction of future together. -
I wish I could feel the small buildings, or that he will make some changes. Yu just like Dante unaware daily as usual. Yu Ding was well written, also published a small article, so, after work, likes to write about painting Fuzaizhuoshang. I want him to be able to focus on more work, but always without success. Over time the accumulation of the confusion and sorrow of marriage to my heart gradually numb and closed, no longer feel love for a Siding buildings. -
Xu Yong is the time to come into my life. -
company engaged in a party, I sat alone on the dance floor edge products with red wine, Chennai bored occasion, a middle-aged man asked me to dance. -
night had a lot of people has extended invitations to me, but I have been declined for various reasons. However, the man in front, it seems that gestures are distributed between the middle-aged men, especially the kind of career success to the unique charm, so I could not refuse. -
the sound of music dance and I owned him gently in the crowd. Psychedelic lights made me dizzy for a time there. He whispered in my ear said:
snack I was surprised, looked up at him. The tall man is not very high, probably only about 1 meter 76, however, made me kind of momentum he had to look up. -

Just at that moment, a dance is over. He hugged me, Fuer lightly: -
this man is our vice president of the company? And I, King is the only dance tonight dance with his people? -
a trace of vanity to meet quietly climbed up my mind. -
back home is early morning, open the door, Ding Yu disease is still in his desk book. See me back, Ding Yu received the manuscript are, and then bowl out from the kitchen Duanle Yi. -

Ding Yu's scratched his head, embarrassed. Married so long, that he would be as quick as a newly in love, often use this action to express his loss. In fact, I do not know why interrupted him, but today did always feel like a thief like, blurted said: ;
Ding Yu's face suddenly changed. I looked at him with some guilt to uphold the hands of the bowl of steaming noodles, softly: Ding Yu is also the expression
relaxed, softly asked me:
first time when I sleep at night, back to the small buildings, and when he hugged me from the post, I earn a bit lightly. -
Yu Ding
a stiff arm, shrinking back. -
I did not speak, the darkness, my mind there was always a vigorous and unrestrained that Xu Yong's stature. -

II -
dull days there for a week. -
this day happens to be the weekend. Just got off work, Xu Yong called me. I am not surprised how he knows my phone number, after all, he is my boss. -
To Ang
arrived home Ding Yuxing Yang said they went to Lake Park, as from today open to visitors free of charge. I am apologetic about the colleague said, gathering together at night. Can see Yu Ding was disappointed, but instead he says with a laugh to play fun points. -
Wong Lun Hotel is a famous four-star city hotel. To be here frequented by the rich that is your people. First came to the door, I saw a navy blue suit, Xu Yongli there. -
As I entered the lobby of Xu Yong
when he was in front of luxury overawed. The center is a colorful fountain head, fountain behind a small round table, an elegant female musician is playing the soothing music, both sides of the table, do some high fashion clothing for men and women. -
subconsciously glance at his popularity that the dress is out, I can not help the dark shame of Health ashamed. -
our palm tree in the lobby after a vacancy on the seat. The local view is hidden, you can get a glimpse of the lobby and sitting outside is not easy to see from the inside. -
a few glasses of wine you'll feel, I gradually relaxed its own. Xu Yong Duanzhebeizai, smile and asked:
I understand. -
because you sit alone in the way it touched me.
the meaning of words
Xu Yong me some confusion. Such a charming man you say the words that implied, so I suddenly have a trace of fear. As in the end in fear of what, at that moment I do not understand. -
I'm almost there struggling
he said:
Xu Yong actually laughed: ;
At the time, these words hit my heart heavy, and I cried like a child-like Fuzaizhuoshang out. More than half the loss, was the man opened easily. -
convolution of the piano music, Xu Yong's hand on my hair on, by the ear, is telling the gentle Xu Yong: ;
as if a vortex sucked me, I subconsciously nod. -
night, I did not go home. -
a man, ignited my passion, it will be me into the - Paradise Lost. -

c -
next month, I had the luxury as rich aristocrat. I always arm Xu Yong, like a pair of couples in love, out of a variety of senior social salon. All this to be true, but I still dream trance. -
night I did not go home, Ding Yu did not ask too much. Then went to my co-workers told me that they Ding Yu phones hit there. Ding Yu already know I know I lied to him, but why he did not expose it? But I and the relationship between Xu Yong is very secretive, and those senior social activities is difficult to set foot in the small buildings. -
may Ding Yu has changed than before, returned home just write something, if I did not ask him what he can say the word free. His rehabilitation tired of my erratic, inexplicable, the two entered the Cold War. -
Yu Ding alone
start cooking a day, and I put on the outside, and Xu Yong ** French cuisine dishes to eat a turn. A home only saw a few messy sausage kitchen and table, my mind suddenly had a trace of guilt. -
this day, I and Xu Yong stroll in a mall. There are some high-end fashion that can be said for such persons Xu Yong set. I think he should not such people, but the original vanity been satisfied. -
I casually scanned the racks on both sides of the high cost of clothing, Xu Yong's footsteps suddenly stopped. I looked at him strangely, he did not see me, but said:
advantage of the opportunity I looked, all of a sudden stiff body, nail in the place. -
Ding Yu. -
I flurry. This kind of ability that he can not buy things that he never set foot in the place, and I have not had the dream that he would appear in the eyes. -
eyes and complexity of the small buildings, as if a lot of things hinge together, that look, a gratuitous pain in my heart. I put aside Yong Xu, Yu Ding toward:
Ding Yu turned and ran. -
I Dayton, where biting the lower lip, looking at the direction of his disappearance, a move. -
Xu Yong came with her arm around me chuckle: At that moment, I give birth to a hint of fatigue and regret. I did not answer, let me to the door he will. -
home, Ding-yu, is a blasted and smoking a cigarette. Lights, the room filled with choking smoke dusk. This will only time, Ding Yu actually seemed gaunt and older. -
goes from falling in love I look at the familiar face has been five years, some moist eyes. -
Ding Yu and hard cigarette, snuffed the fireworks:
his tone calm and large beyond my expectations. I am filled with an uneasy, asked:
He shook his head, revealing a trace of frustration and smiles sadly out:
Ding Yu waved interrupted me, see that wire bitter mouth: seen the.
Ding Yu and lit a cigarette, took a bite, have been choked voice:
I cried out; turned out that he does not mind not ideas. I said:
only Xizhe Yan Ding Yu, looked at me coldly. Pale face so I can not watch intently. -
his silence, gave me a clear answer -
d -
week later, I replaced the small buildings to divorce certificates marriage certificate. -
out the door to the court, I am a bit dazed, as if everything is not true. -
weather was clear and the air is also filled with a strange taste. Pressure of the heavy clouds seemed to heavy pressure in the heart. -
we did not speak. Yu Ding was the first to say:
I heard no words, the body is empty, a kind of very strong sense of loss. I want to cry, is a sudden emotion. Until now, all come to realize a dream, and I actually do not know where he was. -
back to the house that shared my life, I have to pack their own clothes. I want to book a Ding Yu left, but that he refused. -
outside, shortness of trumpets sounded. -
Xu Yong came. -
I step to the door, took a deep breath, closed his eyes. This room will have that familiar smell from strange, and my mood was chaotic, such as hemp, I do not know where to order. -
Suddenly, Ding Yu stopped me and handed me a box. I asked to see who he was, did not take. His face has emerged in the past that rapid:

I have an urge to cry. -
looked out the window, the weather was gloomy terrible. Although only five p.m. and more, but already, such as night fell. -
hanging lamp inexplicable shaking up, and then they went out a few seconds. I have no reason winced. -
horn has sounded outside the house. -
lights went out. -
flickering a few times, sent once a light bulb, after struggling to completely off. At that Yi Sha, I actually saw Ding Yu cheeks drawn to tears. -
housing drastic shake up. -
all so sudden. -
only a few seconds of silence, like a house just like a frying pan, voices, all kinds of mess will be pushed to my extreme horror. -
plaster on the ceiling to drop down. More intense the house shake. -
end of the world I feel. -
a pair of strong arms hold me close, low and calm voice sound in my ears:
to talking while faintly heard outside the car to start sound. Ding Yu protected me, and explore the open door, I shouted:
no one answered. -
house I can not stand to shake, and Xu Yong far as to disregard me and made me feel so cold to escape first, full of despair are being deceived. -
The darkness, a heavy pressure in my legs, under pain I cried again. Then we heard the bang Ding Yu Menheng. -
my fear dominated all thinking, start incoherent: I tentatively began to call for Ding Yu. -
dark, Ding Yu clear voice came:
Ding Yu did not answer, half a day, with a sigh: we go out, my legs were pinned.
the horrors of this hell I never had, pain and fear I have not thought about properly. -
I feel like I was almost collapsed. -

Although he did not understand why in this critical time of it, but I honest answer. -
I panic, anxiously asked: -
Panic, I'm struggling with the body, leg pain instant impact on the brain, and I look faint. -
I do not know how long, I woke up leisurely. Opened his eyes, still dark. The clutches of fear as a huge catch my body, I am extremely loudly calling for help Ding Yu. -
a long time, only to hear the faint sound of Ding Yu:
I finally cried out:
torn a big mouth. -
Ding Yu did not answer. -
I panic, my heart beat violently. -

my tears a lot of ideas as more than:
a fire burning in my chest up, head emerging ago we fell in love and married the scene. Although always so dull, but now I realize that this flat was actually for real and valuable. I have been self-sad, do not understand their own pursuit of happiness in these extraordinary in breeding. And I, until the death of diplomatic relations when found. -
the dark, endless silence. The cold air in the overflowing of the smell of death. -

bite crazy huge regret my heart, that I drill into the bone marrow of the pain does not come out to vent, but can not stop the tears. I knew that with his life to save my man, is so deep in love with me. However, he was actually the love of his life so I really appreciate it! -
Yu Ding endless grief seemed to himself, but complain it is extremely weak. -
... ... cure my drink, I ... ... ... ... or my next life ... ... ... ... or will find ... ...
No matter how loud I call, but you can not hear any sound Ding Yu. I completely regret piercing collapsed. -
Speranskia's silence secretly cold, only endless grief I can not stop. -
I do not know how many hours, I finally was rescued from the wreckage. -
eyes, is my life will never forget the picture. -
side of the wall collapsed buildings tightly 大半个身子 suppress the D, only the left arm and head still out. Under the body in the small buildings, a large beach with blood had become brown. Ding Yu front of my face is still lying in the direction of a smile, appears ready to continue to appease my fears. Pale face, such as sculpture, a pair of never rolling into the eyes. -
my chest like a hammer hit by jin, suddenly threw herself beside him, holding his head, exhausted body strength screams: >
cut open the ruins of the sound, but not back to the never sleeping for Ding Yu. -
tears all around the ambulance personnel. -
Five -
month later, when Xu Yong holding flowers in the hospital, my face was still the flowers to his face. Bedside, is a pile of scattered manuscripts, is written in his spare time Yu Ding a -
Xu Yong
I did not scold, I do not want the soul of his despicable insult to my arms, Ding Yu. -
Yes, I arms of the small buildings - urn. -
he said, my arms is his final destination. -
next life I want him to still find me. -
tears falling drop by drop in the black box. That which is the only memory of my life. -


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