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Old 04-09-2011, 06:10 PM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Double Entendre

Hey there,Microsoft Office Professional 2007! Thank you for dropping from the Misadventures of Me,Microsoft Office Professional 2007! Get a glimpse about and grab the RSS feed to remain updated. See you approximately!

[10:45] Me: I skip you.
[10:46] Me: meeting did not go properly
[10:46] Long-Distance (LD): Oh dear
[10:46] LD: I'm so sorry
[10:46] Me: my marketing was denied
[10:46] LD: WHUT?
[10:47] Me: yep.
[10:47] Me: LS explained he was shocked as well
[10:47] LD: By the instrument?
[10:47] Me: I don't know how significantly it got
[10:48] Me: but I didn't depart anything around the table with LS
[10:48] LD: Newborn,Microsoft Office 2010 Professional, I am so SO SORRY
[10:49] Me: he instructed me that I frightened the hell from him when I'm angry
[10:49] LD: I can see that
[10:49] LD: and superior for him for admitting that
[10:49] LD: and superior for you personally for remaining angry
[10:49] Me: I threw it at him
[10:50] Me: why did loaded get promoted?
[10:50] Me: why am I on month 12 of [10:51] Me: how I left [my ex] and received my personal position about the expectation he set
[10:51] Me: how listening to [10:52] Me: how I agreed to be responsible for all of these crapass applications to these kinds of an extent that he did not really have to fear about them depending on the expectation he set
[10:53] Me: and just how crushed I am
[10:53] LD: Child,Microsoft Office Professional 2010, I am so sorry about this all. I'm fairly glad that you just informed him how you come to feel,Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, while.
[10:55] LD: I agreed to do all of this shit for him and he allow me to down
[10:55] LD: I do know. It is not honest in any respect.
[10:56] Me: correct now I've a head full of ######## all
[10:57] LD: I don't blame you in the least
[11:00] LD: I sense horrible in your case
[11:01] Me: All I ask is usually to do what you say you are gonna do
[11:01] Me: why is that so unreasonable?
[11:01] LD: It isn't.
[11:01] LD: It is not whatsoever.
[11:04] Me: I am so tired of this
[11:04] Me: tired of believing what men and women inform me
[11:04] Me: and getting burned for it
[11:05] Me: so goddamn tired
[11:06] LD: I am aware. I do not blame you. I'm so sorry.
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