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Old 04-09-2011, 01:21 AM   #1
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Default Follow Taylor news- (25)

Elizabeth Taylor. Her life helped to define celebrity. Her career helped to redefine film stardom. Her many marriages and personal setbacks became a cautionary tale for the toll that celebrity exacts. Yet through it all, Elizabeth Taylor was a survivor. She helped to define that,marlboro cigarettes online, too.
When she died this week at 79,caverta, all that most people of a certain age had to hear was her name to understand.
Those Americans who grew up with her movies probably puzzled at her friendship later in life with Michael Jackson. But that relationship always made a certain sense,marlboro reds, because Elizabeth Taylor was probably one of the few people in the world who could comprehend what it was to be Michael Jackson.
Any reflection on Taylor’s life must begin with her extraordinary beauty. Flawless, symmetrical,marlboro cigarettes cartons, like a Michelangelo sculpture of Venus. It was what made her as a screen actress and, ironically, overshadowed her talent as an actor. That was one of the ironies of being Elizabeth Taylor.
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