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Old 04-01-2011, 04:12 PM   #1
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Default Jordan Fusion 3 Five Tips to Make Moving Easier_11

If you know that you will be moving out of your current living quarters in a certain time frame, you can start getting ready now by creating a reasonable timeline to get everything accomplished. For example, you may have given your notice that you are vacating your current flat so you know you have lets say thirty days. You can start your schedule out by writing a task to accomplish each day up until you get to the last couple of days when the moving truck arrives. Doing this now, rather than later, will save you a lot of worry.
Get friends to help.
Create a schedule.
Congratulations - you have a new home! Now comes the hard part, getting ready to transfer all your belonging to your new space to make it truly yours. While you may have already anticipated this part of the process, you don't need to stress out over an impending relocation. Here are some tips to help make moving easier.
Despite what you may think, it is not advisable to cram a lot of stuff into huge boxes. What ends up happening is that the boxes become too heavy to handle and causes back strain. Find many smaller boxes, about the size of paper ream boxes, and carefully pack items wrapped in newspaper or use your bath and kitchen towels to cushion fragile things. When moving day comes, your back and feet will thank you.
Over time, most people accumulate things that they no longer need or use. It's just human nature to collect things and then not know where to put them once their usefulness ends. Now is the time to start going through your belongings and eliminating them so that you have less to move when the time comes. Choose a section of each room, grab two boxes and start tossing items into each one- designated as the "keep" box and the "dispose" box.
Have a yard sale or auction.
Once you have eliminated much of the clutter in your space, you can now start earning a few more dollars to help you pay for the cost of your move. Take all the "dispose" boxes and sort them by the type of items you have. For example, put in one box clothes, another shoes, another for collectibles, and the last one household items like dishes, décor, etc. Then take photos of the items you have - either in groups or small sets. List them online at a free or paid auction site and start selling for at least a week. Items that don't sell will go into a yard sale. Pick a weekend to have your sale, generally a week or two before your move. Set up a nice display, putting the best items out front and give people some good deals. Whatever you don't sell by the end of the weekend, donate or give away.
Downsize your stuff.
If you do find yourself to be completely in your head or for some other reason need to re-start the scene, just do it. Don't ask, just confidently say "Let's start over again" or something to that effect and then tell them you need a minute (if you do) or get focused and wait for the camera to start rolling again. As I frequently tell my students, they want you to do well so if you're not quite there Air Max 2009 Shoes, get into the zone and do it again. It's a win/win.In conclusion, I'll just say that acting is a difficult endeavor and requires the utmost belief and confidence in oneself. Entering a casting room with anything other than complete chutzpah in what you are doing is a casting death-sentence. Treat the people in the room like they are your friends (they are) and relax and have fun with the experience. Then you will do your best and quite possibly book that job!
Pack things carefully in many smaller boxes.
It is never a good thing to try to move alone, so invite some friends over, put on some music and enjoy each others company while you transfer your items to your new place. Have a contest to see who can move the most boxes. Friends can also keep an eye on children and pets. Friends can even help you with some of the unpacking and decorating of your new home. Reward them with a pizza and beverages and throw a moving party afterwards.
If you are great, the producer thinks the casting director knows what she is doing. If you suck, the casting director will feel self-conscious and wonder if her judgment is being re-evaluated.So let me assure you, everyone in the room is on your side! They want you to rock Jordan Fusion 3! The producers are sitting there wondering if they will ever find the right person for the job and the casting director is hoping you'll make them look good Christian Audigier Handbags, and along you come kicking butt wherever you go and guess what? You're the hero of the day. Everyone will be so relieved that they found the right person for the job. So trust me, the whole room has their fingers crossed that you will be the right person for the job.6. Take Charge of Your Auditions (That's why they're called 'your' auditions).
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