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Old 03-31-2011, 03:30 PM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office 2007 Standard Activation Key Bran

Here on the PowerPoint team,Office 2007 Enterprise cl��, we’re always open to great suggestions for new features from our customers. Last week, the intrepid journalists at the The Onion delivered. Here are some of the highlights: Wow Factor Added To Corporate Presentation July 17, 2009 | Issue 45o29 CHARLOTTE, NC—Sources at Cobalt Media confirmed Tuesday that the wow factor—an intangible set of viscerally pleasing features that instill onlookers with a feeling of exhilaration and intense interest—was successfully added to this Thursday's upcoming PowerPoint presentation, entitled "New Ideas For Integrating Social Media Into Product Marketing." According to those who will deliver the presentation to executives from Sketchers, the 1:34 a.m. addition of an animated bar graph depicting the market-share percentages increasing as colored bars extend slowly upward provided the final wow-factor-inducing element. Members of the group told reporters that, prior to the wow factor's insertion, the presentation was lacking in both sizzle and pop. These necessary dynamics, along with punch, were integrated by adding more than 30 "flip left" slide transitions,Microsoft Office 2007 Pro Plus Product Key, replacing basic blue backgrounds with a more colorful aurora borealis template, and inserting an audio element featuring the Smash Mouth song "Walkin' On The Sun." "This presentation really reaches out and grabs you," Waters told reporters, adding that she is banking on a big promotion for her work on the wow-factor. "Once the audience sees our font choice on slide 15, they're not going to know what hit them." Now that they've added the final touches of wow factor to Thursday's presentation, employees seem confident their pitch is a can't-miss. "To think about what our presentation was before it had that sort of, you know, that wow factor, is kind of embarrassing," account supervisor Scott Weston said. "It was mostly just slides of straight statistics and comprehensive charts that explained very plainly that in order to more successfully get the word out about our clients, we should utilize all types of media." Added Weston: "It would have been over in 30 seconds." Full article: PowerPoint 2010 is all about making it easy to build “viscerally pleasing” presentations that instill “exhilaration” and “intense interest”, so we stepped up to the challenge and we are proud to present the newest feature in PowerPoint 2010: Insert Wow Factor One click brings your choice of factor to your presentation,Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 Product Key! Choose between Cool and Wow Factor’s! And in order to, as they say, kick things up a notch, we’ve worked on a special project with MSR and Microsoft France to implement “Insert a certain… Je ne sais quoi”. Enjoy,Office Pro Plus 2007 Serial! - The PowerPoint Team   PS. Yes, we know we’re a little late for April 1st,Microsoft Office 2007 Standard Activation Key, but we couldn’t resist. PPS. Joking aside, PowerPoint 2010 has a ton of great features to that let you create really amazing presentations – but, as someone wise once said: “With great power comes great responsibility.” <div
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