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Old 03-31-2011, 05:42 AM   #1
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coocy1425066 is on a distinguished road
Default Game of Death chips Goldman Sachs

Merkel belly full of rage at the moment is estimated as Obama.
SEC audacious investigated in the end, Goldman Sachs this time are exposed to all the tricks out, never to the interests of its clients, it is Goldman Sachs who lip pursuit. John. Paulson should steal this moment to laugh, Goldman Sachs to John. the interest of Paulson, $ 15,000,000 for that sponsorship deals, to 841 million yuan of CDS trading revenue, Goldman Sachs, the Germans are uncomfortable.
IKB of Germany is being taken advantage of, even though their boss at the end of 2006 is still very cautious, but the U.S. subprime mortgage market so difficult for them to control their own crazy, young and frivolous Tuoer Lei may be too early fame,buy air jordans online, as Goldman Sachs Young Turks, Tuoer Lei naturally Superman marketing public relations capacity. While the beginning of ACA did not know John. Paulson in the end is what role, Tuoer Lei but in 1 month time for the ACA became their stepping stone.
$ 150,000,000, for a bank is not a big number, but can not afford Goldman Sachs IKB CDO design of heavy, not too silly IKB, is Goldman Sachs with John. Paulson was too cunning. Germany had to roll up their sleeves to save Financial rapidly deteriorating IKB, although the German Development Bank join forces to save financial institutions, 10 billion euros for IKB ill eventually.
mall is always scores obscure, IKB was playing dead, Goldman Sachs, the last corpses of the United States alone Star Fund, this fund mergers and acquisitions in the financial field, has been a strong competitor of Goldman Sachs. Although people like to stubbornly believe that Goldman Sachs is very strong, had to admit, Lone Star Fund in the Republic of Korea, who are not face to Goldman Sachs, of course, Goldman Sachs was In South Korea tooth for a tooth, the last of which involved a large number of politicians, political shocks South Korea.
Angela Merkel of course angry, then to Greece, Goldman Sachs set a trap, so that the little brother to fool Big Brother Europe in Germany, even though the Greeks feel that they Germanic civilization beyond, and now the euro zone economy, Germany's oldest talent, little brother, who colluded with the United, no, precisely, the Jews, who at the financial fraud entering into the European Union. Goldman Sachs stuck to the whole game of death in the German body, a large number of Germans you have to pay for CDS.
death game Goldman Sachs, ABN AMRO had with the Germans, pay all of Goldman Sachs. Dutch banks to issue CDS, when Goldman Sachs as financial advisor to ING Group, the acquisition of brewing ABN AMRO, when the ACA fully agree with John. 90 Paulson selected portfolio, Goldman Sachs International Group abrupt termination with the Dutch, the British eventually won the Dutch bank, even though they start very happy, and now with the tacit British Prime Minister Gordon Brown As Kerr was angry because the Royal Bank of Scotland have to pay for the stupidity of the Dutch bank.
SEC investigation with Brown, Merkel Goldman Sachs to find a chance to vent, this is not Obama stupid, not Obama Goldman Sachs may make to clean up the SEC, in addition to Goldman Sachs a lot of outside sponsorship Obama, Barack Obama must be his own presidency, and consider the future of Americans. Now Obama's public support rate was World War II, the fastest decline in the president Obama now has no capital to embarrass the Wall Street bigwigs.
when a large number of troops to Afghanistan, Obama was a nightmare wound, this nightmare has no face is the Soviet Union, despite the local war Soviet Union, the upper hand, even though they have a strong artillery attack, and adequate logistic support, the Soviets had to shame to get out. Obama is not Washington, he was just a lawyer out of the politicians mixed. American soldiers in Afghanistan in order to standing body withdrawal, there is no real money support, no perseverance and excellent operational intelligence, it was all empty talk.
Obama's real money only on their own, Germany and China is now the largest U.S. export States, a huge trade deficit with tough for Obama, Capitol Hill will not allow the United States reduced to the world's second speech, to Capitol Hill lawmakers to tears. Members of the United States after the excitement, but watched Obama Ma, Obama had to set up, headed by Commerce Secretary Gary Locke rate lower and lower, because high unemployment rate has been so great horse Obama, there is no financial support, Obama industrial recovery plan can only be fantasy, and then trade in luxury cabinet, industry is not, what you export it? atomic bomb? or spacecraft?
Obama edgy stand up and say there is no communication with the SEC, which has warned SEC, not to engage in expansion, so that not only is a fatal blow to Goldman Sachs, the greater is the attack support for Obama is the future and the fate of Americans, Americans can not afford a second round of financial turmoil. Refiner chirp Merkel does not like the man, she needs a good Germans exciting results Brown is the same. Obama will not make a fuss about the German National People's Congress, the British lack of resources, but also toss it up. However, the forfeit of Goldman Sachs, will pay the price.
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