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Old 03-22-2011, 10:37 AM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 639
adgar6175 is on a distinguished road
Default tory Eat two dishes will be dead co

4, potatoes, bananas ┄ ┄ avoid eating raw with freckles -
12, can not eat undercooked soy milk, eat easy poisoning. -
avoid dog eat green beans is easy with the food poisoning --- -
fluid nerves, lungs and UFA eat walnuts. -
8, celery avoid rabbits off the hair with fresh ┄ ┄ -
licorice combined with the harmful carp, crab and persimmon together will be poisoned; -
16, food additives, artificial vegetarian, spice, flavor, preserved eggs, instant noodles, luncheon meat, fried food should not eat. -
horse avoid eating fungus --- with cholera -
2, ┄ ┄ tofu with fresh honey avoid deafness -
phlegm eliminate flatulence
4. tofu and honey - caused deafness -
garlic,asics casual, green beans the most wonderful hot weather. -
10. crab and persimmon - diarrhea -
avoid potatoes with fresh banana --- Face Health Spot -
peanuts can lower cholesterol, melons, beans, swelling and diuretic. -
several ebony
avoid tofu with fresh honey --- deaf -
radish avoid eating fungus --- with dermatitis -
8. beef and chestnuts - induced vomiting -
6, preserved eggs, popcorn, particularly lead, children should not eat. -
15, persimmon persimmon flight susceptible to stomach stones, do not eat. -
After reading
crab with fresh jujube bogey easy to get malaria -
goose pear with fresh carefully avoid fever -
2. eggs and saccharin - easy poisoning -
3, kelp avoid constipation with fresh pig blood ┄ ┄ -
avoid pear mustard made with fresh vomit --- -
persimmon sweet potato with raw stones, eggs, milk nutrition should not be rushed; -
rabbit bogey cabbage - with easy to eat and vomiting -
can not eat the food: -
bogey dried vegetables and mutton - the same food Health Heart stuffy -
banana taro into the gastric pain, potatoes, bananas face from spots. -
meet eye injury honey onion, radish fungus pairs students dermatitis; -
10,2 in my life a special woman., ┄ ┄ crab with fresh persimmon avoid diarrhea -
some, you know? ! -
dog will damage the health in case of mung bean, radish fruits adverse thyroid; -
tofu mixed with honey compared deaf ears, spinach, tofu color United States would not be appropriate; -
radish, celery can lower high blood pressure. -
containing calcium and sulfur
13, blackfish bogey ┄ ┄ eggplant with fresh pain in his stomach -
6, vinegar eel bogey ┄ ┄ with food is dead -
14, baking the chicken category, fish containing carcinogens, should not eat. -
tomatoes, eggs educational nutrition high. -
with fresh goose eggs avoid debilitating -
12, onion, honey ┄ ┄ avoid injury with fresh eyes -
avoid rabbits eat celery --- with hair loss -
17, bogey persimmon wine with fresh heart ┄ ┄ stuffy -
3, do not fry the green beans, lentils toxic, can not eat. -
15,mbt tataga black, preserved eggs, brown sugar ┄ ┄ bogey with fresh nausea -
9, ┄ ┄ tomato with fresh green beans avoid debilitating -
14, Turtle bogey amaranth ┄ ┄ with food poisoning -
avoid hair ginger beef with food poisoning deaths --- -
11, can not eat too hot food, easy to burn the digestive tract caused by cancer. -
9. rabbit meat and celery - hair loss -
avoid mustard chicken with fresh debilitating --- -
another red turnip carrot, tomato, cucumber can not eat together; -
- salt and vinegar, a good anti-virus anti-inflammatory, kidney warm leek knee waist. -
11, goose pear avoid renal injury with fresh ┄ ┄ -
1, eggs, avoid saccharin ┄ ┄ with food poisoning, deaths -
diuretic row toxin cabbage, cauliflower cancer eat less -.
kelp, mushrooms contain cancer cells. -
inhibition of gastroenteritis
Taiwan, a girl suddenly died suddenly of bleeding for no reason, overnight, went to their lives, after a preliminary autopsy. determined to be due to arsenic poisoning and death. The arsenic comes from. -
blackfish avoid eating eggplant --- easy to get with cholera -
beef with fresh chestnuts avoid vomiting -
honey with fresh onion avoid eye injury -
Donkey avoid heartache with fresh yellow --- Fatal -
pregnant women avoid soft-shelled turtle eel and crab, eggs, eat anti-inflammatory tablets clash; -
; Do not mean to forward to your classmates and friends, many drinks have vitamin C-
1. sweet potatoes and persimmons - will get stones -
Wei Huo laxative solution
fish can make milk, animal liver, good eyesight. -
2, fresh lily (day lily) poisonous to eat. -
lamb with fresh watermelon avoid debilitating -
- Diet Song: -
7, burnt food can not eat, eat easily after cancer. -
shrimp + C = D + Coke = cold medicine poisoning poisoning -
pork liver with food will hurt water chestnut, watermelon meet scheduled mutton mutual invasion; -
taro with fresh banana avoid bloating -
1, germination, blue potatoes poisonous to eat. -
11. carp and licorice - will be poisoning -
6. taro and bananas - bloating -
egg avoid saccharin --- with food poisoning -
with fresh cucumber avoid peanut beverages -
blood beauty Yan
9,north face fleece jacket, raw soybean oil contains benzene, will destroy the hematopoietic system, can not eat. -
pepper to cold and dampness, onion spicy ginger for colds. -
4, the old chicken head (more than 5 years beheaded) the big drug, can not eat. -
5, beef, brown sugar ┄ ┄ avoid bulging with fresh dead -
10, long cooking with Asian X salt water, eating is prone to cancer. -
13, pickled foods contain cancer-causing substances, should not eat. -
A medical school professor invited to come to solve the case. Professor carefully looked at the dead stomach, less than half an hour, the mystery was solved. Professor said: Professor said: at home, the something, but at the same time the deceased was taking a
researchers at the University of Chicago, found by experiment, shrimp and other soft-shell food contains a much higher concentration of - five potassium arsenic compounds. The fresh food by itself has no toxic effects on the body, however, take To (As05), into three potassium toxic arsenic (arsenite anhydride), also known as arsenic trioxide, a chemical formula (As203), which is commonly known as arsenic are! poisoning have magma role to paralysis capillaries, mercapto Jimei inhibit the activity of the liver and fat lobules become central necrosis, heart, liver, kidney, intestinal congestion, epithelial cell necrosis, telangiectasia. Therefore,tory burch jelly reva, in its toxicity and the dead,ugg boots kids, is often distributed to them bleeding. -
so; as a precautionary measure, taking the -
8, Black ginger are highly toxic, to necrosis of liver cells must not eat. -
should not eat: -
3. onions and honey - eye injury -
good lungs and phlegm honey, grape color Yue young people. -
5, tender fried liver, contain toxins and should not eat. -
5. radish and fungus - skin inflammation -
eat some vegetables can not match: -
the following foods must not be within two hours to eat: -
banana,real ugg boots 这些货色80后真的懂 90后未必懂, apple diarrhea and nutritious. -
7,women timberland heel boots 毛泽东《贺新郎・读史》, snail meat ┄ ┄ avoid eating the same food product bloating -
crab with fresh persimmon avoid diarrhea -
pears good lungs and phlegm, stomach and kidney fresh dates. -
pork with fresh water chestnut avoid stomach pain -
7. peanut and cucumber - kidney damage -
16, ginseng bogey radish ┄ ┄ food product food stagnation with gas -
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