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Old 03-15-2011, 12:09 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2011
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9a9t3j7a6t is on a distinguished road
Default How to Love the Skin You're In

Really loving your body means working to bring out your inner beauty, your essence and wearing clothing that shows who you truly are.
* Your intimate relationships
* Your social life
* Adventures and vacations you want to take
* Invitations that you decline
Without going too much into why,UGG Nightfall Boot, let’s briefly look at the culture we were brought up in. Television ads,UGG Classic Cardy, magazines, radio, movies. Every day,UGG Sundance, we are bombarded with messages of what we SHOULD look like.
Here are tips to overcome a negative body image:
Maybe instead of stocking up on larger sizes,Ugg Shoe, then “drowning” our sorrows, or “eating” them away… we can realize that what we really want is to treat our bodies better, and to feel better. And maybe that begins with something as simple as taking a brisk walk every morning.
Now,uggs boots, I’m not suggesting that you resort to wearing burlap sacks and ditch your cosmetic drawer. Being a girly girl myself,Discount Uggs Sale, I love indulging in fun clothes and different hair styles. Being able to play up your features is a fun part of being a female! Yet, we don’t have to indulge in these things to the point that we’re trying to be someone else.
Next time you catch yourself thinking and behaving poorly about your body, ask why. Why am I behaving impulsively/self-destructively and what would really help me to lift my self-esteem?
It’s just a small step – but it’s the difference between masking or escaping from our poor body image perception,Ugg Boot, and instead learning to appreciate, respect and nurture the body that you were given.
Remember that no body is perfect – not even the world’s supermodels. We all have those parts of us that we love, and other areas we wish we could change. Realize that you don’t need to subscribe to all the disempowering messages our consumer-based society screams at you!
1. Define your own version of beauty.
2. Engage in self care so you feel vibrant and alive.
3. Replace negative self talk with the truth of how well your body serves you.
4. Identify your unmet emotional needs and create empowering ways to meet them.
5. Realize that other people don’t focus on your flaws the way that you do – because to them,UGG Amelie Suede, the outer package holds a truly wonderful and beautiful gift – YOU.
What if instead of focusing on what you looked like, you could address those unmet needs that keep that negative self talk reel playing over and over in your mind? You know, those needs that you attempt to fulfill with a plethora of disempowering behaviors like:
Walking through life with a negative body image perception creates a cycle of unfulfillment. This spills into all areas of your life:
* Do you know that the majority of clothing line designers use sizing to manipulate us? That size four jean you purchased last year is likely considered size zero this year.
* Did you ever stop to think… that gorgeous model on the cover of Cosmo had her cleavage enhanced and her skin tone evened out by a neat trick they call air brushing?
* Over-eating
* Under-eating
* People-pleasing
* Complaining
* Making excuses
* Overspending
* Wearing clothes that are too big or too small
* Scouring magazines for the latest styles
* Drinking too much
Today, make the choice to bring fulfillment into your life no matter what you look like. By taking action to feel whole and complete today,UGG Upside, you’ll create the energy and motivation that allows your outside to reflect your inside.
No matter our size or shape – long and lean, compact and curvy, top-heavy, pear-shaped… many of us seem to have a negative perception of our bodies. Instead of seeing our beauty,UGG Bailey Button, we focus on what we believe are our negative qualities making it more difficult to feel confident and fulfilled in our lives.
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