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Old 03-11-2011, 01:11 AM   #1
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Default columbia entertainment. Second

Section Well, let us direct to the point. First, a question is: What is TV? The difficulty of the problem, just more than I guess even if the media is the highest among university professors, it is difficult on this issue to reach a consensus. But Mangrenmoxiang, although each person's conclusions are not accurate, but there is a benefit that is finally able to find an answer to the blind so that they are at ease together. I guess most of you Tell me what is unexamined in the media into the Institute to test and if no accident, then this line will plunge into the TV, so, well, I also tried to give you an answer. From a practical point of view: TV is a very popular thing. From a practical point of view is not: TV is a human with moral education, very noble thing. Only these two angles. Gone. Say more, I told some of your school teachers as academic style, and strange shameful. So how to explain what these two words? First of all, television is a very popular thing. TV this thing, placed 100 years ago, called the film; on 200 years ago, called the opera (or Beijing Opera),north face tees, on the 500 years before Shakespeare began writing plays, called juggling. Yes, television, in essence, is showy group of people to another group of people see, to that large group of people laugh, make them happy, make them comfortable. This is TV's first function: entertainment. Second, television is a very noble thing. Once interns have just graduated, it is sincerely ask me: Why do you work so their lives ah? How do you love TV so this line to it? I pondered a moment, think about how to answer her. After all, people started going to the line is a child, we can not let people started going to the line cut off the emotion of the industry now. So I pull out all the loading force ability, given her a reply: We have at least 50 million people each program watched. which means that there is 50X50 = 2500 million people each year to watch our programs. 2500 people from your program to be happy, be affected, to learn even a little things, I would like to think of President in addition to do, I can do to affect so many people. Although I do not know whether the back of growing tall in his eyes up, but she was indeed affected by this sentence. Really, I speak the truth you do not laugh at me. That sentence is not nonsense, I really think so. Exactly 10 years ago, in this time, my first day of practice, after work on our building in front of a provincial television stations were moved to tears, the hearts of ten thousand confirmed, yes, this is what I do that job, this is what I come to the world that meaning. Since then, resolutely aimed at the realization that evolved from the circus, with entertainment and enlightenment of the people inside the industry meaning. Today you, whether you voluntarily come to this college there, then the fate of most similar to me. Then go ahead, brother and sister you bold move forward, do not turn around, back to find that better not look back. Front is ordered by a sea of fire, is the abyss. The only consolation is that this is an interesting ordered by flames interesting, interesting abyss. Other industries, the same abyss, and you fell in, also found that very boring, very boring. Please enjoy the upcoming entry of television dedicated to the new people. I hope I can from my experience, looking for some really interesting and useful things to share with you. Not necessarily provide real useful help, so very humble in the title write Hope you can understand my intention. Second, Section Well, actually this is really the first section, in front of that is the preface, I'm afraid you do not take a good look. Start with we are most concerned about begin. I just participated in the work was when people in nine other television stations. Which nine wait? Ordered from high to low, then divided into: 1, the formal staff in preparing such a person is holding the iron rice bowl the last batch of TV people. Most people have already been eliminated to the second wheel of history and even the N line of three lines, but they are often distinguished background behind, so that current can not kill them in power stations, which are still carving up a considerable portion of the television profits. Note that I said most, but not all. The backbone of the older generation of TV people and created a year for our show, and weather forecasts for your service this high-quality television programs. They are the hero, can not forget. 2, Hall employed (or bureau employed) this group of people born in the television business unit to business transformation from the time, from all over 广播电视厅 employed, and in preparing the official personnel enjoy the same benefits. Most of them are almost as commonplace. 3, Taiwan Taiwan recruits hired over the past decade, the backbone of Chinese television. You now everyone is expected to become the kind of 4, the sector employed also known as the Department of employed, the performance of the Department appointed staff often good enough, (or stay long enough in this sector). Life and death but can not solve the Taiwan issue recruits, so there will be a status that the Department recruits. Taiwan Ministry of employment and employment is the biggest difference: the Ministry of employment, will not have press cards. 5, the group employed group hired more poor, not only did not press card, and even how much fat each month, producers have to look at his face. 6, temporary temporary workers, yes, just to show a group of temporary workers, the leadership is considering whether or not to give him a group of recruits to the name of the first, or leadership background in the study group of hard enough people. 7, the intern that you most likely to become, first of all is this one. 8, to help. . . . . Nicely, which is also called a group of people outside, please. Is not what gave you that money can only give you so points, but you catch on to. Well, you're help. Believe me, there really such a person. 9, you. Yes, the worst is you. You have neither the experience does not matter, you can become an intern, your mother or father is already large enough to pull up the face. Or your relationship with Mom and Dad do not, you are directly looking for that door. Programme producer group looked at your school to participate in various activities in the resume, you thought that white people do not need. But the white do not want to use with. So you hold a hot pot to the interview, but in the end, after you left a resume, Han echo at all. Do you think even more frustrating is that no echo is not because you did something wrong, but that damn producer in your left, put your resume readily lost, completely forgot about it a child. Of course, by the above method of television crews, is already 10 years ago,ugg minis, the evil, but I can say is responsible, although it has improved in many cases, such as the level may be a lot less, but the big difference is not bad, the basic all this. Individual may be another way, such as If you think this method seems difficult to understand by the words, I'll give you an intuitive way by: 1) In preparing the official personnel = Fellow of the State Council special allowance or the famous Professor 2) Office of recruits = famous professor 3) units engaged Professor = 4), Associate Professor, Department of recruits = (a professor of difficulty,manolo blahnik official website, just like the old society, the probability of Er Yitai grandmother about righting bigger - by Qian) 5) group of lecturers employed = 6) temporary = TA (hint you, but this one up, can guarantee the basic life.) 7) outside your teacher intern = 8) help = janitors 9) You = Now you now you know the difficulty, right? Depressed, right? Feel that the future of despair, right? Do not worry, to become the full-time employees, is still not impossible. The next section, we talk about how can the identity of employees toward the formal step by step forward. III, Section III how to enter the television industry saw in the previous section, it is easy to be pessimistic. This continues, can stay up when the first ah? I know a lot of young people thought there was no longer there: moving steadily, at every step. The two word out. Well, then, we have to see how you can enter the television industry. There are several methods: 1, the use of relationship if your father, your mother, Ling Shu, that uncle, that God, so that all your orders short of milk is a powerful relatives have people say, you're welcome, hurriedly. They will try to arrange direct you into this circle, so you go directly to the penultimate level ranging from 2 to 5 on the treatment. (Practice to employ Taiwan) Frankly, I support the family of powerful you into this circle to. Nothing wrong, because if your home it means you have the right to have the living conditions of the potential location, excellent living conditions would also like to enter this circle, it means that you really wanted to do something valuable. Good. Come and cherish this opportunity. Really, these people have a lot of people, like I have a colleague working in the third year, a young director, leave a few days ago told me: Is there something to do. I asked: Why go ah? He said: that is to do a simple thing. To leave one day. Came back the next day, driving a value of 35 million of the Mini cooper come to work. License others to do is to leave to go buy a car. In fact, this has nothing, according to one of my leaders said, her work when the central station, a training director, driving a BMW to work every day. This is cool, also very good. As mentioned above these two, working very actively also very good. However, I need to remind you, if you're buying the ring from this circle, you must understand that the TV industry for the person given the aura of each TV is a price. The maximum price is: side would like to thank you, you created so many successful television personalities, on the other hand, to hate you because you split up the family so much television. Do not be an exaggeration, which in subsequent chapters, I will share with you a detailed explanation why. 1, volunteered this is through the ages, an outsider going into the most commonly used within the Council as a means. The good news is: I'm on TV this circle, witnessed by many young people For example, one of my former little brother graduated from Zhejiang wide, there is no background, holding Zhang resume to break into our office and find our producer, said he wanted to do television. As of today, the little brother has become a known level editor in chief of the television program director. This is true. But the bad news is that I have witnessed countless young people holding a resume is a failure of the sadness away. In the end what happened? Some people fail to succeed? Let us recall the story I wish to apply, you can understand. Rest assured, it is brief. (Zhao emergency, emergency Pingyuan to recruit 20 hangers. How all chipped in enough people, and MAO Sui out of it. I'll go! And MAO Sui went.) There are two key points of this story : 1, Pingyuan just the lack of people. 2, Pingyuan not useful to the person's decision. These two points are very important. First of all: a program group is not a lack of people at any time. When no lack of people, unless you have a relationship, or even the interns more difficult. Interns not money problems? Not mistaken? Yes, no mistake, because even if there are interns do not necessarily have a job position. (Ie seats). Therefore, the most basic, you go to an interview before a program group, at least to find out the missing people is not lack of people. For those who already saturated the team, go, even if you equip a T8, SW experience of all-pass, hit probability will be very low. Second: you're looking for people. I am a director, many parents would find me, saying, could you arrange for us kids at home intern position, right? I said sorry. I can not. This is true. Personnel issues in any industry, there is a fundamental principle please be sure to find out: the upper and lower your position and your salary and other issues, is higher than you were two administrative levels of the decision. So, before you volunteered, you must find the program group inside the final say on personnel issues real people. Basically, people who have this power is called editor or producer. Rather than the director. So volunteered this issue, I suggest you do so. ① put all your favorite shows out of a list. (This is important, doing something you love to do what you mean good things.) ② find those programs as much as possible the contact group. (Do not worry call) ③ your resume ready (do not write what blood type constellation and the birthday love, no one cares. School to participate in what those activities can be written, but the students get what Miyoshi and the like do not have to write the honor. If you had participated in some of the programs in the group practice, must write on.) ④ candidates according to each program you want to set and adjust your resume. Highlight your resume and the program and set of attributes consistent with things. For example, you want to apply for a news type of program information, put you have done the work of journalists rather than the directors stand out. ⑤ then call it. First of all go with you most like to call the program group, and also interviewed the other two. But do not also interviewed more than three. One can not get through on the phone twice, not to three, three is not enough ...... re-check the telephone number, is not it a mistake? Remember: the purpose of calling people listen to you read is not expected to resume, but clearly people asking when the person in charge of the. What time is convenient to see you. ⑥ personally. Gone, it is absolutely appropriate low-key wrong. Do not expect superhuman you like to give your eloquence impressed. Others may be impressive, but the TV industry is a very pragmatic, first of all need is solid a lot of people. Girls, do not wear to the nines. Cleanly as possible. Openly. Do not make up. Boy, do not wear too personal or too serious. Do not make up. ⑦ answer the questions the person interviewing you will often ask you some questions. To believe that the person interviewing you will ask your questions are most concerned about him, because people too busy to work and you make fun of. If you find a male lead and you make fun of, and also home to find yourself in the mirror a bit pretty, do not think about, people do not necessarily malicious. TV acting a lot of people in this industry are more casual speaking style. May just laugh at it. Do not be too emotional when answering questions, tell the truth. Spade. Will be certain to say, do not worry about not proficient. Complete will not have to say no, do not think that as long as the chance came slowly learning. ⑧ then, farewell. Say goodbye. Politely asked about what time will a response. ⑨ started to go home and pray you be good enough or lucky enough to regret it when you go to school. 3, there are other ways? Yes, there are other methods, this method is to I am not an idealist, but I really think life is very important. Capacity was in fact in general, Ganqiao in the right place at the right time to be the right thing selected. Red. Yes, that things may not necessarily be his own wants. However, life is good. If your life is good enough, you do not go out looking to find a job for calls. If your life is not good enough, you will find how the can not find. I heard that some students we very widely in hospital admission also began to take life just to make money, very good, very happy for everyone. Come on now. Life is good, good. Similarly there is a good piece of advice: do not write their own life is good, as his own ability. Do not because of his past life, always make the right choice, your future will always be understood as doing the right choice. That is very dangerous. I have witnessed countless heroes stumble on this issue. I know there was a new TV. Compared with other TV couple, and her features are: a very young age of 19. When she started going to the line, when nothing at all. Leading to a master of his account. She said with the master: the master, leading you teach me how to compile the tape. So the master took him to a room, finished with 10 seconds to teach instructors want to teach all things. 19-year-old arms around her room inside the tape two MII sustained a loss. 19 minutes later, she did not know how to tape into the machine. Then, it is up crying shame. As this text, in accordance with the general understanding, will find the master do not ye land, either because I know the chef, I would think so. But believe me: the teacher very well and do right. Dare say so, because the chef, is one of my mentor entry. Why say this is it? Wait for the next say. First saying is: Now, who had already a new TV editor, director of the TV's. Compared with another editor, director, and her features are: very young, only 32 years old in fact, we are saying is not really the history of the growth of the editor, in fact, say that she started going to the line When luck is really good. Than most of you all good luck. Because you started going to the line of the first week, you will find: The only thing better than you do not know how to do things made you uncomfortable, is that you do not know what to do. That a simple point: the first week of entry, you will find yourself basically nothing to do. This is dangerous: nothing to do, often means that you will not be needed. I believe the reason why you join the industry, the basic motive, out of the breadwinner, is to meet his The fact is: the first week of entry, you basically have nothing to do. Why not say you are completely nothing to do, because you more or done something. Main may include: 1)?? Sitting at a computer to surf the Internet trance (the longest time you have to do is this. But be careful, you'd better bring their own a laptop, do not take the director who used that computer .) 2)?? cleaning led desk (do you notice how TV people do not clean desk) 3)?? to the leadership of coffee or tea, or buy a Coke. (Believe me, they like the unhealthy things) 4)?? Downstairs to take delivery. (Allows you to reuse this job has is you, because it is likely you will get wrong.) 5)?? Program group 外拍, you are responsible to take the camera stand. (Do not expect you to take the camera. That broke you can not pay.) 6)?? Program group ordering, you are responsible for the lunch meal to get upstairs and clean up a messy desktop. 7)?? Suddenly directed toward you came and you feel that something was going to happen, a little excited, and then found him and walked straight from your side. 8)?? To online daze 9)?? Off work. . . . . Well, this is your first week at work that may occur in most cases. Boring is not it? So, at the beginning, director of the chief editor who is much better than you are lucky, she at least knew what to do, just do not know how to do it. Although she has been working quite a task to cry, but you can not do anything likely to be the tears did not work. So how can you do? It can not be cold, too hot to do this thing. Let's analyze the principles you have nothing. First of all, you do not have any industry experience. Although television is a very low threshold of the industry, there is always the threshold. I will let you take tape you may get the wrong tape, I let you Xiegao Zi, you can not write the basic manuscript. Most of the basic spoiled child out into the world as your background, really, wipe the table you could not wipe clean. Secondly, I do not know you, I do not know what can be assured of giving you. Finally, basically, any leadership to see you when the first plane will be the first to create a first impression, and he always takes time to verify this first impression. Therefore, the focus here, do not think you really have nothing to do nothing. You know, TV does not support the idle loop, so in fact, all the time you were observed. Observation of what? The first is the status of the person you are. TV is a very pragmatic industry, especially in the first line of work, leadership is always required, that is, a lot of people can be solid. 1. So first of all, the leadership will look at whether you are a forceful and began to compare those who live. - Even down to take delivery this live. 2. And then will look at your leadership style in the penetration of the language out of character. (Sometimes he does not need specially this observation can feel). 3. Eventually, look at your temperament. That is, will watch you do not block the TV feed. 1, observe your work is bold and vigorous. I've met several things are not the typical pungent. For instance, some children dressed to the nines, destroyed a small package to come into the office to report the. For such students, I'd advise her to go to fashion magazines. Where is her home, a lot a lot of girls like her vanity vanity there enjoy. Have been successful. Another example, some children never waking up long with a face, regardless of what he has done so, he would put his facial features packed together, giving you a very less at the same time pumping his face you: how get ah? I do not know ah? To you I will give you the qualifications you can not solve a thing? Ji Gong put a face to show me, do you expect me to give you She porridge it? As both cases, very typical. There are more non-pungent, and not list them. Therefore, since the You can: 1,?? Point when you were always clear and crisp and the sound (note that not loud) answer: 2,?? Explain something to you when, looking at the leadership, even if he remembered a long look in the stool, should be the focus of the cornea to focus on his face. In each of the issues he spoke at the calm of the said subparagraph a word 3,?? Feeling that you may not do things, to voice your concerns peaceful say. Leaders usually will tell you can go to who. (Calm tone is critical, do not whine, he was producer, not your father and mother. Do not want to of course give you solutions that leadership, leadership can solve things themselves, why should you?) 4 ?? feel about you as long as what can be done, do not have to ask any questions on the promise down. Then they want to solve problems that may occur. The purpose of this is that you give leadership development a You may not worry about screwing up, usually screw up once, can be forgiven. Of course, if you screw up twice, you're the best group, or simply change another program to work. Messed up three times: you need to change the brain. 5,?? Explain things to you finished, turn right to do it. And in the shortest possible time to complete it. (Do not be afraid to work overtime, this time to let you work overtime is your pleasure.) 6,?? Things done, be sure to go before the leadership to give him a response. Tell him what get. (This is important, you get two to show your face to the forceful leadership of the opportunity. At the same time, your leadership will feel responsible for your work.) 2, leading watching your language on my own understand the inside, inside the television industry, the language of communicating with people is a tricky thing. In some other industries, new people to speak on this issue this approach may be much simpler. The only focus is - for example, you are civil servants. - Less talk, it is best not to speak. Columbia Road, just like Grand Theft Auto has taught us that: new, started going to the line, to learn the low-key points. However, in the television industry, you only have to talk less, and it must be talking all the time in more than talk, say good things. I do not like a new, never meet speak and act without a word, even if you ask him what he never replied: Even then the work seriously, I think he will at most be a producer. (Not the producer.) Television, especially to do television programs, most need to have a very healthy desire for self-expression. Many times, especially when the opening will be planned, do not speak, which means you do not have to think along with the theme of the meeting. Does not always speak, that means you do not have the ability to think. I know, you always worry about how to do the wrong thing? You could do: 1) When no one when you speak. The right amount of questions. Asking questions shows you have to fully follow the current issues in China. Of course, you do need to follow the issues to ask questions. That some are very lazy brothers asked? Always the case, I am not that tired to work on? Rest assured that this situation continued up to Sa month, three months later you always ask questions, others to question your stupid. 2) When you are named, and you have your own idea of ​​time. It to their own ideas about it. Boldly say, even if your idea is a twist with the producer, and he will not tell you really care about. Because you are an intern, are they not threaten him. 3) When you are named, and no idea when their own immediately endorsed the idea of a good of a director. The best is to bring you agree with that director. 4) When you are named, and not have their own ideas, and you do not know what other people think when ... ... your temperament. On this issue, I personally think you can not do anything. Temperament is the temperament, the kind you will always communicate to other people's feelings. You have, you can not show it installed, you do not, how do you install are not ########. But do not do TV's temperament,nike air max for men, often determines the person can not really be the last in this industry survive. I suggest some people do not do TV: 1) the family out of hardship and psychological quality of people is not good enough. Not discriminatory, and the world's problems. Mentality is very extreme people on TV, is not that state to please the audience. Of course, such a person if you go to school when the teacher, it is a disaster. 2) want to enjoy life every day people. On TV is never know when to work, and will never know is when did work in the industry. So if you value your life, take good care of your health, strong family values. If so, please find another industry better. But if you really want to enter the television industry, you can try to SARFT. 3) artsy guy TV is definitely not engage in the arts industry. What if McDonald's food is definitely not the same. Every time we see people talking about TV on the screen arts, I began to Taoer Duo. TV is the instant, when you really do not eat, you go to eat. Really want art, you can go to the movies, exhibitions, reading ... ... so if you are covered in Art Fan children, you can go to the artist village pig, the band can go to Tongzhou out, you can also lift the skirt to take pictures of Tiananmen . 4) want to make money. I beg of you. Want to make money, you can be TV dry, not to dry television. Focus on one: the television industry, never let you go hungry, but also hold none. Focus on two: the income of TV people have a bottleneck. In Beijing, the 8000 director of a grasp of a lot, the monthly income of over 12,000, and rare. If other industry, the income ladder are the pyramids, then the television industry's income ladder platform is the national flag at Tiananmen. Large base, inserted a very thin top of the flagpole. 5) want to be famous for. I've long people said that the newspaper is a newspaper commentator, television, is the host of the television. Inside the television industry, only the host of this division of labor, the greatest degree possible the realization of self, may be known only be possible to complete the grand blueprint for fame and fortune. However, the threshold is too low when the host, will speak on the line. To be a good host is difficult, of course, but to be a normal host, who is almost on the line. (By the way, I always feel that many schools have not eager to host and famous, do not come here. All roads lead to Rome, Zude, Sister Furong, Zhang Yu and others, to give us a lot of fame direction. The topic. Summary. To the program group in the first week is the week you are confused, overwhelmed by the week, at a loss for the week, the week of self-denial. At the same time is very important week. But you always have. And at least you can do a very important thing: watching you in the leadership, while observing the whole team, what kind of state. See if it will give you a raise, will give you the ability, that will let you learn something. Observe how it? There is a hard target. If your team to work quietly, and all point to work on time. You can go. This TV team, destined to impossible to do anything. I wish you good luck.

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