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Old 02-23-2011, 12:14 AM   #1
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Default win 7 upgrade key Please take good care of your ha

Perhaps it really is a fashion era, the beauty of self-confidence more and more people, I often see extreme hair salon business is hot, especially the holidays.
is the biggest, so they should pay attention to beauty in daily life, eat black beans and walnuts, hair care and hair care shampoo should also pay attention
4 elements

1. combs: hair cuticle by can not afford to repeated friction, the tail part of the degree of combing, but the trick is to avoid damage to the hair which should first be slowly Shu Qi inside the hair root, and then all started.

2. use a hair dryer: winter hair dry naturally is not easy, many people like to use the hair dryer to dry hair. The hair is very weak resistance to heat, hair dryer or electric heating rods can cause hair damage. So the best use of time as short as possible, use first folder will be part of the hair up into a bunch of a bunch of hair blowing, using a comb from the back of the inside of Shu Qi, side edge with a hair dryer hair dryer. Hair dryer and a comb to be constantly on the move, the hair dryer about 80% on it, so to keep hair shiny.

3. perm with hair: hair perm and require the use of chemical agents, resulting in damage to hair keratin inside, the moisture loss. After blowing the whole, can present great shape, but by the humidity, the modeling did not last. Recommended specifically for the perm and hair conditioner.

4. Drying: in the air due to low humidity, water likely to cause hair loss, peeling off also followed the cuticle, the hair becomes dry, split the case will be worse. Lu moisturizing conditioner should be used to make hair always moist, soft and smooth.

shampoo 6 elements


temperature: when the water temperature slightly above body temperature to wash your hair, so either washed the dirt, but also easy to damage the hair.

2. comb: comb hair before the first completely smooth hair, comb hair loss on both the dust, dandruff, and helps prevent hair knotted cleaning drop-off.

3. Pre-wash: the hair from the scalp with warm water to the tail completely soaked with warm water, then the shape of the friction caused by hair wash away dirt etc. This is also easy to make shampoo foam.

4. Shampoo: Do not pour shampoo directly on the hair, cleaning products can cause uneven distribution of the case. Should take appropriate onto the palm, add water into the foam after the rub, and then divided into two parts, the scalp and hair clean.

5. Hair: The hair conditioner or a film coated in the tail, because it made it easier for the end of dry split ends. Wash hair with warm water, if there are still left in the head and hair care products, so harmful to the hair.

6. dry: Do not dry with a towel and vigorously rub the way, it is simply in terms of hair disaster. Towel should cover the hair, the pulp of the water power will erase the scalp with a scalp massage on the way to erase the water, then massage the scalp and hair roots way by dry place.
hair courses
we often encounter this situation: In winter, it becomes particularly difficult to take care of the hair, scarf over hair, ponytail, hair disk, how to get results is not out! This is because the winter cold and dry, so the hair becomes dry, raw brittle and dull. So, at this time, it's best to use some replenishment effect of hair care products such as hair membrane, gel, you will find good care of hair with water and more! Relatively dry autumn and winter, lack of timely supplementary water, resulting in reduced secretion of the sebaceous glands, causing dry and fall off the hair; summer wash your hair too often, UV radiation can also cause hair fall and winter; life and work pressure, mental depression, lack of sleep also lead to hair loss occurs. In general, even if more than 100 hairs a day off also belong to the normal range, but if getting up there on the pillow and found more than 50 hair loss, hair loss and hair more time, it may be abnormal hair loss, we must rise to certain of attention. Dry air dry
easily lead to loss of moisture inside the hair cuticle and brittle, and over time can lead to dry hair, sand in the air with impurities and dust to the hair surface, daily combing of the time, These impurities, like sand on sandpaper, an increase of the friction between the hair, causing hair tilt the surface of the cuticle, making hair smooth out the state, not only affects the hair gloss, hair can lead to serious open *, so that the hair feels like hay is not as angry.
autumn temperature and air humidity decreases to stimulate the sebaceous glands secrete oil that the scalp was too late to maintain moisture, resulting in dandruff problems, while Bacillus scalp dander in the emergence of non-normal by external stimuli, reproduction, so that always had dandruff problems intensified, accompanied by dry scalp, scalp itching and other symptoms.

damaged hair hair must contain sufficient quantities of water will have flexibility to allow the hair plenty of water, excessive friction will not easily broken, but the water factor of natural hair but it will be because of chemical treatment loss, resulting in the loss of the protein, affecting water retention. Therefore, the use of supplementary protein content and hydration of hair care products, is to increase the hair's moisture level.
If hair is naturally unable to inflexible, do not want to perm to increase the representation type of flexibility, because that will only make matters worse hair, so the lack of flexibility or straight hair As a style more appropriate to focus on hair. A damaged hair, is a negative charge, and some repair of damaged hair products, all with the positively charged electrolyte composition, within the hair fiber can be tightened, to repair damaged hair. Partakers * solution is the phenomenon of knife cut, if reluctant, then we would be repairing the tail of care.

VS chemically treated hair natural hair natural hair
: the most suitable water replenishment program is nutrition. Nutrient rich water, hair care composition, the surface of the hair spray a large area, rapid repair of damaged hair, long hair can be effectively improved.
chemically treated hair: the hair burns mostly damaged hair, so need to choose a moisturizing effect of hot hair products after the special ornaments. Individual needs to take care of flowers perm, be sure to choose the shape of hydrophilic products.
her hair every day, pay is by no means perfect wiping jelly can no regrets, my hair always there, Therefore, to carry a bottle of moisturizing spray, sprays every two hours, not only can effectively prevent static electricity, but also can enhance the hair's moisture and elasticity. Stylist told us that only the shampoo,office 2010 Professional Plus 64 bit key Nine kinds of the most loaded to force, conditioner and styling that every aspect of daily homework, can one go, one along in the end.
Now, we know that the hair dull, easily breaking the culprit is the lack of water, then how do we effectively do pay for the hair ?
shampoo from now on, you have to choose a targeted personal care products, because, in this season, most people's hair, showing a dry state, so to choose a moisturizing, repairing the words Xihu products. Also, you need to inverted membrane 1-2 times per week treatment (with Fat film, oil), deep nourish and repair damaged hair structure.
washed into the care of dry hair, when seven or painted hair with moisturizing effect of products, most hold the wet state, in which nutrients are most easily absorbed by hair.
daily moisturizing styling hair nutrient water is any that are applicable, it can very well prevent water evaporation, block UV rays. If you need to stereotypes, we should use hair cream, hair wax, hair mud, jelly and other ingredients decorated with stereotypes
hair products haircut three times: in order to maintain a beautiful flowing hair, the best trimmed once a month, both to avoid hair points * question, but also stimulate hair metabolism.
shampoo less than three times a week: autumn wind, often messy hair blowing free type, to reduce the damage caused by dust on the hair, we should wash it, the culprit of these increase the elimination of friction. Hair shampoo can also get it back in the loss of water, wash your hair when the water temperature should not exceed 40 ��, 37 �� with the temperature close, careful not to use strong or alkaline degreasing shampoo.
hair three times a day: even ground combing hair, hair can clear the meridians by blood, the role of prevention and treatment of headache. Comb to comb the whole head, both sides should be the first intermediate or the hair from the forehead to the back of the neck has been combing the hair root. Ideally, the selection of horn combs, jade combs, boxwood comb and bristle brush head, both to remove dandruff and increase hair shine, but also massage the scalp and promote blood circulation.
heat: In the cold winter, the hair is vulnerable to the winds and the cold wind damage cap friction, therefore, regular care of the hair to heat in the winter on the scalp and hair is very important, it can reduce the hair split phenomenon, and lasting moisture to keep the hair root.
selenium: Selenium is very important to keep hair material, because the selenium in depth within the hair to make hair strong. A certain amount of daily intake of selenium is a good way to protect the hair for the winter, nuts and fish selenium in high content, or to the drugstore to buy some capsules of oral selenium can.
disposable conditioner: stereotypes can not use hair products containing alcohol, because alcohol will dry and dull hair. If possible, encouraged to use disposable type of hair conditioner, because it not only in the hair surface layer of protective film can also help hair stereotypes.
coarse grains: Vitamin B is the most important hair Coarse grain foods are rich in vitamin B, it should eat more whole grains, can make the hair grow healthy and robust. In addition, in the winter Vegetables rich in protein and vitamins A, B foods such as walnuts, sesame seeds, dates, apricot, animal liver, egg yolk, fish and other foods can also improve dry hair phenomenon.
well: fine hair care must be gentle, so the best place only in the hair comb with a little mousse or shaping it. Otherwise, just playing with your fingers forming on it; curly hair can be made with liquid Shanghai massage kneading elements, or pressure on the hair curler with a hair dryer blowing hot air stalls for a moment, then gently combed with a point shoot Tackifier stereotypes.
hair before going to bed: the bed in the hair before the hair was wrapped in paper or on the hood will not pressure the hair. Volume to a strand of hair in a tight structure with a small head and wrapped well, knotted tie,win 7 upgrade key, the next morning, just gently comb the hair, playing with your fingers will look smooth and stylish.
reduce static electricity: dry air and synthetic fibers in our clothes in the cold season it is easy to make the hair with a static, anti-static comb often will not work. You can appropriately reduce the frequency of shampoo, and clean hair, use a small amount of shampoo or diluted with water to shampoo to use. Do not let the shampoo residue after washing the hair. In addition, the shampoo and conditioner to the hair, rubbed a little cream, also reduce static electricity.
cut comb: Hair hair trimmed once every 8 weeks, then good for hair health. Usually do not use plastic or metal comb, they will ruin the hair. In contrast, natural rubber resin materials or brush or wide tooth comb is ideal for appliances. Never use rubber bands, because it will make the hair break.
1 massage: massage belly with your fingers combing the hair, scalp to improve blood circulation, is conducive to strong hair.
specific method is as follows:
means combing their hair: two hands fingers slightly bent to the hair from the front tip of finger fingers through the hair of his head back forward. Repeatedly for 20-40 times.
press scalp: hands fingers naturally open, beginning with the fingers from the forehead, along the middle of the head to the occipital scalp, after pressing the hair, and then press the top of the head on both sides of the scalp, until the whole head. Swelling of the scalp when pressed a sense, each time by 2-3 minutes.
pulling hair: both hands full of hair, gently pulling upward force, until all the hair pulling a second time for 2-3 minutes. After reading
hope you can take good care of their hair more, I believe a word, no ugly women only lazy.!
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