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2vt8c2p4 08-10-2011 06:41 AM

husky voice. Lights in the soothing warm tone
wind, in the solitude of a small town, the roar of the Millennium birch, Diaolan jade puzzle, who dream of weeping drunk. Is the end of the year, or a person sent a cold lonely.

I opened was, wearing a shirt, the table below, but also a 00:26 ... ... do not know how to define such a state, after twelve o'clock every night to sleep, but sleep is not stable, light sleep in the surface of a nightmare, turned to go into the endless struggle. Each edge in the day and night, in the gap between dream and wake up in the scattered light at the end of Fairview, chaos into a flash memory in the minds of the silhouette segments, reminding us of scenes majestic lightning split the night, thick black enchanting spread. I forget exactly which section and dialogue, and so I woke up again with not a complete chapter. I am not exposed early light of morning, had been in a dark dorm room uphold awake, confused with.

speakers, the men heard a deep voice. That was my favorite. Old, husky voice. Lights in the soothing warm tone, and gradually presented. Quiet night, a simple love song, a cup of steaming tea, they are surrounded with the warm feelings I have, cut through the cold night. In fact. With the passage of time, many things will gradually fade its original color, the,foot chaussures, the, memorable, or pain. Life, this is the choice of the process. The broken memories, fragments of those bright, then brilliant, then brilliant, but short-lived. Home. Nothing more. Thought to himself, late spring, dark green red when I tearfully gazed Yan, melancholy repose that the warm sand of the mandarin duck, then a hundred children have been built into the nest, I am, where are you?

Colorful eyes no longer attractive, then the original charm is still blooming Huaguang. Although the failure to spend, but still in shadow. Flowers fade Canhong Tsing Hang small, swallow, the green water people around. The spring that now full of the fragrance col already dying out, past the red leaning green, green, red lining, exercises had been a dog a must, must Hekan. Stray still, that decline of the flowers, but also self-contained scene should strike, falling season, seem to have more thoughts, but also seems, scatter flowers bloom, the more than a hint of worry. I do not know the original heart of the worry now annihilation, or the Iraqi people no longer worry. Through a path full of petals down, picked up a withered, haggard glowing petals. , Reflect full crimson tears, shed the blood of crystal, hard liquor enforcement books, empty

the first snow of 2009, finally got it. Messy snow, lost its former gentle, reminding us of scenes filled the memory, overwhelming from the cold, nowhere to hide.

last year at this time last year,monster beats, when the first snow fall, what kind of situation? What I am me, and you are what you, the world is what kind of world?

still cold, still air and windy North, is still that familiar with the unique atmosphere, but no greater you. A little at a loss, four cycle, vegetation withered wing,casque beats, life is all about. Only, but only memory eternal, why only it will not die? No matter where the come, either to see how the landscape of this city, the heart has no Dabeitaixi only some small and weak climax to the mood I can be ignored. Mind that the end is grim but resolute healed slowly, leaving deep scars. Even hate to spend time goes by, it will always remind me of what those days and nights, those wronged, sad that pain, those warm, sweet short even for a moment.

I do not know how, and suddenly have to remember that every year that snow, the whole town a piece of silver,louboutin chaussure, we excited to escape the school in the fall season of wanton us laugh, wanton run. That snow, over half of it for months before slowly. Occasionally hear the song under the wind in my hair. It is difficult to describe the pain that the snow cover, perhaps, only personal experience snow only to understand the chilling empty building.

old suspect who is racking their brains will be in Acacia possession View the rise of a very distant clouds shrouded the sky of lead, Wang Jin Wang Jin nightmare downtown to see I, Tumi scattered into the mud turned into dust, to see some white hair Jinxi everlasting promise of labor Yan Fei Ming. Dizi and Xiao Lan Ting wind through secluded, who drunk spy film To take full gold foliage shirt left over forest, Xi Xi Ying Feng cracking in cold rivers, snow mountains and beautiful plum proud of demand, the enemy alone on the Tianshan Mountains,beats by dre, Xiao F, blowing hard this fall on disability, how worthy of breaking Liu Hongyan old in the end, everything is just Chunhuaqiuyue. Wei Yang disability situation in the last days of the end of the fleeting, and I your arrival, watching you cry flowers face, invite you to ride this life. Ten years closely similar, and you wait I'll show you the world's Shengshi Shao Hua picturesque. ?

- Last record qq: 254541656 (horizon) was founded in the end of 2009





BEIJING, July 29 – A Beijing bar is hosting a three-day blues festival starting on Friday, featuring a dozen bands and soloists from around the world.
Cafe CD Blues, on the Third Ring Road near the Agricultural Exhibition Center, and its previous location a few blocks further south, has been home to the city's alternative music scene since the 1980s.
It has been owned for nearly two years by veteran R&B singer and bass player "Big John" Zhang Ling.
Playing on Friday from 7 pm are Chinese band Little Inn, the US' Peter Muchinson Band, Bobo Stump from Japan, Matt Cooper (featuring Swiss Werner Fischer on guitar) and Defy, a Chinese rockabilly group. The night finishes at 1 am.
On Saturday, Joseph J. Johanna from New Zealand will perform folk blues from 3:30 pm, followed by Chinese band Out of Control, then Fernando Fidanza, the Peter Muchinson band again, Zhang Di and Lucy in an East meets West performance, and then the Big John Blues Band led by the bar's owner. The evening will finish with a blues jamming session from about 11:15 pm.
Fernando Fidanza will kick things off from 2:30 pm on Sunday with his Italian Blues. He'll be followed with a harp clinic and harmonica competition until 5 pm. Starting at 4:30 pm outside will be another set by Joseph J. Johanna, then Hong Kong's Chit Chat band, Hoochie Coochie Gentlemen, Bobo Stump and finally, The Chinese Hell Cats from 10:30 pm.
The cost of admission is 150 yuan ($23), including a free drink, for each day, or 400 yuan, including a free drink every day, for all three days.
"Beijing will have seen nothing like it," says one of the event's promoters, Beijing-based US businessman Craig Quick.
"This is a brilliant line-up of extremely talented musicians who know and love the blues inside out. It's going to be a tremendous occasion."
In the early 1980s, as bassist for Chinese rock legend Cui Jian, Zhang Lin developed a deep understanding of the development of modern music in China when Western music was considered "capitalist". He used to listen to The Beatles tracks smuggled in from the US.
Zhang studied bass in Australia and returned to China to collaborate with some of the top blues and jazz artists in the country, creating in 1995 China's first jazz fusion band, Tien Square. In 1996, he joined his old band mate, Cui, and International Monetary Fund vice-president John Anderson to form the first blues band in China, The Rhythm Dogs. He released his first solo album, Nu Ren De Ge (A Woman's Song), in 2008, and also runs a musician booking agency.
Many of the world's jazz greats have visited or performed at the CD Blues Cafe and Bar, including Wynton Marsalis, Kenny Garrett and Herbie Hancock's band.
Blues evolved from the unaccompanied vocal music and oral traditions imported from West Africa and rural tunes into a wide variety of styles and subgenres, with regional variations across the US.

08-10-2011 07:03 AM

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