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06-20-2011 01:27 AM

After the real anatomy of the motif of ​​children'
There are numerous children
hit, bite, cry like a baby, timid and other acts,
behind every behavior, and adults are not the same reason, let us solve all your passwords.

; ; ;
one,GHD Deluxe Midnight 2011, hit, bite
child likes to hit people, bite there is some reason!
Reason 1: It may be a child to feel secure for the children was not good. So one has to go around the children, he will feel intimidated, and then take the initiative to aggression.
way: my mother should be more to help children build a sense of security, and more to help children pay more friends. During that time I have been reflecting on, and then began to move. Such as making ice cream, cooked soybeans, peanuts, fruits and so has divided into several, take the kids to the children at home, also called home with good food to eat, or get someone's home to eat. Reciprocity, others will think we have good food. This relationship closer and closer, the child's feeling better.
change: not to beat, and each time out, people must knock on the door, would like to see the children. Have good edible to share, and said: He is my friend.

Reason 2: the averaging of play is ruled out.
sometimes he wanted to do things according to their own ideas, kids can always do the things he does not like, the fact that he wants to eliminate. Such as: He took a small bowl, with taint to cook. Children go out into his bowl to put over the taint, but he did not want that because he devastated the original maneuvers and goals. His children cried, but people do not listen, he cried a few times and found that regardless of use, it will hit anyone up. His idea of ​​this is correct, just do not want to be agitated. But his move is not good. Sometimes eat popsicles or do some other things, the parents not to do, he will use to fight the way to solve, just want parents to let him do things the fact excluded. So I muse more often, the child is excluded from the definition of beating. Including adults, too, Dad does not always listen to my music, I would beat him. Said, but hit it. Reflect, in fact, nearly all adults and children.
approach: strengthening the language to solve problems. Teach him to use language to express ideas usual others. If people put the land into his bowl beat this thing, my mother can tell him: ,GHD MK4 Pure Straighteners! 'He will understand. Of course, to fulfill full use of language is also a process,GHD Green Butterfly 2011, be patient wait for his mother to the extent of mental development.

3 reasons: family members may have hit (or light spanking to teasing children play) behavior. Therefore, manipulation opposition children will on others.
way: parents should reflect on whether they have such a shape is, if any should be corrected instantly.
thoughts: in fact, beat the child, do not play how, whether somebody hit their children behind nothing. If he hit somebody else, when the parents will say their child does not. My mind is: when he hit a human, to promptly beneath the circumstances to examine the causes, then tell him how to use language to solve. Tell him beating barbaric behavior (kindergarten always say, I have the same home). Then told his mama loves him (so he kind of blunders do not worry about being loved). In this way, he not only knows his buffet, understand next time how to solve problems, but likewise know thatwhenever my mom is love him. Children feel loved, circled, he would better direction. In any circumstance, the mother should take the rule that the child knew that she must love him, he will always be good lad, not the person, not a moment behavior, the child can not be said on the bad ah. Sometimes the child is not hobby
may take mother leak, I would feel very normal. Because my mother is the person closest to him, and the people closest to vent internal pressure is normal do you want, vent over, the child would be better to adjust their status, will be more love my mother. Music is sometimes the case, I would say: I Chuibei it! To give him a assured hint enough. More understanding of children, once and for all he was still very youth, mind can not grow to the extent of their own to solve all problems ah. Then he said out loud every day: my mother loves him! Or murmured to say: Sometimes he do bad things, like put your feet on the chart, the more you say no, he laughed and bad sides to do more, sometimes I will be anxious to ask him: Do you think I love you is not it? He said . I said: that by and by, I love you more than a little. He immediately rules of the. So sometimes I think the children shouted angry are not a good solution to the problem, the best way is: let him know thatmy mother loved him.

two, chipped to interrupt people's conversations
children, which is caused by the characteristics of their age, generally in the emulating situation:
1, the child part of his discourse, curious, eager to solve the hearts of
2, others talk about or discuss the contents of the children had listened hardly evermewhat half-comprehended,
3, children playing alone or try to do someone alone the difficulties encountered when he was impatient to quest help, despite the cause may be interrupted by other people's conversations.

parents should note the following:
for the children of this behavior can not leave alone, and pay attention to treatment.
1, That is, for another positions, take proper ways and method appropriate to be guided. When adults talk to children on the content of questions or difficulties for aid, do not for a moment annoyed when someone else's face reprimand the child, otherwise ache the child's Parents with children made it clear that, after the end of conversation to question, you can then praise him: Subsequently, whatever, we must appliance its agree, and teach their children in someone else Do not talk disturbed, telling him to do so is impolite.
If you are talking about adults in the talk content to make the child a of each other's views, then let the children contained. However, afterward leaving the subject, then very gently pointed out that the child should have chipped just is not right. This child is more likely to adopt your reproof, because the child's
2, Parents should use all that can be used to educate the children the chance to influence and elicit the child, with particular attention to the use of children in the things around to educate their children, so children are inspired and enhanced. For example, parents with children to the streets to play, see the other children in their parents and others inserted in the navel of his speech has been criticized for arguing endlessly, they can ask their children: ? you like him?
3, That parents have to disburse attention to their own behavior, especially the Children's imitative mighty, and because a certain lack of ability to identify, so parents should establish a respectful way of example with people.

three, lying
you listen to me, our family has 3 TV sets. A meal, you can always see the bed.

children's psychological analysis:
children to lie and bandit children do not understand what is a linkage. For children, not so much do not know, might as well say it did not have any adjoin between the two.

children say it is the wish that the mood was capture a TV; brother will not like a football procedure and exclusive TV; of course I ambition be solo I like to watch to discern the cartoon of the!
he put attach this nightmare and fantasy, and Therefore, accepting a / p>

mother's brilliant idea:
children and deception prevaricate, and so on. Most children lie
from imagination, desire, and ignorance of the game, from the occasional forgive or forcing purpose. No matter what kind of lies do not belong to the true, but will not develop into the nature of the bad thief behavior.
If not fully understand this, it would not be the right approach. We should recognize the lie hidden behind the child psychology, and cerebral states to take invariable solution.
For example, when you hear a child say :

Fourth, jealousy
child's spite, is a junior partner in the comprehension, reputation, status, accomplishment, and other conditions or better than they are cherish their children more than a superior misgiving, feelingful grief, or resentment. Jealous of the rendition of children in assorted forms, are the following:
1, close to or allowed to Mom and Dad love other children.
2, the success of other children, learning with the progress, or when the recognition by teachers that he was aggravate than their own, is not satisfied, on the other children scandal, lampoon, rejection, etc.
3, dress better than their other children, or toys and more, or more than a small partner, the strikes, jeer, alienation, and even resentment.
4, other children did not encounter their lusts, the despite or indignation, or using other fashions of amends and substitution, such for other kid watercolor pen lent to him, he would show off apt other children dolls, and do no borrow the child apt play, to take the overwhelming each other.
common, at the peak of the child's jealousy of good education and guidance, they can turn pressure into motivation, motivate children make greater progress, develop a healthy personality and good moral character. On the contrary, if not well guided, it will influence the healthy growth.

parents should take clear and assisted by the psychological and ideological education to eliminate.
1, claiming the child. Encourage children to hard-working practical, proactive, obliging; for impulsive, selfish behavior should be punished less pedagogy, to amplify their good moral character.
2, the children's praise, praise to the right. Both have to be pragmatic, but also to make children recognize their own success, are there around the partner's contribution and help, but not cocky, a good map vanity; the same time, to see their children enough to prevent children complacency, overestimation their disdain for other children.
3, stimulate the child into a sense of rivalry, the jealousy, the child at once, super-advanced to accommodate their behavior to enhance the ability to adapt to the social environment, so that the pressure into motivation, further jealousy.
4, educate their children aboveboard and remedy people. Open-minded to educate the child mind, not preoccupied; learn to put themselves, Care, understanding the small partner, exchange and communicate feelings, enhance consensus together with the junior partner of the atmosphere.

five, crying

Mother that the child should 1st stop the crying, all the problems have to await for a after stop crying. The more so that the child may be more frustrated, crying is not stopped.

analysis of child psychology:
crying behavior is a result, certain issues come to the surface is the outcome. Since there crying behavior out of my heart there must be some kind of Putting the converge on this aspect, is the opener solution.
For example, sometimes the feelings of sadness at work, sometimes because of feelings of solitude, or feel pain or hot and tearful. Especially the children crying, crying, basically because parents absence to solace themselves, such as psychological reliance deserving to their sympathy.
In counting, the crying of the children are shy child, when children are bullied, and he does not play, meet friends, narratives or collective life, they will cry.
short, no matter under what circumstances, do not forget the crying of children, maybe to encourage parents to understand their feelings was crying. Therefore, only informed him to stop crying behavior, without addressing the feelings of his heart problem is not stop crying.

mother's brilliant idea:
when the children cry, do not just say:
then, the child's feelings of sadness or angry mood, in short, was the child's sensibilities, compassion, understanding, and this information to children, that is, the child's emotional feedback in the quondam.
remember Mo with truths to reprove, while ignoring the child's feelings. You accept the child's feelings, the feelings of the children feel comfortable, and the result, not only stopped crying and crying problems will gradually be vanquish.

six repeat
I found my five annual antique recently had a strange feature: watching cartoons, picture paperbacks, particularly like to reiterate. That is seen in cartoons and picture paperbacks have taken the trouble to peruse over and over another, when new, is not seen merely is not interested. Will this customary? Why does this occur?

children's psychological analysis:
The parents of the child's reconnaissance of very cautious. Four-year-old children appear like to repeat to see a cartoon and a picture book with the phenomenon is not an individual, a considerable part of children demonstrated altering degrees of this characteristic. The reason this happens the child, for two chief reasons:
one identity reasons. Attitude in dealing with asset, can show different characteristics of the person individuality, the child's identity is formed and adult, this character will be different in a large part shown. Like to repeat and to see a cartoon with a picture book is part of the children like their versed things, like repeating a reflection of personality.
Second, the reasons for the level of psychological development. As children's cognitive ability, imagination and memories development is I'll say. perfect, so it is impossible to like as adults in a short time of time to accept a lot of message. In this way, every time a child is to see if different animation and picture books, there will not remember, can not accept the phenomenon is repeated again and again to avoid this phenomenon, so that the children repeat the test in their own memories and expectations, from feel a sense of fulfilment. In general, with the child's psychological level, this phenomenon will gradually vanish.
Therefore, the children like to repeat and to see a picture book with a cartoon of the phenomenon and it is not normal, usually it would not be noxious. If the extent of this phenomenon is very solemn, parents can be guided properly.

seven spoiled
especially love my daughter like a newborn, the family of the old male said: How can anybody not spoiled child? huge fine; but my sister at intervals to told me: like a babe that is also willful, must be corrected. I hear to whom?

children's psychological analysis:
two statements are rational, specific circumstances should be treated differently. First, parents should learn to discriminate among what the child's coquetry is reasonable. For example, the child is ill, unwell, it is cozy coquetry; infants after lunch every day and night to sleep like a baby when; outside disrupt the child's habits may guide to noisy children, spoiled; children to a strange environment, because they do not familiar environment will be spoiled psychological repugnant. In addition, experts believe that children have periodic changes in circadian tempi, when the child depressed, feeling cozy when they are not easily spoiled. These spoiled is inevitable and normal, is a form of parent-child emotional communication, parents should be understanding, and give comfort.
But for those who are not liking, unreasonable and accidentally temper spoiled child, the parents can not turn a blind eye, in every likely way to accommodate, obedience, otherwise the child will develop self-willed, domineering character.

eight, alienation
Some parents fear that their children work out to stir up trouble, always put the child in the house, because the passageway of time has caused many children >

analysis of child psychology:
1, the baby showed shy. Always linger the same age group, the sullen, solitary pacify. These babies are often loath to nursery educate or park, often so angry with their parents.
2, the children themselves as the heart, as long as we do not follow their own ideas will upset.
3, a child who is due to some failings. For example, love trouble, love curse and other reasons, the children are not welcome him to the game team.
4, brittle child is not willing to partake in group games and activities. For them we must first enhance the physical, the doctor looking for treatment, the children physically regain. With strong physique, your child will change the kind of shy, cowardly, not only dwindle in the home and children secondhand to play with.
5, mental stupidity in children, always willing to work with than their small children to play with, this is not surprising. If adults and peers of hard to let him play with the children, because intelligence can not keep up, he would inevitably bullied by friends and exclusion, resulting in the child peevish, maniacal, inferior, received the inverse effect.
6, eccentric kids do not want and playing with friends. They generally do not change easily in the short term. For them, the parents must have perseverance, insistence and children to share feelings, to understand children, but also a psychological and psychiatric experts to consult the doctor for treatment children eccentric character.
7, living in the establishing, this element up and down no age children.
8, adults are terrified to get merchandise to the house, reserve the kids home with the students to play.
9, worried about an event, simply does not allow children to someone.
10, the children did not all ######, and other children will play a engaged an broke.
11, and students do not like to speak, but it is your hard reading.
12, no honest exertion, not the teasing that is down that, who would not want to play with him.
parents can encourage their children and peers exchanges. Adults not children approximately, and do not told too many, even children bickering, crying and other things also make their own to handle with the parents so as not to mediate. Let the children make friends. Children with various types of contacts, neighbors, relatives should not be restricted to the children. Possible to change the child's dependent status. Let the children eat their dress, their summer bathing, slumbering alone, he get up up, decide the day activities. If the child is inseparable from her mother a moment, they can be parked to the relatives, granted to accustom to depart her mother's life.

9, touching genitals
2-year-old for a long time, Haohao began playing with their genitals from time to time, from infancy with his grandparents that the big boys Well, are so long normal enough. Grandpa sometimes even in public as amused. 3 year old kindergarten, the pedagogue gradually found his problems, giving mushroom to parental attention, but it seems it was too late, and patient convincing, criticism and education, or even hand , Haohao but only the elemental public behavior underground. No one's hiding place during the day to play at night before going to sleep or awake after hiding in bed to play. Worse was his grandfather by this time still disagree, sometimes parents education Haohao, grandfather also deed as their umbrella.

children's psychological analysis:
children grow up to browse the outdoor earth is a continuous process and their own world, so the child ######ual reconnaissance is part of the globe they browse the nameless. In theory, the seven or 8 months, the Haohao tiny hands should occasionally had their genitals touched, but then, as the touch eyes, ears, like he is entirely senseless exploration. This slowly began to explore an boost in curiosity, but still is not pedaled by ######ual desire and ######ual fantasy; they only produce sensory happiness feedback, and will not cause a kind of complex emotional rejoinder.
however, worth re-exploring the morale rewards, we have the responsibility to guide children to select the right way. Especially if children play with the genitals has affected their daily activities, it is no longer a trivial matter, and parents need to take appropriate way to correct as presently as possible.

X. stubborn
In real life, parents face this problem city: lovely submissive baby up gradually chance stubborn , not obedient; periodically you let him east, he preferred the West, with a deliberate ecology. Based on this, parents take a beating, punishment, coax, lure of substance and other means, but the results only reflect the issue in a moment, and to some extent also arose on the side. Then use what kind of code of behaviour, what means of communication, in order to deal with such problems? This absence to recognize the following:

children's psychological analysis:
We kas long asconsciousness is decided by the material, human consciousness is the head of the living environment to reflect the specific materials. Children from infants to young children, the head began to have a big campaign, in other words, the children started their own independent cerebral and creativity to see the world, which is commonly the naivete and fun. Adults believe that children stubborn, contrary, in the eyes of parents of children but may be stubborn, which is a key to understanding, communication, and guide the problem. Parents and children need to live on equal footing with the child can accept the way, step by step to make it right and wrong, to know right and wrong.
For sample, let a 4-year-old manuscript have to be quite smart, he must anxiety almost book well, because he did not have this ability, thus rejected, then the parents were beaten, and even punishment, he will be characterized at his headstrong resistance. Through this instance, it ought be understood that the child's peppery curve, defiance,GHD MK4 Gold Straighteners, is merely a surface phenomenon, it's secret backward the panic, shyness, absence of positiveness, alarm of frustration and so above. Therefore, while the child stubbornly disobedient, you should understand the causes for consideration to communication, the right guidance. To detain their emotions, not just angry, punishing the children, not scolding a child, for not patient authoritarian approach will merely make the child extra aggressive, adult bondage, suppress, make your child feel mortified along menace, they will be more stubborn. Social psychology research shows that when adults and children are in a democratic course of communication, tin each put forward their outlooks, the child's nice as the cultivation of independence,GHD Benefit Straighteners, an atmosphere of repression in the bundle, it is tough to improve creative artist .

XI temper
toy at the store counter, we often can see this scene: the children to their parents to buy a toy, the parents refused, child on a enthusiasm, more than noisy, even lying on the ground coil. Fear of losing face parents rushed to meet a child's wish to make a child stop noisy hurl.

children's psychological analysis:
children which are, at all times I obtain angry,GHD Purple Gift Set, in front row, the parents would meet my wishes. Thus, whenever a new desire children, parents do not engage, the child lost his temper, and finally had to succumb to the parents. Over time, children are increasingly insatiable temper more and more human are agreeable more and not more perverse, lustful.
the other hand, will wade to when the children are For example, a meal to eat, will not be used because the spoon, spread out over more than eat, the result will become a hand-holding to eat. However, in order to cultivate children's spontaneous, even now this is not going to stop him.
children start to show spontaneous, often want to do something and can not compel things, but once done, then the big bad temper, not a whining cry, that is down to the ground roll, or dart things.
For Mom, this is a very nerve-racking time, so that when your child wants to own a person what to do when the mother is likely to reprimand without any explanation, said: kind of desire is the desire to do their growing performance. Therefore, to understand the 1-year-old mother of a child is like this, the child would like to let him do it himself tried to do it. And when the children reach their imagination because of noisy and busy but when the adults to calmly deal with the past.
love angry is the children before and after 1 year of age phenomenon, if unsatisfactory, will be crying out loud, stomping, roll. This
want others to Want to sleep, hungry, feeling weary, when some small matter may lead to tantrums.
When tantrums, parents should be silently picked him up, or silently watching him, waiting for their kids silence. In addition there is no other way. This bad-tempered child growing period is a necessary step in the process, Mom and Dad need to understand this. Do not think the child is

XII theft
many children have been pilfering, stole something behavior. The face of the children of this behavior, parents often take amounts to fight either the non-curse, but the efficacy is minimal. In fact, the behavior of the child stealing overreaction and So in the end how to help children get rid of this bad habit of it?

children's psychological analysis:
due to the different ages of children to steal for different reasons, so the teaching methods also vary.
kindergarten children take things very probably because he did not know, did not realize these things to spend money to purchase, do not know Debu pay, do not say hi to just take things bad. They apparently have not watched more to reproach. Take this time also was no real But adults should try to bring ... to an end this he realized that stealing is bad. Told him: the candy is also back. If he has to eat the bonbon, and must take the child to the supermarket, let him apologize to the owner, and for him to pay back the money. Once again to take him to the supermarket, we should pay more attention to his behavior, he in turn loved to see something put in their pockets. In disbursement, he said: Also allows the baby to take a small thing, in the collection stage, let your baby payment, to pay to buy something better baby impression. Children inquired for things that constantly a parent turned to go on out the window. Next time they may also make the same mistake. At this time, the roar of the parents, blame not the solution to the problem, parents and the baby must be continual to reason, let him understand the perils of such things, he will gradually enhance. If the baby's good behavior, parents can be in the chamber as he affixed a small star to show recognition and encouragement.

06-20-2011 02:58 AM

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