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05-24-2011 04:52 AM

   早上还在睡梦中,昨晚睡得迟,早上不想醒。忽然同学给我说富士康车间发生爆炸事故 2死16伤。我一下子就惊醒了。
  富士康在犀浦,离我实习的处所很近很近。在成都打工的时候,后来咱们店里的两个姐妹还去了 富士康。
  这个社会如斯不公正,有些人的生命渺小如草芥,有些人又貌似矜贵得多。素来都没有当真的思考过,认为不 能改变的就应当疏忽,然后用平凡心来看待,或疏忽,或忍受。
  初二那天妈妈得了一场大病,就快要死去,不理解爱,只知道回避,待在学校不回家。也不知道是什么感到。 亲人都说我没有孝心。屋漏偏遭连阴雨,purple supra,妹妹又生了病,做了手术,全麻。当初想来我那时是惧怕的,心中又很歉疚。
  也是初二那年,同窗的爸爸死了,后来他再也不和我们谈话了。或者只是偶然的跟别人说一句话。下课不出去 完玩,就看书。有一次班会上,老师写了良多人在黑板上,叫他一个个去勾掉,最后剩下一个人:“爸爸“,他一 下子就哭了。全班为之动容。
  也许一不当心某一天就死了。积劳成疾,一下病死;有些企业存在安全隐患,死于事故;天灾,比方地震;车 祸……。
  这个社会有太多让我们死亡的因素了。谁会告知我,prada man shoes,我会保障你的生命保险?这个社会会么?老是有那么多的事变产生,dolce and gabbana eyeglasses,惊心动魄。最常见的就是煤矿瓦斯爆炸了。
  看《青春旋律》时,里边有个情景,包工头偷工减料,而后男主角的爸爸也在那里打工,明明晓得存在平安事 故,但是因为无奈转变就随之任之了。男主角给那个包工头当助理,屡次向包工头提及,然而包工头始终不听,说 多出点钱所有就摆平了,什么监管部分统统不在话下,视生命如草芥。后来那个男主角的爸爸在一次施工进程中, 就从脚手架上摔下来了,摔成了重伤。
  谁来保障我们的生命安全?让我们不死于这种本能够防止的事故。岂非由于我们卑微,因为我们必需为了生涯 去出售劳力,swisswatches,所以我们得承当可能会莫名其妙死去的要挟么?
  生命向来懦弱,与身份位置无关。生命都是一样可贵的。不谁有权力剥夺别人的生命,无论对方是如许的低微 。

05-24-2011 04:52 AM

For the next few weeks, you may need to apply most of your energies on finding plan. But in the process, hold on to the important humans in your activity. Unemployment is traumatic but usually temporary (although it may feel as if it's traveling to last forever). Cultivating added aspects of your individuality will not alone sustain your belief in your own value as you clump through the generally degrading seek for work, but will also ensure that when the job search is successfully completed that you still have a meaningful life and exhilarating relationships to adore.
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You are being accustomed notice that you are not as important as you thought; that your employer and, by extension the world, can get along very accurately without you. More than being admired or being loved, we all desperately wish to be needed. Having others depend on our advice and abutment feeds into our self-image as a admired human being. We feel so abundant better about ourselves when we are able to give to others rather than having to beg for help ourselves.
In accession to the acrimony and abhorrence generated by job loss, there is the absolute affecting devastation of being figuratively befuddled on a accumulation of human debris. Regardless of the reason you are no longer working – aggregation losses, relocation, outsourcing – the process hurts!
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