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08-22-2011 01:11 AM

mbt shoes current york 港80后高薪族女比男多 家庭
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  此外,香港经济情况改变亦是重要因素。周绮萍解释,近年经济转型,女性投身服务业的确较优胜,部分服务 及零售业更会专门聘请女性。“一些贵价品、名牌店、珠宝钟表店等,由于这类行业主要是接待女性,同理心较强 的情况下,加上雇主认为女性较细心,所以亦较愿意聘请女性。”她说,现时零售业请人意欲强,ed hardy t shirts for men,加上大品牌在港上市、开分店,抢人才的情况严重,相信服务业未来仍会蓬勃发展。
  周绮萍表示,除了经济情况改变,传统思想亦有改变。“以前传统思想是‘男主外女主内&rs quo;,不过现时女性赚钱能力强,港人思想亦较西化,air jordan 1 flight,男士不介意在家照顾家庭。”她预计,未来以服务及金融业的香港经济情况会持续,加上大学入学和出生比率仍 以女性为高,因此相信未来女权抬头的情况会持续。
  另外,香港统计处数据还显示,愿意在家中担起“家庭主夫”角色的男士有轻微增长。去年以料理家务者的经 济活动身份的男士有1.5万多人,较2009年的1.3万人为多,mulberry {channel} york 酒后骑电动车肇事被定醉驾
  据香港大公报报道,香港统计处的调查显示,月入2万元以上的整体女士虽较男性少,不过以20至29岁的 “80后”年龄层的高薪族女性人数却较同龄男性高,证明女性有能力自己照顾自己。

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a2bzyoc3 08-22-2011 01:21 AM

! ! !Formula 1

meat 50%, 40% g cereals, vegetables 10%, salt 10 g / kg, will be made of these ingredients cooked food group, sub-sub-fed.
formula 2
30% meat, rice, wheat, vegetables and other 70% of the grams of salt 10 g / kg.
Formula 3
rice 10%, 10% cornmeal, sorghum face 10%, 10% soybean meal, wheat bran 10%, bone meal 2%, 6% fish meal, meat 22%, 20% vegetables and 10 grams of salt / kg .
formula 4
20% meat, rice 10%, 15% of pasta, vegetables 20%, Naizha 10%, 5% animal fat, cod liver oil 2%, yeast 3%, 5% carrot pigment, bone meal 10%, salt 10 g / kg.

material: fresh bread several
ingredients: broth, Pork broth better
equipment: microwave

1, the bread the size of the dog's mouth by the right amount of block or strip cut, peeled! (Medium-sized dog can be steamed whole, peeled, small dogs can slice cutting, large dogs can be their own oversized models steamed bread)
2, with a little bit broth diluted with water, not water if the broth itself is diluted again , and to keep the broth tempting smell prevail.
3, the bread side of the block impregnated with the broth, retaining the other side does not stick broth. (This is to prevent bad for dogs, salty broth)
4, the bread soaked in broth soup well with the dish into the microwave oven, large fire microwave 3 minutes, take a cool well ventilated place cool.
5, the bread Liang Liang fires again into the microwave oven heat for 3 minutes, then out, then placed in a cool well ventilated place to cool.
6, is repeated several times to breaking bread hard not move, do not throw pieces as successful.

dog chews made herein advantages:
1, simple materials, local materials;
2, no dog can charm broth block;
3, bread easy digestion, afraid of the stomach, how much to eat are not afraid;
4, because of microwave processed, compared to directly dry the bread, do not love dregs, not easy to chew, so eat much;
5 , not much toughness, puppy teeth will not hurt gums.

1 号
frozen pig big bones, big breasts frozen ducks and chickens each pound of carrots a half kilogram. A total of 15 or so ~
thawed chopped into small pieces about two CM (large bone directly down to like, you can molars) ~ again ~
with boiled carrots and chop the bad, plus put some salt ~ ~ flooded rice cooker all the material in three or four centimeters higher than the ~ 90 minutes to burn.
very delicious ~ ~ duck bones are very bad, and a large meat on the bone gently opened ~
to tick the next day after cold indeed, divided into several (see how much the points were a) put Every time in the refrigerator to eat Frozen ~
when heated to boiling ~ thawing with the soup mix with dog food, dog preference ratio determined in accordance with ~

2 号
cornmeal 2 kg, 1 kg of flour, beef or mutton 1 kg (chopped), beef and mutton oil 3 two, three carrots, cabbage half stars
minced together after mixing. and then roll into thick contract 3 cm of the pie. Poke a finger in the pie a dozen holes, the steaming pot. Each time to eat when cut into granular materials

3 号:
rice about 50g, soybean meal about 25g (soy milk is actually playing a day after the product left ^ o ^), fish of about 100g (go to the big bone), egg, animal liver of about 50g, some potato, some chopped vegetables, without any seasoning. Once a day every day is enough appetite.
eating microwave, then mix with dog food and cat food weight of 1:1.

4 号
cornmeal 2 pounds ground beef 1 kg 5-8 bean flour two dollars cabbage 1 carrot 2 bag of milk, eggs, kelp 4 two do not add a little chicken powder Salt ah ~
first with the eggs into the bean flour and cornmeal, stir about, and then into the hot milk and continue stirring and then shred all of the Cai Cai Cai Cai and then cut all
broken into the pre-tuned them to pour a little olive oil and stir in noodles. . . . Stirring. . . . . Rights in the steam into the steamer for 30 minutes to OK!

5 号
coarse cornmeal, meat slices (about 35%), a small amount of chicken livers, a small amount of salt, a small pumpkin, a few carrots, a small amount of vitamin, a small amount of complex minerals, calcium powder, peanut oil
cornmeal and mix it with warm water, lightly squeeze reshaping pie into the steaming tray (that means I'm not made of steamed corn bread-like, anyway, as long as the basic shape can be easily steamed like, not too thick), water was removed about 10 minutes after the break apart and crush.
- chicken liver, mutton were Shuizhu Shu, plus a small amount of salt, water, not too much, the rest of the soup can mix
- steamed pumpkin cut would burst (about steam 10 minutes), carrot Ding cut faster with a little oil fry the fire (it is said that this treatment can absorb carotene)
- to all of the above stuff, plus vitamins, minerals, calcium powder, vegetable oil, all thrown into a large bowl basin years, and then kneading hand to display their tai chi, and absorbed all the stuff.
- the rest, is to use a spoon to homemade dog food into the dog bowl Sheng, watching the dog eat gluttonous phase, oh, do not forget to eat before the dog sit, station, shaking hands, get on the ground, wait, this is the most effective training time.

6 号
pork. olive oil, carrots, white mushrooms, tomato sauce, broth, garlic, sugar, flour
1. will pork, cut into bite-size, carrot, white mushroom slices, garlic, cut fine;
2. pot by adding a little olive oil, add garlic until fragrant, add pork pieces, carrot pieces, white mushrooms chip fry;
3. pot by adding appropriate amount of tomato sauce, stir-fry a moment into the broth, bring to boil for 10 minutes after adding a little sugar;
4. flour and water first and mix thoroughly, stir into the pot, Simmer for 20 minutes to transfer.

7 号
500 grams of fresh chicken livers, 4 eggs, 1,000 grams of cornmeal, flour, 200 grams, 5 grams of salt, baking soda can be added a little.
1. first broke into the end of fresh chicken liver, eggs open, mix well, set aside. 2. The raw materials needed to mix together and mix by hand rubbing a moment, and finally put it in the pot for half an hour can be eaten steamed.

8 号
carrots, cabbage, carrot grain of salt calcium powder eggs, beef liver dog food
1. How many broken pieces cut carrots
2. Fried pan, fry the carrot first, tablets, turn a small fire, cover, wait for ripe, during which can be used to cut cabbage
3. Cut cabbage can strip adult consumption, longer fibers also help to promote bowel movement, remove feces
4. Then after they cut the cabbage and carrot will confluence of beef pot, turn the fire, add two cups of water, covered with paper hearts tea, on the lid
5. During the liver cut into fine, four eggs, stir, boil eggs and then placed after the liver, salt and calcium powder, full, stir, re-boil to
6. After each use a tablespoon (with juice), the microwave, stir well after the dog food, dog food inflation, scented, cold home after eating, is not good to me

9 号
boneless chicken breast, two eggs, carrots and corn dog food Jiaaimusi a small cup ~
the chicken breast cut into Ding ~ ~ carrot corn dog food were broken eggs and mix. . cooked chicken breast into the pot
first foam ~ ~ to cook and then add carrots and corn for about 5 minutes and then poured into the break ~ ~ cook dog food after about 1 minute into the beaten last
~ Stir the egg. . Right. Do not forget to put a little bit of salt and cook for 2 minutes ~
boiled paste on the line ~ ~

10 号
raw chicken breast celery
eggs, milk, tomatoes, corn oil health Liquid Calcium
1, chicken, tomatoes,cheap Nike air max shoes, diced celery, cut cut foam foam
cornmeal tune into a paste add milk, eggs,
2, add boiling water, chicken, and prepared in front of corn batter the water is clean wok, add the health of oil before eating

11 号
4 pounds of fresh beef, 2 liters of fresh milk or rice milk 1 package on behalf of 10 kg rice, 2 kg had blisters soybean oil catty (to mixed cooked) carrots, cabbage, potatoes and 1 kg of dry 2 pounds of fresh chicken eggs, 4 pounds of fresh! ! Add some small amount of bean flour + flour 1KG, + peanuts (crushed) 500G (preferably add some yeast, baking is better get digested)
mix evenly together like hand made into buns the pot boiling for 30 minutes

12 号

rice, 500 grams, 200 grams of chicken meat, offal or 100 grams of chicken livers, vegetables one, half a carrot 20 grams, 3 grams of salt, cooking oil 20 grams.
Method: 1
. will be used for meat, vegetables washed and cut into small pieces. 2. Oil boiled, chopped chicken and stir-fry for a minute offal into the pot, and then boiled with 1000 ml of water burn. Boiled rice to the pot by adding a good backup, and cooking 3 minutes. 3. Remove from heat before the food to eat at the end you can eat.

13 号 material:
cabbage, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, carrots, Cabbage (2 kinds of vegetables can be selected);
beef, pork; egg yolk, or cooked out of the eggs); rice;
crown can dog food; 8in1 calcium (day one).
very simple,
1, all the chopped vegetables, wok with vegetable oil (small) fried (partially cooked to ensure that the vitamins in vegetables are not damaged);
2 , shredded beef, pork Jiaocheng minced meat, put the oil wok stir fry flesh to whiten;
3, Rouchao good, it will stir fried vegetables into the pot a moment , pot (hold during any seasoning);
4, will be mixed with chopped cooked egg yolk (which can be prepared according to the amount of each bibimbap right amount of egg yolk, to ensure that every one can);
5, they eat rice, total about 1 / 4, the proposed soft steamed little;
6, over the last pound is to mix them around by rice 1 / 4 + vegetables 1 / 2 + Meat 1 / 4 + ratio of egg yolk mixture, mix well

14 号
wonderful fresh package
simple ingredients:
liver recipe beef 500g a 100g carrots four eggs, a 250g cabbage 250g of salt intake equivalent to approximately 1 / 5
two spoons of corn oil (cooking oil yesterday that the second generation of the arowana is very good, with linseed oil and corn oil, unsaturated a high proportion of fatty acids)
calcium 12-15g (note the different brands with different calcium content of pure calcium powder, pure calcium ratio should be controlled at 1.2% or so)

15 号
Shu dental materials brittle
80 grams of sugar, 2 eggs, 1 lemon peel, flour, 210 grams, baking powder 1 tsp, whole wheat flour 100 grams of eggs and lemon peel
practices stir the mixture will sugar, flour, whole wheat flour, sifted mixed with beaten egg, Jiaocheng dough,air max 2011, get the dough strip grow, placing heater 160c30 minutes, the dough out, cut into thin slices, baked in the 130c 20 minutes, bake 12 minutes in the can upside down.

16 号
small steamed bread
material 80 grams unsalted butter, peanut butter 70 grams, 100 grams of powdered sugar, 1 egg, flour, 170 grams.
approach will soften the butter and the greenhouse, the sugar, unsalted butter, peanut butter, sent mixed, add eggs, mix well, add flour and knead the dough into small balls and press flat blade, place the heater 170c10 minutes.

17 号

rice cucumber egg raw materials for the milk, egg, cucumber, chicken dry, hair powder or calcium powder such as the United States.
is: add milk stirring the eggs and mix evenly in a microwave oven steam 3 minutes, make custard. The cucumber, cut into small pieces of dry chicken, until custard cool to room temperature, mix custard, the hair while adding powder or calcium powder such as the United States, you can.

18 号 beef and vegetables with rice

raw materials for cattle meat, eggs, chicken powder, cabbage, carrots, calcium powder and so on.
method is: Jidandaru Niurou Xian, the mixing evenly, Fangru Weibolunei Zhengzhiroushu. Cabbage, carrots and chopped off the small fry oil, then stir in cooked beef, the air to room temperature, plus a small amount of chicken powder, calcium powder mix well, you can.

specify: diet of vegetables, meat and nutritional products can be any combination of these, it is best to transfer goods as dog food, fed once a week is enough.

19 号
crispy corn flakes cake
pure oil, brown sugar, eggs, flour, corn flakes
the oil and sugar mixed into a soft sponge-like, add eggs and flour. a teaspoon to a teaspoon of the mixture wrapped in corn debris ended up ball into the oven and bake for 10 - 15 minutes, remove, let cool then.

energy feeding
Materials: one hundred grams of ground pork, one hundred twenty-five g of dry dog ​​food, pasta fifty grams, tomato sauce seventy grams, one to two tomatoes, cheese a teaspoon of flour, a tablespoon of olive oil.
practice: 1, macaroni into boiling water for seven minutes.
2, heat olive oil, stir-fried ground pork, add dry dog ​​food, pasta, tomato sauce, tomato.
3, let cool, mix cheese powder can.
Chef Reminder: 1, the cooking to enhance the protein and starch, for the dog to add strength.
2, a number of food too much, poor appetite, dogs or small dogs can be the first crack and then conditioning

21 号
mud chicken porridge
materials: chicken baby food jar of mud, fifty grams of instant oatmeal, soup five hundred milliliters, medlar a tablespoon.
practice: 1, the boiling broth, mashed into baby food, instant oatmeal, and wolfberry.
2, after boiling to soften cereal flame and let cool to.
Chef Reminder: 1, the market for baby foods are beef, chicken, fish, vegetables, mud, mud, and many different fruit flavors, you can change to use.
2, wolfberry first brew with hot water a little before, in the pot boiling.
3, the weight of the amount of stock, determines the degree of thick porridge, Ke Yi pet's preferences change.

22 号
fish OVA salad
material: Bai Zhudan two, one hundred grams of ground pork, green pea a tablespoon, a teaspoon of eggs, a teaspoon olive oil , dried fish and Seiichi tbsp.
practice: 1, Baizhu Dan cut into flakes, eggs, crushed to fine mesh.
2, pan pour a spoonful of olive oil, the green pea and ground pork stir-fry, add bonito extract and crushed to fine the Baizhu Dan mixture, clean wok and let cool Zhuangpen.
3, Rinse eggs with cold water to the surface of the salt, drain and mix with ground pork in the second half.
4, the Baizhu Dan and put the rest of the eggs.
Chef caution: fried ground pork if the use of non-stick pans, you can not add the olive oil.

23 号
milk with chicken
100 grams of chicken breast milk 100c.c.

little cornstarch
1 . Keep the size of chicken breast cut into 1.5 cm cubes chicken.
2. diced chicken cooked with hot water and spread on the plate in the dog eat.
3. the warm milk and water with some corn starch to thicken milk, semi-thick home-like, into the milk sauce.
4. milk sauce poured on top of cooked chicken, you can complete this to the simple nutrition dog food.
ps can add some vegetables in the above example, decorative green broccoli on the side, a man like to add ....

24 号
Easy Recipes
70 grams of chicken
28 g liver
140 克 uncooked rice
10 克 bacteria killed a handful of bones

half teaspoon salt vegetable oil for cooking rice and the first step
bones. First into the salt, oil, and then twice into the water, ever so slowly cook for 20 minutes. Then add chicken and cook for 10 minutes the liver. Feed the dog until it let cool in the first. This recipe contains 800 calories. Energetic enough to the heat of an adult dog has consumed the day activities. From the nutritional point of view this recipe, which contains 17% protein, 31% fat, and 53% carbohydrate.

25 号
wonderful little dog package
1, to prepare a pressure cooker, wash.
2, the sirloin cut into 1 cm square D, with water boiled, skim Xuemo children (lest too much of the smell)
3, the sirloin into the pressure cooker for about 20 minutes.
4, Liang Liang, after opening the cover add chicken breast, carrots, cabbage,cheap air max shoes, potatoes (cut into 1 cm square D), plus one Diudiu salt, I added a little less than half a teaspoon, is a means to become , dog hair loss fear more salt.
5, to cap pressure 15 minutes after the pan, incense and ah!
is expected to take:
Xiguo: diced 1 minute: 1 minute (only expert)
pressure sirloin: 20 minutes diced garnish: 2 minutes
completion: 15 minutes Total: 44 - 49 minutes

26 号
secret nutrition soup:
the first step - - Oh
Note: The best soup for the two days the amount, not too much, too long storage time will be lost nutrients

27 号
England mutton soup
mutton pieces 200 grams, 50 grams of carrot, potato (medium) 1, 50 grams of white radish,
50 grams of beans, 2 cloves garlic, 1 tsp parsley at the end, the water 1000CC.
1. the carrot, potato, white radish, peeled and cut into bite-size chunks.
2. garlic slices, will be washed to the head and tail green beans, cut into 3 cm sections.
3. Ping turn a small fire after the soup, stir a little into the lamb pieces and dry fry until meat surface color.
4. soup pot into the water, boiled into the radish, potato, radish, green beans, garlic, parsley and lamb pieces.
5. and then, after boiling, turn the heat and simmer for one hour, you can turn off to cool food.
main small exhort:
To the dog: 1. mutton pieces can be changed with the beef instead.
2. vegetables, cut the size of the dog's bite-sized master.
To people: 1. can add onions and boil for another 15 minutes, add salt, coarse black pepper can be.
2. If you like garlic flavor, increase the amount of garlic.

28 号
bean barley soup
1 were heat: 200kcal
mung bean kernel 80 grams, 100 grams of barley, 50 grams, 80 grams of watermelon, water 1200CC .
1. barley soaked in water for an hour, mung bean kernel wash.
2. watermelon cut bite-size, cut Ding.
3. pot filled with water, into the barley to the heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
4. add bean jen, jen cook until soft, green beans, soup thickens.
5. flameout let cool, then add, watermelon pieces and mix well and serve immediately.
Chef small exhort:
To the dog:
1. feeding the dog, make sure watermelon seed to be removed clean.
2. watermelon may be for other fruits, the fruit of the taboo,
please refer to
3. boiled mung bean kernel, you can use rice cooker, a glass of water outside the pot, to jump to.
4. City, inclusive of boiled sugar, do not do the other seasonings.
To people:
can eat anything you like into them, including the pink round, jelly, grass jelly powder and so on.

29 号
Jade meat soup
Spinach (middle) 2, 150 grams of pot pork slices, red tomatoes, a half stars,
2 cloves garlic, water, 1500CC .
1. spinach to the roots, washed, cut into 2 cm small pieces aside.
2. thawed meat hot pot,air max 2010, red tomatoes, garlic slices aside.
3. pot of boiling water, put spinach, pork, red tomato slices,
garlic tablets, boiling, remove from heat to cool food.
Chef small exhort:
To the dog:
1. fresh garlic 2 tsp garlic powder can be used instead.
2. be sure to use ripe tomatoes red tomato.
To people:
1. can transfer tablespoons cornstarch thickening, taste more profit.
2. after a bowl and add some salt, vinegar, sesame oil and white pepper.

30 号

1 copies of the Mediterranean tomato soup calories: 110kcal
red tomato (in) 3, Bacon 1, 20 grams macaroni, celery 2 ,
parsley powder 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp Hong, basil amount, water 1200CC.
1. red tomatoes cut bite-sized blocks, celery cut in short sections 3.
2. Bacon Salt to the hot water boiled, cut into 1 cm strips, celery chopped.
3. turn on the water after boiling pot, cook about 7 minutes into pasta, ready to use.
4. pot into the water, boil the water to boil,air max sale, block of the red tomato, celery segment,
bacon bar input to the heat and simmer 30 minutes.
5. add parsley powder, fragrant garlic, basil and macaroni mixture, then
flame, let cool, eat.
Chef small exhort:
To the dog: be sure to use ripe tomatoes red tomato.
To people: You can add appropriate amount of tomato sauce, black pepper seasoning

31 号 coarse
Harry melon soup
a heat: 40kcal
skin 300 grams of wax gourd, clam 12, the water 1500CC.
1. melon cut a small, spare clam soaked sand spit.
2. pot into the water, put the pot on the fire after boiling, put the melon,
cook until the melon into a transparent.
3. then add clams, oysters, clams open after rolling to a flame, let cool feeding.
Chef small exhort:
To Dogs: feeding melon before you remember to go to board, and the oyster shell pick,
give the dog food.
To people: before eating, you can add ginger, sesame oil, pepper, chopped green onion.

32 No.
noodle soup
thick rice noodles 200 grams, 100 grams Loin slices, vegetables 1, rice 10 grams,
little parsley, celery,air max 90 sale, a little , canned broth 50CC, 800CC
water practices:
1. thick rice noodles in cold water wash to slightly soft, cut into 5 cm small pieces stand out.
2. shrimp, parsley, celery, chopped back.
3. vegetables cleaned and cut into bite size.
4. pot and turn on the water, broth, boil, cut into segments of the rice noodles, pork loin,
cook until soft rotten rice, sprinkle with celery, coriander, boiling flame to put
main small exhort:
To the dog:
1. green vegetables can be changed with any new vegetables.
2. vegetables cuts the size of the dog's bite-sized master.
To people:
1. can add the large intestine, mouth, boiled meat broth, take sections, with garlic oil dip with.
2. to add salt. Onion cakes. White pepper seasoning in the rice soup

homemade dog food can do more time, leftover in the refrigerator under the Dayton eat, my big two-door refrigerator, so directly with a big tub filled with easy to put down, I made a total of 6 pounds
more than three dogs (two small 3 tons a big finish.) Small refrigerator can be considered directly by the amount of dogs each sub-rations in plastic bags in refrigerated or frozen, each time eating microwave
or less directly to feed, but do not put too long.

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