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2vt8c2p4 04-28-2011 09:15 AM

  中心提醒:   在拥挤的公交车上,倚靠着车窗,柔和的路灯照进车内,洒在我的脸上,伴着摇摇晃晃的公交车,不知觉地睡 着了。    今天的节目始终是对于作家史铁生的,从叙述他的生前业绩到拜读他的文章,无意间我嗅到了他文 章里潜在的滋味,竟渐渐融入了那些文字里,依稀间感到到里面吐露着同样的是普通人的阅历。史铁生语录里有. ..   在拥挤的公交车上,倚靠着车窗,柔和的路灯照进车内,洒在我的脸上,伴着摇摇摆晃的公交车,不知觉地睡 着了。
  今天的节目一直是关于作家史铁生的,从叙述他的生前事迹到拜读他的文章,无意间我嗅到了他文章里潜在的 味道,竟慢慢融入了那些文字里,依稀间感觉到里面流露着同样的是普通人的经历。史铁生语录里有许多发人深省 的话,在这样追求名利的社会环境里,让我们看到一丝希望,对心灵真诚的生机。
  不管你身处繁荣的都市,亦或是生活在乡间小路的安静乡村,活着的时候,你很难享受到万众瞩目标光荣,而 即便你离开了尘世,绝大局部人仍然是安宁静静的分开,并不会掀起多大的波涛,哪怕是小小的涟漪。我很喜欢《 武林别传》里白展堂说过的一句话:站在天堂看地狱,人间就像情景剧,站在地狱看天堂,为谁辛苦为谁忙。其实 这句话是很值得去揣摩的,在天堂,无所求,Polo Ralph Lauren pas cher,无所欲,那么看常人每天辛辛苦苦的奔劳,兴许就像是看一部部电视剧一样,过去了也就从前了;而那些为生活 精打细算的人,看着那所谓天堂的神仙,必然会有愤世嫉俗的眼力,所以,站在不同的高下处,去对待任何一件货 色,就像是两条平行线,永远不会存在交加。
  对古代人追求的目光与动身点,真的无法去断定错与对,同样也无奈去断定某一件事起点的准确与否,不身临 其境,那我们就没有去评估别人的资历。为金钱,为势力,为幻想,为愿望,为寻求,或者是为其余任何一种心理 状态,咱们都有理由去信任,去懂得,去认可。
  身在童年,无牵无挂的学生时期,我想也不会有太多懊恼,天天简简略单的生活盘踞了所有的思维;正值青年 ,就拿很实际的来说,为屋子,Polo Ralph Lauren,为工作,为家庭,缓缓的就会淡化曾经迈出校园时所向往的为理想而做出的那一步步盘算,这不仅仅是个人的悲 痛,同样是社会的悲哀。
  每一年的春天,充斥赌气的大地,仍旧是花开叶绿,而曾经在课本里朗朗上口的所谓春天的盼望却变成了岁月 更迭的又一个循环;每一年的夏天,艳阳还是一样的艳阳,vibram five fingers,炙热的气象,倾盆的暴雨,tods,每一个人的期待更多的是秋天的到来;每一年的秋天,花谢叶黄,那悲凉的场景由于上映屡次而开端匆匆的被冷 漠,最后,潮起潮落,云聚云舒,仍是岁月单独看细水长流;每一年的冬天,一年的年尾,beats by dre,我们只是意识到自己又长了一岁,那冰冻三尺让人无尽等待来年的春天。这就是一个人平平庸淡的一年,或者说 是毕生。
  性命是宝贵的,对于每一个人来说,也是同等的。我知道,对于良多人来说,很难坚持一个不被名利所困惑的 心,beats by dre,像史铁生这样,为什么活着的时候不是那么的申明鹊起,甚至著名度不如郭敬明、韩寒那样的年青作家?起因很 简单,因为他们笔下的文字韵味不一样,假如把现代年轻作家的作品比作是酒,让人品后留有余味,那么像史铁生 那样的作家的作品就是那普一般通的白碗米饭,淡淡的,却无法撇去……
  没有人不想实现心目里的理想,没有人乐意做自己其实不喜欢的工作,没有想接受那些实在不用蒙受的冤屈跟 压力,只是我们不得不去面对事实,因为我们身处的环境不一样,那么彼此的抉择必定是相差甚大。无论怎么样, 我都能去理解,去认同,去接收。我只是愿望,不论何时,留给自己一点真挚的心灵空间,哪怕只对 自己开放……
  摇摇摆摆的车厢,即使睡着了也还有残余的意识,睁开眼才发明已经到站了。站在天堂看地狱,世间就像情景 剧,站在地狱看天堂,为谁辛劳为谁忙。固然喜欢这句话,然而我晓得自己在忙些什么,只管离我所想的还有很大 的一段间隔,但是做着本人爱好的工作,也就不须要用什么苦累去形容,在我还有心去为追求理想的立场下,享受 每一天的生涯,留下那一片片记忆,也是很美的……  


I knew it was all a dream .


The driver clambered into his seat, clicked his tongue, and we went downhill. The brake squeaked horribly from time to time. At the foot he eased off the noisy mechanism and said, turning half round on his box--
"We shall see some more of them by-and-by."
"More idiots? How many of them are there, then?" I asked.
"There's four of them--children of a farmer near Ploumar here. . . . The parents are dead now," he added, after a while. "The grandmother lives on the farm. In the daytime they knock about on this road, and they come home at dusk along with the cattle. . . . It's a good farm."
We saw the other two: a boy and a girl, as the driver said. They were dressed exactly alike, in shapeless garments with petticoat-like skirts. The imperfect thing that lived within them moved those beings to howl at us from the top of the bank, where they sprawled amongst the tough stalks of furze. Their cropped black heads stuck out from the bright yellow wall of countless small blossoms. The faces were purple with the strain of yelling; the voices sounded blank and cracked like a mechanical imitation of old people's voices; and suddenly ceased when we turned into a lane.
I saw them many times in my wandering about the country. They lived on that road, drifting along its length here and there, according to the inexplicable impulses of their monstrous darkness. They were an offence to the sunshine, a reproach to empty heaven, a blight on the concentrated and purposeful vigour of the wild landscape. In time the story of their parents shaped itself before me out of the listless answers to my questions, out of the indifferent words heard in wayside inns or on the very road those idiots haunted. Some of it was told by an emaciated and sceptical old fellow with a tremendous whip, while we trudged together over the sands by the side of a two-wheeled cart loaded with dripping seaweed. Then at other times other people confirmed and completed the story: till it stood at last before me, a tale formidable and simple, as they always are, those disclosures of obscure trials endured by ignorant hearts.

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