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08-12-2011 06:32 AM

  “此次收购10家公司股权,是自今年1月集团宣告整合以来,公司按打算发展整合工作的第一步。”海尔证 券代表刘涛接受《证券日报》记者采访时表现。
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  刘涛告诉记者:“集团通过资产注入、股权重组等多种方式支撑青岛海尔解决同业竞争、减少关联交易,解决 同业竞争和关联交易,产业链的一体化,从而上市公司治理更加清楚透明。”

  自今年年初,青岛海尔大股东海尔集团发布整共计划,时隔半年,青岛海尔资产注入有了本质性 动作。

  在白电产业上游,海尔集团领有模具、特钢、新资料等资产和业务。受让实现后,青岛海尔将在直接持有并经 营家电生产业务的基本上,直接收益上游产业带来的协同效应,进一步打造全产业链的家电出产模式 。
  电子商务堪称是新的蓝海,高端产品花费进级是消费增长点,新兴渠道和新的模式,是盈利最高点。李辉告诉 记者:“日日顺重要着重渠道竞争,与国美、苏宁包含二三线的开发。目前家电范畴已经充分竞争行业,拓展电子 商务等新兴市场成为家电企业未来新的盈利增加点。”
  今年年初,青岛海尔对外声称行将开展一系列资本运作,将青岛海尔作为家电业务整合平台,在2011年到 2016年的五年间内,通过资产注入、股权重组等多种方法解决青岛海尔同业竞争、减少关系交易等问题。现在 ,对集团10家公司股权收购的完成,标记青岛海尔开端大规模整合迈出实质性一步。


  今年6月27日,青岛海尔公告称,海尔电器的全资从属公司青岛新日日顺将获得海尔集团电子商务的相关股 权等。日日顺已成为海尔电器在三、四级市场表演通路商角色的主要情势。海尔电器表示,此次收购是基于公司打 造虚实网联合的营销模式及通路的发展定位。
  依照当初海尔团体对青岛海尔的整合思路,买通白电工业链后,其余对于家居等资产跟业务后续有待进一步进 行。

  海尔、格力和美的三个龙头进入前所未有的白热化竞争,业务整合方面旨在进步产品毛利率,从技巧、物流搭 配、服务、新兴渠道拓展等同步进行。家电行业视察人士称:“格力和美的与海尔的整合门路不同,但也有各自特 色。业内人士认为,海尔的整合并不是偶尔,而是行业洗牌下家电巨头生存之道。
  ■ 本报记者 贾丽


  年报数据显示,2010年轻岛海尔净利润20.3亿元,同比增长47%。其中公司持股53%的海尔电器 的净利润为9.64 亿元,同比增长115%,成为公司主要的利润增长点之一。青岛海尔控股子公司海尔电器的凸起表示成为注入分 销物流资产的平台。
  6月29日,在青岛高科园召开的青岛海尔2010年年度股东大会上,高票通过了12项议案,其中青岛海 尔受让海尔集团及其下属公司持有的10家公司股权、在香港发行国民币债券两项议案分辨以占比99.891% 、99.955%有效票通过。
  继5月底空调节能补助停止后,家电下乡政策也进入序幕,sjk9皇冠足球网址,家电行业竞争加剧。不仅海尔,格力、美的也宣称有整合的盘算。“洗牌天天都在发生。行业变动无比大,家电 企业都在整合、增添产能。”上述分析人士告诉记者。
  濒临青岛海尔相关人士告诉记者:“在经营模式转型之后,股权鼓励已经启动,物流系统简直整合完成。海尔 集团的架构较为明白,此次上市公司收购集团资产路径也渐清晰:注入上游物流配套,手机窃听器货到付钱依据最新新闻,打通白电产业链,未来五年内大股东集团层面的上家居、网络电子商务等将陆续注入。”
  市场广泛预计,海尔电器已基础完成了销售网、物流网和服务网在资本层面的整合,皇冠足球368平台88278.INFO,但目前时下时兴的电子商务尚未注入。刘涛告诉记者:“后续将对电子商务有进一步考量,详细关注公司公告。 ”


  在家电充足竞争的行业,已经构成强人更强,皇冠信用开户88284.INFO,弱者更弱的局势,行业龙头企业渠道下沉。美的、海尔等家电巨头下沉渠道抢占乡村市场的用意十 分显明。
  业内人士指出:“在主业利润越来越薄的今天,两凶手杀害一家三口双双获死刑,家电巨头竞争格局日趋严格,强者愈强,龙头企业在速度和范围上越快越好,纷纭尽快调剂策略步 调。

  西南证券分析师李辉告诉记者:“按照海尔集团内部整算计划,所有家电制作归于青岛海尔,海尔电器侧重第 三方渠道,加快日日顺渠道平台的建设。加快市场宰割步伐,扩展收入规模。”

  青岛海尔宣布布告称,青岛海尔及其全资子公司海尔香港应用现金收购海尔集团及海尔电器第一控股所持10 家公司股权,这10家公司主要波及白电配套资产。业内人士认为,此次收购,目标在于打通白电产 业链。


  “很难说什么时候‘牌’能够‘洗好’,空调、冰箱等是中国品牌集中度较高的行业,行业整合是必定趋势, 将来呈现大巨头垄断市场为主格式,弱势品牌逐渐退出市场。”家电行业资深察看家刘步尘告知记者 。

9i5p6m5x3j6f 08-12-2011 06:43 AM

Feng Weidong
memorial service, tearfully bid farewell to his comrades Feng Weidong.
Jen broke down in tears talking about her husband.
Lin Wenfeng

they were too tired too tired to fall asleep made no wake up

the same day, fighting the Asian Games in Huizhou, two police security line down in the post

■ Express reporter correspondent Zengxiang Long had Bin Huang Qiong Ge

him, is just obtained the license for groom wedding next month to do; he is warning doctors to prepare sub- the mainstay of hospital stay after operation. They are looking forward to after the Asian Games, taking a little time, a wish the family circle, however, on the same day, but never their families can not wait for this moment.
12 月 10 日 晚上 7 时 50 minutes from the Guangzhou Asian Paralympic Games begin two days of fighting with axes Ma'an, Huizhou City Public Security Bureau police station Instructor Lin Wenfeng, came to the office next door to quarters to rest, The opinions never lie down together; day at 8 pm, Central Asian Games, Guangzhou Ling Hang, ordinary civilian public security checkpoints Feng Weidong, Lian Zhouzhuan 53 hours handling the case, in a coma for 14 days, stop the heart. The two are from the Huizhou police public security front, the security to the Asian Games,mbt shoe, has poured in their respective positions.
handling coupling asleep after 53 minutes did not wake up

dead Feng Weidong

male, October 15, 1969 was born 8, 1992 May participate in public security work, college culture, a superintendent, Huidong County Public Security Bureau of Criminal Investigation during his lifetime as a police anti-narcotics squadron.
12 月 14 日 8 am, Huidong funeral, gloomy day, rain emissions. Where nearly a thousand police and silently bid farewell to Feng Weidong. Leading scorer in the family and friends, the bride Jen thin haggard face. From October 10 to November 26, Feng Weidong whole struggle for the Asian Games Security 46 days, but in the Asian Games closing ceremony on the eve of fall ... ...

● busy road last month, they seized busy front-line anti-drug

2010 年 10 months, into the Guangdong public security checkpoints into the ear started, Feng Weidong, Huidong County, came to take the initiative to register Guangzhou Guanghui connection speed Ling Hang Police checkpoints,mbt m.walk shoes sale, and is also the case of the station Review Team Leader. To ensure order and stability during the Asian Games, the local police also deployed to carry out a three-month special campaign against drug crime.
Squadron drug business as the backbone of the Criminal Investigation and experienced Feng Weidong checkpoints run two anti-drug group, ten consecutive days of fighting in the front line, destroyed four drug-related criminal gangs, arrested 26 suspects people, and seized a number of drugs.
● Countdown Day Tushen suspects for up to 22 hours

11 月 24 on the morning 5, Ling Hang police checkpoint in the implementation of public security inspection tasks, they found a green taxi suspicious circumstances, after a man and a woman in the car seized two suspects and seized more than 1000 grams of ice. After receiving the case, although the day had to work overtime to 2 am, Feng Weidong, or immediately get out of bed, rushed to the checkpoint to start Ling Hang interrogation.
than a dozen hours later, the night did not sleep a grain of rice is not into Feng Weidong, gaunt face, he prepared a sense of excitement: there have been major breakthroughs in the case! All the suspects recruited!
after the suspect to the detention center, is already at 3 am the next day, Feng Weidong has been working continuously for 22 hours.
● 17 hours destroyed the penultimate day of latent virus nest

but not yet lifted his leg to go home, Feng Weidong also received a team-mate's phone, cable transmission, said white Town newspaper Village has a drug gang is active. Feng Weidong immediately asked to lead police to the verification. Taking into account Feng Weidong overtime has been sick more than 10 consecutive days, and just stay up 22 hours of the trial of suspects, leadership decided to let him go home and rest. But Feng Weidong do not agree, he said he grew up in a large white mayor, on the familiar terrain there,
southern winter, the night wind is Life. Feng Weidong, and his teammates Dunshou Town in the white mountain village in the barren hills and remote places during the day and endure the sun's grill, several times the night dew wet their thin clothes, clothes dry and wet, wet and dry. Hard work pays off, ten hours of incubation, and finally find out the dens, the general situation of drug manufacturing. Feng Weidong finally under the leadership of this system in one fell swoop destroyed the drug dens and arrested two suspects and seized a number of drug manufacturing paraphernalia.
11 月 26 日 3 o'clock the suspect was brought back to the Criminal Investigation Brigade trial at this time Feng Weidong has worked 17 hours straight.
● Lian Zhouzhuan last 53 hours the first day of fall

late night in the office, the Qiubao Yuan Feng Weidong, vice captain saw looked very tired, late-night snacks and eat very little, to persuade He first back rest, Feng Weidong refused,
until 10 am, the case finally had a breakthrough, the Feng Weidong This was extremely tired teammates arm with back home. Got home, he fell asleep on the sofa, and now, never returned to work he loved.
26 evening 6 pm, half paralyzed Feng Weidong pale by family and colleagues to Huidong County People's Hospital, from a coma. Feng Weidong the rescue, his parents fell ill. Dec. 10 at 8 pm, after 14 days of the rescue, has left no word coma Feng Weidong, passed away.
repeatedly diagnosed by the hospital in good health was due to overwork caused Feng Weidong brain stem infarction, cerebellar infarction of a large area, and ultimately killed.
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Feng Weidong childhood growing up in rural areas, the home of his eldest brother and three below, is the home of the only pillar of the work . Poor family, he has been living with their parents until the age of 40 getting married, only to borrow money to buy a second-hand housing moved out, but the couple living together and there is a small four brothers.
31-year-old Jen is Feng Weidong new wife, the two get married seven years, with great difficulty picking up the marriage certificate, for a wedding next month ... ...

in couple of small bright red new home, a black distressed people crying for Jen, from the outskirts of Changsha in Hunan, seven years ago, 24-year-old she and her friends to Huidong play, and Feng Weidong love at first sight, it stayed.
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Feng Weidong the truth eventually give up, I eat very happy watching.
A East has an old motorcycle, When nothing will be carrying the Arab East, Jen out for a drive, A, A East with Jen to see the ring, ,
micro dialogue

he is so good health, how ... ...

Express: the day is how the scene like?
Jen: 26 that morning, Arab East by colleagues back home, lying asleep on the sofa. I dare not disturb, give him covered with blankets, has been around waiting for. At noon, the Arab East could not eat in the afternoon, pale in the Arab East and trembling, grabbed my sleeve, saying
Express: These days you have been around guarding?
Jen: Yes, but he never spoke, never look at me, he was not breathing only heart, I do not know when he go home ... ... I specially went to , want to dream that he ... ...

Express: What is the death of his know?
Jen: The doctor is overworked. I really did not think that he's so strong, had never given birth to what disease will actually go this way.
Express: He usually busy?
Jen: too busy. I returned home to prepare for the wedding of Hunan, before going for a month, he hurriedly called me back. He often called to prepare me for what a business trip, and then disappears is a few days, or even ten days two weeks, until the back told me.
Express: What do you plan after that?
Jen: He is really lantern are hard to find a good man, I do not know how to do later? I want to stay here, stay in our home, looking at his clothes and his picture, and has been looking at ... ...

more than ten consecutive minutes nap next to King-goodbye
dead Lin Wenfeng

Male,mbt shoe sale, 1963 March 16, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province, was born in a family of teachers, in May 1982 to participate in public security work, law and order brigade served Hui District, South altar station clerk, water station clerk, Yu Wu, deputy director of the police station, police station, deputy director of Mazhuangshan, the rank of instructor Maan police station, three police inspector rank.
he slept, his eternal sleep. Work 11 consecutive hours, he went to the office next door to nap and never woke up. Who do not know when he went to sleep later, a testament not too late to say goodbye, even if he had left pain, are unknown.
tired, For the second day of duty, he mentioned the night before to the night. Asian Paralympic torch passed close to the city of Guangzhou Baiyun District, the day after tomorrow, the sixth Asian Paralympic Games will open.
busy most of the day at 5 pm, Forest completed the teaching and research duties for police, said the Office of rest. As we all know, Lin taught sick, but never leave a break, often tired and lie down for a dry and it continues to dry, do not care.
19:45, LIN taught not come out for dinner, called police on duty Yan Huan new phone, no one answered. Huan-Lin Yan came to teach the new Office of gently knocked on the door, no one answered. Dial phone, room ringing. Through the window glass, Lin taught in bed motionless. Broke down the door, dressed in police uniforms, Lin taught to lie down fully clothed, the body has been cold ... ...

quickly dial 120, the scene where little success, to the nearest hospital immediately, but back to the days weakness. Initial diagnosis by a doctor, Lin taught from fatigue, causing sudden cardiac death.
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impression on colleagues, Lin taught never been fat, 1.75 meters tall,mbt shoes uk, 120 pounds of body weight, from the slim We knew him is like that. Everyone said that others looked thin and can be eyes bright, very capable.
annual overwork, until this year to teach 47-year-old Lin infected blood pressure problems, particularly since the Asian security, the blood pressure no lower than 170.
Geng, director of China has told reporters he took office early in 2008, Lin taught will find him, said his examination, he has high blood pressure. China has made for leave to recuperate G, Lin refused to teach on the spot, too late. Past three years, where the task is to crop of the crop of access.
more than 10 hours a day

limited because Maan police station, the police working hours per day on average in 8 hours or more,mbt kisumu sale, Lin taught is up to 10 hours or more.
and other police, Lin taught to eat fast food often is hungry, tired, they nap at the desk, often several thousand is ten consecutive hours.
taught in a forest clearing possessions, to see him on stage stood the antihypertensive drug office, who recalled Lin Geng Hua year teaching commitment, tears in their eyes, began to cry.
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open Lin Wenfeng on duty the day of the log, found his colleagues had a final 11 hours of work records

7 when 30 minutes, to the police station shift change, access to records of police intelligence yesterday took over the untreated finish matters;

8 when 30 minutes, leading the police on duty to deal with Ma at a vocational school student was beaten cases, find the parties, education and mediation;

10, the back yesterday, convened by the backlog of cases dealing with police on duty to study the law and order situation; 12:44, Urban Intelligence Bureau received telephone calls of a field investigation sedans, then organize police, wardens set up checkpoints;

13 时 10 points, disposed of the victim Lin from unauthorized credit card cases and materials to make the victim;

15:50, disposal of the case of motorcycle theft, the rate of civilian police to the scene to survey evidence;

16 时 05 minutes, and Sergeant Yan Huan new discussion Community Policing ... ...

this is simply a record of overwork. In fact, from the beginning to work, Lin taught almost no rest for a few minutes, only a little free time for lunch - when he was eating a bowl of noodles. Side of those days, his wife received the phone side, his wife said to him, the amount of your blood pressure this morning has more than 190, and take medicine every day, on duty was so hard, tomorrow you drink the soup pot? Because things are too casual to meet his wife Lin to teach a few words, let her be it casual pot soup. Unexpectedly, this is the last couple farewell. Just hours after he fell in the forest to teach on the job, never up.
family was really sorry he should be forced to go to hospital

, cried. The couple married 23 years, 22-year-old son has just graduated from college, her daughter was on the third, dragged her husband Qu Letang hospital, Out of the hospital, Lin Church is also to blame his wife, saying that doctors love to frighten people, >
Zheng Meili told reporters that since high blood pressure two years ago has been refused on the forest teaching hospital are often casually opened small clinics in the street what the point of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions sent, and even eat the old mother's blood pressure medicine, preferring to let the students on the phone is not willing to prescribe the hospital,
After graduation has not work, she let her husband help his son realize the dream police, each time being rejected,
accompanied by their families because of the time are extremely rare, Lin taught all the rest are placed in the home, the ... ...
12 10 May, received in front of his wife together last call, asked his wife asked to go home tomorrow, Lin did not forget to promise to teach, some meat ... ah ... , I wait for you to do it ... the food ...
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Lin teaches sacrifice, when the rush from the news media when asked whether he was alive he honors, his colleagues rummaged through all the files , not even a meritorious service medal ... ... that reporters face of disappointment, his comrades could not help but feel a little lost.
they know, Lin taught from the police for 28 years in leadership positions have 16 years. With his qualifications, to get Medal of Honor is hardly difficult. Annual merit rewarded, Pingyoupingxian, Lin taught democratic evaluation is always the high number of votes, but he always take the initiative to give up. He always said, is more difficult than their other comrades, truly deserves the honor is all. In this way, face the hand of honor, a humility he had once followed. This allows, let the 28 years, so a lifetime, so a lifetime, so that the entire police career.

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